I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

63.Chapter 63: Counterattack Skills! 1050 Points Of Spiritual Attributes? !

Chapter 63: Skills for Dueling! 1050 Points of Spiritual Attribute?!

This surgical mutant skill icon is actually... shaped like a dagger!

[You have learned a new skill: Knife of Tetanus!]

[Knife of Tetanus (External/LV1): Mutant skill, requires equipping a weapon (knife, sword, axe, dagger, spear, bow, arrow, etc.) to use. There is a 10% chance that any of your physical attacks will infect the opponent with tetanus bacillus.]

[After the target is infected with tetanus bacillus, it can cause muscle spasms and severe spasms in a short period of time. At the same time, it can also cause the target to experience symptoms such as overall weakness, dizziness, headache, hyperreflexia, hallucinations, disordered speech, and actions.]

"What the hell is this skill again!"

Looking at this so-called "Knife of Tetanus" skill, Zheng Cheng was almost speechless.


I'm a Priest, why are you giving me a physical attack skill like Knife of Tetanus?

Am I supposed to duel monsters with a knife?

Zheng Cheng felt like crying but had no tears, so he could only close the skill list.

"Unlucky, the two skills I learned at LV10 are one support skill and one purely physical attack skill. Not even one healing skill..."

"If I encounter a healing task similar to the Light of Life in the next breakthrough mission, what should I do?"

"It seems that I can only try to obtain healing skills through healing skill books..."

Looking at the chaotic military camp, Zheng Cheng prepared to go to the hotel to meet up with Chen Xiao and the others.

He is not yet a formal member of the Night Watchmen, so there's nothing for him to do here.

At this moment, Zhao Yunxiao was seriously injured, but compared to Pu Jia and Xu Chicheng, her condition was already considered quite good.

At this time, she was dragging her tired body to clean up the battlefield.

"Oh right! Song Chaoyu!"

Zheng Cheng suddenly remembered this classmate. "The Black Sun Church has been wiped out, and even the leader, the Black Sun Lord, died at the hands of the Night Watchmen."

"I suppose she and her mother have been rescued."

"Unfortunately, her phone was taken by the people of the Black Sun Church, otherwise..."


Zheng Cheng's eyes suddenly lit up, and on the messy ground outside the military camp, there were several bodies.

One of the bodies looked somewhat familiar.

"This is..."

He hurried over.

Only to see that the body was wearing a blue and white JK, with a slender waist and a pained expression on her pretty face.

"Song Chaoyu?"

"She also came to the military camp?"

"Is she dead?"

Just now, there were more than a hundred Black Sun Church believers in front of the military camp. When he used the Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst to wake them up, he did not approach to check.

He quickly used a skill and then retreated, not knowing that Song Chaoyu would be here.

Suddenly, a groan sounded, and it was indeed Song Chaoyu lying on the ground.

She opened her eyes with difficulty, and a black stream of light flashed by.

"Huh? Not dead!"

Zheng Cheng was surprised and quickly ran over to help her up.

"Song Chaoyu, are you okay?"

"I-I'm fine... I... Ah, ahhh..."

She suddenly covered her head, groaning in pain.

Her hands subconsciously grabbed Zheng Cheng's hands, trembling violently all over.

Her teeth were clenched, and her pretty face was full of pain.

"It hurts... my head hurts... Zheng Cheng, please, please save me... she's coming, she... Ah~!"

Zheng Cheng was puzzled, holding her in his arms and comforting her, "Don't be afraid, Song Chaoyu. The Black Sun Lord has been killed, you and your mother will definitely be fine..."

"I-I'm fine..."

A few seconds later, Song Chaoyu, who had been struggling, finally calmed down.

She suddenly said softly, "Can you help me with something?"

"What is it?"

Zheng Cheng tactfully let go of Song Chaoyu.

Although he and Song Chaoyu were classmates, 'he' had pursued her before.


What does that have to do with his current self?

