I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

84. Chapter 84 Orcs’ Special Unit! Jiaojiao, Let Go!

Chapter 84 Orc special unit! Jiaojiao, let go!

Another channel.

Bai Jingqi and others also faced attacks from orcs.

I don’t know if there was something wrong with the path Li Zhen chose, or for some other reason. There were four orcs attacking their team!


In the darkness, a shrill roar came.

Bai Jingqi took a step forward, and the round shield in his hand suddenly flashed with light.

Then the whole person rushed out like a crazy rhinoceros.

With a "bang", the orc headed by him was knocked to the ground.

Another slash struck the second Orc, causing the remaining three Orcs to all place their hatred on him.

An ax struck and hit the buckler, causing a large amount of sparks to fly.

"Do it quickly!"

Bai Jingqi shouted loudly, and all the people behind him took action.

Li Jiao stretched out her hand and muttered something.

A dark black light immediately fell on the three orcs.

The three orcs who were besieging Bai Jingqi immediately slowed down by 30%, and were slashed by Bai Jingqi again.


The bone staff in Li Zhen's hand flashed with a bloody light gate, and then a wide blood-red magic circle appeared at his feet in front of him, exuding bursts of cold aura.

Then, a naked demon with fiery red skin, devil wings on its back, and a steel fork in its hand crawled out of the formation.

Summon the lemure!

As a demon warlock, Li Zhen can enhance his strength by summoning demons.

This evil demon is the first demon summoned by Li Zhen!


As soon as this demon climbed out, it twitched its nose and smelled the smell in the air carefully, and its eyes immediately became excited and greedy.

Li Zhen opened his mouth and drank secretly, and the evil demon also made a series of rapid screams.

Li Zhen's face changed slightly, but he still gritted his teeth and nodded.

Pointing at the battle group in the distance, the lemure immediately rushed over excitedly.

A steel fork knocked an orc to the ground, and they started fighting excitedly.

Li Jiao asked strangely: "Brother! What did this evil demon say?"

"He wants three bodies of blood!" Li Zhen frowned and said, "This summoning can last for six hours."

"We must complete the main mission within six hours as soon as possible."

"Three bodies of blood?"

"It's just three orc corpses!"

Li Zhen explained: "Every time you summon this evil demon, you have to pay a certain amount of blood food. The quality and quantity of the blood food will determine the duration of his summons."

"However, this lemure has good qualifications and has devil wings. As long as it is properly cultivated, given time, it may be able to evolve into a high-level devil."


At this time, a sound of burning air came.

I saw Bai Jingsheng holding a slender brush and sketching randomly in the air.

Following his movements, slender threads appeared in the air, slowly forming a transparent talisman floating in the air.

Freeze Talisman!


Bai Jingsheng shouted secretly, and the freezing talisman immediately turned into a white light and hit an orc.

Most of his body was immediately frozen into an ice sculpture, and his head was beheaded by Bai Jingqi!

Soon, with the joint efforts of the four people, all four orcs were killed.

"Ah woo~ ah woo~"

In the darkness, the lemure summoned by Li Zhen squatted on the ground, devouring the orc corpse.

With one mouthful, the orc's head can be bitten into pieces.

The five of them could only stay around cautiously, waiting for the lemures to eat.

In the darkness, Bai Jingsheng suddenly asked: "Qin Zheng, why didn't you do anything just now?"


Qin Zheng shook his head and said, "You are enough. I won't join in the fun."


"Stop talking!" Li Zhen interrupted Bai Jingsheng's question, his expression becoming extremely cautious.

"What's wrong?"

"What did you find?"

Several people asked strangely, while Li Zhen took out his compass and looked at it carefully.

After a few breaths, his expression changed drastically and he said, "Let's go! Let's go quickly!"

"A large group of orcs are coming towards us!"

"Which way?"

"This way!"

Li Zhen pointed in the direction and let out a series of weird sounds.

The lemure that was devouring the orc corpse stood up dissatisfied and let out a series of screams.

Li Zhen's tone obviously changed, and he shouted secretly. The evil demon reluctantly threw away a thigh, grabbed the steel fork and stood up.

The five people and one demon took action quickly, using the Bai Jing flag as an arrow, and ran towards the dark mine ahead.

In just a few minutes, bursts of roars and noises came from the dark front.

"There are enemies ahead!"

“There’s also one on the side!”

"Li Zhen! Decide quickly!"

"Rush over!"

Li Zhen held a compass in one hand and said angrily.

"I'll clear the way!"

Bai Jingqi shouted loudly, and at least a dozen orcs appeared in the dim mine ahead.

Before he could finish his words, he saw a silhouette of Daoist rushing out.

Qin Zheng!


