I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

78. Chapter 78 New Features? Are You Qualified To Form A Team With Us?

Chapter 78 New Features? Are you qualified to team up with us!

The hostile individual discovered by Zheng Cheng was surrounded by other members of the night watch who had been following behind.

Before long, he was captured and taken into custody.

Zheng Cheng also earned a merit point.

As for his identity and why he was hiding here, it had nothing to do with him.

The next day, the patrol continued.

After the Central Radar Life Detection technique was upgraded to LV2, the detection range surged to 300 meters.

This way, his monitoring speed became faster.

Three consecutive hostile professionals of the night watch were exposed by him!

Until the afternoon of the third day, after using the Central Radar Life Detection technique consecutively, his proficiency finally reached its maximum.

The Central Radar Life Detection technique successfully upgraded to LV3!

[Central Radar Life Detection Technique (LV3): Mutant skill, consumes mental power, centered on oneself, can detect the presence of any life form within a certain distance (500 meters), the more mental power consumed, the wider the monitoring range.]

[Monitoring methods include but are not limited to heartbeat, breathing, blood pressure, pulse, body temperature, brain waves, mental fluctuations, breath fluctuations, etc., and can form a simple life map in the mind.]

[You have activated the LV3 feature of the Central Radar Life Detection technique.]

[Special Effect 1: Automatic navigation. As long as the target name is set, the Central Radar Life Detection technique will arrange and guide the shortest route with the least obstruction and the fewest enemies for you.]

[This effect varies with the position of the practitioner. When searching for a specific target, the practitioner should follow the automatic navigation to achieve the best effect.]


After seeing the LV3 upgrade of the Central Radar Life Detection technique, Zheng Cheng subconsciously widened his eyes.

Automatic navigation?

Isn't this basically a mapping function?

Being able to generate navigation routes automatically, how amazing is that?

After thinking for a moment, Zheng Cheng directly set "Zhao Yunxiao" as the target.

Sure enough, a faint green path appeared on the map of the Central Radar Life Detection technique.

[Target exceeds monitoring range, please proceed according to the navigation route.]

"So, following this faint green path will lead me to Captain Yunxiao?"

"Damn... amazing skill!"

Zheng Cheng's eyes lit up, and he quickly figured out how to use this skill.

"The main quests of exploring the Secret Realm often involve finding certain things..."

Zheng Cheng speculated, "Doesn't that mean with the Central Radar Life Detection technique, the Secret Realm will be like my own backyard to me, while others are aimlessly searching for targets, I just need to follow the navigation route..."

"The specific situation will have to wait until I explore the Secret Realm to find out!"


Outside Wei River Town.

A jeep was speeding along.

The speed of the car was extremely fast, raising a cloud of dust behind it.

Inside the car were three men and one woman, all professionals preparing to participate in the Secret Realm from the Li and Bai families!

The driver was wearing a black tracksuit, with a slender figure, fair complexion, and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, a young man.

He was Li Zhen from the Li family.

Beside him in the passenger seat was a city beauty in a super short skirt.

Her long legs were resting on the car window, shining white under the sun.

She was still applying nail polish, the crimson color shining like pearls.

She was wearing a white striped short-sleeved shirt on her upper body, with fair arms.

With short hair and sunglasses, she looked full of youthful vitality.

"Jiao Jiao, put your feet down!" Li Zhen frowned, "You're blocking the rearview mirror."

"Tsk! If it's blocked, it's blocked. Are you afraid of getting into an accident?" Li Jiao pouted, "I'm telling you, big brother, you're a professional now, what are you afraid of!"

"Exactly because we are professionals, we must follow the rules. Otherwise, what's the difference between us and the Fallen Ones?"

"You must remember, we professionals..."

"Alright, alright, I'm afraid of you. Can I put them down?" Li Jiao raised her hand in surrender.

"Stop nagging. You were the most nagging one in school, and now as a professional, you're even more nagging!"

Her two fair long legs were put down and tucked into transparent sandals.

"How about it, big brother, is this ladylike enough?"

