Chapter 57 My Lord! Help me!!!

"So fast?"

Not only Pujia, but even Jinsou was stunned.

Are you kidding me!

Their Black Sun Church's Five Elements Divine Masters are all at level 69, all of them are half-transcendent professionals.

Especially Shuilin, who has already completed the transcendence and is just one step away from reaching level 70 as a transcendent.

For the task of snatching the Divine Child for our Lord this time, they went all out.

Among the five, apart from Huoyang attracting the night watchmen to the magic crystal mine.

The remaining four all concentrated their attack on the night watchmen's base.

Unexpectedly, they were defeated so quickly!


Another large group of flames fell from the sky, the scorching flames rolled and fiercely smashed onto his body.

Although his body had turned into steel, he could still feel the heat of the flames.

Xu Chicheng!

Three people besieged Jinsou alone.

"Damn it!"

He cursed inwardly, several long swords on his back suddenly trembled, and then shot towards Zhao Yunxiao and the others.

Zhao Yunxiao and Xu Chicheng easily dodged, while Pujia used his shield to resist, and the sword that was shot at him was shattered.

Taking this opportunity, he turned and ran!

"Trying to escape?"

Xu Chicheng's flames surged and immediately chased after him: "Stay here for me!"

A large group of fire shadows surged from his hands again, smashing towards Jinsou.

Jinsou, covered in steel armor all over, paid no attention and charged forward like a tank.

But unfortunately, the ground in the military camp had long become muddy due to the earth monsters, full of pits and steep slopes, greatly limiting his speed.

Behind him, Zhao Yunxiao also caught up and stood in front of Jinsou.

The three of them attacked together, and Jinsou fought desperately.

But how could he, alone, be a match for the strength of the three captains? He was soon covered in blood from the beating.

Finally, he couldn't hold on any longer and half-knelt on the ground, shouting in a desperate voice.

"My Lord!"

"Help me!"

"My Lord...~!!!"

"Woo woo woo...~~"

A strange wailing suddenly came from a distance.

A large amount of black mist surged, rushing towards them like a tsunami.

Zhao Yunxiao and the others immediately became cautious, their hands moving faster.

On the other hand, Jinsou's eyes showed a look of surprise when this aura appeared.

He was once again covered in armor, allowing Zhao Yunxiao and the others to attack him.

He roared fanatically, "The heavens are dead, the black sun is rising! Rebuild the light, my Lord is coming!"

"My Lord is coming!"

"My Lord is coming!"

"My Lord is coming..."

A deep and low roar suddenly came from the darkness in the distance.

The three's faces changed drastically, as if figures appeared in the black mist, rapidly approaching them.

"Quick, kill him!"

Zhao Yunxiao roared furiously, and her silver dragon spear in her hand burst into a sky full of thunderclouds.

Wielding the spear, she charged at Jinsou like a cannonball, fiercely smashing into his body.

"Dragon of the Heavenly Soar!"


The thunderclouds burst, and Jinsou's entire body was pierced by Zhao Yunxiao's spear.

With a sudden pull, she threw him far away.

At this moment, Pujia also threw away his shield, reached out his hand, and a huge wolf-toothed club, over two people tall, appeared in his hand.

A bloody light gathered on the club, as if igniting a blood-red flame.

In an instant, it turned into a blood-red tiger, fiercely smashing into Jinsou.



A mouthful of rich blood, mixed with metal fragments, spurted from his mouth.

Half of his body was sunken in.

Blood was flowing from his seven orifices, looking hideous!

"My Lord!"

"The Lord of the Black Sun! Will surely cover the world!"

"You damn night watchmen..."


At the same time.

A fiery red thread suddenly cut through the sky, entwining around his neck.

With a gentle twist, his head was cut off and soared into the sky!


Not far away, Xu Chicheng breathed a sigh of relief.

The flames on his body immediately dissipated, and he looked visibly exhausted.

Even in his eyes, there was a hint of weariness.

"My mental consumption is too severe, I'll leave the rest to you..."

"Be careful!"

Suddenly, Zhao Yunxiao shouted, and her figure appeared in front of Xu Chicheng.

Her long spear in her hand suddenly flashed, stabbing straight ahead!


A crisp sound rang out, and Zhao Yunxiao's long spear was actually caught steadily by a slender hand!

The small hand was as fair as a spring onion, the fingernails seemed freshly done, with a faint red base color and a hint of starlight, looking quite beautiful.

"Giggle, little guy, don't be so angry..."

The black mist surged, and a slender figure, a young woman, slowly walked out of the black mist.

The girl was not stunningly beautiful, but she seemed very charming.

With a delicate oval face and charming eyes, her dark red eye shadow gave her a bewitching air.

She was wearing a blue and white JK uniform.

Revealing her long, fair arms and legs, against the backdrop of the black mist, they looked even more pure and delicate.

A beautiful black hair, as deep as the night sky.

Zhao Yunxiao's pupils contracted, gritting her teeth, "The Lord of the Black Sun?"

At the same time, she gestured behind her, signaling Xu Chicheng and Pujia to quickly retreat.

"Giggle, I know you~ You're Zhao Yunxiao, the night watchman, right? A professional soul, truly worthy of being a descendant of the pioneers..."

"Huh? Did I make you move!"

The Lord of the Black Sun suddenly turned to Xu Chicheng, startling him.


A strange fluctuation suddenly came, and Xu Chicheng's figure just swayed slightly, then fell heavily to the ground.

In the void, a phantom figure exactly like Xu Chicheng slowly rose and was swallowed by the Lord of the Black Sun!

"Xu Chicheng!"

Zhao Yunxiao roared angrily, and her long spear shot out fiercely.


The Lord of the Black Sun giggled again, easily dodging.

"Yunxiao! Go!"

A violent shout exploded, and Pujia charged forward like a raging bull.

The huge wolf-toothed club in his hand was burning with a blood-red flame, covering the entire area where the Lord of the Black Sun was dodging!


The ground exploded, and the Lord of the Black Sun's figure agilely leaped up.

And the earth was blasted into a large hole by Pujia.

"Take Chicheng's body and go!"

"The talent of the Soul-Sucking Witch can absorb the soul, but there won't be any problem in the short term. As long as we kill her, Chicheng's soul can still be retrieved!"

Upon hearing Pujia's roar, Zhao Yunxiao immediately picked up Xu Chicheng's body and flew away.

"The talent of the Soul-Sucking Witch..."

The voice of the Lord of the Black Sun came again.

At this moment, a pair of giant diamond-shaped wings appeared behind her, enveloping her entire body.

"Indeed, you are a night watchman, to be able to uncover such a secret."

"Too bad~"


Another light wail came, and Pujia's figure swayed, but he still stood firm.

He stabilized his figure, endured the intense pain in his mind, roared, and a blood-red light burst from his body.



Accompanied by a muffled explosion, Pujia's figure was enveloped in a blazing blood-red flame.

At the same time, all his equipment, including his underwear, was burned to ashes.

A dark-skinned, muscular man, especially his lower body, which was as thick as a club, appeared in front of the Lord of the Black Sun.


"So troublesome, I really don't want to fight, can you not force me..."

(End of this chapter)

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