I'm Priest, What The Hell Is Acute Gastroenteritis Fulminant Surgery?

95. Chapter 94 Afraid Of Ghosts? Let Me Give You A Hug! Everyone Gathers!

Chapter 94 Afraid of ghosts? Let me give you a hug! Everyone gathers!

"Six-star gems are also very precious in your family, right?"

Zheng Cheng weighed the heart of the earth and turned to look at Li Jiao.

Li Jiao was stunned for a moment, then said: "I really cherish it. In our Li family, only those uncles and a few worshipers are qualified to inlay it."

"But don't worry, we won't rob you."

"It was agreed before entering that whoever finds the loot will get it."

"Although I saw this Heart of the Earth first, it was you who killed the boss and saved me. Of course it is your trophy."

"It's just a six-star gem. It's not worth our Li family's breach of oath and contract."

"That's good."

Zheng Cheng put away the Heart of the Earth with satisfaction.

He had a good time working with Qin Zheng and Bai Jingqi, but he didn't want to cause misunderstandings or conflicts because of a six-star gem.

"Zheng Cheng."

At this time, Song Chaoyu suddenly walked over and said in a deep voice: "Liang Feifan is missing."

"Liang Feifan?"

Zheng Cheng's eyes flashed and he said, "Isn't he with you? When was the last time you saw him?"

"It's when the BOSS uses his ultimate move." Song Chaoyu thought for a moment and said, "I wrapped the soul beast around me and was going to help you, but I saw Liang Feifan swimming up there by himself. I don't know where he went... …”

"Will he die?" Li Jiao interjected.

Looking at the eyes of the two people, Li Jiao said quickly: "I'm not cursing him to death. If he doesn't show up for so long, something might have happened."

"Also, he actually ran away during the battle with the BOSS. He was probably a deserter..."

"Okay, stop talking." Zheng Cheng interrupted Li Jiao and said to Song Chaoyu: "Can't you feel the soul? Try..."


Song Chaoyu nodded, her eyes suddenly turned into shadows, and a faint chanting sound came from her mouth.


Waves of low humming sounds came from around the river cave, and countless shadows seemed to appear in the dark corners.

Li Jiao's body trembled and she subconsciously moved closer to Zheng Cheng.

"What are you doing~"

"I, I'm a little cold... I've been afraid of ghosts since I was a child, and my brother used ghosts to scare me."

"Cold? Let me give you a hug~"

Zheng Cheng opened his hand, but Li Jiao actually came closer.

Zheng Cheng had no choice but to hug her.

"Well..." Li Jiao hesitated: "I haven't been hugged by anyone for a long time..."

Soon, following Song Chaoyu's skills, an illusory figure slowly floated over in the river in the distance.

The eyes were filled with hatred and fear, and there was a lot of river water dripping from the illusory figure.

"It's Liang Feifan!"

Song Chaoyu's eyes returned to calm: "He is indeed dead!"

"Swallow him."


Song Chaoyu was stunned: "Why did you swallow him? If..."

Zheng Cheng said: "My teammates died in battle, so I have to give the night watchman an explanation."

"This... okay, I get it."

Song Chaoyu could only nod helplessly, opened his cherry mouth, and sucked lightly.

Liang Feifan's soul was immediately sucked into her body.

Seeing his soul being sucked in by Song Chaoyu, Li Jiao's eyes suddenly changed and she said nervously:

"Why did she suck that ghost? What is she doing..."

Zheng Cheng smiled and said: "This is her ability. Not only can she control ghosts, she can even absorb their souls..."

"Ghost, Ghost King! Female Ghost King!"

Li Jiao was startled, her eyes full of surprise and fear.

When she remembered that she had been fighting Song Chaoyu for a long time just now, she felt scared.

At this time, Song Chaoyu's expression also changed.

First there was ecstasy, then resentment, and the body continued to struggle.

When Zheng Cheng saw this, he immediately pushed Li Jiao away and hugged Song Chaoyu.

He knew that this was the only way to absorb Song Chaoyu's soul.

She had to experience the most unforgettable memory of the absorbed soul before death!

After a few minutes, Song Chaoyu finally recovered, breathing heavily.

Her face turned red: "Okay Zheng Cheng, let me go..."

Zheng Cheng let go, and Song Chaoyu subconsciously stroked his long hair and said, "I saw how Liang Feifan died."

"He, he was torn in half by the fish-man BOSS..."

After saying that, Song Chaoyu's face was still pale.

"Where's the body?"

"I don't know, maybe it was swept away by the wave just now."

Zheng Cheng asked strangely: "What's wrong with your face? It's so ugly?"

Song Chaoyu glared at Zheng Cheng fiercely, gritted his teeth and said, "You asked me to absorb his soul... Do you know what else I saw besides the scene before his death?"


"He, he was hit by your Acute Gastroenteritis Instant Burst, p-pah..."

Zheng Cheng had a strange expression on his face and looked Song Chaoyu up and down: "In other words, you also feel it..."

"Don't say it!"

Song Chaoyu quickly jumped up and covered Zheng Cheng's mouth: "If you keep talking, I will ignore you!"

"Well, don't say anything."

Zheng Cheng shook his head and said: "Forget it, I will try to find Liang Feifan's body first. After all, he is a colleague..."

As soon as my mind moved, the Central Radar Life Detection technique was activated immediately, but I thought in my heart:

"Very good. It seems that the strategy of driving away the tiger and swallowing the wolf was successful. Song Chaoyu hid it immediately."

"Liang Feifan's death was just an accident. He was killed by the boss and had nothing to do with me!"

With the Central Radar Life Detection technique, he could clearly see the positions of several people when he was fighting the BOSS just now.

