I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

94. Chapter 93 Li Jiao Vs Song Chaoyu? The Powerful Attributes Of The Heart Of The Earth!

Chapter 93 Li Jiao VS Song Chaoyu? The powerful attributes of the heart of the earth!


The river receded, revealing the cave again.

A huge fish-man corpse was floating on the river.

With the flow of the river, it is constantly floating.

"Zhao Yu, use the soul beast to get all the corpses in the river."


Song Chaoyu agreed and immediately controlled the soul beast to pull back the corpse of the fish-man boss and the corpses of more than a dozen giant pythons.

Zheng Cheng, on the other hand, looked up at the gems inlaid on the top of the river cave.


Gray moonstone?

And the heart in the middle...the heart of the earth!

Zheng Cheng blinked and asked strangely: "Why is the Heart of the Earth here?"

"No matter, take it down first and then talk about it."

"It's weird~"

Suddenly a clear voice sounded in his ears. Li Jiao came over and said, "The Heart of the Earth we are looking for is actually here. I should have known that everyone would be in the river."


Zheng Cheng glanced at him, and then his pupils subconsciously shrank.

The Li Jiao in front of her was wearing a cool, specially made robe like a cheongsam, revealing two long white legs.

Now that it was washed away by the current, it clung even more tightly to my body.

The upper body also has a somewhat transparent lace feel, revealing a large amount of milky white milk.

With Zheng Cheng's condescending view, one can almost see the deepest part.

Li Jiao suddenly straightened up: "Does it look good?"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, I didn't realize it. The capital is quite rich." Zheng Cheng clicked his tongue in surprise.

"Of course." Li Jiao said proudly: "I have been learning dance since I was three years old. I soak it in milk every day. That's called tenderness~"

"Zheng Cheng~" Li Jiao's tone suddenly became twisted: "Is what you just said still true?"

Zheng Cheng asked strangely: "What did I say?"

"Just say that you will be responsible for me~"

"???" Zheng Cheng was confused: "When did I say this?"

"Just now!" Li Jiao said seriously: "Don't forget to eat it all!"

"What did I do to you?" Zheng Cheng was even more surprised: "When did I eat you?"


Li Jiao straightened her chest: "Isn't this just eating?"

Zheng Cheng chuckled: "You really want me to eat it? Then I'll touch it first..."


Li Jiao ran away in fright, making Zheng Cheng laugh.

"Xiao Nizi, stop teasing me, or I'll do it for you!"

"You, you, you...how could you do this!"

Li Jiao said angrily: "Can't you try to pursue me?"

"Chase you?"

Zheng Cheng looked Li Jiao up and down, and Li Jiao held her chest and head high again.

"Forget it, your butt is too flat, I like size 'S'."


Li Jiao immediately became angry, raised her butt and said, "Look, is my butt flat?"

"Have you ever seen such a curvy and round ass?! Humph~"


A crisp sound rang out, and Song Chaoyu slapped Li Jiao on the butt, and said with a sweet smile: "I just saw you, cluck, cluck, cluck, cluck~"

Li Jiao's face turned red and she immediately rushed towards Song Chaoyu: "I'll kill you!"

"Hahaha, come on~"

The two girls immediately chased each other and ran away.

Zheng Cheng came to a pile of corpses and glanced at the two people who were circling: "Don't you like that Qin Zheng? Stop thinking about it."

"Qin Zheng?"

Li Jiao stopped, gritted her teeth and said, "Mom, I was caught by the boss, and he actually went to save that idiot Bai Jingsheng!"

"I will no longer like her from now on, I will like you instead~!"

"I don't like girls calling themselves mom."

"Do people know~"


Song Chaoyu turned around and pinched her again: "You little slut~"

"Ah~~~!" Li Jiao rushed forward again: "I'll kill you!"

Taking advantage of the opportunity when the two women ran away, Zheng Cheng wielded the Yunxiao Sword and slashed at the boss with one strike.

