I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

69. Chapter 69 Memorial! The Soul-Sucking Banshee’S Newbie Skill!

Chapter 69: Commemoration! The Novice Skill of the Soul-sucking Witch!

Three days later, the military control was lifted.

The entire town of Wei River returned to its usual bustling state.

During the three days, gunshots and fighting could be heard almost every day in Wei River town.

By the third day, the gunshots had become much sparser.

In the latter half of the third day, there were none at all.

The students who had been staying in the hotel for three days burst out of the hotel as if on vacation, enjoying themselves freely.

The teachers were also happy about this.

However, it was only allowed for one day.

The trial instance had already ended, and the joint college entrance examination for professionals was about to begin. They needed to quickly return to Eternal Peace City with the students to prepare.

Refusing the invitation from Chen Xiao and Cai Shen, Zheng Cheng deliberately changed into a black tracksuit and bought a bouquet of lilies from the flower shop before arriving at the Night Watchman's base.

The base of the Night Watchman and the military camp had been destroyed in the battle three days ago.

However, a temporary base was quickly found.

People were coming and going, and there were people everywhere.

At the entrance, Yao Zhixue waved to Zheng Cheng as soon as he saw him.

Zheng Cheng quickly walked over. "Let me take you in. The crisis has not been resolved yet, and you are not a formal member of the Night Watchman, so you can't go in."


Led by Yao Zhixue, Zheng Cheng entered the temporary base of the Night Watchman.

"Captain Xu, how did... he sacrifice himself?"

Talking about this, Yao Zhixue's emotions also became somewhat low.

"I heard from Sister Yunxiao that after Captain Xu used the strongest skill to kill the Golden Beast, his soul was sucked away by the Lord of the Black Sun."

"As long as we could kill the Lord of the Black Sun as soon as possible at that time, we could have saved Captain Xu."

Yao Zhixue shook his head. "Unfortunately, at that time, the Lord of the Black Sun directly absorbed Captain Xu's soul in order to break through Director Nanfeng's formation blockade."

"Even if we killed the Lord of the Black Sun, Captain Xu wouldn't have come back to life."


Zheng Cheng also sighed deeply.

He was not very familiar with Captain Xu Chicheng, and they had only met twice.

In his mind, Captain Xu Chicheng was like a GAY, but very reliable and enthusiastic towards him.

He even said he wanted to invite him to go shopping.

Unexpectedly, he died at the hands of the Fallen One!

Soon, the two arrived at the temporary morgue.

There were at least a dozen ice coffins lined up here.

One of them was Captain Xu Chicheng!

Inside the ice coffin, Captain Xu had no expression on his face, his complexion was pale, as if he were sleeping.

Zheng Cheng placed the lilies in front of the ice coffin, bowed in tribute, and mourned in silence.

After a few moments, Zheng Cheng raised his head.

"Does Captain Xu have any family?"

"Captain Xu's parents have long passed away, and it seems he has a brother."

"A brother?"

"Yes, he is also a professional. Sister Yunxiao said his brother went to the battlefield of the alien race as a supervising officer." Yao Zhixue said in a low voice, "I don't know what his reaction will be when he comes back and finds out about Captain Xu's death..."

"Is he married?"

Yao Zhixue shook his head. "No, he has always been shouting about pursuing Sister Yunxiao. I didn't expect..."

"After the matters here are settled, we will take Captain Xu's body back to Eternal Peace City and bury him in the Martyrs' Cemetery."


Zheng Cheng felt uncomfortable here and let out a long sigh. "Let's go."


The two walked out of the morgue, and after a while, Zheng Cheng asked, "What about the other captains?"

"Captain Pu Jia was seriously injured, but he has already recovered a lot under the treatment of the Night Watchman Priest."

"Captain Meng Fusheng was also rescued yesterday, along with many other colleagues."

"Rescued?" Zheng Cheng asked in surprise, "What do you mean, Captain Meng?"

"Three days ago, he went to support the Magic Crystal Mine, and one of the Five Elements Divine Envoys of the Black Sun Church, the Fire Sheep, collapsed the Magic Crystal Mine, trapping several colleagues in the mine."

Yao Zhixue explained, "They were only rescued yesterday, but it seems that something was discovered in the Magic Crystal Mine."

