I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

93. Chapter 92 Big Cow Orc Sacrifice? Kill Another Person!

Chapter 92 Big Cow Orc Sacrifice? Kill another person!

Inside the Mines of Moria.

The three of them had strange patterns painted on their bodies and were kneeling in front of two Daoist figures.

They screamed and danced as if they were telling something.

Next to them was the corpse of an old half-orc.

The entire cave was filled with a strong smell of fish and blood.

In front of the three people, stood two other Daoist figures.

One person was tall, with dark green skin, dark yellow pupils, and exposed sharp fangs.

Behind him was a huge ax as long as a man.

The other person was slightly smaller and had only a few tusks, like delicate little tiger teeth.

She has dark green curly hair, hanging casually on her shoulders.

She only wore a simple leather armor made of animal skin and a short skirt, revealing a large area of ​​soft skin.

Yes, green skin.

The most eye-catching thing is her pair of big cows, which are bigger than an adult's head, revealing a bottomless canyon.

The orcs guarding the surroundings peeked from time to time.

The giant ax orc secretly shouted, stopped his men from speaking, and spoke in the orc language:

"You are saying that two groups of humans suddenly appeared in the mines of Moria and attacked our remaining tribesmen."

"At the same time, I killed Master Deserta and then escaped from your siege!"

"Escaped to the territory of that group of half-murlocs?"

"Yes, it is……"

A tribesman knelt on the ground and said, "One of the two groups seems to be very familiar with the entire mine. It will be difficult for our people to catch up with them."

"Even if we catch up with them, they can escape before the large forces arrive."

"As for the other group of people, they have been defeated by us and fell under the cliff..."

"Trash! A bunch of trash!"

The giant ax orc said angrily: "There are more than a thousand clansmen left behind in the mines of Moria...and you are being tricked by ten humans. What use do I have to you!"

"Iron Ax~"

A hoarse voice with a hint of charm suddenly sounded, and the big cow orc interrupted the giant axe orc's words.

"Among that group of humans, there should be legal professionals with skills such as detection."

The big cow orc said: "Of course ordinary tribesmen will not be their opponents."

"Their goal should also be the heart of the earth."

"Now it just so happens that we are all trapped in the territory of the half-murlocs. This is our opportunity."

"The clan leader brought you and me back just to take back the Heart of the Earth from that group of murlocs!"

The giant-axe half-orc said in a loud voice: "What good ideas do you have?"

"It's very simple."

The big cow smiled confidently and said: "It's just catching a turtle in an urn."

"Pass the order, except for the tribesmen who are currently staying in the Moria mines carrying gems and weapons, use mine carts to mobilize the rest of the tribesmen to the murloc territory and wait for them to appear!"

"Those damn fishmen dare to rob my clan of treasures they are interested in. Then just like the black-bearded dwarves, they should be exterminated here!"

"Yes! Miss Xingsha!"

The three orc trainers immediately replied, quickly got up and ran out to deliver the order.

Tie Ax said in a deep voice: "Xingsha, those fishmen are hiding deep in the river bottom, and we can't sneak in. What if they don't come out?"

"Not coming out?"

Xingsha sneered: "Before we set off, I asked for a poison from the old witch doctor."

"If they really don't come out, then poison the entire underground river to death!"

"Besides, I am now a soul sacrificer."

Xingsha touched a bronze badge on his chest, hatred flashed in his eyes.

"The patriarch spent so much money to send me to a war priest in the Orc Empire. I endured great humiliation before I became a qualified priest."

"So what if those fishmen are under the water? My pet can definitely force them out!"

A look of distress appeared in Tie Ax's eyes, and he subconsciously wanted to hug Xing Sha, but she cleverly avoided it.


"Iron Ax." Xingsha frowned and said, "From now on, I will be the sacrifice of the clan. No one can touch me. Do you understand?"

"The person I am now is not the person I used to be!"

Iron Ax's big hand froze in place, and said awkwardly: "I, I understand."

"Go to the bottom of the cliff!"

Xingsha turned around and walked away, leaving only Tie Ax standing there.

"The Heart of the Earth was originally a gift that the clan leader wanted to give me. Since it was snatched away, I will snatch it back myself!"

"Don't worry Xingsha, even if you lose my life, I will help you get it back!"

The two left quickly and headed towards the cliff.

Throughout the mine, groups of orcs rushed toward the bottom of the cliff under the orders of the two men.

At the bottom of the mine, there are strips of mine carts powered by the magma from the earth's veins.

They jumped on the mine cart and rushed towards the bottom of the cliff under the control of the tribe.


On both sides of the river, groups of orcs appeared one after another, at least four to five hundred people.

