Chapter 86 Power surges! Cliff shock!

"Dwarf corpse?"

Several people's eyes lit up slightly.


Zhao Yunxiao said that he would take the corpses of the creatures out of the Secret Realm, but he did not say that they had to be killed by him.

He lowered his head to check and quickly obtained the specific attributes of a dwarf corpse.

[Name: Copperhead·Blackbeard]

[Status: dead]

[Race: Dwarf]

[Level: LV12]

[Height: 125cm]

[Weight: 80kg]

[Physique: 36]

[Strength: 28]

[Agility: 14]

[Spirit: 12]

[Explanation: A corpse of a black-bearded dwarf has certain edible value for certain creatures. ]

Zheng Cheng slashed it with his sword and secretly used Random Dissection.

In a flash of light, the body of the black-bearded dwarf was chopped off, but he did not receive any special food.

"The skill was successfully cast, but nothing useful was dissected."

"In other words, these corpses can be taken out..."

Zheng Cheng said: "Zhixue, please reinforce the ice sealing the door. Let's rest for three minutes before we move forward."


Yao Zhixue agreed and began to work with Xiaoxue to block the entrance of the cave.

Song Chaoyu came to Yao Zhixue with great interest and looked Xiaoxue up and down.

Cai Shen was walking around in the cave, scratching the ground with his claws from time to time.

Liang Feifan was still hiding in the corner alone, covering his face tightly with a cloth, and did not come over.

Zheng Cheng wielded the Yunxiao Sword and slashed at the dwarf corpses with one sword after another.

One, two, five, six...

Until the fifteenth body, a light that only he could see flashed in front of his eyes.

At the same time, a special piece of food also appeared on his hand.

[Skill cast successfully! ]

[You have obtained a special ingredient: the heart blood of the black-bearded dwarf. ]


He quickly lowered his head to check.

A black-red marble lay quietly in his hand.

[Special ingredient: Black-bearded dwarf heart blood]

[Quality: two stars]

[Effect: After consumption, it can permanently increase strength by 2 points. Limit of taking 30 pills. ]

[Explanation: The blood of the black-bearded dwarf contains all the power of this corpse. ]

"Only two stars?"

Zheng Cheng threw it into his mouth, warmth flowed through, and his strength increased by 2 points.

"The blood of the orcs, the blood of the dwarves..."

"How come after dissecting two kinds of food, all the special foods you get are your own brainchild?"

"Could it be that it's because of the Secret Realm?"

"Brother Cheng! Come here and see what I found!"

Cai Shen suddenly shouted, and Zheng Cheng waved his hand and collected all the dwarf corpses on the ground.

When you have time, dissect slowly.

Several other people were also called over by Cai Shen's shouts.

I saw him standing in front of the corpse of the old half-orc, with one claw still rummaging around for something on the corpse.

Song Chaoyu said disgustedly: "Hey~~~What are you doing, playing with corpses? Are you too perverted?"

"Who is playing with the corpse!"

Cai Shen turned his head and glared at Song Chaoyu fiercely, and said, "I'm looking for this!"

As he spoke, he flicked his wings, and a black stone came out, which was caught by Zheng Cheng.

When he spread it out, he saw that it was actually a marble-sized, dark, irregular prism-shaped gem!

[Props: Obsidian crystal stone]

[Attribute: Gem]

[Level: 1 star]

[Effect: It can be inlaid on wands, staffs, scepters, magic books, crystal stones and other legal professional weapons to enhance their mental recovery speed. ]

[Explanation: A special gem that only exists in the deep mountains is a coveted treasure for legal professionals. ]

"It can actually increase the speed of mental recovery? It's only for legal professionals!"

Zheng Cheng's eyes lit up, and several others also became excited.

Among the five people, even Cai Shen can be regarded as a legal professional!

"Look for it quickly! See if there are any more!"

After hearing this, the five people quickly searched in the cave.

Cai Shen found 3 from the corpse of an old orc.

Yao Zhixue and Song Chaoyu each found two in the corner of the cave.

Liang Feifan also found a box from the corner where he was staying, and when he opened it, there were 3 pills!

Zheng Cheng also found 2 in the corner.

Several people found 12 obsidian crystal stones at once.

Zheng Cheng said with an expression on his face: "Gather all the gems here with me and distribute them after we get out."

Cai Shen quickly handed over the remaining two gems: "Brother Cheng, here they are."

Yao Zhixue and Song Chaoyu also nodded and handed over the obsidian crystal stones in their hands.

Among the four, only Liang Feifan was left who was holding 3 obsidian crystal stones.

Looking at the eyes of the four people, Liang Feifan gritted his teeth secretly and handed it over with great reluctance.

" have to take it and don't lose it."

"rest assured."