"Sit properly!" Li Zhen's mouth twitched, but he still said in a deep voice.


Sitting behind the two, Bai Jingsheng, who had been staring at Li Jiao's long legs, laughed and said, "Jiao Jiao, don't listen to your brother."

"Girls are meant to be seen by others, right..."

"Get lost!"

Li Jiao gave him a disdainful look and pulled a blanket to cover her legs.

"If you want to see, go back and look at your mom's legs!"

"Mom, let me see..."

Li Jingsheng still licked his face and said, "Let me see..."

"Get lost!"

Li Jiao angrily said, "Jingshi, how come your family has such a guy!"

Sitting at the back, Bai Jingqi opened his arms and was Nurturing Spirit with his eyes closed. When he heard Li Jiao's words, he immediately laughed and said, "Jingsheng has liked you since childhood, why don't you just marry him!"

"I won't!"

Li Jiao snorted, "The one I like is Big Brother Qin Zheng! Whether it's in the past or now, even more so!"

"Even now! My god, a nine-star Dragon Vein user, those old men were scared to lose their false teeth."


Bai Jingsheng's expression changed, and he was about to say something, but was kicked by Bai Jingqi.

When he heard Qin Zheng and the two words, a strange light flashed in Bai Jingqi's eyes.

His hands subconsciously tightened.

"Qin Zheng, a Dragon Vein user..."

"Since he awakened, he has never really competed. I wonder how big the gap is between an eight-star Hundred Battle Emperor and a nine-star Dragon Vein user!"

"Li Jiao, don't compare. Among the nine-star professionals recorded in our family, the Dragon Vein user is the strongest..."


Bai Jingqi snorted, "The profession is one thing, the most important thing is Martial Dao cultivation and combat experience!"

"In the previous competition, Qin Zheng was mostly at a disadvantage in my hands. I don't know how strong he is now."

"And, there are deaths of nine-star professionals every year!"

"Jingqi! Are you cursing Qin Zheng..."


Li Zhen interrupted his sister, frowned and said, "We have been best friends since childhood, try not to talk about such things in the future!"

"Besides, our task this time is to explore a newly born Secret Realm, and we will also meet another nine-star professional from Eternal Peace City this year!"

"If you want to compare, isn't it better to find her?"

"Another nine-star professional..."

Bai Jingqi's eyes lit up again, then he shook his head and said, "She won't do. A nine-star Ice and Snow Elemental Spirit Master, just by the name, you can tell she is a mage."

"Although the attack of a mage is very powerful, once we Martial Artists get close, it's a certain death!"

"Besides, a girl is not worth my shot!"


Li Jiao said, "What, Jingqi, do you look down on us girls?"

"It's not looking down, it's just a fact!"

Bai Jingqi said in a deep voice, "Battlefield data has long shown that the death rate of female professionals is more than five times that of male professionals!"

"So the military and the Elder Council try to have female professionals engage in logistics or clerical work as much as possible, leaving the fighting to us men!"

"Unless they come from the Pioneer family or are female professionals from the military!"

"Only they can roam the battlefield without fear of weapons!"

"The ones I admire the most are them!"

"I'm telling you, Jingqi, are you still thinking about Sister Yunxiao?"


Bai Jingqi laughed heartily, "Only a woman like Zhao Yunxiao is worthy of me!"

"Yunxiao?" Bai Jingsheng asked strangely, "Who is that?"

"You don't know, she is the descendant of the Zhao family from the Imperial Capital Pioneer family!"

Li Jiao's eyes were burning with gossip flames, excitedly said, "Last year, when she came to our Eternal Peace City as a night watch member, Jingqi was captivated at first sight and kept saying he would only marry her."

"Unfortunately, Sister Yunxiao is already a Profound Rank night watch member, a level 69 powerhouse. How could she look at a little brat like him!"

"Zhao, the pioneer..."

Bai Jingsheng's face changed slightly, and he gave a thumbs-up to Bai Jingqi, "Big brother! Your vision is really amazing, daring to pursue the woman from the Zhao family, the pioneer!"

