I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

82. Chapter 82 Entering The Secret Realm! A Powerful Enemy In The Dark!

Chapter 82 Entering the Secret Realm! A powerful enemy in the dark!

A group of ten people, led by Wang Ning, walked along the mine tunnel toward the inside. The traces of the surrounding mine tunnels were very new, and they were obviously newly dug.

Zheng Cheng asked strangely: "Brother Wang, is this mine tunnel newly dug?"

"Yes." Wang Ning nodded and said, "When we captured the Lord of the Black Sun, this mine was blown up by the Lord of the Black Sun's Five Elements Divine Envoy Huoyang."

"Later, we hired three earth magicians to open up the ruins and clear out this passage."

"The Secret Realm is just ahead, almost there."

As the mine turned a corner, a milky white light door suddenly appeared in front of their eyes.

This light door is very similar to the entrance to the copy, but it doesn't look very stable.

The surrounding light doors swayed slowly, as if they would dissipate at any moment.

Wang Ning stepped forward to investigate and said: "This Secret Realm entrance will take almost four days to dissipate. After completing the task, you must rush to the entrance as quickly as possible."

"Otherwise, once the entrance collapses, you will be lost in the Secret Realm forever!"


Bai Jingqi and others nodded slowly and said in a deep voice: "Get ready!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he stretched out his hand to grab it, and a bloody goose-wing knife suddenly appeared in his hand.

The blade is thick and the blade is sharp. There are several small holes on the back of the knife, and there is room for a copper ring to pass through the holes.

He grabbed it again with his other hand, and a round shield made of gold and copper, engraved with dragon patterns and vaguely stained with blood, appeared in his hand.

He was even put on a set of phosphorescent bright light armor, which protected his whole body and head.

Bai Jingsheng, who was behind him, stretched out his hand to grab it, and a slender cyan feather pen appeared in his hand.

A set of apricot Taoist robes also appeared on him.

Wearing a flat crown on his head and an Eight Trigrams Diagram engraved on his Taoist robe, he looks like a little Taoist priest.

Li Zhen also appeared in a black and red robe.

In his hand was a scarlet bone staff, which exuded the smell of blood.

As for Li Jiao, she was wearing a specially modified robe.

The originally spacious robe became slim-fitting, and the hem was even split. Like the cheongsam, two long, slender, white legs could be exposed with a casual movement.

In the dim mine, there is an alluring light.

The four of them look so cool.

Only Qin Zheng was still wearing black sportswear, hugging Cai Shen and muttering something unknown.

"You, you guys, this is..."

Cai Shen was stunned, and even Zheng Cheng looked a little strange.

This preparation...is too complete!

All of them are at least seven-star professionals, and their weapons can be explained by natural weapons.

But what about armor, shields, and staffs?

Oh shit!

Big dog owner!

I only have a staff and a long sword given by Zhao Yunxiao.

Why do these people look so armed even with their hair!

Bai Jingqi smiled and said: "Hehehe, brother Zhengcheng, do you want to marry into our Bai family?"

"If nothing else, the equipment and props are enough!"

"I still have 17 or 18 younger sisters who are not married. Sisters are fine too!"

Li Zhen also added: "You can also marry into my Li family. Except for Li Jiao, you can choose the other sisters!"

"Forget it, I don't like being a son-in-law."

Zheng Cheng refused.

Just kidding, even if I want to have a soft job, I have to find a powerful and beautiful female professional.

What's the big deal if you bring a wife into your family?

Of course, forget about being like Cai Shen and his parents.

I only like to eat alone, and the big pot rice is still too hard.

"What a pity..." Bai Jingqi stood at the front and asked, "Get ready to go in. I will be the captain. Do you have any objections?"

Several people shook their heads and agreed.

A powerful MT always makes his teammates feel at ease.

He was the captain and no one objected.

"Time is running out, let's go in."

As soon as he finished speaking, Bai Jingqi held the round shield in front of him and stepped into the Secret Realm first!

Qin Zheng also waved and said, "I'm going in too. When Secret Realm is over, I'll treat you to a drink!"

Five people from the aristocratic family stepped in one after another, Zheng Cheng also took a deep breath and said: "Let's go in too!"

Zheng Cheng, Liang Feifan, and Cai Shen were in front, followed closely by Yao Zhixue and Song Chaoyu, who also entered the Secret Realm.

The light in front of them changed, and the figures of the five people suddenly appeared...in another mine!

