I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

80. Chapter 80 I Have A Friend? The Rules Between Aristocratic Families And Common People!

Chapter 80 I have a friend? The rules between aristocratic families and common people!

"Not bad, come on!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Cai Shen and others looked at Bai Jingqi as if they were fools.

I don't know, I thought it was a mental illness coming from somewhere.

Li Jiao suddenly said: "I know you are very confident in Zheng Cheng's strength, but Brother Jingqi is not an ordinary profession."

"I can only say...my control skills on him can only last less than a second, do you understand?"

Bai Jingqi also said confidently: "Your control skill is Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst. It is different from Jiaojiao's. It is a continuous control skill."

"You only need to let me pull... for three seconds, and I will recognize your strength. How about it?"

Zhao Yunxiao suddenly interrupted: "Zheng Cheng, although these children of aristocratic families are arrogant, unruly, and arrogant, they still have some advantages."

"For example... keep your word."

She blinked, but the corner of Zheng Cheng's mouth twitched.

Why does Zhao Yunxiao look like he's watching the excitement?

"That's it..." Zheng Cheng nodded and said, "I agree, then let's start now?"

Since you begged me sincerely, I will reluctantly agree to it.


Bai Jingqi secretly shouted and took a deep breath.

Zheng Cheng suddenly said: "Wait a minute."

"What's wrong?" Bai Jingqi frowned and said, "Are you afraid?"

"It's not that I'm afraid, I mean if we go to the bathroom, I'm afraid you won't be able to make it in time..."

"How is that possible!" Bai Jingqi immediately interrupted Zheng Cheng and said, "I am an eight-star professional. How could a mere acute gastroenteritis defeat me?"


Zheng Cheng said helplessly, took out the bloodthirsty staff and warned: "If there is a reaction later, don't hold it in!"

"Otherwise, I'm worried that it will affect tomorrow's Secret Realm mission..."

"Stop talking nonsense and come on!"

Seeing that Bai Jingqi refused to accept anything, Zheng Cheng could only wave his bloodthirsty staff, and a strange spiritual wave suddenly fell on Bai Jingqi's body.

Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst! ! !

"Brother Jingqi, do you feel anything?"

Li Jiao asked quickly.

As a dark Priest, Li Jiao is very interested in similar professions like Zheng Cheng.

"I don't feel anything..."

Bai Jingqi smacked his lips and carefully felt his body: "Unlike your fear and slowness techniques, your skills take effect instantly. At least it can slow me down for a second."

"But this Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst, I still feel nothing."

Li Zhen said confidently: "You see, this is the difference between low-star professionals and high-star professionals."

"Bai Jingqi can watch your control skills before using protective skills. If he uses the skills, then your..."


Before Li Zhen could finish his words, a dull sound suddenly came out.

The ten pairs of eyes present all looked at Bai Jingqi subconsciously.

"What are you looking at me doing?"

Bai Jingqi frowned, and he suddenly felt a chill coming from his abdomen.

The chill was still concentrating, causing his abdomen to swell and feel a slight pain.

Zheng Cheng kindly reminded: "Don't hold it in. If you want to release it, go to the toilet quickly, otherwise you may suffer later."


Another sound came.

"I didn't hold it in!"

Bai Jingqi gritted his teeth and said, his face was a little red, but he still gritted his teeth and said: "I told you, your Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst has no effect on me...!"


A faint stench came, which frightened several people and ran away quickly.

"Open the window quickly! Open the window quickly, he's going to pull it!"

"Damn it, go to the toilet quickly..."

"Go out and turn right for twenty meters!"


Bai Jingqi still gritted his teeth and said: "I told you, I don't feel anything! I can't... pull...!"


Several people were even frightened and ran further away.

Liang Feifan's eyes were filled with admiration.

After he was hit by the Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst, he only lasted three or four seconds.

As for Bai Jingqi, it has been more than ten seconds!

Zheng Cheng is anxious, what if Secret Realm is broken tomorrow?

"Don't hold it in! Be careful! If you hold it in too much, what will we do in Secret Realm tomorrow..."


Bai Jingqi's eyes were furious, his face was red, he was breathing heavily and said angrily: "I said it! I didn't hold it in!"

"I am an eight-star Hundred Battle Sword King! Pain can only make me stronger!"

"A mere Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst...poof!"

"Fuck! Shit!"

"Squirt! Get out quickly..."

"Brother Jingqi! Get out quickly! It stinks..."

"Brother! Hold on! You must hold on! This kid's skills..."



Bai Jingqi finally couldn't hold it in any longer, screamed and slammed open the door of the conference room, rushing to the toilet.

Cai Shen glanced at the stopwatch on his phone and said in surprise: "As expected of an eight-star professional, he lasted 12 seconds!"

A few seconds later, there was a noisy sound of water falling from the toilet.

