I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

85. Chapter 85 Male Function 1! Inexplicable Hostility?

Chapter 85 Male Function +1%! Inexplicable hostility?

Time goes back a few hours.

Zheng Cheng and others ran into a trail and just escaped the large army of orcs.

Continuing forward, there are more and more side roads around.

Some are only half a person tall, while others are as high as four or five meters.

I don’t know what tool was used to dig it out.

The three red dots in front still stay in place, and I don't know what they are doing.

"Be careful, we're getting close."

While paying attention to the Central Radar Life Detection technique, Zheng Cheng led the team to move forward carefully.

Soon, after passing an intersection, the three red dots were exposed to the eyes of several people.

This is a huge, empty cave, and there are actually two huge pythons about twenty meters long and two meters thick hanging in the air!

The scales on the skin of the two pythons are blue-black and densely distributed around the body.

The huge head was lying on the ground, swallowing something, and the ground was covered with sticky blood.

Behind these two huge pythons, there was an old half-orc with saggy skin squatting.

His body was covered with colorful lines, and he was holding a container made of skulls in his hand, and he was drinking blood-red wine.

Zheng Cheng's pupils shrank slightly.

From what he could see, what the two giant pythons swallowed was... the corpses of dwarves lying on the ground!

There were at least a hundred corpses piled together, and all the armor and weapons on them had been stripped away.

Let these two giant pythons swallow you.

Moreover, the abdomens of these two giant pythons were also bulging, and at least thirty or forty dwarf corpses were swallowed by them.

"Brother Cheng...what should we do?"

"Is this an elite half-orc monster?"

Cai Shen's huge chicken head came over and asked, causing Zheng Cheng to move subconsciously.

Suddenly, a giant python that was eating stopped.

The huge triangular head slowly turned around, its bronze vertical pupils staring at this side, sniffing something in the air carefully.

Soon, its ferocious pupils showed a hint of surprise that would only show when it sees its favorite food.

It swam over slowly!



Zheng Cheng cursed secretly, Cai Shen is restless even if he turns into a chicken.

You know, snakes like to eat poultry the most.

Especially the eggs of poultry and bird creatures!

"We've been discovered, retreat quickly!"

The five people quickly retreated, but this movement also caused a chain reaction.

Both giant pythons spotted them, and even the old orc stood up suddenly.

He grabbed the bone staff next to him and roared at them.

The hurried words were like a spell, and the two giant pythons immediately swam toward them at extremely fast speeds.

"Zhixue, freeze them!"

Zheng Cheng shouted loudly, and Yao Zhixue behind him immediately raised his staff.

Soon, blizzards appeared in the empty cave, shrouding the two giant pythons and the old orc.

"Can't retreat! There is a large orc army behind us, kill him!"

Zheng Cheng shouted loudly and rushed towards the two giant pythons first.

"Liang Feifan! Noob! You and I will hold down these two giant pythons, and Chao Yu's soul beast will deal with the orc!"


Liang Feifan and Cai Shen rushed up immediately. Unexpectedly, the two giant pythons actually pounced directly towards Cai Shen, which scared Cai Shen and quickly flapped his wings.

"Fuck! Help! Why are these two giant pythons only causing trouble for me~!"

Zheng Cheng took out the bloodthirsty staff and shouted: "Hold on!"

Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst!


The two skills immediately fell on the two giant pythons, especially with the blessing of bloodthirsty, these two giant pythons were even more ferocious.

With a sudden swoop, Cai Shen almost swallowed him.




For a time, a big rooster as tall as a person kept jumping up and down, and a large number of chicken feathers flew in all directions, covering the entire cave.

On the other side, the two soul beasts controlled by Song Chaoyu had already pounced on the old half-orc.

The monster, which turned into half man and half beast, bit and tore at him, causing him to scream in agony.

He waved the bone staff in his hand, trying to cast a spell.

But being bitten by the soul beast caused severe pain in his mind, and he couldn't concentrate at all.

An ice blade shot at him, and he couldn't dodge and was immediately thrown to the ground. Most of his body was covered with frost, and he could only scream miserably.

Although the elderly orcs have the opportunity to gain the ability to cast spells, their physique and strength have plummeted!

A harsh and sharp roar suddenly came from his mouth, and the two originally crazy giant pythons suddenly became more ferocious.

Rushing at extremely high speed, its huge head hit the wall directly, causing a huge earthquake in the cave.


Liang Feifan cursed angrily, jumped up with the magic sword in hand, and stopped a giant python.

A large number of wind blades began to condense on the magic sword in his hand, and a cyan formation appeared on the ground.

"Flash Sword Formation!"

A series of dense wind blades immediately surged out from the wind sword formation at his feet.

