I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

72. Chapter 72 The Treasure That All Professionals Dream Of!

Chapter 72 The Treasure All Professionals Dream of!

Zhao Yunxiao was stunned for a moment.

Song Chaoyu's enthusiasm took her by surprise.

Subconsciously, she glanced at Zheng Cheng.

Then she realized.

Under normal circumstances, except for those professionals from big families or those who have been early on recruited by powerful forces, especially new professionals.

Upon learning about the Night Watchman's recruitment, the first reaction is to agree, right?

National civil servants, generous benefits, bright prospects, and senior companions to guide you, allowing you to avoid years of detours.

How many people are eager to join.

Especially for ordinary professionals without background or connections.

Zhao Yunxiao glanced at Zheng Cheng, who also looked helpless.

Why are you looking at me? I'm just an exception.

"You are a smart girl," Zhao Yunxiao said. "The Night Watchman will take care of your identity issue, so don't worry."

"But from today on, until your identity is fully confirmed, you can't go anywhere, understand?"

The identity issue Zhao Yunxiao mentioned was why Song Chaoyu did not awaken as a professional on the day of awakening, but suddenly awakened as a professional half a month later.

This is very important for both Song Chaoyu and other classmates.

If others were to find out that Song Chaoyu inherited the profession of the Lord of the Dark Day, it would surely cause a sensation!

Song Chaoyu hesitated, "Then, what about my Professional Union Entrance Exam?"

Zhao Yunxiao decisively said, "You can only take the professional college entrance exam in Eternal Peace City!"


Song Chaoyu asked cautiously again, "Can I go to the foreign battlefield?"

"You can," Zhao Yunxiao said, "but you must be accompanied by a Night Watchman member of a higher Rank One, and you cannot act arbitrarily!"

"I understand."

"Good, next, I will arrange a task for you..."

"Another task?"

Zhao Yunxiao hadn't finished speaking when Zheng Cheng instinctively asked.

"Don't worry, this task will also bring great benefits to you."

"What benefits?"

"The other day, Captain Meng Fusheng discovered a new Secret Realm while supporting the magic crystal mine!"

"Your task is to explore this new Secret Realm!"

"A new Secret Realm!" Zheng Cheng exclaimed, "What is that?"

Zhao Yunxiao was taken aback, but when she saw the puzzled look in Zheng Cheng and Song Chaoyu's eyes, she reacted.

These three children all come from ordinary families.

They are unaware of some secrets about professionals.

"The matter of Secret Realms is knowledge that you can only come into contact with after you enter the professional university under normal circumstances."

"But since there is an opportunity now, I will tell you in advance."

"Follow me!"

Saying that, she led the three to the office.

She turned on the computer, searched for a few minutes, and soon opened a video.

Zhao Yunxiao introduced on the side, "The so-called Secret Realm should be called 'Opportunity Secret Realm' in full!"

Accompanied by Zhao Yunxiao's explanation, animations quickly appeared on the projector.

These were completely different from the entrances to dungeons, varying in size, color, and shape.

"They were originally small worlds or micro-worlds attached to the main material world, or collided with the main material world for some unknown reasons."

"And then merged with it, randomly opening entrances in different areas of the main material world."

"They vary in size and rules."

"Micro-sized Secret Realms may be the size of a room."

"But super-sized Secret Realms cover an area almost equivalent to that of a large country!"

With Zhao Yunxiao's explanation, different Secret Realm worlds also appeared on the screen.

There were deserts, dense forests, and deep seas, with a wide variety of species.

These videos were precious recordings made by senior professionals.

"These small worlds are very unstable and could collapse at any time."

"But within them, there are a large number of monsters, treasures, special materials, and treasures of heaven and earth."

"As well as different world rules..."

Yao Zhixue suddenly raised her hand, "Sister Yunxiao, what is the difference between this Secret Realm and a dungeon?"

Zhao Yunxiao paused the video, thought for a moment, and then said, "It is somewhat similar to a dungeon, but fundamentally different."

"Dungeons are game mechanisms born from the fusion of this world and other worlds, based on the rules and influences of different worlds and the will of heaven."

"They often randomly appear on a map."

"These dungeons have no limit on the number of entries, and professionals can enter as many times as they want. As long as they are willing to spend time and effort, they can always obtain the equipment or materials they want in the dungeon."

"With the emergence of dungeons, villages, towns, and even cities are often formed around the entrances to the dungeons."

"Born from the dungeons!"

"For example, the Wei River Town we are in now is like this!"

"The prosperity of Wei River Town is due to the three different-level dungeon entrances around it."

"Compared to dungeons, Secret Realms are rarer and fundamentally different."

Zhao Yunxiao continued as she walked, "First, the number of professionals entering a dungeon is not limited. However, Secret Realms also have a requirement for the order of entry."

"After the first group enters, others cannot enter and can only wait outside."

"They have to wait for the previous team to complete the clearance or wait for the previous team to be wiped out before the next team can enter!"

"Of course, both dungeons and Secret Realms have level restrictions."

Zhao Yunxiao took a sip of water and continued, "Second, there is no limit to the number of times a professional can enter a dungeon. They can enter as many times as they want."

"But for Secret Realms, once a professional completes the main task inside, the Secret Realm will disappear!"

"In other words, Secret Realms are consumable small worlds with a unique number of entries!"

"So, whenever news of a Secret Realm appears, it immediately causes a commotion among surrounding professionals."

"Almost all professionals want to enter and gain benefits."

"Third, dungeon entrances are permanent. They only disappear or collapse in the event of a disaster or turmoil affecting a large area."

"But the duration of Opportunity Secret Realm entrances varies according to their difficulty."

"The most common Secret Realms only last for ten days. After ten days, the entrance will disappear!"

"And if professionals inside the Secret Realm fail to complete the main task and cannot come out for various reasons, they will be lost in the Secret Realm forever!"

"A common new Secret Realm will disappear within ten days, whether or not it has been explored by professionals."

"But Secret Realms of nightmare or even hell difficulty can exist for several months or even years, waiting for strong professionals to conquer!"

Zheng Cheng interjected, "So, according to Captain Yunxiao's explanation, Secret Realms also have difficulty levels?"

"Of course."

Zhao Yunxiao said, "In addition, Secret Realms are divided into different types based on their different attributes!"

"In each type of Secret Realm, special treasures and materials of heaven and earth are produced!"

"These treasures and materials of heaven and earth are things that cannot be obtained or are extremely difficult to obtain in the outside world and dungeons."

"They are the treasures all professionals dream of!"

Zheng Cheng couldn't help but ask, "What exactly are these things that are so precious?"

Zhao Yunxiao smiled, "The simplest treasures... do perennially increasing four-dimensional attributes for professionals and special food count?"

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