I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

77. Chapter 77 The Only Profession In The Entire Xia Kingdom! Upgrade Your Skills!

Chapter 77 The only profession in the entire Xia Kingdom! Upgrade your skills!

[Name: Qin Zheng]

[Origin: Qin family, Chang'an]

[School: Eternal Peace City No. 1 Middle School]

[Age: 18]

[Occupation: Dragon Veiner (Fire Attribute) ]

[Star rating: nine stars]

[Level: LV9]

[Skill: Dragon Transformation]

"Damn! Dragon Veiner! Dragon Transformation!"

After seeing the occupation of this Qin family member, Zheng Cheng cursed secretly and fell out of bed.

He knew that every nine-star professional was very strong, but he didn't expect that this Qin Zheng was actually the Dragon Veiner known as the 'Nine-Star Number One'!

The so-called dragon-blooded people are professionals who are born with the blood of the dragon and are born with powerful talents.

The new skill is Dragon Transformation, which can transform into a half-human, half-dragon being.

He has extremely strong hand-to-hand combat ability, and he also has the innate ability of a divine dragon!

Among all nine-star professionals recorded in history, he is the strongest!

"If you are a fire-attributed dragon-veined person, your talent is mainly flame... This guy is a dual practitioner of magic and martial arts!"

Zheng Cheng is a little envious, why is he not a Dragon Veiner?

From the period of the Great Catastrophe to the present, over three hundred years, the entire Xia Kingdom... no, it should be said the entire Blue Star.

The number of professionals who have awakened dragon veins is less than two palms.

Moreover, the minimum strength of every dragon-veined person is above the epic level!

He has made great contributions to the survival of mankind.

Now on Blue Star, if you include Qin Zheng, there are three Dragon Veiners in total.

The other two are both abroad and do not belong to the Xia Kingdom.

Another point is that the profession of Dragon Veiner is unique to the Han people in Xia Kingdom.

People from other countries and races cannot awaken the Dragon Veiner profession!

That is to say.

The two dragon-veined people who were in foreign countries were actually from the Xia Kingdom.

But being abroad, this situation should not make people think deeply.

And now Qin Zheng is the only dragon-veined person in the entire Xia Kingdom!

You can imagine how many people will pay attention to it!

On Blue Star, people from every country and nation have their own special occupations.

This is true for the Dragon Veins of the Han people in the Xia Kingdom, the ghost Martial Warriors of the Sakura Kingdom, the immortal monks of the White Elephant Kingdom, the Shura Boxers of the Peacock Kingdom, and the nuclear warriors of the Beautiful Kingdom.

In addition, there is actually a S-attack professional named "Dragonborn".

But the two are completely different.

Being a dragon-veined person is a profession unique to the Han people in Xia Kingdom, and they have the blood of the dragon.

The specific abilities are not recorded in the book, and Zheng Cheng doesn't know either.

As for the Dragonborn, they are the descendants of the Western dragon.

He is good at physical close combat and dragon language magic.

The two are not the same.

The Dragonborn profession is mostly awakened by white people in Western countries.

Very few people in Xia Kingdom have this profession.

"Qin family, Qin Zheng..." Zheng Cheng murmured: "And the forerunners mentioned by Yun Xiao, what is their relationship?"

At this time, he suddenly discovered that there was another line of words under Qin Zheng's information.

"I have an impatient personality, a bad temper, and do things recklessly, but at the same time, I understand the overall situation and am generous. I am very popular among the students in the school."

"He is on a mission to break the ranks. It is rumored that his mission to break the ranks is extremely difficult. The Qin family is spending a lot of resources to find it."

"The goal of the college entrance examination is the Imperial Vocational University, with the intention of competing for the top spot in the province."

"Behind this, in addition to the Chang'an Qin family, the Li family, Chen family, Junhao Group, Changle Group and other major forces are secretly supporting..."

Zheng Cheng turned off his mobile phone: "This should be the night watchman's evaluation of Qin Zheng. This person has a brighter future than Yao Zhixue."

"After all, he is a member of the Qin family in Chang'an. He has the support of countless people and is valued by countless powerful forces!"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, is this a member of a wealthy family? I don't know what he is like."

"There are also skills..."

Zheng Cheng continued: "The information of these five people only records their professional skills, but the general skills they learned are not recorded."

"As children of aristocratic families, the family must have prepared suitable general skills for them."

"You only need to upgrade your level to learn these skills!"

"Especially Qin Zheng. If he completes the level-breaking task in three days, he can be promoted to LV10."