[Secret Realm: Mines of Moria]

[Level: LV10 (restricted to professionals below LV10 to enter)]

[Number of people entering: 10 people]

[Difficulty: Nightmare]

[Explanation: A mine invaded by evil orcs. Thirty years ago, the owner of the Moria mine, the Blackbeard dwarves, dug out a rare treasure 'Heart of the Earth' from the underground veins. As a result, they were attacked by the orcs. Covet. They invaded the dwarf mines of Moria and killed all the dwarves, hoping to seize the rare treasure 'Heart of the Earth'! ]

[Main mission: Capture the Heart of the Earth! ]

[Task description: The Heart of the Earth is hidden in a secret place by the black-bearded dwarves, and the orcs are looking for it. The Black Mountain dwarves also received the news that the Blackbeard dwarves had been destroyed, and were confronting the orc army. ]

[You must find the Heart of the Earth within three days, otherwise the orc army will return and you will die! ]

"Have you received the main mission?"

Bai Jingqi, who was dressed like an iron can, walked over and said in an angry voice.

"Yes." Zheng Cheng nodded and said, "According to the mission description, the orc army is confronting the Black Mountain dwarves outside the mountain. There are only a small number of orcs in the Moria mines, but they should not be underestimated."

"And if you want to find a gem in a huge maze-like mine, it is as difficult as climbing to the sky."

"What good ideas do you have?"

"For everyone's safety, let's work together." Zheng Cheng said: "I have a detection skill that can detect the location of the Heart of the Earth..."

"No need!"

"You are talking about your newly learned professional skills. It can distinguish between ourselves and the enemy, but it is not very useful in this kind of map."

Li Zhen came over and rejected Zheng Cheng's proposal. He said, "It's not that we can't trust you, but the family has regulations, unless the other party can't support it first and asks for help."

As he spoke, he handed over five talismans.

"This is a rescue talisman, one for each of the ten of us. If there is really trouble that cannot be solved, just tear it open and the other talismans will be affected."

Qin Zheng whispered from the side: "I also think it would be quite exciting to join forces..."

Under the glares of Bai Jingqi and Li Zhen, Qin Zheng shrank his head obediently and shrugged at Zheng Cheng and others to express his helplessness.

"In that case, forget it."

Zheng Cheng took five help talismans and handed out one to each person.

Newly learned career skills?

Distinguish friend from foe?

Brother, that is already a thing of the past!

Now let alone the heart of the earth, even if you hide it in the corners of the world, I can find it for you!

"There are seven or eight mines here, you choose first."

The place they were in was a huge cave.

Around the cave, there were seven or eight large caves that were as tall as a person.

These big holes lead to unknown places.

Among them, it inevitably contains huge risks.

Li Zhen stepped forward and a compass appeared in his hand.

The five elements are engraved on it, and there is a pointer inside that is constantly shaking.

He muttered something, and the pointer immediately started spinning.

It quickly turned to a certain direction and stopped.

Everyone looked subconsciously and saw a dark cave entrance.

Beside the cave entrance, the bodies of two dwarves lay.

Li Zhen nodded towards Zheng Cheng and the others, and then the five people entered one after another.

At the end, Li Jiao waved to everyone: "Be careful. If you are really in danger, remember to tear off the help charm~"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk..."

After the five people left, Cai Shen said with surprise: "As expected of someone from a big family, the preparations are really perfect."

Yao Zhixue suddenly said: "Zheng Cheng, I don't like them."

Song Chaoyu continued: "I don't like it either, each one is pulled like something, huh!"

"Hehehehe..." Zheng Cheng chuckled and said, "Being from a noble family and a high-star professional, you are the proud son of heaven!"

"They seem to be approachable and easy to talk to, but aren't they very proud of themselves?"

"In their eyes, this kind of approachable person is a courtesy corporal. It's a pity..."

Liang Feifan suddenly said: "Actually... they are pretty good."

"I have come into contact with children from other aristocratic families, and it is difficult for anyone to compare with them."

"Forget it, let's not talk about them." Zheng Cheng waved his hand: "Now it's our turn to choose a direction."

Cai Shen said: "Brother Cheng, that Li Zhen who used the compass just now must have learned a general skill."

"How about we follow them, so that we can...hehehehe..."

Zheng Cheng rolled his eyes at him and said: "What nonsense are you telling the truth? We promised Yunxiao to bring back the corpses of the creatures in Secret Realm, and they will definitely do the same."

"Is it possible that we can still fight with them to snatch the body?"

"Then where should we go..."


After saying that, Zheng Cheng activated the Central Radar Life Detection technique.

Soon, a complete 3D illusory map appeared in his mind.

With his body as the center, all the scenes within a radius of 500 meters appeared before his eyes.

Passages were spread around him like spider webs.

Continuing to look around, there are more side roads.

If it weren't for the map guidance, ordinary professionals would definitely get lost!

On a passage, there are five green dots slowly moving forward. They are Bai Jingqi and Qin Zheng.


