I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

92. Chapter 91 Zheng Cheng Will Be Mine From Now On! Death Of A Teammate?

Chapter 91 Zheng Cheng will be mine from now on! Death of a teammate?


Before Zheng Cheng could say anything, Song Chaoyu stopped behind him.

"You idiot, slut, stop thinking nonsense, how could Zheng Cheng confess to you!"

"You are unruly and willful, with eyes that reach to the sky. Can my brother like you?"

"Brother Cheng?"

Li Jiao immediately got angry, got up from the bubble, pointed at Song Chaoyu and shouted: "From now on, I declare that Zheng Cheng is mine, who are you, believe me or not..." ;…¥%&…%&%* (&)”

Zheng Cheng's lips twitched, women are really troublesome.


At this moment, the fish-man BOSS finally reacted.

There are actually humans who dare to invade our territory!


It screamed strangely, and immediately hit Zheng Cheng with the huge copper hammer in its hand.


Zheng Cheng's figure flashed and he immediately dodged the huge copper hammer.

The copper hammer hit the pond and immediately set off a huge wave.

Song Chaoyu and Liang Feifan were thrown away behind Zheng Cheng, and the waves rolled endlessly.

"Stop arguing! Kill the BOSS first!"

Zheng Cheng gave an order and immediately stepped on the body of the Black Water Black Snake and rushed towards the fishman BOSS not far away.

A white wave was left on the water of the pool, and the whole person stepped on the water at an extremely fast speed.


The fish-man BOSS grabbed another copper hammer, took aim, and smashed it again.

The giant hammer made a harsh roar in the air and hit the water again.

But Zheng Cheng used the inertia of the copper hammer to suddenly rise into the sky, stepped on the iron chain connecting the copper hammer, and quickly rushed in front of the fish-man BOSS.

With a thought, the specific attributes of this fish-man BOSS appeared in the Central Radar Life Detection technique!

[Name: Fishman Lord]

[Race: Black Otter Murloc]

[Template: Lord BOSS]

[Level: LV20]

[Height: 365cm]

[Weight: 850kg]

[Physique: 142]

[Strength: 112]

[Agility: 34]


[Explanation: The leader of the Black Mussel clan has extremely strong water fighting ability. You must avoid fighting with it in the water. ]

"Huh? The attributes of the template appear?"

Zheng Cheng's eyes flashed as he was running wildly. This fish-man boss was actually a lord boss!

All BOSS are roughly divided into ordinary BOSS, elite BOSS, lord BOSS, king BOSS, and the strongest world BOSS.

What he didn't expect was that he would encounter the Lord BOSS under this small river!

Ordinary BOSS and Elite BOSS are easy to understand, they are just powerful individuals.

The Lord BOSS represents the strongest race in a certain area.

Usually this kind of BOSS is the leader, priest, etc. of a certain clan.

The individual strength is strong, and there are also equipment, props, etc. donated by the tribe.

In critical moments, there is also the ability to summon clan members and stronger abilities.

For the lord BOSS, being in his own territory is like fighting at home, and he has a huge advantage.

For example...in this water cave now!

Zheng Cheng's mind suddenly changed, he jumped up suddenly, and rushed towards the fish-man BOSS like a giant eagle.

"So handsome~!"

Li Jiao, who was in the blisters, covered her heart with her hands, her eyes filled with little stars.


There was a crisp sound, and Zheng Cheng was seen holding the Yunxiao Sword, and struck the fishman BOSS on the head with one sword.

The fish-man BOSS subconsciously stretched out his right hand to block it, and the Yunxiao Sword came into close contact with the gauntlet on its arm.

A crack visible to the naked eye appeared on the arm armor.

"Huh? Equipment!"

Zheng Cheng's eyes lit up.

Knowing how to wear equipment proves that this BOSS is an intelligent creature.

At worst, they are creatures that have awakened to primitive wisdom.

The most important thing is that these equipment can be taken off!

The fish-man BOSS grabbed Zheng Cheng with his other hand, and Zheng Cheng stepped on its head and turned over.

At the same time, he waved his hand and the Yunxiao Sword immediately struck the bubble, breaking it.

There was a "pop" sound, and the blisters burst. Li Jiao didn't pay attention, and her butt hit the bluestone floor hard.

"Ah...it hurts~"

Li Jiao screamed and subconsciously covered her butt.