Zheng Cheng took the obsidian crystal stone and threw it into the space ring.

Only then did Cai Shen notice Liang Feifan's appearance and said in surprise: "Damn it, Xiao Fanfan, what's wrong with you? Why are your eyes so burned!"

"No, nothing..."

"Let me see, you look like an Arab now, hahaha..."


"Depend on……!"

"Okay, stop arguing!"

Zheng Cheng stopped Cai Shen: "Let's go, the group of orcs are coming around soon."

Led by Zheng Cheng, several people found a safe hole and got in again.

A few minutes later, a dozen burly orcs emerged from another hole.

At a glance, he discovered two giant python corpses paralyzed in the center of the cave, as well as the completely stripped corpse of an old orc!


The first three orcs with sharp fangs roared immediately. They rushed to the corpse of the old orc and shook it vigorously.

But no matter how they shook, they couldn't shake the old man awake.

One of the orcs immediately stood up, took out a bone horn from his waist, put it in his mouth and blew it hard.


Waves of desolate and powerful horn sounds came out, echoing in the maze of caves that were densely packed like spider webs.

Soon, the entire Moria mine became lively.

Group after group of orcs followed the guidance of the horn and chased in the direction of Zheng Cheng and others.

There are at least several hundred people!

In less than half an hour, Zheng Cheng, who was advancing in the cave, changed his eyes slightly and stopped suddenly.

"Brother Cheng, what's wrong?"

Several people asked strangely.

"No!" Zheng Cheng said immediately: "The number of orcs has increased, and they are all coming this way."

During the Central Radar Life Detection operation, red dots surrounded me like ants moving.

There were several teams very close to them.

Although the other teams did not find the mine accurately, their general direction was correct.

"Strange, how can these orcs find my direction?"

"They also have special positioning methods?"

"Zheng Cheng?"

Yao Zhixue suddenly said: "The surrounding temperature is getting hotter and hotter. We may be walking down the mountain."


Zheng Cheng nodded and said: "The direction of the Heart of the Earth is here, as long as we are in the right direction..."


Suddenly, an illusory talisman suddenly appeared in front of the five people's eyes, and it spontaneously ignited without wind.

Several people's expressions changed slightly: "Salvation Talisman!"

"Who sent the distress call?"

A rushing sound also came from the help talisman.

"Brothers! Jiaojiao and I got separated. I'm now under a snake-shaped stone at the bottom of the cliff. Jiaojiao hasn't replied yet. I'm afraid something might happen to her. Come find me quickly!"

"Also, I found something amazing under the cliff..."

The distress talisman burned out, and the sound quickly disappeared.

"It's Li Zhen!"

"They're in trouble!"

"Brother Cheng, can you save me?"

“What does it mean below the cliff?”

"Save! Must save!" Zheng Cheng's eyes flashed: "Let's go! Find them!"

The five men continued to act.

And Zheng Cheng changed the target he was looking for in the Central Radar Life Detection technique to ‘Li Zhen’!

"Huh? It's not far away? It's also very similar to the location of the Heart of the Earth?"

He wondered, and then replaced Li Zhen with Li Jiao.

Another illusory green guidance line appeared on the Central Radar Life Detection technique.

"If there is a target to guide you, it means that Li Jiao is not dead yet!"

Zheng Cheng gave the order and the five people acted quickly.

He opened the way at the front, closely followed by Cai Shen.

Yao Zhixue and Song Chaoyu followed closely.

Finally, there is Liang Feifan.

Along the way, he took out the dwarf's corpse from time to time and used the Yunxiao Sword to dissect it.

Each piece of dwarf heart blood was swallowed by him.

The strength attribute is growing rapidly.

Any corpses of dwarves and orcs encountered along the way will not be spared, and they will all be stuffed into the space ring.

Soon, he swallowed thirty dwarf heads.

Strength attribute, increased by 60 points!

In addition, his Random Dissection proficiency has also grown rapidly.

After swallowing the last dwarf's blood, the Random Dissection level has been raised to LV4!

And Song Chaoyu was also gathering soul beasts while running.

One by one, half-orc soul beasts gradually crawled out of the surrounding corpses under her power.

More than an hour later, ten half-orc soul beasts and two giant python soul beasts all gathered around her.

Under his guidance, he quickly escaped the encirclement of a large number of orcs and rushed out of the maze.

A huge black cliff appeared in front of them.

There was a lot of mist in the sky, like clouds.

In the center of the cliff, there is a broken suspension bridge, which seems to be telling something.


Suddenly, there were howls in the distant darkness.

Immediately, a hungry wolf with a head as tall as a person appeared in front of them and rushed towards several people.

"Fuck! So many wolves!"

"The orcs rely on the wolf's nose to determine our location!"