In mid-air, an indescribable momentum suddenly exploded.

However, Qin Zheng's figure suddenly grew taller, two fleshy bumps appeared on his forehead, and his pupils turned into bronze vertical ones.

The arms are spread out, and there are faint scales growing out.

The claws were sharp, tearing the air, and there were bursts of tearing sounds.

Waves of extremely hot heat surged in all directions with him as the center.

The dozen orcs who had originally rushed over were immediately affected and their momentum weakened.

Even the charge has slowed down.

Qin Zheng instantly rushed to the leading orc and knocked it to the ground with one paw.

Then there was another roar, as if a giant beast was roaring, causing the eardrums of Bai Jingqi and others to burst.

The dozen orcs in the restaurant were even more unbearable. Some orcs even fell to the ground, scared to death.

"Hahaha, rush over quickly!"

Qin Zheng laughed loudly and rushed forward again.

"Fuck! Qin Zheng! You really know how to find time to show off~!"

Bai Jingqi cursed angrily, this guy really knows how to show off!

"Brother Qin Zheng is the best!"

Li Jiao jumped up excitedly and clapped her hands vigorously.

"Damn it! Let's go!"

Bai Jingqi cursed angrily, followed closely behind Qin Zheng, with the evil demon guarding him on the other side, and rushed over!

After cutting down an orc and roaring, Bai Jingqi said strangely: "Hey...this orc seems to have become weaker?"

"Qin Zheng, is it you?"


Qin Zheng knocked another half-orc to the ground with his backhand, and explained: "My newly learned professional skill, Longwei."

"It can weaken all attributes of surrounding targets by 10%, and buff skills will also be weakened. The weaker the opponent, the higher the percentage of weakening."


Bai Jingqi cursed secretly: "You boy, this skill is a great weapon in group battles!"


Five people and one demon immediately rushed to kill, and in just a few minutes, they broke out of the siege of more than a dozen orcs.

Afterwards, the five people moved quickly in the dark mine.

With Li Zhen guiding the direction, Qin Zheng and Bai Jingqi rushed forward, and the five of them were very fast.

I don't know how many hours had passed, but the narrow passage in front of me suddenly became empty.

An extremely huge canyon appeared in front of the five people.

"Is this... an abyss?"

"No way?"

"What to do? Where to run?"

Qin Zheng jumped onto a big rock, looked around, and pointed to the left.

"There! There's a suspension bridge!"

"Let's go! Come quickly!"

"After passing that suspension bridge, you should be in the hinterland of the mine. The heart of the earth is definitely in that direction."


The five people took action again and rushed towards the suspension bridge.

Bai Jingsheng looked around and suddenly said, "Where are Zheng Cheng and them?"

"You haven't come out of the maze for so long. What's going to happen?"

"Shut up!"

Bai Jingqi cursed angrily: "They are all colleagues. The team information did not indicate that anyone was killed, and the rescue talisman did not respond. They will definitely be fine."



Suddenly, a series of shrill roars came from the darkness in the distance.

In the darkness, blue pupils actually appeared on the ground, like fireflies in the darkness.


These fireflies were actually running towards them at extremely fast speeds!

When the figure rushed past the torch under the mine wall, it was discovered that these fireflies were actually the pupils of giant wolves!

Behind the giant wolf, three orcs with completely different images appeared.

They were bare-chested, and their dark green skin was covered in large, strange patterns with unknown paint.

The head was also covered with the head of an unknown monster, revealing only its ferocious face and ferocious pupils.

Looking at the five people fleeing for their lives, they took out bone horns and blew them immediately.


Accompanied by bursts of shrill roars in the air, giant wolves rushed toward them viciously!

They are...Orc Tamers!

Behind them, there are more orcs!

And, three other taller and burlier figures.

"There are wolves! Move quickly!"

"Go to the suspension bridge quickly~!"

Several people hurriedly ran towards the suspension bridge, but it was a pity that it was impossible for people to be as fast as the giant wolf.

When there were still four to five hundred meters away from the suspension bridge, Li Jiao, who was the slowest, was overtaken!


A giant wolf suddenly pounced, and just when it was about to catch Li Jiao, a steel fork arrived first and stabbed the giant wolf through!

"Let's go!"

Behind him, Li Zhen roared angrily, and the lemure he controlled roared, and violently threw away the giant wolf on the steel fork, knocking over several giant wolves.

"Brother, brother, let's go!"

Li Jiao also hurriedly ran over, but was pushed behind by Li Zhen.

"You go first, I'll stop them!"

Li Zhen muttered something, and the evil demon rushed into the wolves like crazy.

With one fork, he knocked over another giant wolf, and with another hand, he grabbed the neck of another giant wolf that pounced on him.