"At that time, you can learn new professional skills."

"I don't know how strong he is..."


Covering his head under the quilt, Zheng Cheng didn't pay much attention to the identities and professions of these people.

His skills will mutate for inexplicable reasons, especially the mutated skill Random Dissection.

As long as there are enough monsters and monster corpses, unlimited special foods can be dissected.

Future achievements may not be able to catch up with these people!

On the second day, all the students, led by several teachers, left Wei River Town and returned to Eternal Peace City.

There are only ten days left before the joint college entrance examination for professionals. They have to return to Eternal Peace City to practice and train in order to prepare for the joint college entrance examination for professionals ten days later.

Chen Xiao also returned to Eternal Peace City with the large army.

Zheng Cheng took Cai Shen to the Night Watch Base for temporary registration.

At the same time, Zhao Yunxiao was also asked about purchasing weapons.

His Random Dissection and Knife of Tetanus both require weapons such as swords.

The weapons of the Night Watch are of course of high quality.

Zhao Yunxiao said: "I was negligent. Please report to me what weapons you need. I will try my best to get them from the bureau."

Zheng Cheng said directly: "I need a sword-like weapon, preferably with higher durability."


Zhao Yunxiao asked strangely: "Aren't you a Priest? You don't want a scepter but a sword?"

Zheng Cheng looked strange and said, "Are you sure I need the scepter?"

"Okay, since you want a sword weapon, I happen to have one here. I used it when I was young, so I'll give it to you!"

With that said, Zhao Yunxiao took out a long sword from the item list and threw it to Zheng Cheng!

This long sword is about three feet long and is green in color. The blade is sharp and the hilt is engraved with dragon patterns.

The sword spike is blood red, like a beating blood spark.

Zheng Cheng flicked the sword subconsciously, and there was a sharp sword sound immediately.

"What a sword!"

With a flash of his eyes, the specific properties of this long sword appeared in front of him.

[Name: Yunxiao Sword (Bronze Level)]

[Durability: 1845/2000]

[Category: Weapon/Sword]

[Equipment requirements: LV10, Strength 15 points, Constitution 8 points, no occupational restrictions]

[Effect: Strength +1]

[Attached skill 1: Tenacity (passive), this sword is made of hundred-refined steel, very tough, and its durability is doubled. ]

[Attached skill 2: Armor breaking (passive), when using this sword to attack, there is a certain chance that the opponent's equipment defense can be broken. ]

[Explanation: Created by the life profession Blacksmith, it is a training tool for a Blacksmith who has just been promoted to a high level. ]

"Sent to me?"

Zheng Cheng said: "Why are you so embarrassed?"

Zhao Yunxiao stretched out his hand and said, "Don't give it back to me."

"I want it! Why don't I want what Captain Yunxiao gave me~"

Zheng Cheng chuckled and quickly threw the sword into the space ring.

Zhao Yunxiao said to Cai Shen again: "Cai Shen, right? We meet again."

"Hey, hey, hello, Captain Zhao..."

Cai Shen bent down and smiled, looking like a traitor.

"Your profession is very special, but for Zheng Cheng's sake, what equipment do you want?"

Cai Shen was stunned, glanced at Zheng Cheng, and said at a loss of whether to laugh or cry: "I, can I still bring equipment?"

"Of course, it's not like we in the Night Watch don't have Druid professionals."

"But this is the first time I've encountered a Poultry Druid, and I don't have any weapons or equipment suitable for you."

Zhao Yunxiao said: "Unless I give you the special equipment for the Raptor Druid to be modified."

"In this way, if you accumulate enough merit points of 1,000 points, I will take you to the Blacksmith of our night watch to tailor a set of equipment for you."

"But... you have to provide the materials yourself!"

"By the way, Zheng Cheng, you too." Zhao Yunxiao added, "If you have the right materials, the bureau can tailor weapons and equipment for you."

"I see."

Cai Shenze said quickly: "Thank you, Captain Zhao! Thank you, Captain Zhao! Captain Zhao is really my reborn parent..."

"Get out! I haven't been in love yet, and I don't have a son as old as you!"

Cai Shen beat the snake and followed the stick and said: "Captain Zhao, what do you think of our brother Cheng? He is a talented person but also loves women..."

"Go away! They are all a bunch of brats..."

"Don't worry yet, Captain Yunxiao!"

Zheng Cheng grabbed the doorframe and shouted, "I have one more thing to ask you!"

"Say what's going on!"