In eighteen years, her butt had never hurt so much.

"Stop shouting, get the debuff!"

"People know it!"

Li Jiao also quickly got up. After all, she came from a family of professionals and had been trained how to cooperate and fight since she was a child.

Zheng Cheng rushed forward and continued to entangle the fish-man boss, while Li Jiao quickly retreated.

The dark staff in his hand suddenly flashed with a pitch-black light.


A ray of black light fell on the fishman BOSS, and his huge body suddenly stopped and slowed down by half.

Zheng Cheng took advantage of this opportunity and drew a bloody mark on its thigh with his sword, causing several fish scales to fly off.

At the same time, he raised his left hand again, and the bloodthirsty staff appeared.

Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst also falls on the Murloc BOSS.

"Use fear!"


Although Li Jiao felt strange in her heart, she was not slow at all.

Fear is a mental debuff skill that can make the target fall into fear in an instant and cause them to run away.

But for BOSS, this fear lasted less than a second.

But Zheng Cheng had already given the order, so she could only follow it.

The rune belonging to the fear spell flashed in his mind, and a fear spell fell on the fish-man BOSS.

Almost instantly, a trace of fear appeared in the dead fish eyes of this fish-man BOSS.

The movements of his hands were also slow, and he wanted to turn around and run away.

But he quickly recovered at this moment, after all, he was BOSS.

But at this moment, Zheng Cheng fired a Virtual Fire Incineration and landed on it!

Virtual Fire Incineration!

Fueled by target emotions and spirits, they burn.

Anger is an emotion.

And fear is also an emotion!


The illusory flame immediately burned on the fish-man BOSS!


The severe pain from the depths of his soul made the fish-man boss go crazy.

It grabbed the iron chain tied to the copper hammer with both hands, pulled it sharply, and a huge copper hammer quickly shot backwards in its direction.

Just as he was about to grab the weapon, Zheng Cheng's figure suddenly appeared in front of Tongchui.

He also reached out and pulled another huge copper hammer over and grabbed it!


The fish-man BOSS screamed strangely, holding the copper hammer with one hand and staring at the figure standing in front of him with strange eyes.

The height only reached his stomach, but in his hand was a giant copper hammer that was taller than him. It looked funny.

But it still roared angrily, swung the heavy hammer and hit Zheng Cheng.

Damn humans! For these two copper hammers, I traded a large number of moon stones and weapons customized by the Blackbeard dwarves.

In sheer weight, it weighs 2,500 kilograms!

Two pills are five thousand pounds!

I don't believe how a mere human can handle my... Dang~!

The deafening loud noise immediately woke up the fish-man BOSS from his fantasy.

I saw the human being in front of me, holding a copper hammer that was taller than himself with one hand, and collided hard with his own weapon, causing a lot of sparks to fly.

Instead, his big hand holding the copper hammer felt a little numb.

"Hahahaha~" Zheng Cheng laughed and said, "It's great! Come again!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he twisted and rushed forward again.




There was a deafening sound of steel clashing one after another.

But I saw Zheng Cheng wielding a huge copper hammer and smashing it at the fish-man BOSS.

The fish-man BOSS was holding the same copper hammer and collided with the copper hammer in Zheng Cheng's hand, causing a lot of sparks to fly.

As the forces of the two sides collided, it actually continued to retreat!

My own strength is actually inferior to this damn human being!

"So, so strong..."

Not far away, Li Jiao opened her eyes wide again, and her little mouth opened subconsciously.

"How, how is it possible? How can Zheng Cheng be so strong!"

"How powerful it must be to be able to fight against the BOSS..."

"Brother will definitely not be able to do it, not even Brother Jingqi can do it."

"Maybe, even Brother Qin Zheng..."


There was another loud noise, and Zheng Cheng used his speed to hit the fishman BOSS on the shoulder with a hammer.

The arm armor was directly smashed, and a large amount of fish scales and flesh were scattered everywhere.


At this time, the fishman BOSS finally couldn't hold on any longer and roared angrily.

But as it roared, the virtual fire on its body exploded again.

The emotion turned from fear to anger, which became increasingly intense.

And the burning speed of virtual fire is getting faster and faster.

Even its soul began to burn as its spirit was exhausted!

In addition, its lower body could not hold up at this time, its legs subconsciously bent, and a pool of viscous liquid spurted out.

Feeling the severe pain in his body, the fish-man BOSS endured being hit by Zheng Cheng.