But before he could kill the two giant wolves, two more giant wolves rushed over and threw him to the ground.


"Ho ho!!"

The lemure roared angrily, threw all the giant wolves to the ground, opened its big mouth and bit them viciously.

With a flick of the steel fork, another giant wolf was knocked to the ground.

But these dozen giant wolves were not vegetarians, and they started biting madly around the lemure demons.

For a time, roars and biting sounds continued to be heard in the dark mine.

"Damn it!"

Li Zhen cursed angrily, turned around and ran away.

Lemurs will not die. They will automatically return to the abyss after being seriously injured to a certain extent.

But loyalty is bound to decline.

The next time you summon him, you will have to pay more.


"Jiaojiao! Catch me quickly!"


In front, Bai Jingqi and Qin Zheng killed three more orcs.

The road was finally clear, and the five people rushed onto the suspension bridge one after another and ran towards the opposite side.


Li Jiao subconsciously screamed. The suspension bridge was in disrepair and was made of ropes mixed with steel wires.

The bridge under the feet is just a simple wooden plank, and under the wooden plank is a bottomless pit.

Just swaying casually is like swinging, very dangerous.

"Jiaojiao! Don't look down, look forward, and hurry up!"

Bai Jingsheng shouted and ran towards the opposite side first.

Li Jiao also gritted her teeth and followed closely.

Li Zhen cursed secretly, as the evil demon he summoned had returned to the abyss.

It means that the enemy is catching up again!



Sure enough, in just a few seconds, the dozen giant wolves caught up with the suspension bridge.

"There is a stone pillar ahead! Go there quickly!"

Qin Zheng's eyes lit up.

This suspension bridge is not directly connected to the other side, but is supported by several giant stone pillars in the middle, dividing the canyon into several parts.

The middle is connected by a suspension bridge.

With a flash of his figure, he jumped onto the rope on the side of the suspension bridge, and actually rushed up to the stone pillar with the help of the rope.

On the stone pillars, there were also several orcs waiting.

Qin Zheng descended from the sky and fiercely charged into the crowd. He immediately kicked two orcs outside the suspension bridge and fell down screaming.

Bai Jingqi and Bai Jingsheng followed closely and chopped down the orcs who fell on the bridge one by one.

Li Jiao and Li Zhen were at the end, staggering towards the stone pillar.

Suddenly, the suspension bridge shook violently. Li Jiao was so frightened that she screamed again and subconsciously hugged the rope.

Li Zhen looked back subconsciously, and his expression suddenly changed.

"Jiaojiao! Let's go quickly! The orcs behind are cutting down the bridge!"


Li Jiao turned around suddenly and saw two giant monsters four or five meters tall on the other side of the suspension bridge. They were grabbing giant axes and slashing at the wooden piles of the suspension bridge!

Cave Troll!


The suspension bridge swayed again, and the rope connecting the suspension bridge was cut directly by the cave troll.

Fighting for a suspension bridge, like a kite with its string broken, it fell hard towards the bottom of the canyon.


Li Jiao subconsciously screamed and hugged the rope of the suspension bridge tightly.

Under him, Li Zhen also grasped the rope of the suspension bridge with one hand and held the compass steadily with the other.

"Jiaojiao! Don't be afraid, climb up quickly!"

"Climb up...!"

"I, I, I crawl, I crawl..."

Li Jiao said tremblingly, but her hands and feet were clinging to the rope of the suspension bridge like an octopus, and she did not dare to climb up.

She is the daughter of the Li family. She has suffered so much and seen such dangerous situations since she was a child.

Even if you fight a monster, it's still a monster with its teeth pulled out and its nails cut off.

"Jiaojiao! Li Zhen!"

Bai Jingqi and others also noticed the strange changes here, and quickly turned around and lay on the ground, extending their hands to the two of them.

"Don't be afraid! Brother Jingqi is here, climb up quickly!"

"Don't look down!"

Qin Zheng also rushed over in one step, grabbing a rope with one hand: "Flag respect! Grab the rope and pull them up!"

"Yes! Pull the rope!"

Bai Jingqi reacted quickly. He and Qin Zheng grabbed a rope and pulled it upwards hard.



Suddenly, a piercing strange scream came from the dark air in the distance.

Several people subconsciously looked in that direction. Above the dim canyon, a huge bat with a wingspan of three or four meters flew over!

On the backs of these large bats, there are also fully armed orcs riding on them!

They also had wooden bows in their hands, and they were bending the bows and drawing arrows, aiming at several people from a distance.


Li Zhen, who had been influenced by Confucian culture for more than ten years, also cursed subconsciously, his eyes full of despair.

"Jiaojiao! Let go!"

(End of chapter)

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