Under his control, all of them were chopped down on the giant python like a storm.

The scales were torn and a large amount of flesh and blood was torn off, causing the giant python to let out a series of shrill screams.

At this time, Zheng Cheng's expression changed, and he suddenly looked behind the few people.

During the Central Radar Life Detection technique, a large number of red dots were running towards them at high speed!

The screams of the old orcs before they died were actually summoning their tribesmen!

Zheng Cheng's mind suddenly changed and he immediately had an idea.

"Zhixue! Use your ability to seal the entrance!"

Yao Zhixue's eyes brightened slightly, he made a hand seal, and a burst of frost-white light suddenly emerged from his body.

Then, the pocket elf Xueer flapped her wings and slowly flew out.

The two joined forces and waved the exquisite staff, and a stream of cold air quickly condensed at the entrance of the cave.

In an instant, a large group of ice appeared at the entrance of the cave, blocking the entrance.

Moreover, it is still spreading towards the interior at a speed visible to the naked eye.


At this moment, Zheng Cheng's Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst broke out on the two giant pythons!

While swimming at a high speed, a giant python chasing Cai Shen suddenly bulged up and its abdomen bulged.

A large ball of flesh and blood spurted out from its lower body, along with a large amount of viscous liquid.

With such a delay, Cai Shen narrowly escaped the attack of the giant python.

On the other side, the same was true for the giant python that was fighting Liang Feifan. The viscous liquid even sprayed on Liang Feifan's body.

"Depend on!"

Liang Feifan cursed secretly and quickly waved the magic sword to blow away the stinky liquid and gas.

At the same time, he twisted his body and pounced on it. Taking advantage of the moment when the giant python was controlled, he thrust his sword into its pupil.


The giant python roared horribly, flicked its huge head, and threw Liang Feifan away, slamming it against the wall.

At the same time, the huge snake's mouth opened again, and a mouthful of thick venom immediately sprayed on Liang Feifan's body.


Liang Feifan screamed, and the equipment on his body ignited the pungent smell of smoke due to the corrosion of the venom.

Large blisters eroded by venom quickly appeared on the skin on his hands and face, which looked extremely terrifying and disgusting.

"Get out of the way!"

Seeing that the python was about to spray venom again, Zheng Cheng rushed over and knocked the python's mouth away with great force.

At the same time, the Yunxiao Sword suddenly penetrated the python from its chin into its head!


The giant python repeated its old trick, trying to throw Zheng Cheng away.

Unfortunately, Zheng Cheng had already dropped the Yunxiao Sword, stepped on its head and jumped back.

At the same time, he flicked his hand and used the bloodthirsty staff to hit the giant python again.

"Virtual Fire Incineration!"


A huge and illusory flame immediately started beating on the giant python.


The giant python also screamed and rolled crazily on the ground.

It shook its huge figure vigorously, trying to get rid of the flames on its body.

It's a pity that this virtual fire uses the emotions, spirit, and even soul of living beings as fuel.

As a reptile, it can't regulate its emotions at all, it can only be gradually burned out in anger!

One shot of Virtual Fire Incineration killed more than just the giant python.

Even the level has been upgraded to LV2!

Virtual Fire IncinerationLV2!

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Liang Feifan endured the severe pain, took out the antidote from the toolbar, raised his head and drank it.

"Pour the medicine on yourself!"

Zheng Cheng shouted and turned around to kill another giant python.

Liang Feifan raised the antidote potion tremblingly and poured it all on himself.

Worried that it was not safe, he took out two more bottles and poured them on himself.

"Damn, my face..."

He struggled to pick up the magic sword and saw his own face through the smooth surface of the magic sword.

The originally fair face was now covered with blood bubbles stirred up by the venom.

Only two eyes were intact on the entire face, and even the eyelids had fine blisters.

Under the action of the antidote, these blisters slowly disappeared.

However, it left even more ugly sores on his face.

"My face, damn it, my face..."

"It's all your fault...it's all Zheng Cheng's fault!"

"If you hadn't led us here, how could we have encountered these two poisonous snakes."

"My face..."

He tore off a large piece of cloth from his body and wrapped it around his face, leaving only a pair of small eyes exposed.

Three eye rolls.

The maroon pupils are surrounded by white eyes.

The whites of his eyes were densely covered with scarlet bloodshot eyes.

It looks like an evil ghost.


On the other side, the second python was also hit by Zheng Cheng's Virtual Fire Incineration.

The huge head was raised and shaking wildly.

At the same time, the snake's mouth opened wide, and balls of venom exuding a fishy smell were sprayed out in all directions, causing several people to dodge quickly.