Zheng Cheng's eyes moved slightly, and he saw that as the five of them moved, several red dots appeared on the road ahead, rushing towards them at extremely fast speeds.

"Hostile target! Orc?"

"Zheng Cheng?"

Yao Zhixue and others looked over strangely, Zheng Cheng shook his head and said: "It's nothing, Bai Jingqi and the others are in trouble."

"That's just right. Who made them so anxious?" Song Chaoyu said coldly: "When they tear up the rescue talisman, we can..."


Zheng Cheng interrupted Song Chaoyu's voice and continued to focus on the Central Radar Life Detection technique.

Immediately, he wrote the words "Heart of the Earth" in the location column.

Immediately, a green light appeared in one of the mines, extending towards the distance.

Go to the end of the map and then disappear.

"The five-hundred-meter range is still too short, but the location of the Heart of the Earth has been found."

"Really, where?"


Zheng Cheng turned around and pointed, and he happened to point at the mine that Bai Jingqi and the others had just entered...next door!


Cai Shen laughed: "They chose the right direction, but the entrance to the mine was wrong!"

"Brother Cheng, it has to be you! How awesome are they? They don't have the ability to navigate automatically..."

Song Chaoyu also smiled sweetly and said: "What would be their reaction if they knew they were going the wrong way? Geez..."

"Okay, let's go!"

Zheng Cheng ordered: "Liang Feifan, you go to the front."


Liang Feifan sighed, and his face turned into the shape of a pig's liver again due to anger.

But when he saw the two beauties Yao Zhixue and Song Chaoyu, he suddenly became so proud that he slapped his chest.

"Don't worry, two beauties. As long as I, Liang Feifan, am here, I will never let..."

"Let's go you!"

Cai Shen swayed and immediately turned into a man as tall as a man, and his clothes were stretched to pieces.

His wings suddenly jumped up, and his claws kicked Liang Feifan on the back, kicking him into the mine.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Hurry up and clear the way!"


Liang Feifan screamed and rolled down the mine in embarrassment.

After finally getting up, he saw two black figures rushing out of the darkness in the distance. The sharp weapons in their hands slashed towards Liang Feifan's head and face.


Before he could react, two ice blades were shot out from behind and pierced hard into the bodies of the two Daoist members.

A large amount of cold air surged, and the speed of the two black figures immediately slowed down.

Liang Feifan also took advantage of this opportunity to retreat quickly, stretched out his hand to grab it, and the Natural Armed Demonic Sword appeared in his hand.

"Depend on!"


Behind him, Zheng Cheng and four others also ran out.

A delicate snow-white staff appeared in Yao Zhixue's hand, and he was also wearing a snow-like staff, looking like an ice and snow goddess.

It was her who saved Liang Feifan at the critical moment!

"Come and help!"

Liang Feifan shouted, twisted and pounced with the magic sword in hand!

Wind Blade Slash!

A cyan wind blade flashed out from the magic sword in his hand, and it struck directly at the current orc.


The orc roared angrily, although his speed was three points slower due to Yao Zhixue.

But this ax still struck Liang Feifan's magic sword!


A crisp collision suddenly exploded. Not only was the wind blade defeated, but Liang Feifan's whole body was also knocked away by the ax and hit the ground hard.

He gritted his teeth and endured the severe pain without spitting out blood.

"Fuck...so much strength..."



A crisp chicken crow suddenly sounded, and a huge rooster fell from the sky, and its sharp claws fiercely grabbed the head of the orc who rushed up.

It is Cai Shen!

His wings flapped again, and he soared into the sky again with the help of the orc's body.

There was still a piece of sticky blood and minced meat left in the air.

And...two eyeballs!

Cai Shen took advantage of this opportunity and struck out, and actually dug out two of the orc's eyes!


The orc screamed, grabbed the ax and began to slash around crazily.

The sharp ax blade tore through the air with a harsh whistling sound, causing Liang Feifan to keep retreating.

At this time, with the help of the beating torches on both sides of the mine, a few people could fully see the appearance of the two orcs.

Their bodies are a full head taller than a few people, their skin is black and green, and their huge heads are covered with messy hair.

The face is ferocious, and there are sharp fangs protruding from the mouth.

The upper body was naked and covered in blood and wounds.

The two arms are strong and strong, and the sharp nails are dark.

One of the blind orcs was holding a big ax in his hand and was chopping wildly.

The orc behind him was holding a seemingly heavy mace in his hand!

"Get out of the way!"

Zheng Cheng secretly shouted, flicked his bloodthirsty staff, and Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst immediately fell on the two orcs!

At the same time, consciousness fell on the Central Radar Life Detection technique.

"Damn! What a high physical attribute!"

(End of chapter)

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