I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

81. Chapter 81 Does The Lord Of The Black Sun Have A Daughter? Dragon Vein Master Qin Zheng!

Chapter 81 The Lord of the Black Sun has a daughter? Dragon Vein Master Qin Zheng!

"What do you need Zhaoyu's help with?"

"I do not know……"

"There are so many strong men in the Night Watch, Song Chaoyu is only lv9"

Under the leadership of Zhao Yunxiao, several people walked outside.

Cai Shen asked strangely: "Brother Cheng, do you know?"

Zheng Cheng thought for a moment and said: "It may have something to do with her novice skills..."

"Newbie skills?"

Soon, the group came to a building with a cold atmosphere.

Upon seeing this, Zheng Cheng's expression changed slightly.

Yao Zhixue also glanced at Zheng Cheng subconsciously.

They have all been here.

The temporary morgue where the corpses of colleagues are placed in the Night Watch base!

The two of them paid homage to Xu Chicheng here!

In addition to Xu Chicheng, there were eleven other Night Watch colleagues who died that night!

With a "squeak", the door was opened, and a cold breath hit several people.

The expressions of several people present all changed.

Especially a few girls.

Li Jiao subconsciously hugged her chest and asked, "Sister Yunxiao, where is this place..."

Li Zhen pulled her quietly and shook his head.

Bai Jingqi's face was also very serious, and he followed behind him step by step.

Zhao Yunxiao continued to move forward and opened another room door.

In the center of the room, there is a large...ice coffin!

"This is the morgue..." Zhao Yunxiao looked at Song Chaoyu: "Chaoyu, can you feel anything?"

Song Chaoyu's little face became serious at this time. She felt it carefully for a few seconds, and then said:

"I seem to be able to feel the breath of the soul..."

"Especially on this body!"


Zhao Yunxiao said: "The favor I asked you to help is to eat the soul of this corpse!"


The faces of several people changed drastically, and they all looked at Song Chaoyu subconsciously.

Song Chaoyu's face was a little tangled, but he still gritted his teeth and said: "Captain Yunxiao, I understand."

"My profession is the soul-absorbing banshee, and my novice skill is soul-absorbing. I'm already prepared!"

[Soul Absorption: A unique skill of the Soul Absorbing Banshee profession. You can obtain additional soul power by absorbing the soul of living creatures. At the same time, you can also absorb the soul of a creature to obtain the most profound memory of the absorbed creature during its lifetime. ]

Zhao Yunxiao nodded and said: "This is why I brought you here."

"This corpse was sent by colleagues from Jincheng. It is also one of their targets. It is related to their next mission."

"It was fine to be arrested yesterday, but who would have thought that he suddenly died suddenly!"

"Lian Yining's secret technique of asking people's minds can only ask questions about living people, but it cannot work on dead people."

"So, I want you to try your soul absorption to see if you can find out the information they want."

Zhao Yunxiao added: "And your level-breaking mission is to absorb the soul of a professional. This corpse had a level of LV59 before death, which is enough for you to complete the mission."

"It's also good for you."

"Complete the level-breaking mission, and I will be more confident about my trip to the Secret Realm tomorrow!"

"Okay, I'll try."

Song Chaoyu took a deep breath and came to the corpse.

The corpse was that of a woman in her thirties, with a pale face.

At this time, his eyes were glaring with anger, and his face was full of ferocious expression, as if he had seen something extremely terrifying before he died.

"let's start!"

Song Chaoyu's eyes suddenly became misty, and his whole temperament became weird.

Suddenly, an illusory female figure appeared in front of her.

It is the remnant soul of this corpse!

She opened her mouth slightly, and her bright red lips shone with an inexplicable light.

With a gentle breath, this remnant soul was instantly inhaled into her body!

Suddenly, scenes appeared in front of her eyes.

When she was a child, she was lucky enough to awaken her profession and team up with her classmates to kill monsters and level up.

It's a pity that her profession is very special and she needs to be with ghosts. Being under the influence of ghosts all day long makes her personality become agitated.

He likes blood food and killing, and has learned the weird method of absorbing soul power by killing souls.

Once when she was clearing a dungeon with evil spirits, she even got a prop with evil ghost attributes.

Using a living soul as a memorial can greatly increase your own strength!

Under the influence of the evil ghost, she slaughtered an entire team and used their souls to sacrifice a special item.

