I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

58. Chapter 58 The Giant Man With A Mallet Vs The Little Lolita In Sailor Uniform

Chapter 58: The Mighty Hammer-Wielding Giant vs. the Sailor-Uniformed Little Lolita

"It's so troublesome, I really don't want to fight with all my might, can you not force me..."

A deep voice came through, and at this moment, Pu Jia stood in front of a JK little girl like a barbaric strong man, bare-chested.

The JK little girl's head just reached the big man's thigh.

The Lord of the Black Sun covered her mouth and giggled, her peach blossom eyes sizing up Pu Jia, her small mouth couldn't help but click in amazement.

"Tsk tsk, not bad at all. If it were in the past, I would really want to battle you for eight hundred rounds."

"But now, I have more important things to do..."

Before the Lord of the Black Sun could finish speaking, Pu Jia grabbed the blood-red wolf-toothed club and fiercely smashed it towards the Lord of the Black Sun's head!


Smoke and dust rose, and gravel splattered.

Where the Lord of the Black Sun had been standing, a huge pit appeared immediately.

And the figure of the JK girl had long disappeared.


Pu Jia's pupils slightly contracted, but saw the petite figure of the Lord of the Black Sun standing on the tip of the wolf-toothed club in Pu Jia's hand.

A breeze blew, lifting the girl's skirt.

"What a wild ox of a man..."


Pu Jia roared again, swinging the wolf-toothed club wildly towards the Lord of the Black Sun.

The shadow of the club enveloped an area of more than ten meters, but the figure of the Lord of the Black Sun danced up and down like a ghost, easily dodging Pu Jia's attacks.

Like a cat playing with a mouse.

"Big guy, I have other things to do, can you not block my way?"

The Lord of the Black Sun's figure flickered and suddenly appeared in the distance.

Pu Jia pressed on.

"Do you really want to die? In that case..."

She reached out, and a black claw mark seemed to form in the void, slowly taking shape.


Black clouds surged, forming a huge claw in the air, directly grabbing onto Pu Jia.

The blood-red flames burned, resisting the black giant claw.

But with a flash of black electric light, the blood-red flames were immediately torn apart.

The sharp claws left a deep visible scratch on Pu Jia's chest!

Three gashes, flesh and blood spilling out, accompanied by a large amount of blood.


Pu Jia gritted her teeth, holding the wolf-toothed club with one hand to support her body, glaring fiercely at the floating Lord of the Black Sun.

"Old witch, you're quite ruthless..."

Before she could finish her sentence, the Lord of the Black Sun's pupils flashed with anger.

Old witch?

Calling herself that?

Damn it!

I'm just an eighteen-year-old beauty now!

"I'm going to kill you!"

She roared word by word, and another black claw mark appeared in front of her, reaching towards Pu Jia!


At that moment, a dazzling silver electric light suddenly shot from a distance.

"Boom!" It shattered the claw mark.

The long spear is still there!

Zhao Yunxiao!

"Yunxiao! Didn't I tell you to retreat?"

Seeing Zhao Yunxiao catching up again, Pu Jia took a deep breath, frowning.

Instinctively, she held the wolf-toothed club in front of herself.

But Zhao Yunxiao's eyes were fixed on the Lord of the Black Sun, without hesitation, he said, "As a member of the Zhao family, we never abandon our comrades and escape alone."

"Don't worry, I've already arranged for Xu Chicheng!"

"Now, let's join forces and take down the Lord of the Black Sun!"

After ensuring Xu Chicheng's safety, Zhao Yunxiao, despite his own injuries, caught up again to support Pu Jia.

Under the sudden thrust of the silver dragon spear, the ghostly figure dissipated, and the Lord of the Black Sun's figure continued to retreat!

The Lord of the Black Sun's face looked extremely ugly, sharply roaring, "Descendant of the Firstborn! Do you really think I dare not kill you!!!"

Zhao Yunxiao flung the long spear and said coldly, "Then show me."

"Seeking death!"

The Lord of the Black Sun roared, but her figure suddenly flickered, and her pupils also shook violently.

"Damn it!"

"This body is still too weak. It's fine for normal actions, but it will collapse at any time once I use my abilities!"

"In that case, I can only find the Divine Child as quickly as possible, and then..."

Her thoughts raced, and shadows emerged from her back, suddenly shooting towards a distance.

"Useless! Come here!"


The earth shook, and the earth elemental's figure emerged from the ground.

But at this moment, his body was shrouded in a black shadow, which was drilling into his head from his seven orifices.

The man's face was entangled with the black shadow, looking terrifying and detestable.

"Ah, ahhhh...!"

"My lord... please don't!"


Finally, the black shadow completely drilled into his body.

Immediately, a black mist enveloped his body.

His eyes became dull and lifeless.

"I don't have time to waste with you here, stop them!"

"Howl, howl, howl, howl...!"

The earth elemental roared madly, rushing towards Zhao Yunxiao and Pu Jia.

The surrounding earth surged, forming a huge armor that wrapped around the earth elemental's body, fiercely crashing into Pu Jia.

"And the water spirit..."

She looked towards the water spirit not far away, frowning tightly.

At this moment, the water spirit had turned into a puddle of mud.

The illusory flames were still flickering, but had become extremely weak, on the verge of extinguishing at any moment.

Once extinguished, it would only prove one thing.

The water spirit, dead!


"I spent so much effort to ensure your successful rebirth, but I didn't expect you to die here."

"Really... infuriating!"

The Lord of the Black Sun reached out and another black line surged towards the back of the water spirit.

"Little darlings, devour them!"

"Buzz, buzz, buzz...!"

A strange fluctuation suddenly came from behind.

Zhao Yunxiao subconsciously looked over, then his pupils suddenly contracted, filled with shock.

Outside the military camp, the more than one hundred ordinary people who had been solemnly chanting all showed expressions of longing.

Some were surprised, some were fanatical, some were joyful, and some were relieved.

But undoubtedly, none of them showed fear.

The joy of all living beings was contained within.

"The light of our lord..."

"I see the light..."

"Heaven, it's heaven..."

The clamor of voices came from the mouths of these ordinary people.


Under the shroud of the black silk threads, they all fell to the ground.

Some were in a daze, some sat cross-legged, and some fell into a coma.

Without exception, before falling into a coma, each person left a smile at the corner of their mouth.

"Woo, woo, woo, woo...!"


Above their heads, black, constantly twisting figures were pulled out of their bodies!


The souls of these ordinary people!

In contrast to the smiles on their physical bodies, the souls of these ordinary people, after being pulled out, immediately became fearful, angry, struggling, as well as confused and violent.

This was definitely not heaven!

The black threads rushed into their souls, and each soul began to twist, pulsate, and deform.

Some turned into vicious dogs, some turned into wild cats, some turned into giant pythons, and some even spread their wings and turned into pitch-black eagles!

"Cackle, cackle~"

"Men and women! Attack! Kill them!"

The Lord of the Black Sun laughed loudly, "Guardians, these soul beasts are all condensed from the souls of ordinary people."

"Destroy them, and these ordinary people will die immediately."

"If you can't bear to do it, then wait to be devoured by the soul beasts!"

"Cackle, cackle~"

Her figure suddenly flickered, turning into a black light again, and rushed into the underground basement at the heart of the military camp.

The Divine Child Yao Zhixue she was hoping for was right here!

(End of this chapter)

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