I don’t know, what will this BOSS produce?

[Skill cast successfully! ]

[You have obtained a special ingredient: the shark fin of the black pulp fishman lord. ]

[You obtained the black pulp fishman DNA molecule. ]

[You have obtained the complete DNA molecular structure of the black pulp fishmen. Your damage to the black pulp fishmen family is permanently increased by 10%, and your damage to other fishmen families is permanently increased by 1%. ]

[You have obtained the complete DNA molecular structure of the black pulp fishman, and its characteristics: underwater breathing. ]

[You have obtained the complete molecular structure of the black squid fishman DNA, and you can copy it at any time by consuming your energy and body. ]

"The complete molecular structure of the DNA of the black pulp fishman?" Zheng Cheng was confused: "What is the use of this thing?"

Ignoring it for now, Zheng Cheng looked at the special ingredients he had just dissected.

[Special ingredient: Black pulp fishman lord’s shark fin]

[Quality: five stars]

[Effect: After consumption, it can permanently increase 5 points of agility, 5 points of spirit, +5% toxin resistance, +5% underwater breathing, and is limited to ten pills. ]

[Explanation: The lord of the black murloc clan, he often fights underwater, making his flesh and blood, especially the flesh of the shark fin, delicious and tender. ]

"Shark fin?"

Looking at the shark fin in his hand, Zheng Cheng hesitated.

"I heard that the sashimi I visited in my previous life was very delicious, but I didn't expect that I could taste it in this life..."

After that, he threw the shark fin directly into his mouth.


As expected of the shark fin from BOSS, it was really delicious and tender, with no fishy smell at all.

The heat flow hit him, and his agility and spirit increased by 5 points.

Toxin resistance and underwater breathing ability also increase.

Then, he looked at the dozen black water snakes piled aside.

After slashing with the sword a few times, four black water black snake galls appeared on his hand again!

[Special ingredient: Blackwater black snake gallbladder (fake)]

[Quality: four stars]

[Effect: After consumption, it can permanently increase 3 points of spirit, 3 points of agility, +2% toxin resistance, and +1% male function. Limit of 20 pills. ]

[Explanation: A special kind of giant python with the blood of the black water black snake, an amphibious creature, and also been raised in captivity. ]

[Your Random DissectionLV4 proficiency reaches full value and will be automatically upgraded to Random DissectionLV5! ]

A mechanical voice came, and the Random Dissection skill was suddenly upgraded to LV5!

LV5 (0/10000)

There is only one level left before you can level up again.

Dissect ten thousand monsters, monsters, monsters and other creatures.

At that time, new features will be produced!

"Ten thousand..."

The corner of Zheng Cheng's mouth twitched, there are so many monsters, who knows how long it will take to reach them.

With a grimace, he swallowed the four black water black snake gallbladders again, his energy and agility attributes increased again, and then Zheng Cheng looked in the direction of the two women.

At this time, the two fell on the bluestone floor and were entangled together. One hand was around their necks and the other was around their waists. Their four long white legs were still entangled with each other, trying to turn over.

Like... green snake and white snake?

Zheng Cheng feasted his eyes on it, but it was a pity that the two women were wearing equipment and couldn't tear it apart.

Otherwise, the spring scenery would be infinite.

"Okay, stop arguing!"

Zheng Cheng rubbed his nose and stopped him quickly.

Just kidding, this is the BOSS's territory, who knows if there are other creatures.

Besides, they still have missions to support Bai Jingqi and the others, but they don't have time to waste here.

"Let go!"

"You let go first!"

"I'll count one, two, three, let's put them all together!"


"one two three!"

"Oops! You pulled my hair again, sneak attack!"

"Aren't you the same! Despicable! Stop pinching my milk, ah~!"

The corner of Zheng Cheng's mouth twitched, his eyes filled with helplessness.

He wasn't familiar with Li Jiao, but when he thought about it, he was also a pretty and willful person.

But when did Song Chaoyu become so fierce?

