I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

79. Chapter 79 New Team Members Want To Try Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst?

Chapter 79 New Team Members Want to Try Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst?

At the temporary base of the night watchmen, in the reception hall.

"Brother Cheng, why haven't these people arrived yet? My butt is almost numb from sitting."

Cai Shen reclined on the sofa, cracking melon seeds as he spoke.

Zheng Cheng, also cracking melon seeds, replied, "How would I know? Why don't you go ask?"


Cai Shen quickly shook his head. "I feel my scalp go numb when I see Captain Yunxiao. Her gaze at me is like looking at a roasted chicken leg."

A few days ago, Cai Shen had transformed into a big public base in front of Zhao Yunxiao.

Zhao Yunxiao had been keeping an eye on Cai Shen, especially his two big chicken legs.

"Then let's wait!"

Zheng Cheng grabbed a handful of melon seeds and handed them to Yao Zhixue, who was sitting upright next to him.

"Here, have some melon seeds. Why are you so serious?"

Today, Yao Zhixue's image had changed slightly. Her long hair was parted in the middle, with two strands falling on either side of her face, and her skin was snow-white.

She wore a blue and white strapless long dress, with the skirt gradually changing from dark to light, and the pattern was an intricate blue and white snowflake, exuding the aura and style of an ice queen.

Yao Zhixue hesitated for a moment, but still took the melon seeds. Instead of cracking them, she delicately placed the seeds in her mouth with her fingernails.

"I'm thinking about the upcoming Secret Realm mission. Do we really have to separate from the professional family members?" Yao Zhixue shrugged. "I'm not sure. Yunxiao said so. Let's see how things go!"

"Do we have any melon seeds? Give me some!" Song Chaoyu walked in from outside, followed by Liang Feifan.

She unceremoniously grabbed a handful of melon seeds from Zheng Cheng and started cracking them in her mouth.

In three days, after unexpectedly becoming a professional, Song Chaoyu's temperament changed quickly.

The resentment, frustration, and helplessness after the awakening failure had transformed into confidence, excitement, and pride.

She had regained her lively and cheerful demeanor.

And her appearance, perhaps due to the influence of the soul-sucking witch profession, had changed. The once gentle and lovely Song Chaoyu had transformed in both appearance and temperament, exuding a seductive and alluring charm.

Regardless of whether it was a man or a woman!

Zheng Cheng casually asked, "What level have you reached?"

With a glance, Song Chaoyu made Cai Shen immediately give up his seat.

Today, she was wearing a red floral skirt, with her beautiful long hair tied into twin ponytails, revealing her fair arms, long legs, and a slender neck.

Her eyes were charming and alluring, exuding a seductive charm that was irresistible to men.

"I'm LV9," Song Chaoyu said with a sweet smile. "I've also received the breakthrough task called 'Tasting Souls.'"

"It requires me to absorb the soul of a professional, and the higher the level of the professional, the better."

"Tasting Souls?" The others were surprised. There was such a breakthrough task?

"By the way, thanks to Liang Feifan and the newbie," Song Chaoyu said coquettishly. "If it weren't for the two of them, I wouldn't have known who to team up with to level up."

Cai Shen exploded, "Song Chaoyu! Call me a newbie one more time, and I'll lose it!"

"Newbie geigei~"

"Damn!" Cai Shen's scalp tingled. "I'm out, I'm out of here!"

"Hehehe..." Song Chaoyu laughed heartily, while Zheng Cheng frowned and asked, "Why are you laughing? What's going on with your profession? Even your personality has changed?"

"Oh," Song Chaoyu sat up obediently and pouted. "I, I don't know. There shouldn't be any problem, right?"

"Zheng Cheng!" Liang Feifan suddenly spoke up. "I think Song Chaoyu is doing fine now. Don't criticize her."

"Tsk! You're such a bootlicker!" Cai Shen sneered. "You're sucking up to her. Hurry up, Xiyangyang is losing its charm!"

"What did you say?" Liang Feifan immediately got angry and gritted his teeth. "If it weren't for Song Chaoyu and Zheng Cheng's sake..."

"Alright, stop arguing!" Zheng Cheng interrupted them and said, "Both of you, stop it." The two glared at each other and then turned away.

"Your profession is a soul-sucking witch, a profession that has never appeared before. I don't know what it's all about," Zheng Cheng said, looking at Song Chaoyu. "But just from its name and skill description, I can guess that this profession should lean towards the chaotic camp."

"Absorbing souls not only provides extra soul power, but also allows you to gain the memories of the other party..."

"Thanks to your joining the night watchmen, otherwise the Fallen One camp would have gained another powerful member!" Yao Zhixue suddenly interjected. "If you become a Fallen One, rest assured, I will personally kill you."

Song Chaoyu was startled and instinctively shrank her head. "How could I become a Fallen One..."

"Hmph! Yao Zhixue, I won't lose to you!" Song Chaoyu retorted. "When the time comes, it's not certain who will kill whom!"

"Hmph hmph hmph..." The two immediately glared at each other, their eyes almost sparking.

For some reason, ever since Song Chaoyu became an eight-star soul-sucking witch, the two beautiful women had often been at odds, frequently teasing each other whenever they met.

"Alright, stop arguing," Zheng Cheng interrupted them and said, "Since you're all here, let's talk about the gains of the past few days."

"Hmph!" Song Chaoyu said, "I've already said it. I'm LV9, and I haven't completed the breakthrough task yet."

"I'm already LV10!" Cai Shen smirked. "My breakthrough task is simple. I just need to eat ten different types of poisonous insects."