A group of black squid fishmen who were surrounding and killing humans were discovered by them and rushed forward with a roar.

"Damn it! Where are there so many orcs!"

In front of the boulder by the river, Bai Jingqi, who was fighting side by side with Qin Zheng, looked at the orcs that suddenly appeared and couldn't help but curse inwardly.

He found his unconscious cousin Bai Jingsheng on the shore, and was also discovered by the black pulp fishman.

Bai Jingqi, who would not give up his comrades, held Bai Jingsheng in one hand and retreated, but was still surrounded by fishmen.

Just when he was about to be consumed to death, a large blizzard suddenly broke out among the crowd of fishmen, blowing away most of the black pulp fishmen team.

He also took this opportunity to break out of the encirclement.

Yao Zhixue!

Qin Zheng!

There are also Cai Shen and Li Zhen who came to support.

After a lot of fighting, they gradually gained the capital to fight back against the black squid fishmen.

In particular, Yao Zhixue's ice skills are undoubtedly a great weapon for the black murlocs who live in hot springs all day long.

Ice blades shot out one after another, killing all the black murlocs.

The appearance of the blizzard made it even more difficult for this group of black murlocs to move forward, and their overall strength dropped by more than 30%!

Just as they were about to kill this group of black fishmen, who knew that another group of orcs suddenly appeared and surrounded them!

"Get out! Get out!"

Bai Jingqi made a decision immediately, and a group of people continued to retreat under the cover of him and Qin Zheng.

Suddenly, a tall orc rushed out from the crowd, a ray of light flashed from the giant ax in his hand, and he chopped off his head without hesitation!

Bai Jingqi's pupils shrank suddenly, and he subconsciously took a half step back, bowed down, and held the shield in front of him.



There was a loud noise, accompanied by the sound of the shield in his hand cracking.

Bai Jingqi was shocked all over, especially his left hand holding the shield.

Suddenly, the giant ax in the hand of the orc in front of him flashed with a fierce light again, and a huge explosive force exploded in front of him.

With a "boom", the shield in Bai Jingqi's hand was immediately blown to pieces.

Even he himself was blown away, leaving a large pool of blood in the air.

"Damn it! Cough, cough, cough... it's the BOSS!"

"The BOSS who knows how to fight!"

He shouted in pain in mid-air: "Retreat! Escape quickly!"

"Quickly retreat!"


Yao Zhixue, who was standing at the end, raised his hand and a large blizzard exploded in the crowd of orcs.

The howling wind and the shroud of ice and snow blocked all the orcs who were chasing after them, greatly slowing them down.

The remaining people quickly retreated.

Li Zhen helped Bai Jingqi up, while Cai Shen carried Bai Jingsheng, who was still unconscious.

Yao Zhixue and Xueer kept retreating despite the blizzard.

As for Qin Zheng, he still stood at the front and killed the orcs who rushed out of the snowstorm one by one.

Seeing that everyone was less than a hundred meters away from the river, a purple light door suddenly fell from the sky and landed in the middle of them.

The light burst out, spread out, and appeared at the feet of several of them.

The speed at which the few people were running suddenly slowed down by more than half.

Cai Shen was originally the fastest runner, but when he was blocked by this light, he fell to the ground under the influence of inertia.

Bai Jingsheng was immediately thrown off his back.

"Fuck! What the hell is this!"

Li Zhen looked ugly and said: "Damn it! It's a sacrifice! Orc sacrifice!"

"This halo is a slow war song! There are priests following this group of orcs!"



As soon as Li Zhen finished speaking, more than ten javelins were suddenly shot out from the orc army formation, and there was a burst of explosions in the air.

"Get out of the way!"

Qin Zheng's body swayed, and a golden light shone on his body, instantly shattering the halo of the dull war song.

Others, not so lucky.

He tried his best to dodge, but under the influence of the slow halo, he also suffered a lot of injuries.




Another groan of pain sounded, but Bai Jingsheng, who was still on the ground accidentally by Cai Shen, had three javelins inserted directly into his body!

Others can hide, but he, who is unconscious, has no way to hide!


Bai Jingqi roared angrily and struggled to rush towards Bai Jingsheng.

But, it's already too late!

Another series of javelins came, most of which were aimed at Bai Jingsheng on the ground!


Qin Zheng also roared and rushed towards Bai Jingsheng, trying to stop the javelin.

However, a silhouette once again emerged from the still raging snowstorm.

Orcs with giant axes!

At this moment, the half-orc's body was surging with bronze light, and a veil actually formed on his body.

Fighting gauze!

In addition, the hair on his body stood on end, his pupils were red, and he stared at Qin Zheng.