With his free left hand, he suddenly grabbed the water in the distance.


"Boom boom boom...poof!"

In an instant, the originally calm water surface exploded.

Under the control of the fish-man BOSS, a huge stream of water suddenly swept up and turned into a huge Water Dragon Whirlwind, rushing towards the shore!

Song Chaoyu and Liang Feifan were not in a hurry to dodge, and together with the dozen soul beasts, they were all washed ashore!

The entire water cave was suddenly submerged by the raging river water.


Li Jiao exclaimed, but quickly calmed down. She took out a bottle of underwater breathing potion from the item list and drank it.

A shadow suddenly rushed to her side. Li Jiao was about to take action, but found that it was Zheng Cheng.

Zheng Cheng in the water felt as if he was on land, without any discomfort.

He pointed to the corner of the bluestone slab and asked her to hide.

Li Jiao quickly understood what Zheng Cheng meant, nodded vigorously and swam to the inside of the bluestone slab.

On the other side, Song Chaoyu and Liang Feifan were miserable.

They were already fighting with the only two black water black snakes left, but unexpectedly the fishman BOSS suddenly set off a huge wave.

Several soul beasts were all ordered by Song Chaoyu to wrap themselves around the Black Water Black Snake, and the two of them were immediately submerged under the deep water.

The two of them had already drank the water-washing breathing potion.

"Gu Gu Gu~"

Liang Feifan's mouth was filled with bubbles and he was speechless.

He kicked off his legs and swam quickly towards the water.

"This is a river cave at the bottom of the river. I just saw a lot of gems and gaps on the top of the cave."

"As long as I hide there, the boss won't find me!"

"The river is the territory of the murlocs. The combat power of the murloc BOSS will increase several times in the water. We are no match for it at all, even if it is injured!"

"Hide! Zheng Cheng and the others are bound to die. As long as I hide until Qin Zheng, Bai Jingqi and the others arrive, I can kill the fish-man."

"I'm so smart..."

Thinking like this, Liang Feifan swam faster.

But Song Chaoyu waved his hand, and a big bat spirit beast immediately rushed over and enveloped her whole body.

Zheng Cheng, on the other hand, kicked off the wall and rushed towards the fish-man BOSS.

It's a pity that the fishman BOSS has disappeared long ago.

At this time, Zheng Cheng suddenly remembered the explanation of the Central Radar Life Detection technique on this fish-man BOSS.

[Explanation: The leader of the Black Mussel clan has extremely strong water fighting ability. You must avoid fighting with it in the water. ]


With a thought in his mind, the Central Radar Life Detection technique was immediately activated.

A scarlet light spot was flashing continuously and quietly followed him from behind.


Zheng Cheng turned around suddenly and hit the fish man with another hammer.

Unfortunately, the speed of the fish-man BOSS increased dramatically in the water, and he immediately evaded it.

Only then did Zheng Cheng realize that the fish-man boss in front of him had undergone great changes.

It threw away the giant hammer in its hand, and its body became slender, especially its mouth became sharper, like a javelin.

Thin fangs protruded from both sides of the mouth, flashing with a sharp cold light!

It swayed and rushed towards Zheng Cheng at extremely fast speeds.

The sharp mouth even drew a sharp light in the water.

Zheng Cheng dodged easily, stretched out his hand to grab, the Yunxiao Sword appeared, and slashed down again.

"Gu Gu Gu~"

Underwater, the fish-man BOSS finally couldn't hold on any longer.

Under the dual effects of Virtual Fire Incineration + Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst, and the dual destruction of soul and body, it could not bear the pain.

After another failed attempt to assassinate Zheng Cheng, the fish-man boss turned around and ran away.

The slender body swayed violently in the river and ran out more than ten meters away.

"Want to run?"

Zheng Cheng's heart moved, he kicked his legs, and quickly chased the fishman BOSS.

Halfway through, the fishman BOSS suddenly turned his head, opened his mouth and spit out a series of colorful blisters!

This blister is completely different from the one that trapped Li Jiao just now. It has a colorful surface and is obviously highly toxic!

Zheng Cheng subconsciously avoided the first blister, stretched out his hand and pulled the copper hammer back to his side.

He blocked the copper hammer in front of him and quickly chased after him.

These bubbles exploded around Zheng Cheng, soaking the surrounding seawater in indigo.