Then he left the dungeon and chose to massacre civilians.

Afterwards, her behavior was discovered by the night watchmen, who launched a wanted hunt and siege against her.

Escaping from death and surviving by chance again and again made her character more and more extreme!

In the end, she was rescued by Ghost Sun, one of the nine days in Breaking Dawn, when she was surrounded by the Night Watch.

Since then, he has joined Breaking Dawn and become a steward under Ghost Sun!

The repeated fights and escapes echoed in Song Chaoyu's mind, causing severe pain in her head!


She 'saw' the most memorable scene from a few days ago.

That's... Gui Ri's figure!

It was a hall full of ghosts, and a thin old man looked down at them.

Next to her, there were five other figures kneeling, all of them extremely respectful.

"You guys, follow Huoyang and bring back the world's wonders in the hands of that bitch Black Sun!"


His head was in severe pain again, and he almost fell to the ground.

Bai Jingsheng's eyes lit up and he quickly stepped forward to help her.

He was kicked away by Zhao Yunxiao and supported Song Chaoyu with his backhand.

Next is another scene.

She is fighting!

Fight with the die-hard believers of the Lord of the Black Sun who are stationed deep in Qinshan Mountain!

They took advantage of the geographical convenience and tenaciously resisted their fighting.

Even with the presence of the Fire Sheep, that underground base cannot be breached!

One after another, roars continued to come from the underground base.

"Fire Sheep! You despicable and shameless villain, how dare you betray my mother!"

"Hahaha~ Miss, the Lord of the Black Sun has fallen, why don't you take refuge with Lord Gui Ri?"

Huoyang laughed and said: "As long as you are willing to surrender, I will ask Lord Gui Ri to give you to me!"

"Miss, do you know that I have always liked you..."

"Get out! Even if I die, I won't let you succeed!"

"Children! Fight out! Our Lord will always watch over us! Under the light of my Lord, you will have eternal life!"


The picture in front of Song Chaoyu began to shatter like glass, and she woke up from her confusion.


"Zhaoyu, are you okay?"

Zhao Yunxiao asked worriedly, Song Chaoyu shook his head to stabilize his body.

"Captain Yunxiao, I'm fine."

"Did you get any useful information?"


Song Chaoyu recalled: "This woman's name is Xu Meiyun, she is a five-star professional Guiwa, a subordinate of Gui Ri, one of the nine days of Breaking Dawn."

"Ghost day?"

Zhao Yunxiao's face changed slightly: "No wonder Zhao Feng and the others from Jincheng came here. Gui Ri has always been entrenched in Jinzhou Province... Why did they come here?"

"It's for something called a world wonder..."

"Wonderful object of the world!"

Not only Zhao Yunxiao, but also Bai Jingqi and others' expressions changed.

"You guys get out!"

Zhao Yunxiao immediately shouted secretly and stopped Song Chaoyu's words.

Pointing to the door, he said: "Everyone, this matter is confidential, please get out first."

"Yes! Captain Yunxiao!"

Bai Jingqi and others were very reluctant, but under Zhao Yunxiao's stern eyes, they still walked out.

"Warning you! This matter is confidential, no one should tell it." Zhao Yunxiao looked at Bai Jingqi: "Especially you!"

"Yes, Captain Yunxiao!"

After a few people walked out, Zhao Yunxiao continued to ask: "Is there any other news?"

"Where is Gui Ri now? Where is that rare thing in the world?"

"Gui Ri was in a place called Zhouzhi County under Qinshan Mountain before. She doesn't know where she is now."

"As for that worldly wonder, it is in the hands of the daughter of the Lord of the Black Sun."

"The Lord of the Black Sun...has a daughter?"

Outside the room, Cai Shen asked strangely: "Brother Cheng, what is the wonder of the world?"

"How do I know?" Zheng Cheng rolled his eyes and said, "Ask them, they will definitely know."

"never mind."

Li Jiao suddenly said: "Zheng Cheng, do you want to know what the world's wonders are? I can tell you~"


"Do not want to know!"


"Ah what? That thing must be something amazing even if you take it so seriously."

Zheng Cheng said casually: "I'm too lazy to cause trouble, so you'd better not tell me."

With a "squeak", the door of the morgue was opened, and Zhao Yunxiao and Song Chaoyu filed out.

"You go back and rest. I will have someone take you to the Secret Realm tomorrow!"