He walked up anyway, grabbed one with one hand, and pulled the two women apart.

This process can be regarded as a feast for the eyes and a feast for the eyes.

"Stop it!"

Li Jiao held the milk in her hands and glared at Song Chaoyu.

Song Chaoyu also had his hair disheveled, but his eyes were proud, and his hands were grabbing at Li Jiao.

Li Jiao became angry again and rushed towards Song Chaoyu again, but Zheng Cheng grabbed her by the waist and lifted her up.

"Okay, stop it, stop it, Chaoyu, go and summon the soul beast and see what the BOSS can summon."

"And you, Li Jiao!"

Feeling the lively body in his arms, Zheng Cheng felt that what he was catching was not a human being, but a big, lively fish!

"Follow me and find a way to detach the Heart of the Earth from the top of the cave!"


Song Chaoyu snorted and turned towards the corpse.

And Li Jiao suddenly stopped, and her tone suddenly became softer: "Put, let me down."


"I feel a little pain there..."

"Oh, right, sorry."

Zheng Cheng let go and Li Jiao almost fell to the ground, but she managed to hold on.

"You have to believe me, I didn't mean it."

Li Jiao stared at Zheng Cheng fiercely, gritted her teeth and said, "You have to be responsible for me!"

"What's the responsibility?"

Zheng Cheng's eyes widened and he was joking.

Little beauty, I just touched her, don’t pester me like this.

The forest is so big, how could I give up other trees because of your tree?

Besides, your tree isn’t that high-quality~

"Hmph~ I don't care!" Li Jiao gritted her teeth and said, "I'll tell my elder brother later that you bullied me!"

"Go, go, go~"

Zheng Cheng was too lazy to leave him and went directly to the Heart of the Earth.

After thinking for a while, he took out a long sword from the space ring and prepared to tilt it down.

The top of the cave is more than five meters high. It's a pity that Cai Shen is not here, otherwise it would be easier for him to fly up and take it down.


Li Jiao came over.

"What's wrong?" Zheng Cheng said helplessly: "Don't pester me first, lower your heart from the earth, we have to go support Bai Jingqi and the others."

Li Jiao's eyes widened, but she still endured it and pouted: "Am I so annoying to you?"

"for you!"

"It's not annoying, it's annoying... hmm? Floating Talisman?"

Zheng Cheng said in surprise: "Good thing, you have contributed a lot."


Zheng Cheng tore open the floating talisman, and a green light flashed on him.

He immediately felt his body become lighter and slowly float into the air.

"Take those moonstones and share some with me."


Insert the long sword into the gap between the gems and quickly pull down the heart of the earth in the center.


Throwing the Heart of the Earth to Li Jiao on the ground, Zheng Cheng started to pick up other moonstones.

Soon, he pulled off a large piece of moonstone used for decoration on the top of the cave.

At this time, Song Chaoyu also completed the condensation of soul beasts. A three-meter-tall fish-man BOSS soul beast, and eight giant python soul beasts filled with soul power, hovered around her.

With these soul beasts, they can harvest moonstones faster.

"Show me the heart of the earth."


Li Jiao handed it over: "Zheng Cheng, this Heart of the Earth is actually a gem that can be set, and it is as high as six stars!"

"Six-star inlaid gems?"

Zheng Cheng's eyes also lit up, and he looked carefully at the heart of the earth.

[Props: Heart of the Earth]

[Attribute: Gem]

[Level: six stars]

[Effect: It can be embedded in armor and shields to increase one's own defense by 100%. At the same time, it can obtain an earth element shield and the ability to summon earth element puppets. ]

[Explanation: A special gem excavated from the depths of the Moria mines by the Blackbeard dwarves is made from a large number of earth core stones that have been squeezed and fused for thousands of years. ]

"A six-star gem that can be set?"

Zheng Cheng's eyes lit up slightly: "This thing is very suitable for Chen Xiao~"

(End of chapter)

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