"Since yesterday, that place has been sealed off, and I'm not very clear about the specific situation."

"I see..."

"By the way, what about Song Chaoyu?"

Zheng Cheng asked again, "How is she doing? Has she woken up?"

"She has woken up." Yao Zhixue's expression was somewhat strange. "Four senior Night Watchmen from Jingcheng have come and are conducting a series of examinations on her."

"So fast?"

"Yes, the results should be out today..."

"Can I go see Captain Pu Jia?"

"You can, he is still resting."

Meanwhile, inside the temporary base.

Zhao Yunxiao was receiving four Night Watchmen who had just arrived in Wei River town from the Jingcheng branch.

As for Director Shen Nanfeng, he had already returned to Eternal Peace City.

After all, he was one of the main maintenance personnel of the Eternal Peace City's defensive formation and could not leave at will.

"Captain Yunxiao, long time no see!"

A young Night Watchman with glasses quickly walked up and seemed about to grab her.

Zhao Yunxiao helplessly reached out her hand, lightly shook it, and then forcefully pulled it away.

"Captain Zhao Feng, I'll have to trouble you this time."

Zhao Feng adjusted his glasses and said, "Don't worry, Captain Yunxiao, can't you trust us to handle things?"

"By the way, when in Rome, do as the Romans do. What do people from Chang'an have for lunch?"

Zhao Yunxiao's mouth twitched. "Buffet."

"Buffet?" Zhao Feng continued, "Do they have clear soup noodles? Or rice soup with fried dough...?"

"Get lost!" Zhao Yunxiao gritted her teeth. "Hurry up and get to work!"

"Alright, alright!"

Led by Zhao Yunxiao, the group quickly arrived at a heavily guarded ward.

Inside the ward, there was a pale-faced young girl lying down.

She was wearing a patient gown, with black, smooth hair, and her eyes looked timid like a little deer.

"Captain Zhao, can I leave now?"

As soon as the group entered, Song Chaoyu quickly asked.

"Xiao Yu, have you understood what I told you before?"

Zhao Yunxiao asked, "Yes!"

Song Chaoyu nodded vigorously. "You mean, I was possessed by the Lord of the Black Sun before, and for some reason, I gained her profession..."

When she said this, Song Chaoyu's eyes shone brightly, and her tone was filled with uncontrollable joy.

A professional!

That was the identity countless ordinary people dreamed of.

Unexpectedly, after her awakening failed, she actually gained this opportunity!

Eight-star professional: Soul-sucking Witch!

Zhao Yunxiao said, "Alright, now show your attribute panel to everyone!"

"There must be no concealment at all!"

"I understand..."

Song Chaoyu took a deep breath and immediately chose to display her personal attribute panel.

Soon, a light blue attribute panel appeared in front of the five people.

It was Song Chaoyu's personal attributes!

[Name: Song Chaoyu]

[Profession: Soul-sucking Witch]

[Star Level: Eight Stars]

[Level: LV0]

[Soul Power: 0/100]

[Constitution: 4]

[Strength: 3]

[Agility: 3]

[Spirit: 9]

[Equipment: None]

[Backpack: None]

[Skill: Soul Absorption LV1]

[Soul Absorption: A unique skill of the Soul-sucking Witch profession. You can gain additional soul power by absorbing the souls of creatures. At the same time, you can also obtain the most profound memory scenes of the absorbed creature's life.]


Looking at Song Chaoyu's personal attribute panel, Zhao Feng exclaimed, "An eight-star profession! And this skill..."

"Captain Zhao, you have really given us a surprise."

"The profession of Soul-sucking Witch, there is no record of it in the 'Professional Encyclopedia'!"

Zhao Yunxiao said, "That's why we asked you to come and define it."

"If everything is normal, it's fine, but if she has any hidden hands from the Lord of the Black Sun or the Daybreak Organization, then..."

Although she didn't say it explicitly, the faces of the people present also changed slightly.

Especially Song Chaoyu, who was the subject of the examination, felt even more uneasy.

"I understand." Zhao Feng nodded and instructed, "Lian Yining."


"I'll leave it to you next."

"Don't worry, Captain, a LV0 professional can't hide anything from my scrutiny!"

(End of this chapter)

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