"That was in the past!" Bai Jingqi said confidently, "Now I have awakened to my profession. Given time, I will definitely grow into a man worthy of her!"

"The Zhao family prides themselves on their battlefield prowess and glory in battle. Sooner or later, I will step onto the battlefield of the foreign races and fight alongside her!"

Li Zhen, who had been driving all along, said, "These matters are still far from us. What we should be discussing now is the Secret Realm mission."

"The information provided by the Night Watchmen includes one-star and three-star professionals."

"The Secret Realm is extremely dangerous. What are they trying to do? Make us into babysitters?"

"If there is no suitable explanation for this trip to Wei River Town, we will refuse this mission!"

However, Bai Jingqi shook his head and said, "It's different. The Night Watchmen's recruitment rules are very strange."

"In addition to some high-level professionals, they also usually recruit some individuals with special abilities or previously unseen professionals."

"I heard it's for researching the secrets and patterns of professional appearances. Both our family and the Elder Council have research in this area."

"I have also seen the intelligence on the five individuals sent by the Night Watchmen."

"The nine-star professional, Ice and Snow Elemental Spirit Master, goes without saying, should be a powerful magic professional."

"Professionals of this level should be respected!"

"The second one."

Bai Jingqi raised his second finger.

"The hidden professional, Soul-sucking Witch, Song Chaoyu!"

"It is said that her professional awakening failed half a month ago, but for some reason, she obtained an eight-star professional, the Soul-sucking Witch!"

"There is definitely a secret to this matter. The fact that she is a hidden professional does not explain the abruptness of her professional level!"

"These two professionals are both very powerful, enough to rival several of you!"

"How is that possible?"

Bai Jingsheng sneered, "Big brother, we come from a prestigious family, and we have been practicing Martial Dao under the guidance of our family elders since childhood, and have undergone physical training with medicinal baths."

"After the age of twelve, we would even fight against monsters under the guidance of our elders and guards as ordinary people."

"After awakening our professions, the family will provide us with suitable equipment, props, elixirs, and so on."

"What do these commoner professionals have to compare with us?"

Bai Jingqi shook his head and said, "Jingsheng, the world is vast. Don't be narrow-minded!"

"Yao Zhixue and Song Chaoyu, one is a never-before-seen nine-star professional, and the other is a hidden eight-star professional."

"If they grow up, they will be much more formidable than your rune master!"

Li Jiao's eyes suddenly lit up and she said, "Bai Jingsheng, if you have the ability, capture these two beauties!"

"Then your Bai family will surpass the Qin family, won't it?"

"I've seen the photos of those two girls. One is an ice-cold beauty, and the other is charming and alluring, much better than those ordinary women you've flirted with before!"

Bai Jingsheng smirked, "In that case, I'll give it a try!"

"They are just girls from common families. It's a piece of cake for me!"

However, Bai Jingqi frowned and said, "Jingsheng! Don't do anything excessive. We are all colleagues, and they are high-level professionals..."

"Don't worry, big brother," Bai Jingsheng said, "You don't know me? I never have to force myself when pursuing women."

"On the contrary, many women have forced themselves on me, hahaha..."

Li Zhen also spoke, "Although we come from prestigious families, we are all professionals and will inevitably go to the foreign battlefield to resist the foreign races."

"If we can avoid making enemies, we should try not to. Understand?"

"The foreign battlefield..."

Upon hearing Li Zhen's words, everyone fell silent.

Especially Bai Jingqi, who clenched his hands tightly, his eyes burning with flames.

"I really want to set foot on the foreign battlefield myself and let those foreigners know the determination of us Chinese!"


Li Jiao quickly covered her ears and said, "Brother Jingqi, stop laughing, your voice is too loud!"

Li Zhen continued, "These two individuals, both high-level professionals, I have no objection to them joining us in the Secret Realm."

"There is also a seven-star Magic Swordsman, Liang Feifan."

"His father is also a member of the Night Watchmen's Yellow Rank, but now he is only in an administrative position."

"His entry into the Secret Realm is also considered qualified."

"But the remaining two individuals..."