"Fortunately, Captain Yunxiao found a professional chef in the bureau for me. I heard he's from the Cloud Province, and the insect banquet he makes is exquisite!"

"Eating insects..." Song Chaoyu shivered and instinctively moved closer to Zheng Cheng.

Yao Zhixue glared at her, and Cai Shen smirked. "The new skill I've learned is called 'Heart of Poultry,' which allows me to communicate with any poultry-type monsters and demons."

"Of course, it's just simple communication."

"In the future, if we encounter these monsters and demons, leave it to me!"

Liang Feifan sneered, "It's not easy to find poultry-type monsters and demons!"

"Get lost!" The two of them confronted each other, and Yao Zhixue added, "I'm still LV9, and I won't be able to complete the breakthrough task in a short time."

Zheng Cheng was puzzled. "What task?"

"It's a continuous task," Yao Zhixue said. "I've already completed the Rank One segment, and the Rank Two segment requires me to find an ice bed made of ten-thousand-year-old mysterious ice and meditate on it for ten days."

"Sister Yunxiao has already prepared it for me."

"Meditate for ten days?" The others looked puzzled. What kind of task was this?

Were the breakthrough tasks of nine-star professionals so plain and simple?

"And me..." Liang Feifan, who had been standing, spoke up when no one asked him. "I'm also LV10 now!"

"The new skill I've learned is the Gale Sword Formation!"

"Within my sword formation range, my attack speed doubles, and I can control wind blades to attack enemies."

"How about that, impressive, right?" Liang Feifan said, looking smug, but all he got in return was a disdainful look from Cai Shen.

"So, we have three LV10s and two LV9s," Zheng Cheng summarized. "I wonder what level these five professional family members brought in from the bureau are at and what skills they've mastered."

Liang Feifan's eyes suddenly lit up as he looked out the window. "It's Captain Yunxiao! And the others... they're here!"

"Huh? Why are there four people?"

Amid the tense and interested gazes of the five, the door to the meeting room was opened.

Leading the way, of course, was Zhao Yunxiao.

The second person was a burly man who stood at least two meters tall.

His eyes were fierce, and as soon as he entered, he looked the five of them up and down.

His gaze swept over them and finally settled on Yao Zhixue.

The third person had a gloomy look and the air of a bookish youth.

His eyes were full of scrutiny.

The fourth person to enter was a sunny youth.

As soon as he entered, his eyes lit up and he stared directly at Song Chaoyu and Yao Zhixue.

His eyes were filled with amazement.

The last person was a girl in a skirt with delicate features and sunglasses.

"Let me introduce them," Zhao Yunxiao said first. "This is Bai Jingqi."

The two-meter-tall man nodded slightly, still looking at Yao Zhixue. "You must be Yao Zhixue. I'm looking forward to our showdown."

"???" The others were puzzled, and Zhao Yunxiao whispered, "Shut up! Don't talk nonsense."

"Hehe, whatever Sister Yunxiao says goes..."

"The second person," Zhao Yunxiao pointed to the second person, "is Li Zhen, from the Li family."

"Hello, everyone."

Li Zhen adjusted his glasses and said, "There are nine of you, and we're just waiting for Qin Zheng..."

"And him," Zhao Yunxiao pointed to the third person, "Bai Jingsheng, a little rascal."

"You two, stay away from him."

This was directed at Yao Zhixue and Song Chaoyu.

Bai Jingsheng immediately protested, "Sister Yunxiao! Don't slander me. I'm a well-cultured, idealistic, moral, and qualified youth. What do you mean, stay away from me?"

"Hehe..." Zhao Yunxiao sneered. "Shall I list all the ugly things you've done?"

"Don't, don't, don't..."

"I can't control you elsewhere, but within the night watchmen, you'll behave yourselves!"

"Understood?" "Of course," Bai Jingqi said. "Sister Yunxiao, rest assured, I'll keep an eye on them."

"Good." Zhao Yunxiao said, "And the last person, Li Jiao!"

Li Jiao took off her sunglasses, revealing a pair of dark and somewhat cunning eyes, and raised her right hand in greeting.

"Hello, I'm Li Jiao. Please take care of me."

"Hello, hello..." Cai Shen and Liang Feifan immediately greeted her with a pig-like appearance.

Zhao Yunxiao nodded. "These are Zheng Cheng, Cai Shen, and Liang Feifan."

"And Yao Zhixue and Song Chaoyu! They will be your comrades in tomorrow's Secret Realm conquest."

"And there's Qin Zheng, who didn't join us today due to personal reasons, but he has sent a message saying he will arrive before eight o'clock tomorrow."

"I hope that the ten of you can cooperate sincerely and conquer this Secret Realm for the night watchmen!"

"Rest assured, Sister Yunxiao."

Bai Jingqi took charge and said, "You don't know our strength. A small Secret Realm is a piece of cake!"

"Hehe..." Zhao Yunxiao couldn't be bothered and said, "Don't worry about it. Whatever Sister Yunxiao says goes..."

"Ha ha ha..." Bai Jingqi suddenly laughed. "Don't worry, I'm not saying Zheng Cheng absolutely can't go."

"Oh?" Zheng Cheng became interested. "What do you mean?"

"It's simple. As long as your control skill works on me and can control me for more than three seconds, I will acknowledge your ability."

Bai Jingqi said in a deep voice, "Only then will I recognize your ability and allow you to join us in conquering this Secret Realm!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the expressions of the people present became somewhat strange.

Especially Zhao Yunxiao, who seemed to be suppressing a laugh.

Zheng Cheng also looked puzzled. "Are you saying... you want me to use Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst on you?"

"That's right!"

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