I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

61. Chapter 61 Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst! Wake Up, My Patients!

Chapter 61 Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst! Wake up, my patients!

Underground base.

A petite figure with long black hair, dressed in a JK schoolgirl outfit, suddenly appeared.

Mistress of the Black Sun.

"Is that new nine-star professional hiding here?"

Suddenly, a phantom flesh wing appeared behind her, accentuating her figure as she moved forward slowly.

"Four members of the Profound Rank night guards and a group of ordinary members have appeared in the ordinary military camp."

"More than half of the combat power in Chang'an City has gathered here. I don't believe there will be anyone else?"

As she advanced, the entire underground base was quiet, with no one in sight.

Gym, entertainment room, combat arena, armory...

As the Mistress of the Black Sun advanced, the panoramic view of the underground base appeared before her.

At the entrance to the second floor, her figure stopped.

"Something's not right..."

"A trap?"

Thinking this, she began to have a retreat in mind.

"I can hold on for another year or two, no need to take risks here."

"However, a new nine-star professional, whether from an ordinary civilian background or not, is a rare encounter."

"Other new nine-star professionals are either from prominent families or have powerful support behind them..."

"Only Yao Zhixue, backed by the night guard branch of Eternal Peace City, as long as I..."


At this moment, a faint buzzing sound came from the first floor of the underground base where she was.

The air in the entire base also showed a faint ripple.

The Mistress of the Black Sun's face changed drastically, and she immediately retreated!

In the spacious base, a rapidly flickering figure appeared and rushed towards the entrance!

But it was too late!

The entire base, including the ground, walls, and even the ceiling, began to show layers of strange patterns and runes.

Combined together, they condensed into a large array!


At the entrance of the first floor of the underground base, the figure of the Mistress of the Black Sun suddenly collided with the air.

A large amount of lightning flashed out and struck her figure!

"Thunder Sealing Demon Array!"

The Mistress of the Black Sun exclaimed, "Shen Nanfeng!"

"How dare you! How dare you use the city's defensive array of Eternal Peace City here!"

At the end of the first floor, two figures slowly appeared.

The leader was Shen Nanfeng, holding a formation plate!

And behind him was Yao Zhixue, the one the Mistress of the Black Sun had been thinking about!

Shen Nanfeng said indifferently, "You're mistaken. What I set up is not the real Thunder Sealing Demon Array, but the Five Thunder Locking Spirit Array connected to it!"

"However, to deal with you, the Five Thunder Locking Spirit Array is already enough!"

"Damn it!"

The Mistress of the Black Sun cursed, "A broken array! Do you really think you can trap me?"

"And you, as a formation master, your strongest combat power is within your own formation tower. Since you came here alone, as long as I kill you, I can break this Five Thunder Locking Spirit Array!"

"Go to hell!"

The Mistress of the Black Sun yelled, and her whole body trembled, a huge black figure immediately attached to her.

Resembling a strange bird, with sharp wings and claws, it almost turned into a phantom and rushed towards Shen Nanfeng.


Just as the black figure rushed over, a dense lightning struck midway, all hitting the Mistress of the Black Sun.

The black mist surged and was immediately shattered by the thunder.

But the figure of the Mistress of the Black Sun had already dodged the lightning!

Shen Nanfeng held the formation plate in his left hand and flicked it with his right hand, as if playing a zither.

Within the formation, a dense lightning emerged again, all blocking in front of the Mistress of the Black Sun.

"Zhi Xue, you must remember."

"When facing the Fallen One, don't have any thoughts of mercy."

"Otherwise, if you are counter-killed, it will be you who dies!"

"I understand."

Yao Zhixue nodded gently, but her eyes were somewhat puzzled.

This Mistress of the Black Sun?

Why does she look familiar?


Zheng Cheng's figure appeared at the entrance of the military camp.

Ordinary people were lying or sitting, all collapsed on the ground.

Each person's face revealed a smile.

Some were calm, some content, some joyful, and some ecstatic.

Before their souls left their bodies, it was as if they had seen heaven!

Zheng Cheng came to the first person, a middle-aged woman who looked somewhat familiar.

Her soul had been burned to ashes.

He laid her body flat and closed her eyes.

"Auntie, don't blame me, it's because you bit me."

"If you want to blame someone, blame the Mistress of the Black Sun who turned you into this ghostly appearance..."

He looked towards the person next to the auntie.

A middle-aged man in a suit, with a big belly.

Fat accumulated on his face, and there was black chicken skin on his neck.

He also wore several rings on his hands, like a nouveau riche.

"You, a wealthy man, why play with cults? You got yourself into this mess, didn't you?"

Zheng Cheng reached out to check his breath, his eyes brightened, "Huh, not dead yet?"

"It seems your soul beast is still alive, in that case..."

He pulled out the Bloodthirsty Staff and cast an Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst at him!

Along with it, two people next to him.

This was how Zheng Cheng completed the breakthrough task!

According to Zhao Yunxiao, to awaken the civilians controlled by the Mistress of the Black Sun, all that was needed was to find a way to awaken their physical bodies.

Then, their bodies would automatically absorb their souls and wake up.

The price paid was only soul damage.

For the lighter cases, it would cause nausea and unconsciousness for a few days.

For the severe cases, they would just become idiots.

It was better than losing their lives.


At this point, Zheng Cheng's Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst had reached LV3, a deadly weapon for ordinary people!

The middle-aged fat man and the two people next to him were hit, and a low rumble immediately came from their stomachs.

"Plop, plop, plop..."

At the same time, several foul-smelling gases emerged.

Fortunately, Zheng Cheng had already moved away, otherwise he would have been affected too.

Acute Gastroenteritis!

For people who were asleep, they could hold their urine.

Some could even hold it for a whole night, for over ten hours.

But the need to defecate...

No one could hold it, right?

As the saying goes: holding urine can go a long way, but it's hard to move with diarrhea!


Finally, the middle-aged fat man who was still asleep screamed, and a large mass of foul-smelling feces sprayed out.

And he opened his fish-like eyes and woke up.


On the ruins of the military camp in the distance, a wild boar soul beast that was madly charging at the night guards was suddenly pulled back by an inexplicable force.

In a moment of carelessness, it rushed into his figure.

In addition, there was also an eagle soul beast and a wildcat soul beast that were pulled back!

In an instant, three civilians who had their souls sucked away by the Mistress of the Black Sun and turned into soul beasts woke up.

They were lying on the ground, excreting frantically.

Two of them had a dazed look, rolling their eyes and drooling disgustingly from the corners of their mouths.

Unconsciously screaming, they rolled and struggled on the ground.

The other one just groaned, opened his eyes and looked around at the mess, then quickly got up to find a place.

"Damn! My stomach, my stomach hurts..."

Unfortunately, after running a few steps, he couldn't hold it anymore and squatted down, pulling down his pants!

Seeing this scene, Zheng Cheng's eyes lit up.

"It really works..."

"Two idiots and one normal person?"

Without hesitation, he waved the Bloodthirsty Staff again, and the Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst fell once more!

(End of chapter)

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