“Are the crackdowns against Black Sun Church still continuing in the past few days?”

"It's still going on." Zhao Yunxiao said strangely: "But there are only a few little mice left. Why do you ask?"

"Don't I have exploration skills? I want to follow the Night Watch." Zheng Cheng chuckled and said, "Not only can I earn some merit, but it can also improve my skill proficiency!"

Zhao Yunxiao's eyes also lit up and he said: "Yes, why didn't I expect that your newly learned skills are indeed very effective in searching for Fallen One. Three days is enough to upgrade to LV3!"

"It might be useful if you enter the Adventure Secret Realm."

"You go out and wait for a while, I will ask Wang Ning to take you to join the action!"

"Bring the rookie with you, he will be useful too."

"Fuck!" Cai Shen said subconsciously: "Brother, when will I have a new nickname?"

"That's it!"

"One more thing, Cai Shen." Zhao Yunxiao said to Cai Shen: "In the past few days, you can try to see if you can enter the scarlet altar copy and upgrade."

"Upgrade as many levels as you can in three days, Zheng Cheng, don't go."

"Once your level exceeds LV10, you will not be able to enter this Secret Realm."

Zheng Cheng and Cai Shen nodded: "I understand."

The two were kicked out of the office by Zhao Yunxiao, and Cai Shen smiled again and said:

"Brother Cheng, I found out that Captain Zhao Yunxiao is interested in you. I just gave you weapons, which she has used before. If not, what is this as a token of love?"

"Yunxiao Sword Yunxiao Sword, Captain Yunxiao's personal sword!"

"It's a pity for me, I still have to earn merit..."

"Get out!" Zheng Cheng kicked him: "You are a chicken. When did you turn into a duck? You are so stupid~"

"Brother please spare your life!"

Cai Shen crawled away and suddenly said, "Huh? Why is that guy here?"


Zheng Cheng subconsciously took a look and discovered that it was Liang Feifan!

Under the leadership of Wang Ning, they walked towards the two.

"Zheng Cheng! And Cai Shen, right? Captain Yunxiao asked me to take you to join this search mission."

Wang Ning shouted before he came over: "Are you ready? If you are, let's go now!"

Liang Feifan stopped and gritted his teeth and looked at Zheng Cheng and Cai Shen.

But finally came over.

Cai Shen said cautiously: "Liang Feifan? What are you doing here?"

"Don't forget our bet!"


Liang Feifan's face turned green and white. He wanted to turn away and leave, but he endured it.

In addition to the scroll of return to the city and the ice-attribute inner elixir, there was also an agreement between them.

Losers should stay away after meeting a winner!

But when he thought of his father's instructions on the phone, he still walked over.

He opened his mouth and said, "Yes, I'm sorry!"


Cai Shen was surprised and subconsciously opened his mouth.

Liang Feifan actually apologized?

How can it be!


Wang Ning said: "Zheng Cheng, Cai Shen, I already understand the conflict between you."

"It's just young people being jealous. What does it mean compared to the rise and fall of a country or a race?"

"Liang Feifan is already educated and we are all colleagues. We will work with him again in the bureau in the future."

"For the sake of his sincere apology, let's let this matter go. How about that?"

"How could..."

Cai Shen wanted to say something else, but Zheng Cheng stopped him.

"Since you said so, Brother Wang, of course we won't hold grudges."

"As long as he doesn't cause trouble for us in the future, we will never cause trouble for him."

With that said, Zheng Cheng stretched out his right hand.

"Yes Yes……"

Liang Feifan also took a deep breath and shook hands with Zheng Cheng with an ugly face.

"Don't worry...my dad has educated me, and I won't cause trouble for you in the future."

"I have something else to do, bye!"

After that, he turned around and ran away quickly.

Cai Shen whispered: "Brother Cheng! This boy must have a grudge. If..."

"Impossible." Wang Ning smiled and said, "They are both boys and from the same school. How can there be any grudge?"

"As long as it's not a matter of principle, just sit down and have a glass of wine and talk it out!"

"Besides, since he has joined the Night Watch, he must obey the rules of the Night Watch."

"He has promised that he will not take the initiative to trouble you in the future..."

"Brother Wang." Zheng Cheng asked, "Can you tell me why you want to help him?"

Wang Ning also showed his hands and said: "His father called me. He originally wanted to find you, but I stopped him."

"his dad?"

"Huh?" Wang Ning nodded and said, "There is a Yellow Rank night watchman in our branch. He was the one who took me under my wing when I first joined the night watchman a few years ago. I have a good relationship with him."

