I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

67. Chapter 67 Liang Feifan: My Choice Is Indeed The Right One!

Chapter 67 Liang Feifan: My Choice Was Right!

North of Wei River Town.

Magic Crystal Mine.

Flames soared into the sky as dozens of Daoists fought in the mine.

The surrounding flames quickly coalesced into a figure.

Human lower body, but a goat head on top.

One of the Five Elements Divine Envoys of the Black Sun Church, Fire Goat!


With a wave of his hand, a large group of flames turned into fiery goats with double horns, fiercely charging towards the ground!

"Crack, crack, crack..."

Intense friction sounds were heard as Meng Fusheng's hands slightly opened, and ten light blue threads connected to an illusory and flickering figure.

The figure wore a green robe, black cloth shoes, had gray hair, and a large red nose.

Around his waist hung a large red gourd!

The puppet controlled by Meng Fusheng at this moment turned out to be the character from the King of Fighters game series, Chin Gentsai!

As the flames swept over, Chin Gentsai's illusory figure opened its mouth and spewed flames reeking of strong liquor, instantly dispersing the flames.

At the same time, with another wave of his hand, three mahjong tiles shot towards the fiery goat.


The mahjong tiles pierced through the fiery goat, causing no damage but taking away a large group of flames.


The fiery goat's figure flashed and rushed towards the cave entrance.

"You puppeteers are really troublesome, can't be killed, and some lunatics even turned themselves into puppets..."

"Stop him!"

A shout, and two Fallen Ones who had been hiding in the mine rushed out.

Meng Fusheng stepped forward, and with a wave of his right hand, the light blue threads surged towards the two, inadvertently merging into their bodies.

In an instant, the two stood still.

With a single hand wave, the two turned around and attacked the fiery goat!

Meng Fusheng sneered, "Turn myself into a puppet? I'm not a lunatic. There are so many beautiful girls waiting for me. How could I bear to transform myself~"

"But you, your body should be a half-reborn, right? Like that androgynous guy Xu Chicheng, a Flame Walker by profession."

"The mixed bloodline is unclear, but it doesn't matter... I'll catch you and turn you into a flesh puppet!"

"You're asking for death!"

The fiery goat immediately got angry, reaching out and a large red steel fork appeared in his hand.

Just as he was about to attack, three light blue puppet threads suddenly emerged from the surrounding walls!


The three puppet threads instantly rushed into the fiery goat's body, causing him to stagger for a moment.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Meng Fusheng controlled Chin Gentsai to roll on the ground and quickly reach the fiery goat!

He pulled out the gourd at his waist and took a big gulp of strong liquor.

Then, he fiercely sprayed it towards the fiery goat.

Ultimate Skill: Explosive Flame Cannon!

"Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom!!!"

The scorching flames engulfed the fiery goat's body, completely enveloping him.

Amidst the flames, the fiery goat's body crashed heavily into the wall.

But Chin Gentsai's illusory figure slowly dissipated.

"Despicable! As a Night Watchman, you would actually resort to sneak attacks!"

He reached out, and the scorching flames immediately surged from his body, forcing the two puppets controlled by Meng Fusheng to retreat.

"As long as I catch you!"

Meng Fusheng sneered, his hands flicking in the air like playing a musical instrument.

In the void, another figure slowly appeared.

One and a half meters tall, dressed in a white practice suit, wearing a top hat, and hands with gleaming claws.

King of Fighters, Choi Bounge!

The fiery goat cruelly smiled, about to unleash a powerful move, but his expression suddenly froze.

A black thread lingering on his forehead suddenly disappeared.

His whole body immediately relaxed.

"What... what's going on? The gaze of my master disappeared..."

His pupils first trembled, then turned into disbelief, and finally into madness.

A large group of flames surged from his body, completely engulfing his figure.

Then... he turned and ran!

Meng Fusheng, who was about to control Choi Bounge to attack the fiery goat, also paused.

What's going on?

Why did he run?

A trap?

Regardless, chase after him!

He immediately chased after him, his hands flicking, and Choi Bounge's slender figure shot out like a monkey.

Flying Sky Rending Slash!


The claws tore through the air, and Choi Bounge's small figure immediately caught up with the fiery goat, tearing off a large group of flames from him.


The fiery goat cursed, "Don't follow me. I won't fight anymore. Get lost!"