"I know, I know!"

Li Jiao quickly raised her hand and said, "One-star Priest, Zheng Cheng! I am very interested in him!"

"According to the information collected by the family, his novice skill is Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst, which can cause the target to have diarrhea in a very short time!"

"That seven-star Magic Swordsman Liang Feifan was the first to be affected!"

"In less than five seconds, he had diarrhea... hahaha..."

Li Jiao held her stomach, laughing so hard that tears were about to come out.

Bai Jingsheng, who was sitting behind her, also had a good view and was directly given a shock by Li Jiao!

Li Zhen stabilized the car and said, "This person's skill... I can only say that it really fits the Night Watchmen's recruitment rules!"


"A skill that causes diarrhea in people cannot be a reason for him to participate in this Secret Realm mission."

"He can give diarrhea to monsters and demons, but what if he encounters elemental creatures, mechanical creatures, or puppets and undead creatures?"

"These monsters and demons do not have flesh and blood, and it is impossible for them to contract acute gastroenteritis."

"I think Captain Zhao Yunxiao's choice this time is not well-considered."

"What do you think?"

Bai Jingsheng was the first to raise his hand and said, "I also think so."

Li Jiao, who had finally managed to hold back her laughter, said, "I think this Zheng Cheng is quite interesting."

"His skill is somewhat similar to my profession, a dark Priest who weakens the debuffs of enemies."

"But the way he weakens them is... really bizarre!"

"I really want to see what he looks like..."

Bai Jingqi suddenly said, "No matter what his profession is, as long as it's useful."

"To make a seven-star Magic Swordsman have diarrhea... hmm, it seems that this skill has a high priority."

"When we arrive, I will personally test this guy's skill."

"If he can make me have diarrhea, what's the harm in letting him join this Secret Realm operation?"

Li Jiao covered her mouth and smiled, "Brother Jingqi, you're bullying people!"

"You have been practicing Martial Dao since childhood, and your physique is strong, especially with your second professional skill, which enhances your physique comprehensively."

"A little acute gastroenteritis, how could it possibly affect you?"

"Even my fear and sluggishness skills can only control you for less than a second..."

Bai Jingqi said, "You'll know once you try."

"And one more person!"

Li Zhen suddenly said, and his previously stern face suddenly became strange.

"Poultry Druid, Cai Shen."

Inside the jeep, everyone fell silent.

After a long time, Li Jiao whispered, "What kind of profession is this?"

"I heard he can transform into a giant rooster, almost as tall as a person."

"Especially noted is his ability to fly, reaching a height of about forty to fifty meters."

"This ability... to be honest, is indeed useful," Bai Jingqi hesitated, "Some special maps, such as cliffs and high towers, are difficult for ordinary professionals to reach."

"Even I can only jump about two meters in place."

"Forty to fifty meters? It's really useful on some special maps."

Li Jiao chuckled, "This Poultry Druid seems to be a first-time appearance of a profession, right?"

"Sister Yunxiao has recruited a group of talented individuals..."

"If I remember correctly, the six-star professional, Raptor Druid, can only learn the professional skill to transform into an eagle after reaching level 30."

"His novice skill is to transform into a giant rooster, giving him the ability to fly."

"This... is really bizarre!"

Li Zhen slowed down the car and said, "Alright, stop discussing. We have arrived."

"Whether these two individuals are qualified to participate in this Secret Realm mission, we can see for ourselves!"

The outline of Wei River Town appeared before the four of them.

Bai Jingqi suddenly asked, "By the way, where is Qin Zheng?"

"He agreed to leave together, so why did he stand us up?"

"I know, I know!" Li Jiao raised her hand first and said, "Before the gathering, Brother Qin Zheng had urgent matters to attend to."

"But he said he would solve it quickly and asked us to go ahead."

"What kind of matters?"

"I heard it's related to his breakthrough task."

"Breakthrough task?"

Bai Jingqi licked his lips and said, "Is he trying to break through to level 10? I'm really looking forward to it!"

"After he reaches level 10, I will definitely challenge him!"

(End of this chapter)

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