I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

60. Chapter 60 Level-Breaking Mission? The Light Of Life!

Chapter 60: Breaking through the task? Light of Life!

[Breaking through task: Light of Life]

[Task description: As a Priest, your task is to save lives, spread light, and be the spokesperson of the Holy Light (God) in the world, comforting the suffering masses and being the light in people's hearts.]

[Task requirements: You need to rely on your own skills and abilities to save lives (minimum of 10 people). You can choose the deity you believe in during treatment. After completing the task, you can become a true professional and gain professional skills. (Depending on the deity you believe in, the professional skills obtained will also vary.)]

"It really is the light of life."

Zhao Yunxiao nodded and said, "Almost every Priest's first breakthrough task is the light of life, allowing you to treat patients and save lives, to understand the essence of being a Priest."

Zheng Cheng asked in surprise, "Do I need to choose the deity I believe in? What's the difference?"

"It's for future career preparation," Zhao Yunxiao explained concisely. "If you want to transfer to a healing Priest in the future, you choose a deity from the side of life or the side of light."

"If you want to transfer to a shadow priest or similar professions, then you choose a deity from the dark side, shadow side, or chaotic side."

"Um..." Zheng Cheng hesitated, "What if I don't want to transfer?"

"Hehehe..." Zhao Yunxiao sneered, "I'm just reminding you that these so-called deities are actually pitfalls!"

"Priests are inherently divine, and although there have been Mythical Level powerhouses born on our Blue Star for over three hundred years, none have become gods."

"When Priests receive their breakthrough tasks and choose to believe in a deity, they are actually choosing deities from other realms!"

"Although the true gods of other realms are very distant from our Blue Star, they cannot resist the power of belief between realms."

"In the early days, we didn't understand this, and Priests controlled by deities from other realms betrayed us at critical moments, causing us great losses..."

"Of course, apart from Priests, paladins, and other professionals also have similar weaknesses to a greater or lesser extent."

"Unless a true god appears on our Blue Star!"

Zheng Cheng exclaimed, "Does that mean all Priests are scouts for deities from other realms?"

"Of course not," Zhao Yunxiao explained, "After a hundred years of research, we finally discovered the clues."

"Priests only need to choose to believe in the Holy Light during their initial breakthrough task to obtain universal Priest skills and avoid the scrutiny of deities from other realms."

"The Holy Light represents life and light, it is the purest energy and element, not a specific deity!"

"I see."

Zheng Cheng suddenly realized, but still felt a bit confused.

"Saving lives..."

He remembered the hundreds of constipated patients he treated at the Priest's guild.

He wondered if these people counted.

"Um, do constipated patients count?"

Zhao Yunxiao gave him a look and said, "What do you think? Definitely not!"

"The so-called saving lives means treating those who are on the brink of death or have suffered serious injuries."

"Newbie Priest skills all come with healing effects. Whether it's Minor Healing or Healing Touch, after receiving the breakthrough task, they just need to report and spend three to five days in the hospital, and they can always complete the breakthrough task."

"As for your newbie skills..."

Zhao Yunxiao paused, not knowing how to explain.

"You'll figure it out on your own. I need to go support Old Jia."

With that, Zhao Yunxiao rushed towards the earth elemental.

At this moment, the earth elemental, suffering from acute gastroenteritis, had no more to expel and could only endure the intense pain.

With Zhao Yunxiao's intervention, its defeat or capture was only a matter of time.

Meanwhile, Zheng Cheng was alone, surveying the chaotic military camp.

There were roaming soul beasts everywhere, and guards trying to capture and control them.

The ground had been turned into ruins, with no intact patches of land left.

"Saving lives, light of life..."

"What should I do? Cause diarrhea in people, or dissect them?"

Deep in thought, Zheng Cheng was suddenly pounced on by a dark, eerie creature.

It was a creature as dark as an evil dog, surrounded by deep mist, and its howls made him dizzy, with vortexes appearing before his eyes.

Soul beast!

These soul beasts were condensed from the souls of common people.

Any of their attacks could harm the soul!

Zheng Cheng quickly dodged, but the soul beast pursued him like a maggot on bones.


"Woof woof woof..."

The ferocious soul beast bit wildly, as if it had encountered a mortal enemy.

In a moment of carelessness, it caught up to Zheng Cheng.

"Damn it!"

He kicked the soul beast, but it was like kicking thin air. Ripples appeared on the soul beast's body, allowing his attack to pass through it.

Then, with a vicious turn, the soul beast bit hard on his thigh.

"Damn it!"

Feeling the chill in his leg, he didn't hesitate and threw a Virtual Fire Incineration at the soul beast.

"Damn cultist, die!"

"Sizzle, sizzle...!"

In an instant, it was like pouring cold water into hot oil.

The soul beast's body burst into flames and trembled wildly.

The illusory flames burned it to ashes in just a few seconds!

Virtual fire, fueled by mental fluctuations and emotions.

And a person's spirit and emotions were the essence of the soul!

It was like pouring a bucket of gasoline directly into a fire!

In a daze, Zheng Cheng seemed to see the faint smile of a middle-aged woman with a weathered face.

Then, she disappeared without a trace!

"Soul beast? Cultist?"

"Even at the moment of death, there's sudden enlightenment..."

Zheng Cheng shuddered, as if he had remembered something.

He looked at the entire battlefield, where hundreds of soul beasts were still raging.

Some guards were using different control techniques to subdue them, while others were entangled with them.

And more guards, in desperation, were using various means to defeat them!





The power of the elements could harm the soul!

A chill suddenly appeared in Zheng Cheng's heart.

In the void, it seemed as if illusory snowflakes were falling.

Zheng Cheng subconsciously caught a snowflake.

"Life, is this the passing of life..."

His eyes sharpened, and he had his own idea.

Without retreating, he rushed towards the direction with the most soul beasts.

That was...

Where the ordinary people were unconscious!

The cultist deserved to die, indeed!

But before dying, could he... make some use of them?

"Zheng Cheng!"

Zhao Yunxiao, who was suppressing the earth elemental, immediately noticed Zheng Cheng's actions and shouted, "What are you doing? Come back!"

But Zheng Cheng paid no attention, using the terrain to run quickly.

With an agility of 36 points fully unleashed, these soul beasts couldn't catch up to him at all.

"Everyone! I've found a way to deal with these soul beasts. I ask my colleagues to buy me some time!"

Zheng Cheng shouted, immediately drawing responses from other guards.

"Good lad! What can you do?"

"Priest? I'll clear the way for you!"

"Stop them! Give the newbie a chance!"

"Hahaha... so what if it's a soul beast? My mental power is nearly a hundred points, come at me!"

(End of chapter)

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