Zheng Cheng also reacted, and following the guidance of the Central Radar Life Detection technique, he quickly pointed to the side and said: "Go that way!"

The five people continued to act, and Zheng Cheng raised his bloodthirsty staff, and three Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst shots immediately fell on the three giant wolves.


A few seconds later, the three giant wolves screamed. Their two front legs were still running wildly, but their hind legs were raised and spraying farmyard manure.

Before they could react, they were knocked down by the giant wolf behind them and fell to the ground in a panic.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the five people continued to run wildly.

One by one, the orcs also emerged from the darkness and surrounded and killed Zheng Cheng and others.



Suddenly, several slender orcs took a few steps and suddenly shot the javelins in their hands!


The javelin plunged into the ground, and the tail of the spear was still trembling.

The power is great, but unfortunately the accuracy is quite poor.

"Ho ho ho!"

Another group of orcs blocked the road.

Zheng Cheng took the lead, stretched out his hand to grab, and a huge mace appeared in his hand.

While collecting the bodies of the orcs along the way, he also collected many weapons made by the dwarves!


After swallowing the blood of thirty dwarves, Zheng Cheng's strength surged to 85 points, and he waved the mace in his hand like a wooden stick.

The steel storm composed of maces easily knocked away the orcs blocking the way.

Then, like a tiger entering a flock of sheep, he easily killed the orcs blocking the way.

A few minutes later, the corpses of these orcs fell into his space ring again.


Cai Shen's eyes widened and he said in disbelief: "Brother Cheng, why are you so embarrassed?"

Liang Feifan's eyes were also shocked.

What a joke!

Zheng Cheng is just a LV10 Priest, why is he so strong?

Wielding the mace, he killed these dozen orcs like chopping melons and vegetables?

"Damn it! Why is he so strong..."

"Priest at LV10 only has 10 free attribute points. Even with full strength, he is not as high as me."

"How could this happen! How could this happen!"

His eyes were extremely jealous, his teeth chattered, and his hands began to tremble.

"That's right! Captain Yunxiao! Captain Yunxiao must have given him some treasure!"

"Damn it, if I had Captain Yunxiao as my backing, I would definitely be better than him...!"

Jealousy made him look completely different, and his eyes were even more vicious.

And in Zheng Cheng's Central Radar Life Detection technique, the red dot that represents him becomes scarier and deeper!

"Brother Cheng! There is no road ahead!"

Cai Shen, who was gliding extremely fast with the help of chicken wings, suddenly shouted that his figure was close to the edge of the cliff.

"There is a way!"

Zheng Cheng glanced at the Central Radar Life Detection Technique. The green guidance road suddenly narrowed and pointed in a certain direction.

Cai Shenfei went over to take a look and immediately cursed: "Fuck! It turns out it's so narrow here!"

On the edge of the cliff, there is a gap that was specially opened.

A narrow stone staircase spreads downward along the edge of the cliff.

"Stop talking nonsense! Get down quickly!"

Zheng Cheng shouted, and Cai Shen immediately flapped his wings and jumped down first.

"Safe! No problem!"

"Song Chaoyu, let your soul beast block here!"


Song Chaoyu agreed, and more than a dozen soul beasts immediately blocked the stairs, and the four of them stepped on the stone stairs one after another and ran down.

Zheng Cheng was the last one. He grabbed it with his backhand and took out a sharp wheel-axe from the space ring.

With a strength of up to 85, he struck the stone staircase with one axe, and with another axe, he cut off the entire entrance to the stone staircase!


On the cliff, the orcs finally caught up.

But what stood in their way were more than a dozen spirit beasts, and no matter how hard they fought, they couldn't hurt a single hair of the spirit beasts.

Instead, they were bitten by the soul beast and fell down screaming.

A few unlucky ones were directly entangled by the giant python soul beast, biting their souls to pieces, and died without anyone noticing.

Under the cliff, Zheng Cheng and others ran down the stairs quickly.

Before he dared to go any faster, Cai Shen accidentally stepped on the air and fell directly towards the cliff.

Fortunately, he was the Grand Duke now, and he floated in the air while clucking and flapping his wings.

If he were an ordinary person, he would have fallen down and died!

"Fuck! Brother, please be careful!"

"No one has passed this stone staircase for a long time, and it is covered with moss~!"

Hearing this, several people immediately slowed down, and Zheng Cheng even said: "Zhao Yu, put your soul beast away. I cut off the stone stairs, and the orcs shouldn't be able to catch up!"


Song Chaoyu smiled sweetly and immediately recalled the soul beast.

Zheng Cheng's tone suddenly changed and he suddenly pulled Song Chaoyu in front of him back.



Cai Shen's screams came at the right time!

(End of chapter)

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