Meng Fusheng's expression became even more eerie, and his actions became more cautious.

"Drip, drip, drip..."

At this moment, his walkie-talkie suddenly rang.

"Fusheng! The Lord of the Black Sun has died. What's the situation over there..."

Meng Fusheng's eyes suddenly lit up.


The Lord of the Black Sun is dead!

No wonder this kid, the fiery goat, ran!

Without any hesitation, he immediately pursued.

"Everyone! The Lord of the Black Sun is dead. Stop these Fallen Ones!"

"The Lord of the Black Sun is dead!"

"The Lord of the Black Sun is dead..."

Meng Fusheng's voice echoed throughout the entire mine.

The Night Watchmen's camp was extremely excited, while the Fallen Ones of the Black Sun Church looked as if they had lost their souls.


"Kill all these Fallen Ones!"

"Haha, the Lord of the Black Sun is dead. Brothers, charge!"

"The Lord is dead? How is that possible!"

"It must be fake! It's fake! Blow this place up for the Lord!"


Shouts echoed from within the mine.

The Night Watchmen and Fallen Ones fought each other, but as time passed, the Fallen Ones clearly couldn't hold on and kept retreating.

Some even turned and ran, disregarding their companions.

"The Lord of the Black Sun is dead?"

At the entrance of the mine, Liang Feifan was also assisting the Night Watchmen in defense.

Upon hearing Meng Fusheng's shout, he was also extremely shocked.

"The Lord of the Black Sun is one of the Nine Days of Breaking Dawn... The Night Watchmen are indeed powerful. My choice was indeed right!"

"As long as I follow the Night Watchmen closely, work hard to level up, and earn merits, I can also become a powerful professional who can slay the Lord of the Black Sun!"

Excited, he drew his innate weapon and joined in the siege of the Fallen Ones rushing out of the mine.

Suddenly, a fiery red figure rushed out, and without hesitation, he swung his sword down.

"Wind Blade Slash!"


The flames surged, and Liang Feifan was immediately sent flying more than ten meters away.

His head hit the ground, and he instantly fell unconscious.

The fiery goat looked back, his eyes filled with intense resentment, a fierce look flashing across his face.

"Wanna keep me here? Die!"

He pressed both hands fiercely against the ground, activating the alchemical bomb buried deep in the mine.

"Flames of the Earth! Explode for me!!!"


"Rumble, rumble..."

In an instant, the entire magic crystal mine underwent a violent explosion.

More than half of the mountain began to collapse, and both the Night Watchmen and the Fallen Ones of the Black Sun Church inside the mine were engulfed!


"Damn it! Kill him!"

"Everyone is still inside, damn it..."

The Night Watchmen guarding the entrance immediately went mad, rushing towards the fiery goat without regard for their lives.

But the fiery goat's figure flickered, turning into a ball of flames and soaring into the sky.

"Hahaha... I'm free!"

"Get lost!"


Inside the mine, Meng Fusheng raised his hands to the sky, and a large number of puppet threads surged out, supporting a huge iron puppet, holding up the falling boulders.

Several Night Watchmen nearby were also using various means to support the collapsing mine.

"Damn it... The Black Sun Church actually set up bombs in the mine!"

"Hold on! Don't give up!"

"Where's Stone? He's an earth magic user. First, support this passage!"

"Captain, I'm here..."

A Night Watchman in a yellow robe was immediately dug out. He chanted a spell, and a staff in his hand emitted a glow.

Soon, the surroundings of the passage were covered with walls of earthy yellow, supporting the cracking passage.

At this moment, Meng Fusheng finally breathed a sigh of relief. "First, check the surroundings to see if there are any other colleagues!"

"Reinforce the passage and send a signal for help to the outside world!"


The remaining Night Watchmen immediately took action. Not far away, the ground suddenly cracked open, and an inexplicable light slowly seeped out from underground.


The light was quickly discovered by the Night Watchmen here, and they cautiously surrounded it.

After a few breaths, exclamations rang out.

"Captain! Look quickly! This is... the entrance to a dungeon?"

"It's not a dungeon entrance!"

Meng Fusheng quickly walked over, his eyes filled with astonishment. "It's a Secret Realm!"

"Under the magic crystal vein, there's actually a newly born Secret Realm!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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