I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

56. Chapter 56 I Swallow, I Swallow, I Swallow, Swallow!

Chapter 56 I Swallow, I Swallow, I Swallow!

Accompanied by the water spirit's wail, a large illusory flame began to flicker around her.

Her entire body seemed to have been thrown into a hot oil pan, exploding immediately.

The sizzling sound of burning continued, and large amounts of foul-smelling smoke rose, shrouding half of the military camp.

The illusory fire is not a material fire.

It burns using the spiritual fluctuations of living beings as fuel.

Even though the water spirit's entire body was flowing with mucus and could manipulate large amounts of water to pour over herself, she could not stop the burning of the illusory fire.

The mucus that composed her body began to condense at a visible speed, then cracked and turned into powder.


"Damn brat! I'll kill you! I'll kill you!"

His bloated body began to surge wildly, and his tentacles flailed madly.

He viciously smashed several night guards held by his tentacles to the ground, turning them into pulp.

At the same time, several large mouths grew on his body, swallowing several other night guards!

Unfortunately, no matter how she struggled, she could not extinguish the illusory flames flickering on her body.

Instead, they grew stronger and stronger!

The expressions of everyone around became extremely eerie.

Because they did not see any flames, but the bloated figure of the water spirit continued to collapse!

Zheng Cheng also looked in astonishment at the struggling viscous monster, pulling Zhao Yunxiao back and asking strangely, "Captain Zhao, what kind of creature did this Fallen One reincarnate into?"

"It's so difficult to kill."

Zhao Yunxiao said in a strange tone, "It's a bit like a slime."

"What's that?" Zheng Cheng widened his eyes. "Are slimes that powerful?"

"This should be a special race that lives in the deep sea. This race is almost transparent and highly poisonous, able to control water flow."

"At the same time, it has a very tenacious vitality and can transform into the appearance of other creatures."

"Rumor has it that the royal slimes have the talent of 'fusion'."

"They can swallow different creatures and assimilate them, thereby gaining all the abilities of the swallowed creatures!"

"No wonder..."


Just as the water spirit was engulfed in a large amount of illusory fire, a sudden explosion came from a distance.

Earth Elemental!

It actually emerged from underground on its own!

A large amount of soil surged, blocking Xu Chicheng's figure.

Xu Chicheng also gasped for breath as he fell from mid-air. "So annoying, this guy's defense is too strong."

"He can burrow underground like a little mouse..."

Zhao Yunxiao took a deep breath, the wounds on his body gradually healing, and he held the Silver Dragon Spear forward, saying, "Let's work together. I'll attack, and you assist me!"

"And Zheng Cheng, help ensure your safety and join in."

"I understand."

The earth elemental looked coldly at the others, raised both hands high, muttered something, and then fiercely slammed the ground!



In an instant, the ground under their feet began to surge. Clumps of soil and boulders, under the earth elemental's power, surged like a tsunami towards Zhao Yunxiao and the others.

The jeeps, cars, and military buildings that were originally on the ground also surged along with them.

"Get out of the way!"

Zhao Yunxiao's face changed, and he suddenly pulled Zheng Cheng, leaping high into the air.

With one foot on the jeep on the ground, she leaped to a height of about ten meters.

Then, with both feet, she continuously leaped and landed in the tsunami of soil and rocks.

Taking the opportunity, Zheng Cheng held onto Zhao Yunxiao tightly and shouted, "Jump over there!"

"To the left!"

"Watch out on the right!"


On the other hand, Xu Chicheng's body suddenly surged with a large amount of flames.

His figure also soared into the sky!

This guy can actually fly!


The soil tsunami finally stopped, and the entire military camp was in a mess.

Zhao Yunxiao landed on a flat house, gritting her teeth. "How long are you going to hold on to me!"


Zheng Cheng cleared his throat and let go of Zhao Yunxiao. "Captain Zhao, forgive me. I've had acrophobia since I was young. I tend to grab things randomly when I'm in high places..."

"Do you want to grab something again?"


"Get lost!"

"Captain Zhao, as a Priest, I want to advise you."

"Advise what?"

"Wearing a chest binder can hinder your development. Do you sometimes feel short of breath..."

Seeing Zhao Yunxiao's increasingly dangerous look, Zheng Cheng wisely shut up.

"Hmph! I'll deal with you later~"

Zhao Yunxiao jumped off the flat house and chased after the earth elemental.

Meanwhile, Zheng Cheng reached out and pondered, "Hmm, probably a C cup? It would be bigger without the chest binder..."

He looked up and saw the entire military camp in a mess.

The once imposing Fallen Ones were all in disarray, especially the earth elemental that caused the soil tsunami that almost engulfed the entire military camp, was also fleeing.

On the other side.

The water spirit's massive figure collapsed on the ground, and the illusory flames on her body continued to flicker.

Although she was not dead yet, she was extremely weak.

As long as she remained angry, fearful, or wanted to escape, this illusory fire would never disappear!

Unless her state of mind could become as calm as an enlightened monk's in an extremely short time.

But for the Fallen One, this was simply impossible!

The reason these Fallen Ones became Fallen Ones was that their characters were either cruel and murderous, or greedy, or extreme in their temperament.

Their spiritual fluctuations were often significant.

It was like the people in the demonic path in martial arts novels.

Zheng Cheng's Virtual Fire Incineration was undoubtedly their natural enemy!

Soon, the entire battlefield was left with the golden beast entangled by Pujia!


The two clashed again, sparking a large number of flames.

The shield in Pujia's hand was now covered with cracks.

But the weapons that grew on the golden beast's body remained sharp.

He sneered, "Your profession should only be a six-star armor-breaking warrior. Each attack has a knockback effect and can shatter the weapons and equipment of professionals."

"But unfortunately, facing me, who has already integrated the weapon into my body, it has no effect at all!"

"Go to hell!"


Suddenly, a steel chain shot out from behind him, like a poisonous snake, piercing Pujia's abdomen fiercely through the gap in the shield.

Pujia snorted but did not retreat, instead taking a step forward.

His body began to burn with a blood-red flame.

"Alas... so unlucky. I just wanted to drink tea and listen to opera, who knew I'd run into a mission."

"So troublesome..."

"My mission is to entangle you. So, neither of us will fight to the death, let's wait for others to determine the outcome, how about that?"

He muttered to himself, suddenly changed his body shape, and the shield once again sent the golden beast flying.

"Damn it! I'll kill you!"

The golden beast roared, but a figure suddenly appeared at his side.

A silver light burst like thunder in front of him.

"Old Jia! Stop slacking off!"

"It's just this guy left, hurry up and finish him off!"


(End of this chapter)

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