Zhao Yunxiao ordered: "In addition, Song Chaoyu is LV10 and has learned new skills."

"Is it LV10?"

"New skills?"

The eyes of several people lit up.

Before performing a mission, it is undoubtedly good news that teammates have increased strength.

Bai Jingqi and others had temporarily forgotten the news about the world's rare objects.

"What skill?"

"The new skill of the eight-star hidden profession, I wonder what it is about?"

"Attack? Control? Or assist?"

Song Chaoyu did not hide it, and showed the newly learned skill information to several people.

"Zheng Cheng, you have seen this skill before."

"Have I seen it before?"

Zheng Cheng's eyes moved, and Song Chaoyu's newly learned skills immediately appeared in front of him.

[Condensed Soul Beast: You can condense the souls of living creatures into soul beasts under your control. The stronger the killed creature, the stronger the soul beast will be. Soul beasts are immune to physical attacks and can directly attack the target soul. But it is restrained by the power of attribute elements such as flame, light, and thunder. ]

"So that's it!"

Zheng Cheng looked a little strange and thought about what happened that night again.

Especially those dozens of white buttocks.

"Huh?" Zheng Cheng said suddenly: "Logically speaking, the Lord of the Black Sun should have cultivated many powerful soul beasts over the years. Why did he only use the souls of ordinary people to condense the soul beasts that night?"

Zhao Yunxiao said: "She is running for her life."


"Huh?" Zhao Yunxiao nodded and said, "She got an incredible treasure from the soul-sucking banshee clan. Shou Yuan was accidentally exposed when she was about to get there, and was hunted down by many strong men."

"With all her strength exhausted, otherwise she wouldn't be so anxious to attack Zhixue."

"But this matter has nothing to do with you. Go back and rest quickly to prepare for tomorrow's Secret Realm mission."

"Yes, Captain Yunxiao!"

The nine people turned and left, chatting and walking towards the temporary dormitory.

Zhao Yunxiao, on the other hand, dialed Shen Nanfeng's number.


The signal was poor and intermittent, but it got through.

"Yunxiao? What's going on? Didn't you tell me not to call me when there was no need?"

"This is the kind of director..."

Soon, Zhao Yunxiao reported the information she obtained to Shen Nanfeng.

"Ghost Sun? A wonder of the world? The daughter of the Lord of the Black Sun?"

Shen Nanfeng also sounded surprised, "Do you have any plans?"

"I'm going to join forces with Zhao Feng and the others."

Zhao Yunxiao said: "Song Chaoyu said before that the memory of the remnant soul of the Lord of the Black Sun also contains a damaged world wonder. It seems to be inseparable from Gui Ri's actions this time."


Shen Nanfeng continued: "There are only you and Meng Fusheng there, there are too few people."

"Xu Qingfeng, Jia Peidong, and Zhu Lianghao have left the alien battlefield. I asked them to support you."

"So soon?" Zhao Yunxiao said in surprise: "Isn't it still a month or two?"

"Xu Qingfeng broke through immediately!"

Shen Nanfeng said: "There is only one step left before he can break through to the epic level."

"The superiors specially let him come back so that he can look for opportunities to break through the level-breaking mission and officially enter the epic level!"


A night of silence.

Early the next morning, just after breakfast, Wang Ning followed Zheng Cheng and others towards the magic crystal vein.

More than half an hour later, the nine people came to a mine vein that was heavily surrounded by the military.

"Don't rush in yet, Qin Zheng will be here soon." Bai Jingqi said, "We will go in together when he arrives."

Zheng Cheng didn't care, he also wanted to see what the second nine-star professional looked like.

Several other people were also full of interest, especially Cai Shen who whispered:

"Brother Cheng! This Qin Zheng is so arrogant that so many people are waiting for him?"

"Keep your voice down, I am a nine-star professional after all!"

"The same goes for Yao Zhixue. I haven't seen her so arrogant... Well, she seems to be quite cold to other people..."

"Say less, you!"

After another ten minutes, Zheng Cheng's eyes moved and he subconsciously looked towards the distant sky.

Soon, a military helicopter suddenly flew in from a distance and quickly stopped in front of everyone.

"Buzz buzz..."

The propeller rotated and slowly fell towards the ground.