At this time, under the control of Song Chaoyu, the two soul beasts suddenly pounced on the giant python and bit hard.

Soul beasts are not afraid of venom.

Finally, with the joint efforts of several people, the giant python died!

Zheng Cheng took the lead and walked over, slashing down with the Yunxiao Sword.

[Skill cast successfully! ]

[You have obtained a special ingredient: Black Water Black Snake Gallbladder (fake). ]

[You obtained the Black Water Black Snake (pseudo) DNA molecule. ]

[You activated the Black Water Black Snake (pseudo) DNA map. ]

"It worked again!"

He quickly lowered his head to check.

A snake gall the size of a bowl appeared on his hand. It was pitch black and emitted a faint blue light.

[Special ingredient: Blackwater black snake gallbladder (fake)]

[Quality: four stars]

[Effect: After consumption, it can permanently increase 3 points of spirit, 3 points of agility, +2% toxin resistance, and +1% male function. Limit of 20 pills. ]

[Explanation: The black water black snake's gallbladder was unfortunately raised in captivity, and the quality of its gallbladder has dropped a lot. ]

3 points of spirit and 3 points of agility make sense, as well as +2% poison resistance. After all, it is a four-star ingredient.


What the hell is male function +1%?

What the fuckX^%*&^$%*&^)(^*%&)

"Huh...Brother Cheng, these two big pythons are really difficult..."

Cai Shen flapped his wings and descended from the sky and came to Zheng Cheng: "Hey, what is this?"

"Snake gallbladder, cut out from its belly, do you want to try it?"

Cai Shen quickly waved his wings: "I won't eat it if I don't want to. I hate eating these weird things~"

Song Chaoyu came over with a malicious smile: "Weird things? Haven't you ever eaten bugs?"


Cai Shen immediately retorted: "That's just to complete the level-breaking task. Besides, those bugs were cooked by the Yunzhou Province chef himself, and they don't smell like bugs at all!"

"Smell of bugs? Do bugs still smell?"


While the two were bickering, Zheng Cheng threw the black water black snake gall into the space ring.

"Zhao Yu, stop arguing, and quickly try to see if you can condense the soul beasts."

"I'm coming!"

Song Chaoyu snorted at Cai Shen, then turned around and came to the python corpse, and began to gather the soul beast.

"You girl, what are you talking about? It's really..."

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zheng Cheng slashed at the second python corpse.

[Skill cast successfully! ]

[You have obtained a special ingredient: Black Water Black Snake Gallbladder (fake). ]

The second black water black snake gallbladder!

Silently, he threw the snake gall into the space ring again, and at this time, Song Chaoyu's condensed soul beast was also completed.

A much smaller python soul beast, only seven or eight meters long, crawled out from the body of the black water black snake.

He crawled up to Song Chaoyu swayingly, his triangular head pressed against Song Chaoyu intimately.

Cai Shen wondered: "Why is this head so small? It's far from the original!"

"I don't know either..." Song Chaoyu also said strangely: "Huh? This black water black snake suddenly took up 5 points of my energy!"

"Should I cheer up? There are almost two half-orcs..."

Zheng Cheng groped his chin and said, "Maybe it has something to do with my Virtual Fire Incineration. My skills damaged the python's soul a lot, and that's why the soul beast you condensed is so big."

"So that's it..." Song Chaoyu also said: "But it doesn't matter, I think this soul beast is strong enough!"

"There's one more."

She repeated her old trick and began to condense the soul beast into the second python.

Soon, the second python spirit beast also climbed out of the corpse!

After doing this, Zheng Cheng threw the bodies of the two black water snakes into the space ring.

Yao Zhixue walked over and said, "Zheng Cheng, let's go quickly."

"I can feel that the hole I'm freezing over won't last long."

"This mine is located in the hinterland of the mountain. There seems to be magma or volcanoes underground, and the ice and snow melt quickly."

"There's no rush yet."

Zheng Cheng glanced at the Central Radar Life Detection Technique and found that the orc army was still blocked outside the cave.

There is another group of orcs taking a detour, but the distance is not short.

At this moment, his brow suddenly moved.

Out of the corner of his eye, he subconsciously glanced in the direction of Liang Feifan.

Liang Feifan was scratching his head and did not come over.


Liang Feifan, why are you hostile to me?

It seems that it is not that easy to forget grudges with a smile.

If that's the case, don't blame me!

The mines of Moria are your burial place!

"What's wrong?"

Seeing that Zheng Cheng didn't speak, Yao Zhixue asked strangely.


Zheng Cheng reacted quickly and pointed to the place where the two giant pythons were hovering just now and said, "I was wondering if the bodies of these dwarves can be taken out?"

(End of chapter)

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