Crazy war song!

Qin Zheng was not in a hurry to dodge, and was hit on the shoulder with an axe.


His whole body was chopped away and he collapsed on the ground in a panic.



The iron ax roared angrily, jumped up high, and struck down with the axe!


"Qiang Qiang Qiang!"

Suddenly, sharp ice blades suddenly shot out from the ground where Qin Zheng fell, and they quickly gathered together to form sharp and tough ice spears, which were thrust towards the iron axe.


At the critical moment, the fighting spirit in Iron Ax exploded, condensed on the giant axe, and struck the forest of ice spears fiercely.

The ice mist exploded, and a large amount of fine ice particles scattered in all directions, temporarily stopping the crazy orc.

"Rookie! Pull Qin Zheng over quickly!"

Yao Zhixue's pupils transformed into snow-white hexagonal shapes, his long hair was flying, and his eyes were extremely serious.

Beside her, Xue'er also blushed and channeled ice energy vigorously.

A large amount of ice condensed, forming a huge ice and snow wall between them and the orcs!

"Quack quack~"

"Damn it! Get out! Get out quickly!"

Cai Shen flew over, grabbed Qin Zheng with his claws, flapped his wings wildly, and backed away quickly.

"Get out! Get out!"

Li Zhen also grabbed Bai Jingqi tightly: "Jingsheng is gone. Don't harm everyone because of him!"

Bai Jingqi's face changed wildly, and he subconsciously turned back to stare at Li Zhen.

Li Zhen gritted his teeth and said, "I'm sad that Jing Sheng is gone, but don't forget that this is a battlefield!"

"Jiaojiao is still waiting for us, and Qin Zheng..."


In the distance, a loud noise suddenly came from the ice and snow city wall maintained by Yao Zhixue.

A crack visible to the naked eye spread out, and it was obvious that the half-orc BOSS was still slashing at the city wall.



From above the city wall, another sharp javelin shot out.

Not only did this group of orcs shoot with javelins, but many orcs also came around from both sides.


He finally said through gritted teeth, and with Li Zhen's support, he ran towards the river not far away.

"Thank you!"

When running past Yao Zhixue, Bai Jingqi said in a deep voice.

Yao Zhixue just nodded indifferently and said: "My condolences."

Bai Jingqi paused and threw something from the toolbar.

"Water Breathing Potion, hurry up!"


Under the cover of Yao Zhixue, everyone retreated to the river.

Then he drank the underwater breathing potion and jumped into the river without looking back.

On the entire riverside, only the roaring orcs and a huge ice and snow city wall were left.


A few minutes later, the ice and snow wall was finally shattered.

Iron Ax strode forward, breathing heavily and staring at the river, his eyes full of violence.

"Master Iron Ax! There is a human corpse here!"

A half-orc grabbed Bai Jingsheng's body and walked over.

I saw that Bai Jingsheng's body was covered with blood, especially on his back and vest. There were five huge holes.

They were all wounds caused by javelins.


Iron Ax suddenly grabbed Bai Jingsheng's body and bit Bai Jingsheng's head in one bite.

"Ka, ka ka..."

The hard skull was bitten into pieces, and the brain blood spurted out, and it swallowed it with big mouthfuls.

A head and the skull were swallowed directly by it!

"Iron Ax~!!"

A hoarse and magnetic voice came, and surrounded by a group of orcs, Xingsha walked over slowly.


Tie Ax turned around, and his originally ferocious face looked even more terrifying under the blood and brain.

Xingsha frowned slightly: "The clan has already banned eating raw food...forget it, what about those humans?"


Iron Ax pointed at the river: "Jumped into the river."

"In the river...it seems they have special underwater breathing potions on hand, otherwise...eh? What is this?"

Xingsha's eyes suddenly lit up and he looked at the corpse in Iron Ax's hand.

To be precise, it was Bai Jingsheng's body and a ring on the ring finger of his left hand.

"Space ring!"

She was surprised and took the ring from Bai Jingsheng's body, and said with joy: "The space ring might be sold for a lot of money in the human world. Even my damn teacher doesn't have it, hehehehe..."

"Let me see what's in this ring... hmm? Can't it be opened?"

"There are special restrictions..."

Xingsha's eyes changed, and he gritted his teeth and said, "This group of humans must not be let go!"

She pulled another leather bag from her waist and threw it to the orc behind her.

"Pour these poisons into the river and force them out!"

"Capture these humans alive and extract the method to open this space ring from their mouths!"


Change the update rules and update three chapters every day at 0:00, 12:00, and 20:00.

If something happens, I will ask for leave in advance and beg for support.

(End of chapter)

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