I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

71. Chapter 71 Secret Realm News? She Must Join The Night's Watch!

Chapter 71 Secret Realm News? She must join the Night Watchers!


In the temporary ward.

Lian Yining was panting, her eyes rapidly turning back to their original state.

Across from her, Song Chaoyu looked even more exhausted.

She collapsed on the sofa, covered in sweat.

Strands of hair stuck to her forehead, her eyes tightly closed, sweat beads on her nose.

Her cherry lips trembled slightly, as if she was having a nightmare.

Lian Yining took a deep breath and stood up, opening the door.

Zhao Yunxiao, who was waiting outside, hurriedly approached and asked, "How is she?"

Lian Yining nodded and said, "There's no problem."

"This little girl has passed my 'soul-searching' test. It's not her fault, and I haven't found any signs of possession."

"That's great!"


Lian Yining interrupted Zhao Yunxiao and said, "I found some memory fragments in the depths of this girl's soul that do not belong to her."

"They are few and chaotic, unable to affect her personally."

"I guess it might be related to her occupation and initial skills."

"Absorbing the soul of a living being to obtain their most profound memories."

"You should pay attention to this aspect..."

"Absorbing the soul of a living being to obtain their most profound memories?" Zhao Yunxiao repeated, his eyes flashing. "Could it be the residual memories of the Black Sun Lord?"



"Thank you, Yining. After this matter is over, I'll treat you..."

"I'll treat you."

Lian Yining interrupted Zhao Yunxiao and said, "I also know about the situation in Chicheng. Don't worry, we will take care of ourselves."

"But you, don't overwork yourself."

Zhao Feng also approached and said, "Yunxiao, we'll take our leave now, we still have tasks to attend to."

"If there's anything, contact us on the phone."

"For the next month, we'll be in the province of Qinzhou, so feel free to contact us anytime."




After seeing them off, Zhao Yunxiao returned to the temporary hospital.

"Sister Yunxiao!"

Yao Zhixue and Zheng Cheng greeted her as they approached.

"You're here too... come in."

Zhao Yunxiao led the two inside and instructed, "I'll make a phone call first, you two wait here for a while."

"Okay, Sister Yunxiao."

Zhao Yunxiao went to the office and dialed Director Shen Nanfeng's phone.

"Hello, Director, the verification is done. It's Song Chaoyu."

"That's great."


"However what?"

"According to Yining, there are still residual memories of the Black Sun Lord in Song Chaoyu's mind," Zhao Yunxiao said. "I'm worried that if we let her go, something unexpected might happen."

"Unexpected?" Director Shen Nanfeng asked in surprise. "Are you saying..."

"Although the Black Sun Lord has fallen, the Black Sun Church she created still exists, and there are still many believers lurking in the shadows."

"If we let Song Chaoyu go, in case she is found by other Black Sun Church believers..."

"Your concern is valid." After a moment of silence, Director Shen Nanfeng said, "So what's your solution?"

"Let her join our Night Watchers!"

Zhao Yunxiao emphasized each word, "And it's a must!"

"For her safety, and for the sake of the entire country, we cannot let her wander outside!"

After a few moments of silence, Director Shen Nanfeng's voice came through again, "Alright, I'll leave this matter to you."

"But you must guide her properly, so she doesn't feel coerced by us, understand?"

Zhao Yunxiao frowned slightly but nodded, "I understand, Director."

"Also, about the Secret Realm discovered by Meng Fusheng, should we explore it now?"

Director Shen Nanfeng said, "Yes! The matter of the Secret Realm won't stay hidden for long. Since it was discovered by our Night Watchers, we should be the ones to conquer it."

"Although it's only a low-level Secret Realm, if we succeed in conquering it, we can still obtain many spiritual items."

"Understood." Zhao Yunxiao added, "The team for the exploration is temporarily set as Yao Zhixue, Zheng Cheng, Liang Feifan... we still need seven more people!"

"Let Song Chaoyu go too!"

"Song Chaoyu?" Zhao Yunxiao was surprised. "She's only at level 0, and that's a level 10 Secret Realm. If..."

"The Secret Realm takes ten days from its birth to self-disappearance. It's only been three days now, even if we include the time for exploration, we still have enough time."

"Give Song Chaoyu three days to level up. Regardless of what level she reaches in three days, we'll explore the newly born Secret Realm together!"

Director Shen Nanfeng's voice was steady and firm, "I'll send five more new professionals from headquarters to you. We're only short of one person. You can select one from the new professionals in Wei River Town to become our reserve member."

After pondering for a few seconds, Zhao Yunxiao nodded, "Understood!"

"Wei River Town, I'll take care of it," Director Shen Nanfeng said. "Pujia has gone offline again, go tell him to come back today!"

"Understood, Director!" Zhao Yunxiao was puzzled, "Is something happening?"

"There's been a disturbance in the underground cave, and the Lord of the city is preparing to go down to investigate, we'll accompany him."

"Disturbance in the underground cave..." Zhao Yunxiao was surprised. "What's going on?"

"I'm not sure of the details, we'll go check it out first. If there's anything, I'll contact you after I return."

"Understood, Director!"

After hanging up the phone, Zhao Yunxiao walked out.

"Sister Yunxiao."


Zhao Yunxiao nodded and said, "Zheng Cheng, Yao Zhixue, how are your relationships with Song Chaoyu?"

"Song Chaoyu?" Yao Zhixue instinctively looked at Zheng Cheng. "Song Chaoyu and Zheng Cheng are classmates, their relationship should be good."

Zheng Cheng awkwardly said, "It's... okay, after all, we're classmates."

"Alright, I have a favor to ask of you."

"What is it?"

"Let her join the Night Watchers!"


In the simple ward.

Song Chaoyu, with a furrowed brow, slowly opened her eyes to see the white ceiling.

"What... what's happening to me?"

She got up and checked, finding no restraints on her, just a slight dizziness in her head.

"I'm fine, does this mean I've passed the 'soul-searching' test?"

"From now on, will I truly become a professional?"

Song Chaoyu was already very intelligent, excelling in academic knowledge at school.

In these past few days, as long as she calmed down and thought about it, she could quickly sort things out.

"I was possessed by the Black Sun Lord, but the Black Sun Lord was killed by the Night Watchers."

"And I, for some reason, inherited the occupation of the Black Sun Lord."

"Soul-sucking enchantress... the name of this occupation doesn't sound like a good person..."

"I wonder how the Night Watchers will deal with me?"


Just as she was thinking, the door was pushed open.

Zhao Yunxiao, Yao Zhixue, and Zheng Cheng entered one after another.

"Zheng Cheng?"

Song Chaoyu's beautiful eyes lit up as she called out.

Zheng Cheng awkwardly nodded.

"You're awake?"

Zhao Yunxiao glanced at the two and said, "First of all, congratulations, Song Chaoyu, you have successfully passed the 'soul-searching' test."

"From today, you will become a true professional!"

"I... I understand."

Song Chaoyu quickly stood up.


Zhao Yunxiao continued, "Due to the rarity and unexpectedness of your profession, you may lose a certain degree of freedom in the near future."

"Huh? Wh-what do you mean?"

"Like these two classmates of yours, join the Night Watchers..."

"I'll join!"


(End of this chapter)

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