Zheng Cheng's eyes flashed, and his toxin resistance at this time had reached 54%.

Ordinary toxins have no effect on him!


These colorful blisters still blocked Zheng Cheng for a few seconds.

And these few seconds were enough for the fish-man BOSS to escape into the deep water.

The fish-man BOSS suddenly turned around. The dead fish's eyes were full of hatred, staring at Zheng Cheng.

The virtual fire generated by the Virtual Fire Incineration is still burning in his body and has never been extinguished.

But being in the deep water, under the suppression of its innate bloodline, it has been able to temporarily suppress the pain deep in the soul.

It wants to remember Zheng Cheng's appearance in its mind, and after it heals its wounds, it will definitely tear him apart with its own mouth!

But the next second, its pupils shrank again, eyes full of horror and anger.

And, surprise!

In the distance, an... egg appeared on Zheng Cheng's hand!

In the center of the egg, a tiny baby was lying on the side of the egg, falling into a deep sleep.

"Holy object!"

"Why is the sacred object of my black jellyfish clan in the hands of this damn human being!"

The fish-man BOSS roared crazily in his heart: "Get it back! We must get the holy object back!"

It turned around in the water and charged towards Zheng Cheng again!

Zheng Cheng smiled coldly and threw the egg into the space with his backhand for inoculation.

Instead of retreating, he advanced forward, wielding the Yunxiao Sword, twisting his body and pounced forward!

"Gu Gu Gu~~"

Another series of sounds of bubbles came, but the fishman BOSS opened his mouth again, and a series of colorful bubbles came.

Zheng Cheng shook the giant hammer in his hand, stirring the entire river water and forming a huge whirlpool.

These blisters also drifted with the current, bursting one after another.

Several black giant python soul beasts rushed over, Song Chaoyu!

She's here to help too!

Zheng Cheng pointed his finger and asked her to leave quickly.

The surrounding river water has turned indigo blue and is obviously highly toxic.

Unexpectedly, Song Chaoyu pointed to her soul beast and discovered that she was protected by the soul beast and could block the river water, and the poison could not affect her.

One man and one fish were fighting together again. Both of them were extremely fast and separated quickly every time they fought.

But the fishman BOSS was seriously injured after all. Even if it turned the surrounding river water into poisonous water, it couldn't make up for the transparent virtual fire burning on it!


It turns around and runs away again!

Zheng Cheng repeated his old trick and took out the big red egg, but this time the fish-man boss didn't look back and continued to run for his life.

"Huh? You don't even want eggs?"

Zheng Cheng suddenly thought about it and continued to chase him.

"Damn! Damn humans! They're still chasing you!"

"This is my territory! It's the territory of my black-slurry fish-men clan!"

The seriously injured fish-man BOSS was swimming rapidly, its eyes becoming more and more panicked and frightened.

"Where are the people? Where are my people?"

"Why is there no one!"

"Damn! Why did my people disappear..."

"It hurts! What does it feel like?"

"Fire! It's fire!"

"How can there be flames in the water! Damn it..."

"My body seems to be burning, along with flesh, blood, and soul..."

In deep water, the speed of the fishman BOSS is getting slower and slower.

Its mood changed from anger to fear and panic again.

The virtual fire, which was already a little weak, took advantage of the moment of its emotional change to burn again!


The eyes of the fish-man BOSS who had already appeared in front of him moved. Not far from the river in the distance, a human was holding his neck and struggling hard.

Its mood immediately became excited.

"Hahaha! It's human!"

"My toxin is working!"

"Kill you!"

"I'm going to kill you!"

The fish-man BOSS roared angrily in his heart, gathered his last bit of strength, flicked his fins, and rushed towards the human being who was constantly struggling and then descending.

Almost instantly, he rushed to the human being.

This human also discovered himself, his pupils glaring, but unfortunately it was too late.

That’s you!

It's you, the damned human being, who pushed me to this point.

You took away my clan’s sacred objects and my spouse. I’ll kill you!

In the eyes of the fish-man BOSS, almost all male humans look the same.

It's like we are looking at...a little white horse with sunshine and rainbow.


The sharp mouth was like a javelin, and it immediately penetrated the chest of the human in front of him.

With a twist of the waist, a huge force struck, and the entire body penetrated directly through this human body!

This damn human being was torn in half by himself!

Ha ha ha ha……

(End of chapter)

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