"Help... help me find a Priest, I'm injured..."


He helped Song Chaoyu to a large rock to lie down and rest.

"You rest for a while, I'll be right back."


Zheng Cheng turned and walked towards the interior of the military camp.

For this mission, the Night Watchmen's Eternal Peace City branch had almost emptied out, and there must be a Priest present.

Just need to...

Thinking, he activated the Central Radar Life Detection technique, wanting to find a Priest as quickly as possible.

Soon, a transparent 3D current map appeared in front of Zheng Cheng.

There were neutral units everywhere in yellow, and a few green Night Watchmen.

And... a red hostile unit.


Zheng Cheng subconsciously rubbed his eyes. Was he seeing things?

That's not right.

The Central Radar Life Detection technique directly formed images in his mind, so why would his eyes deceive him?

"Calm down, don't panic..."

"The red dot represents a hostile unit, and the only hostile unit in the military camp right now is from the Black Sun Church!"

"But except for the earth elemental, all the Black Sun Church's divine envoys have died, and even their leader, the Black Sun Lord, is dead..."

He concentrated and focused on this red dot.

Soon, he found the source of this red dot!

Behind him, Song Chaoyu!

Zheng Cheng's eyes widened suddenly.

He took a deep breath, trying to keep his posture, gait, and breathing unchanged.

The Song Chaoyu behind him is not the real Song Chaoyu!

She is a member of the Black Sun Church.

With hostility!

His mind moved, and he focused on this red dot again.

A series of data appeared before his eyes.

[Current target: Human female, carbon-based life form]

[Current status: Possession/Extremely weak]

[Name: Song Chaoyu]

[Gender: Female]

[Height: 165cm]

[Weight: 45KG]

[Measurements: 86, 60, 88]

[Constitution: 4]

[Strength: 3]

[Agility: 3]

[Spirit: 1050]

"Measurements 86, 60, 88!"

Zheng Cheng's eyes lit up.

She looks so slim, but who would have thought she had such a great figure?


Zheng Cheng wanted to slap himself.

Why does he care about a girl's figure at a time like this?

What kind of attribute is this?

Her constitution, strength, and agility are just like those of an ordinary girl.

But her spiritual attribute, how the hell is it at 1050 points!!!

Over a thousand points!

Damn it!

Even a nine-star professional reaching LV100 and entering the Mythical realm only has 900 free attribute points.

Where did she get over a thousand points of spiritual attribute?

With so many attributes, combined with the explanation of her current status from the Central Radar Life Detection technique.

Possession, extremely weak.

"Song Chaoyu... has been possessed by the Black Sun Lord!"

He remembered Zhao Yunxiao explaining the Black Sun Lord's racial transformation, the innate ability of the soul-sucking succubus.

Among them, there was a type of possession!

In other words, the current Song Chaoyu is actually the Black Sun Lord.

The Black Sun Lord killed by Director Shen should be her original body! And the current Song Chaoyu is like her remnant soul.

Or, is it an escape technique?

Zheng Cheng's eyes suddenly lit up, and three Daoist figures approached from a distance.

Zhao Yunxiao, Yao Zhixue.

And... Shen Nanfeng!


Zheng Cheng pretended to greet Zhao Yunxiao and quickly walked forward.

"My classmate is injured. Can you have a Priest come and heal her?"

At the same time, he frantically signaled to her with his eyes.

Zhao Yunxiao asked in confusion, "Your classmate? Who is it? Aren't you..."

When Zheng Cheng was about to approach Zhao Yunxiao, he suddenly pounced forward.

At the same time, he reached out and abruptly grabbed the Bloodthirsty Staff.

A strange spiritual fluctuation fell on the Song Chaoyu behind him.

Virtual Fire Incineration!!!

Please refrain from adding new books for now, as the past few days of reading will determine whether I can go to Sanjiang. I hope everyone can support me more after the shelves are updated. I beg for your support!!!

(End of this chapter)

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