This was accompanied by Bai Jingqi's constant screams.

Li Zhen and the others hurriedly chased him out, looking in the direction of the toilet in shock.

Bai Jingqi, was he really tricked?

Zheng Cheng also followed out: "I told him not to hold it in, but he didn't listen. This is going to be terrible."

"Our Secret Realm tomorrow may have to be postponed?"

"Why?" Li Jiao asked strangely: "Does your Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst have any additional effects?"

"You just kept telling Brother Jingqi not to hold it in..."

Zheng Cheng explained: "It is the characteristic of Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst that occurs after I rise to LV3, anal fissure."

"The longer you hold it in, the more likely you are to develop anal fissure..."


At this time, Lun Bai Jingsheng exclaimed, his eyes full of panic.

Li Jiao asked strangely: "Bai Jingsheng, why are you surprised?"

"By the way, what does anal fissure mean?"

"It's just that the chrysanthemum is cracked..." Cai Shen said softly.

Li Jiao's face paused, then turned red again, and then gave Cai Shen a vicious look.

"Isn't it just an anal fissure? What's so scary about a small wound?" Li Zhen also asked strangely.

"You don't understand..."

Bai Jingsheng suddenly said: "Ordinary people can't feel the pain of anal fissure at all!"

"I used to... have a friend who had an anal fissure. It was like pulling out glass particles when it was convenient."

"Ordinary people can't bear the kind of pain. They have to kneel on the ground for a long time every time. It's really inhumane..."


Several people suddenly realized it, and their eyes became ambiguous.

"I have a friend~"

"How did your friend get anal fissure~"

"Bai Jingsheng, you have had enough fun~!"

Bai Jingsheng's expression suddenly changed, and he hurriedly explained: "What I said is true! It's not me, it's a friend of mine!"

"You are really my friend, you have to believe me..."

"Believe, believe!"

"Bai Jingsheng! Stay away from me from now on!"

A group of people talked about it, and it was not until more than half an hour later that the pale Bai Jingqi walked out tremblingly, holding on to the wall.

His two calves were shaking violently, like candles in the wind.

Zheng Cheng held his nose and came over, holding back his laughter and asked, "Bai Jingqi, right? Am I qualified to go to Secret Realm tomorrow?"

"Brother Cheng! You are so awesome! That Bai Jingqi's face turned dark at that time, hahaha..."

In the evening, everyone sat together to eat. Cai Shen laughed so hard that he was out of breath.

"Zheng Cheng, you are so wicked. He is like that. How can we go to Secret Realm tomorrow?"

Song Chaoyu also covered her mouth and smiled. She was not happy with the scrutinizing eyes of those professionals from aristocratic families.

What are you so proud of? It’s just a good pregnancy!

"Zheng Cheng! I really admire you this time!"

Liang Feifan also poured a full glass of white wine, stood up and said, "It was my fault before, and I apologize to you and classmate Song Chaoyu!"

"Please, sir, please don't remember the faults of villains..."


Zheng Cheng also picked up his wine glass: "We are all classmates, and now we are also colleagues. What can we say about adults and villains?"

Liang Feifan took a deep breath and said: "The words are all in the wine, I'll do it, you can do whatever you want!"

After all, I drank a glass of white wine in one breath!


Zheng Cheng also killed him in one bite.

It is better to dissolve enemies than to make enemies.

It's not like there's any big conflict between the two of them, just talk it over over a glass of wine.

"To be honest, your ability is really terrifying."

Putting down the wine glass, Liang Feifan said: "I was hit by your skill half a month ago, and my legs were weak for two or three days."

"Your skills have special characteristics this time. I wonder what will happen to that Bai Jingqi. What if we can't get out of bed these days, what will we do in Secret Realm?"

"What else can we do?" Cai Shen chuckled and said, "Let's change to someone else. Didn't Captain Yunxiao say that this adventure Secret Realm can only exist for ten days? Six days have passed..."

"what are you guys saying?"

Zhao Yunxiao opened the door and walked in. Cai Shen quickly stood up and said: "Captain Zhao! We are discussing the possibility of tomorrow's Secret Realm strategy..."

"Stop talking nonsense."

Zhao Yunxiao said: "Bai Jingqi is fine, he can do his normal work tomorrow."

"Ah? How is that possible?"

"real or fake?"

Zheng Cheng was also surprised: "Recovered so quickly?"

Zhao Yunxiao said in a strange tone: "I called Priest and the pharmacist to treat him together, and even spent a healing scroll."

"Zheng Cheng, you are already famous for your skills."

"Not only us night watchmen, but also those aristocratic families have heard about it. Be careful next time?"

"Be careful?" Zheng Cheng asked strangely: "What do you mean?"

"Joint College Entrance Examination."