Bai Jingqi's eyes were also a little surprised, and his tone was even more sour: "Damn! Qin Zheng is still such a coquettish guy~"

Li Jiao said excitedly: "It's Brother Qin Zheng! Brother Qin Zheng is here!"

He yelled and said with his hands: "Brother Qin Zheng! We are here..."

As the helicopter landed, a large amount of dust was blown up by the strong wind picked up by the propellers, causing everyone to subconsciously squint their eyes.

At this moment, a Daoist figure suddenly jumped out of the helicopter and smashed straight towards the ground!

Zheng Cheng's pupils shrank slightly.

This distance is a full thirty meters!

"Huh huh huh..."


Almost instantly, the Daoist shadow hit the ground hard, creating a big hole in the ground.

The surrounding ground almost shook, and smoke and dust rolled up.

The helicopter stopped for a few seconds, then lifted off.

"Wow! Brother Qin Zheng!"

Li Jiao ignored the smoke and dust, covered her eyes and walked towards the direction where the figure fell.

"Respect the flag~! Respect the flag! Come and give me a hand~"

Suddenly, anxious shouts came from the pit.

Bai Jingqi frowned and walked over: "Can you fucking change the way you appear in the future? I have to wipe your ass every time!"

When the smoke and dust dispersed, Zheng Cheng discovered a young man with short hair, his lower body buried in the soil, leaving only his upper body, waving to them.

Bai Jingqi grabbed his head and "pulled" him out from the ground.

Cai Shen's mouth twitched and said: "Cheng, Brother Cheng, is this the person we are waiting for?"

"That nine-star professional?"

Zheng Cheng's eyes were serious as he said, "It should be him, don't underestimate him..."

"Brother Qin Zheng, are you okay..."

Li Jiao diligently dusted him off, but Qin Zheng smiled and avoided Li Jiao's little hand and walked towards this side.

"Hi! You must be the professionals who are teaming up with us this time. My name is Qin Zheng. Nice to meet you."

Zheng Cheng's mouth twitched, wanting to say how happy he was.

But then he thought about it and realized that he had no system, so he still extended his hand and said: "Zheng Cheng, nice to meet you too."

"Zheng Cheng?"

Qin Zheng's eyes suddenly lit up, he looked Zheng Cheng up and down and said, "You are Zheng Cheng. The guy who let Bai Jingqi pull him for half an hour is so awesome!"

"Give me one when you have time. I also want to try pulling it for half an hour..."


Bai Jingqi immediately became angry and glared at the three people behind him: "Who told him!"

"Didn't my mother warn you?"

"not me."

"Not me either."

"It's not me...well, I just want to chat with Brother Qin Zheng for a while..."

"It's over, my lifelong reputation..."

A drop of cold sweat ran down Zheng Cheng's face. Why did these children from aristocratic families look more and more like idiots?

Especially this Qin Zheng.

He could only say: "Let's wait until this Secret Realm mission is completed."

"Okay, let's agree." Qin Zheng greeted the other four people again, showing excitement.

Especially after seeing Cai Shen, he even shouted for him to transform into Da Gongji. He wanted to see it.

Finally, he looked at Yao Zhixue.

"You are Yao Zhixue, right? You are indeed pretty, but it's a pity that it's too cold."

Qin Zheng chuckled and said, "Those old men in the clan want me to marry you even if they want me to, but I think it's better to forget it. You're not my type."

Yao Zhixue immediately became furious and kicked Qin Zheng.

"Oh, violent woman!"

Qin Zheng jumped again, dodged the kick, and hid behind Zheng Cheng.

"Stop it!"

Bai Jingqi shouted angrily, and then Qin Zheng walked out obediently and apologized repeatedly.

"Zheng Cheng, I'm sorry. Qin Zheng has been like this since he was a child. He is not serious."

Zheng Cheng shook his head and said: "It doesn't matter, I thought you..."

"Think we are arrogant? Unruly and rude? No one can look down on us with our noses turned upward?"

Bai Jingqi smiled and said: "There are some children from that kind of family, but there are not many of them. The legacy of our fathers makes us move forward and resist the aliens."

"Instead of being domineering and enjoying life among the ordinary people in the rear."

"By the way, Qin Zheng, have you completed your level-breaking mission?"

Qin Zheng said: "Of course it's done, and you don't even know who I am."

"Hurry up and enter the Secret Realm so that you can see my new skills!"

(End of chapter)

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