"Uncle Liang is an honest man. After giving birth to more than a dozen children, Liang Feifan is the only one who has successfully awakened his career. The whole family values ​​him."

"As long as Uncle Liang is watching over him, he won't cause trouble."

"In that case, I understand." Zheng Cheng nodded: "Then let's take action."

"My detection skills can be used once every one minute, and the duration is one minute."

"I can detect the situation within a hundred meters radius. As long as there is a target that is hostile to me, I can detect it in advance!"

"Okay! Action!"

The reason why Zheng Cheng agreed so simply is because of the function of the Central Radar Life Detection Technique!

In his detection, the light representing Liang Feifan was light green.

In other words, Liang Feifan really put aside his grudges and turned swords into friendship with himself.

As for the reason?

Zheng Cheng could only guess that it was related to Yao Zhixue or Zhao Yunxiao.

After all, a nine-star professional is an existence that is impossible to offend Liang Feifan and his father!

Under the leadership of Wang Ning, the three people quickly got on the jeep and drove into the town of Wei River to start exploring.

After the three people left, in the corner of the barracks, Liang Feifan quietly watched the three people leaving.

"Father is right, the gap between me and Yao Zhixue is like a bright moon and a firefly."

"She has been trained by the Night Watch, and she will reach the epic level sooner or later!"

"And Zheng Cheng is just Yao Zhixue's friend when he was young. Offending Yao Zhixue because of Zheng Cheng is not worth the gain!"

Liang Feifan gritted his teeth and said: "Yao Zhixue will definitely be the rising star among the Night Watchmen in the future, and the gap between Zheng Cheng and her will become wider and wider!"

"Yao Zhixue, sooner or later he will forget Zheng Cheng."

"And I...a seven-star Magic Swordsman! As long as I work hard, I can still keep up with Yao Zhixue in the next twenty years!"

"And the gap between me and Zheng Cheng will be even more obvious!"

"Zheng Cheng can only rise to the Yellow Rank in the Night Watch at most in his life, but I have a great chance of becoming the Profound Rank captain!"

"I can't offend Captain Yao Zhixue and Zhao Yunxiao because of him!"

"Dad...you are right."

"And this Secret Realm mission, I must win it! Show my worth!"

Wang Ning drove a jeep and took Zheng Cheng and Cai Shen to the industrial park in Wei River Town.

"The industrial park is the focus of our investigation, but there are three villages here, more than 20 factories around it, and a floating population of at least hundreds of thousands. It is difficult to identify them all."

"Feel it for yourself, can you explore it?"

"Let me try……"

Zheng Cheng took a deep breath and immediately activated the Central Radar Life Detection technique.

Soon, a 3D transparent map appeared in his mind.

With himself as the center, all the situations and life goals within a radius of one hundred meters appeared in his mind.

The closest ones are Cai Shen and Wang Ning, both green dots.

The surrounding light spots were all yellow, and there were at least hundreds of people.

Ordinary civilians, neutral units.

Zheng Cheng opened his eyes and said, "You can explore, but you have to drive forward slowly."

"Level 1 detection skill, the range is only one hundred meters."


Wang Ning nodded, started the vehicle, and began to circle around the industrial park.

In this way, Zheng Cheng and Cai Shen followed Wang Ning and wandered around the industrial park in Wei River Town all day.

Every minute, he uses the Central Radar Life Detection spell.

But now his mental attribute is still 34 points, which means that he can continue the investigation for half an hour.

Every half hour, take a break of ten minutes.

Then use the Clarification Potion to slowly regain your energy.

After seven or eight hours of investigation, his Central Radar Life Detection technique reached LV2 on the first day!

The investigation range suddenly reached three hundred meters away!

The sky was getting dark, and Wang Ning also had a look of disappointment on his face.

"Not here either. It seems that everyone in Black Sun Church has really escaped."

Wang Ning shrugged and said, "Let's go back. I'll treat you tonight..."

"Wait a moment!"

Zheng Cheng suddenly said: "There is a situation!"

In his mind, a scarlet light spot of Central Radar Life Detection was flashing!

Wang Ning quickly asked: "What's going on? Someone from Black Sun Church happened?"

"I don't know!" Zheng Cheng shook his head and said, "But it shows red light spots, which means it is hostile to us."

"No one from Black Sun Church or other Fallen One organizations will be spared!" Wang Ning said immediately, "I will report it to the captain and ask him to mobilize people to encircle and suppress them!"


(End of chapter)

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