Liang Feifan wants to hide?

It's not that easy!

All you need to do is drive the BOSS towards Liang Feifan, and Liang Feifan will definitely die!

As soon as he turned on the Central Radar Life Detection technology, Zheng Cheng's eyes moved.

On the 3D map, there were five green dots slowly moving in their direction at a very fast speed.


Zheng Cheng asked strangely: "Five green dots? Yao Zhixue, Cai Shen, Qin Zheng, Bai Jingqi and Li Zhen..."

"Where's Bai Jingsheng? Why haven't you seen anyone else?"

Song Chaoyu noticed Zheng Cheng's face and asked strangely: "Zheng Cheng, what's wrong?"

Zheng Cheng shook his head and said: "Liang Feifan's body was not found, but Qin Zheng and Li Zhen came over."

"What?" Li Jiao also ran over: "Brother, are they coming?"

"Brother Jingqi and the others are here too?"


"Very good!"

Li Jiao immediately cheered: "Great! Everyone is fine, and the heart of the earth required by the mission has been found."

"Next, we just need to return to the entrance of Secret Realm."

Zheng Cheng's expression was still serious, and the excited Li Jiao also noticed something.

When she thought of Liang Feifan, who had just been confirmed to be killed in action, her face turned ugly.

"What, what's wrong? Did something happen?"

Zheng Cheng nodded and said: "I only detected five people. Bai Jingsheng didn't follow."



"What's wrong?"

"You first use the soul beast to show them the way and let them come here."


Song Chaoyu immediately controlled a giant python soul beast and dived into the water.

After a while, the giant python spirit beast came out again.

And behind it is a drowned rooster.

As soon as he saw Zheng Cheng and the others, Da Gongji immediately fluttered his wings towards him.

“Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Brother Cheng, I finally see you, I almost can’t come back, giggling, clucking, clucking~~~”

Zheng Cheng pushed Cai Shen away and walked towards the shore: "Fuck! Stay away from me, your hair is all wet."

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Brother Cheng, you don’t want me anymore..."


Arriving at the shore, Zheng Cheng first looked at Yao Zhixue, who was the first to land, and said, "Is everything okay?"

Yao Zhixue shook his head and said softly: "I'm fine, it's just that they..."

The two looked behind them and saw Bai Jingqi, Qin Zheng and Li Zhen sitting slumped on the beach, breathing heavily.

Especially Bai Jingqi clenched his fists and glared with anger, as if he wanted to choose someone to devour.

Qin Zheng and Li Zhen also looked sad, especially Qin Zheng, who was still bleeding and his face was pale.

"Brother! Brother!"

Li Jiao staggered to Li Zhen's side and asked hurriedly: "Are you okay? Is everyone okay?"

"By the way, where's Jingsheng? Where's that guy Bai Jingsheng?"

"Brother Zheng Cheng has found the Heart of the Earth, we can go back!"

"Heart of the Earth?"

After hearing the name of Heart of the Earth, the three people's eyes became a little angry.

Li Zhen stood up and said with a sad face: "Jing Sheng... is gone."


Li Jiao also looked shocked, and her tone was trembling.

"How, how is it possible? How could that guy die?"

"He is so greedy for life and afraid of death, and even specially prepared several life-saving props. How could it be possible..."

She and Bai Jingsheng have known each other since childhood and grew up together.

Although he grew up in their home, he grew up in his own home.

But it didn't affect their relationship, after all, the two families were family friends.

Although Bai Jingsheng likes to flirt with women when he grows up, and he changes his girlfriend just like he changes his clothes, he still loves and respects himself very much.

The two of them often play around.

I didn’t expect that a trip to Secret Realm would be like this...

Li Zhen let out a long sigh and said, "Jiaojiao, don't be sad. This is the life of a professional... You should have been prepared in your heart."

"Who is sad!"

Li Jiao said with red eyes: "I'm not sad! I have water in my eyes, hum!"

Cai Shen came over and was about to say something, when Zheng Cheng grabbed him.

Following the instructions from their eyes, Yao Zhixue and Cai Shen followed Zheng Cheng to another place obediently.

"Let them be quiet for a while."

Zheng Cheng ordered: "Tell me exactly what happened after we were separated."

"That's right, Brother Cheng." Cai Shen said quickly: "After we separated, we went to support Bai Jingqi. Who knows..."

A few minutes later, Zheng Cheng learned the whole story.

"In other words, you are besieged by a large army of orcs."

"There are two bosses among them, a melee orc who can use fighting spirit, and an orc priest?"


Cai Shen nodded and said: "This information is from Qin Zheng. They seem to know the profession of sacrifice very well."

As he said that, Zheng Cheng looked around: "By the way, Brother Cheng, where is that guy Liang Feifan? Why can't he see anyone?"

"Is he probably dead..."

"Well, dead."


Cai Shen's eyes widened: "I, I was talking nonsense."

"I'm not talking nonsense." Zheng Cheng said seriously: "We just killed a BOSS. Here, it was the big fish man."

"Liang Feifan died in the mouth of the fish-man BOSS, and his body was torn in half."


Song Chaoyu also said: "Really, his soul was sucked by me."

"you you you you you……"

Cai Shen was startled again. He pointed at Song Chaoyu with his big wings and didn't know what to say.

Finally, he finally said: "It would be too easy for him to die..."


Suddenly, Li Jiao's exclamation came from the shore not far away.

Several other people also stood up quickly and looked cautiously into the river.

"What's wrong?" Zheng Cheng and others rushed over: "What did you find?"

Li Zhen said in a deep voice: "Dead fish!"

"There are a lot of dead fish in the river."

"Those orcs... put poison in the water!"

(End of chapter)

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