Chapter 62 LV10! New Occupational Skills!



"Puff puff!!"


Zheng Cheng's figure wandered among more than a hundred ordinary people, throwing one Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst after another.

The soul beasts were still alive, not defeated by the night watchmen, and soon woke up.

Want to sleep?

Get up for me!!!

As for the ordinary people whose soul beasts were defeated, their bodies had long lost their breath.

Thrown with Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst, there was no reaction at all.

Dead people, after all...

A large number of people became idiots due to the damage caused by the soul beasts.

Even when they were sprayed, they just lay on the ground.

These people's souls were damaged, and they could only be idiots for the rest of their lives.

Unless there are higher-level support professionals willing to help them.

And those who were normal people, the first thing they did when they woke up was to cover their stomachs and scream for cover.

Unfortunately, as ordinary people, they couldn't resist the power of LV3 Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst, and it sprayed out in just a few seconds.

For a while, the entire military camp outside was full of pale bottoms and weak screams.

"Damn it!"

Xiao Ding and Wang Ning's figures also ran out.

Along with them, several other members of the night watchmen also joined.

They were fighting the soul beasts to the death, but who knew that this group of soul beasts disappeared in just a few "swishes".

"Zheng Cheng! How did you do it?"

"Damn... it stinks! Let's go, let's go..."

"You really are a talent, newcomer..."

Several night watchmen were greatly shocked, but none of them dared to come over.

Brother, the ground is full of manure, there's nowhere to step.

At this time.

Zhao Yunxiao, who had already dealt with the earth monster, also ran over, her Green Gauze Sword still dripping with blood.

"Zheng Cheng, is this... your doing?"

She was greatly shocked!

As a novice Priest completing the breakthrough task, she had seen quite a few, but using Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst to save dying people, this was the first time she had encountered it!

It was all thanks to Zheng Cheng, otherwise, if they couldn't control these soul beasts for a long time, they would only have one last resort.

That is to defeat the soul beasts!

Unfortunately, once the soul beasts were defeated, it meant killing people.

For them, the night watchmen, this was undoubtedly a difficult choice.

Zheng Cheng also held his breath and moved to a safe place.

Helplessly said, "I have no choice. I had to try this method to complete the breakthrough task."

Zhao Yunxiao said, "That's good, the breakthrough task is completed, you should have leveled up, right?"

"At LV10, you can learn a new skill. I hope your new skill won't be so bizarre again..."

"Of course."

Zheng Cheng's eyes lit up. He had already completed the breakthrough task when he woke up the tenth person.

Naturally, his level had also risen to LV10.

But at that time, he had been busy treating these ordinary people and hadn't checked his new skills right away.


After reaching LV10, he didn't just learn one new skill as Zhao Yunxiao had said.

He learned two!

"What about the earth monster?"

"He was captured. We should be able to pry some secrets about the Daybreak Organization from him..."


Just then, a large black cloud above the military camp suddenly began to dissipate.

Like the ebbing tide.

In just a few seconds, it disappeared without a trace.

The lights and flames of Wei River Town in the distance were timely exposed before their eyes.

Zhao Yunxiao exclaimed, "The black mist has dispersed, the Lord of the Black Sun is dead!"

"The Director succeeded!"


Zheng Cheng was also surprised.

The Lord of the Black Sun died so easily?

Zhao Yunxiao said confidently, "The Director and the Lord of the Black Sun are both strong at LV79, just one step away from being epic-level."

"But the Director is a Formation Master professional, and he set up a killing formation in the underground base in advance. He even brought a formation plate from the Eternal Peace City's defensive formation."

"Preparedness is everything. Not to mention just a mere Lord of the Black Sun, even if two more Breaking Dawn Nine Suns came, the Director could handle it!"

"So ruthless?"

Zheng Cheng was amazed.

He knew about the Formation Master profession.

Ordinary Formation Masters could only be considered as support professionals.

In the early stages, they could only learn auxiliary formations and set up large formations in fixed places to assist other professionals.

Once they reached the High Level, Formation Masters could learn offensive formations.

With the power of the formation plate, as well as magic crystals, special items, and so on, they could set up various attack formations in a short period of time.

Some well-prepared Formation Masters could even integrate formations together to build their own formation towers!

Just like the magic towers of wizards and mages.

A Formation Master within their own formation tower was considered invincible among peers!

Similarly, being a Formation Master was an extremely resource and money-consuming profession.

Only some large families, major forces, or countries had the qualifications to cultivate an outstanding Formation Master.

Zhao Yunxiao ordered, "The Lord of the Black Sun has been killed, and the black mist blockade has been lifted. Call for medical assistance for these civilians immediately."

"And also, go support Meng Fusheng at the magic crystal mine."

"Yes, Captain!"

Several night watchmen responded and immediately took action.

Some of them headed towards the magic crystal mine, while the others stayed at the military camp.

In the distance.

A group of soldiers also returned.

After all, the turmoil in Wei River Town was caused by ordinary followers of the Lord of the Black Sun and was quickly quelled.

They had captured quite a few people and brought them back to the military camp.

When they saw the ruins of the military camp, everyone was stunned.

Especially the more than one hundred people at the entrance...

They almost doubted their own eyes!

The entire military camp immediately became lively.

Meanwhile, Zheng Cheng went to an unnoticed place and opened his personal skill list.

Two intertwined skill trees, like entwined pythons, appeared in front of Zheng Cheng.

The two skill icons on the second-to-last row were flashing brightly.

The first skill icon looked somewhat like... a pot?

[You have learned a new skill: Central Radar Life Detection Art (Internal)!]

"Central Radar Life Detection Art?"

Zheng Cheng's mouth twitched a bit. The name of this mutated skill was so awkward.

[Central Radar Life Detection Art (Internal/LV1): Mutated skill, consumes mental power. It can detect the presence of any life form within a certain distance around the body's center. Current monitoring range: centered on the self, within a radius of 100 meters.]

[Monitoring methods include but are not limited to heartbeat, breathing, blood pressure, pulse, body temperature, brain waves, mental fluctuations, and breath fluctuations, and can also form a simple life map in the mind.]

[At the same time, it can also monitor individual life targets, obtaining their current physical condition, life status, basic attributes, and so on.]

"This mutated skill..."

Zheng Cheng's eyes brightened slightly. "It's very useful... It's like a super-sized radar detection. No life form can escape my monitoring..."

"Heartbeat, breathing, blood pressure, pulse, body temperature, brain waves, mental fluctuations, breath fluctuations... These life signs, even undead creatures have soul fire fluctuations, can also be monitored!"

"And individual life targets? Isn't this like a universal skill of reconnaissance?"

"Even better than reconnaissance skills!"

Zheng Cheng nodded in satisfaction.

After activating the Central Radar Life Detection Art, a simple current map appeared in his mind.

The military camp, the sky, and even the 3D imaging of the underground were all visible.

In addition to these, green and yellow dots also appeared on the map.

"Green represents teammates? That is, the night watchmen?"

"What about yellow... it represents neutral units, that is, these soldiers..."

With this mutated skill, whether in the wilderness or in dungeons, he could detect hidden enemies in advance.

A divine skill!

Another divine skill!

"If internal skills are so amazing, I wonder about external skills..."

Saying that, he looked at the second mutated skill.

The icon of this external mutated skill was...

(End of this chapter)

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