Zhao Yunxiao said: "Every year, the top three or even the top ten in Qinzhou's joint college entrance examination will be taken away by several famous families. This year, Zhixue and you came out. In order to compete for the top spot in the college entrance examination in Qinzhou Province, they may I will find a way to deal with you."

"Deal with me?"

Zheng Cheng's expression changed.

Is there a Fallen One among the aristocratic families?

"Don't think nonsense." Zhao Yunxiao said: "A family of professionals is the cornerstone of our Xia Kingdom's profession, and it is impossible to act recklessly."

"At most, they are just putting pressure on the invigilation team to disable your Acute Gastroenteritis Explosion Technique during single-player competitions."

"That's it..."

Zheng Cheng said indifferently: "Let's see when the time comes."

There is still half a month before the professional joint college entrance examination. After coming out of the Secret Realm, he will go to the slaughterhouse or the professional guild to buy monsters and monster corpses.

I don’t believe it. If you get all the four-dimensional attributes to 100 points, even an A can kill you. Are you still afraid of disabling skills?

"By the way, where are Bai Jingqi and the others?"

"You miss us that much?"

The door to the room was pushed open again, and four figures walked in.

The leader was the pale Bai Jingqi.

"Good boy! Your ability is so cruel. If I hadn't been strong enough, I would still be lying on the bed right now!"

Bai Jingsheng and Li Zhen looked as usual. Only Li Jiao covered her mouth and smiled, obviously not wanting to expose the face-conscious Bai Jingqi.

"Okay, sit down!"

Zhao Yunxiao said, and the four of them sat down.

"Bai Jingqi, do you still have any doubts about Zheng Cheng's strength?"

"Is he qualified to enter the Secret Realm tomorrow?"

Bai Jingqi twitched the corner of his mouth and said: "Captain Yunxiao will do whatever he says, and we will definitely obey his orders!"

Zheng Cheng also gave this person a high look.

He was willing to admit defeat, and he did not say harsh words or use his power to pressure others, nor was he secretly plotting to make him lose face.

This person can make friends.

"Okay." Zhao Yunxiao added, "According to the agreement between you big families and the Night Watchmen, every time you attack the copy of Secret Realm, both parties will act independently and collect the spoils."

"They won't join forces until the final BOSS, and the final income will be evenly distributed based on the contribution of both parties. Do you have any questions?"

Bai Jingqi took the lead and said: "We have no problem!"

But Yao Zhixue, Song Chaoyu, Cai Shen, and Liang Feifan subconsciously looked at Zheng Cheng.

Zheng Cheng thought for a moment and said his question: "Captain Yunxiao, I have a question."

"you say."

"Why can't we cooperate sincerely and conquer Secret Realm together?"

"Ten people working together is safer and faster than splitting into two five-person teams."

"Let me answer this question for you." Li Zhen adjusted his glasses and said, "The cooperation between our family and the Night Watch has a history of nearly two hundred years."

"Professionals from our aristocratic families, taught by family elders, are much better in strength and equipment than professionals from civilian backgrounds who join the Night Watch."

"More than a hundred years ago, when the two parties cooperated, they would always fight in the dungeon or Secret Realm for various reasons to compete for loot."

Li Zhen continued: "The biggest reason is that professionals with civilian backgrounds do not contribute as much as us in dungeons and Secret Realm, but they still want to compete for high-level equipment and props."

"For this reason, civilian professionals with evil intentions actually choose to assassinate professionals from our family."

"This has been going on for decades, and our family has already protested to the Night Watch headquarters."

"Ultimately, with the intervention of the Presbyterian Church and the military, this method of strategy was formed."

"We form a team together, but act against each other, until we get together again at the end of the BOSS."

"I said this...do you understand?"

The faces of Zheng Cheng and others are very Zheng Cheng. Does this mean that they have evil intentions?


Before they could speak, Zhao Yunxiao snorted coldly: "Why don't you say that professionals from aristocratic families are unruly, look down on civilian professionals, and always treat civilian professionals as cannon fodder?"

"I remember the first conflict between professionals from aristocratic families and civilian professionals, but it was the Sima family in Yuzhou who took action first!"

Li Zhen's expression changed and he argued: "That's the Sima family in Yuzhou, not our Li family in Qinzhou..."


Zhao Yunxiao said: "I don't care about the Sima family or the Li family, the rules are the rules."

"Of course, if any of you encounters a danger that cannot be solved, you can always ask for help from the other party. Don't show off, do you understand?"

"Yes! Captain Yunxiao!"

"And one more thing……"

Zhao Yunxiao suddenly looked at Song Chaoyu and said, "Chaoyu, come with me, I need your help with something."

Song Chaoyu stood up blankly: "What's the matter?"


Zhao Yunxiao said coldly: "Maybe it can help you complete the task of breaking the rank."

Then she looked at the others: "You can also come and watch."

(End of chapter)

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