I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

68. Chapter 68 Breaking Dawn Nine Days One! The Night's Watch Was Killed?

Chapter 68 Breaking Dawn, one of the nine days! Has the night watchman fallen?

Outside Wei River Town.

The figure of Fire Sheep descended from the sky and took on human form.

In his eyes, there was still excitement and disbelief.

"My lord... has truly fallen?"

"Am I free now?"

"What about Water Spirit and Wood Demon?"

"No news at all, could it be... they've all met with mishap?"

"Does that mean, the Black Sun Church is now left with only me?"

"Hiss, this..."

He took a sharp breath, his eyes constantly flickering.

"The headquarters of the Black Sun Church, there must be many things hidden there... Hahaha, now it's all mine!"

"As long as..."


A strange buzzing sound suddenly rang out, and a black vortex appeared behind him.

Before Fire Sheep could react, a huge, thin ghostly hand appeared from the vortex and grabbed him in one go!

The next moment, his figure appeared in a huge palace filled with endless ghostly shadows.

The palace had flying eaves and painted beams, exuding an ancient atmosphere.

But upon closer inspection, the carved dragons were evil dragons.

The painted phoenix was also the Nine Hells Phoenix!

Ghostly green flames constantly flickered around, making the entire palace look like a ghostly place.

"Thud," Fire Sheep's figure was directly smashed to the ground.

On the plaque in the center of the main hall, there were several large characters.

"Temple of the Ghost Sun!"

He suddenly raised his head, and upon seeing the plaque, he was so frightened that he quickly knelt down.

"Ghost... Lord Ghost Sun..."

Breaking Dawn, one of the nine days, the Ghost Sun!

"Fire Sheep... where is your master?"

A hoarse voice rang out, echoing throughout the entire hall.

"Lord... Lord Ghost Sun, it seems like my master has fallen," Fire Sheep trembled.


After a long time, the voice of Ghost Sun came through, "Dead? Really dead?"

"Yes, my master's spiritual imprint on me has dissipated, so this should be considered a fall, right?" Fire Sheep hesitated.


Ghost Sun sneered, with a chilling tone.


"She's really getting off easy..."

"She borrowed a wisp of my Nine Hells Soul Smoke, which could ensure the preservation of her true spirit, reincarnation, and the unraveling of the mystery in her womb, as well as securing the foundation of her past life..."

"The price she paid was the soul fragments she left behind after reincarnation!"

The voice of Ghost Sun echoed throughout the entire hall.

"As long as she can retain a trace of her soul, she can reincarnate, but now that she's dead, I haven't obtained her soul fragments!"

"Tell me, where is my Nine Hells Soul Smoke!"

"Where are my soul fragments!"

Fire Sheep knelt on the ground, trembling violently, "Lord Ghost Sun, I... I don't know... spare me, spare me..."


In the hall, an old man's figure faintly emerged.

He had sharp eyes, a thin figure, and his pupils flickered with a faint green light.

With a wave of his hand, a large black flagpole suddenly appeared.

With a slight shake, countless evil spirits rushed out, immediately enveloping Fire Sheep within.

"Without the soul fragments of the Black Sun, I'll use you as compensation!"


The chilling sounds of tearing and ghostly howls constantly emanated from the flag.

"Lord Ghost Sun, spare... spare me..."

"I... I'm willing to serve as your ghost slave... ah!"

"My... my master has left behind the Black Sun Church... the Black Sun Church still has many people, many followers..."

Ghost Sun's thoughts shifted, and the flag suddenly stopped.

"The Black Sun Church..."

"Although that madwoman of the Black Sun is very weak, she is indeed adept at manipulating people's hearts."

"The legacy of the Black Sun Church... do you know where it is?"

"The legacy..." Fire Sheep's eyes lit up, and he immediately said, "I know!"

Ghost Sun decisively said, "I'll spare your life, and in great mercy, I'll let you become my ghost slave!"

"To help me control the legacy of the Black Sun Church!"

"Yes, Lord Ghost Sun!"


"Master... master..."

"And one more thing, investigate the true cause of Black Sun's death!"

Ghost Sun gritted his teeth, "My Nine Hells Soul Smoke doesn't dissipate so easily, Black Sun must have left something behind!"

"Find it! Do you understand?"

"Yes, yes, yes..."


After seeing off a few people, Zheng Cheng couldn't fall asleep in bed.

He thought for a while, then took out his phone and sent a message to Yao Zhixue.

Yao Zhixue had been staying at the night watchman base and should be very clear about Liang Feifan's whereabouts.

Although Liang Feifan had a bad temper and had offended him, they were still classmates, and he didn't want Liang Feifan to be captured by the Fallen One.

Soon, Yao Zhixue sent a message.

"Liang Feifan? He went to support the crystal mine with Captain Meng just now."

Yao Zhixue typed, "Why are you asking about this?"

"Just now, Teacher Gao and Teacher Yang came to ask me, they are also very worried about Liang Feifan."

"Don't worry, Captain Meng is very strong, Liang Feifan will be fine."

"That's good."

"You haven't slept yet?"

"No, what about you?"

"I'm still in a meeting, arranging the cleanup of Wei River Town for the next few days."

Yao Zhixue added, "In the next three days, Wei River Town will be under military control, and no one is allowed to go out without permission."

"Is it that serious?"

"Yes, although the lord of the Black Sun has been killed, there are still many Fallen Ones from the Black Sun Church wandering outside. The night watchman's task next is to eliminate these Fallen Ones hiding in Wei River Town!"

"Be careful then."

"Are you concerned about me?"

"Sort of, after all, you're so beautiful, and you're already in my heart. Maybe in a few years, you'll be even more charming."

"Heart... what does that mean?"

"Uh, this damn input method, it means you fit my aesthetic, just a bit."

"Sorry, I'm not ready for a relationship yet. I want to gain experience on the battlefield of different races before considering such matters."

"I didn't say I want to pursue you, don't flatter yourself."

"Who's flattering themselves? Hmph!" Yao Zhixue sent a teeth-gritting GIF, "Tell me, who do you like? Song Chaoyu?"

"A girl with a small chest and flat butt, who would like her~"

"What type of girl do you like then?"

At this point, Zheng Cheng got excited and immediately typed, "Big chest, round butt, slim waist, good personality, and long legs. I saw a doctor before, and he said I have a weak stomach, so I can only eat soft food~"

Yao Zhixue didn't send a message for several minutes, and he thought she might be angry and ignoring him.

He shrugged, plugged in his phone to charge, and prepared to go to sleep.

Unexpectedly, the phone rang again, and when he looked at it, his eyes lit up.

It was a picture, seemingly taken secretly.

Zhao Yunxiao.

At this moment, Zhao Yunxiao seemed to be in a meeting, holding a baton and pointing at the electronic screen behind her.

Her eyes were sharp, her figure was elegant, and she was dressed in office attire.

A white shirt and black shorts, revealing almost transparent black stockings.

She also had a touch of lipstick on her lips, her features were exquisite, and she looked even more dignified and alluring.

"Is she the one you like, Sister Yunxiao?"

"Anyone else?"

"Get lost!"

After a while, Yao Zhixue sent another message, "Sister Yunxiao likes someone who can stand alone against millions of different races, not a little guy like you!"

"For example, someone who can kill tens of thousands of different races in one shot, like Lord Tangcheng."

"Or someone who can control thousands of undead creatures, like Lord Zheng Mingsen!"

"You... just go to sleep."

Zheng Cheng typed again, "What about you, what type of man do you like?"


After a few minutes, Yao Zhixue finally replied, "First, he must be a man I like!"

"Second, he must be at the same level as me, but still be able to beat me!"


Zheng Cheng threw away his phone and changed his posture.

At the same level as you and able to beat you? Come on.

You're a nine-star ice and snow elemental spirit user, and the only ones who can beat you are other nine-star new professionals.

But this year, there hasn't been a single nine-star new professional awakened in Eternal Peace City, or even the entire Qinzhou Province.

Just go to sleep!

Suddenly, Zheng Cheng remembered something and picked up his phone to type, "Are you thinking of starting a harem, like Cai Shen's mother, marrying four men in one go?"

"Get lost...!"

Yao Zhixue immediately sent a message, with a series of bloody knives behind it.


Next time, he would give her a dose of Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst when he had the chance.

Let her know who's stronger!

Another message came, still from Yao Zhixue.

"Let me tell you something... Captain Xu Chicheng, Captain Xu, has fallen."


(End of Chapter)

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