I’m Raising Adorable Treasures In the Last Days

Chapter 108: 108 It's a good time

  Chapter 108 108

  How can I think of a bunch of mutant dogs who didn’t know where they came from more than a month ago. They grinned, looked fierce and bloodthirsty. They rushed into the house in the middle of the night and went straight to the bed.

If it weren’t for the two of them to have been awake, they are now bones. They immediately took out the kitchen knife under the pillow and slashed over. Luckily, they hacked a dog to death. The other mutant dogs that rushed in asked about the smell of blood and ran over to grab food. Only when I had a chance to escape, I only grabbed a quilt, a bag of rice, and a small bottle of water in the panic.

I ran all the way to the hole on the top of the mountain. This hole is used to rest when I am tired from working on the mountain. It is warm in winter and cool in summer. There is also a puddle with groundwater coming out. In order not to be harmed by small animals, the hole is made. A bamboo woven door was opened, and after running over to take refuge, he piled withered fruit branches at the door.

  Mutated dogs began to harm Miao Miao’s food after eating the same kind. Every household in the rural area had food stocks, enough for the mutant dogs to harm Miao and Miao for half a month. Miao’s parents also stayed quietly in the mountains for half a month.

There is no fire, the two couples eat raw rice, count the grains and the number of days to eat, eat as little as possible a day, and save water. After drinking all of the water, Dad Miao carried Miao Ma on his back and secretly experimented with the water in the puddle. , I drank it before going to bed, and when I woke up from sleep, I found that I was still alive without any discomfort, so I told Miao Ma.

  Miao's mother was so angry that she almost broke off, and the two of them later supported herself by a little bit of water in the puddle.

Calm for only half a month, the mutant dog had finished eating at home, and began to look for food again, running in groups, all over the hillside. At first, because the cave was covered by the strong smell, no two of them were found. Later, Dad Miao wanted to go out. Looking for something to eat, I was hit by bad luck, and I was stared at, biting at the entrance of the cave every day. It has been almost half a month, day and night, Miao's parents are almost desperate.

  A mutant dog bit on the only bamboo piece supporting the bamboo door, and pulled it back, and the bamboo door instantly fell apart.

   Seeing this, other mutant dogs swarmed over.

  Dad Miao was shocked, "Go back," waving a kitchen knife and slashing at the mutant dog who bit Miao Ma.

  Naihe was weak. When the knife fell, the mutant dog had already avoided and bit Miao's hand.

  The kitchen knife let go, the mutant dog did not let go, and dragged it out desperately.

  Other mutant dogs took aim at other places of Dad Miao, and barked their teeth.

   Miao Ma was anxious and desperate, waved the broken wood and smashed it, let alone, it was a bit useful.

  Other mutant dogs failed to bite Miao Dad, but the one that bit his hand has not let go.

  Mom Miao couldn’t take much care of it, she just broke the dog's teeth with her hands, "Let go, let go, let go, beast."

  Dad Miao’s eyes were bloodshot, and he pushed Miao’s mother, "You go, go, go to Miao Miao, go to Miao Miao."

  Miao's strength suddenly increased, but Dad Miao didn't push her for half a minute. He saw a mutant dog staring at Miao's head, his eyes protruding from fright, and he kicked it all over.

   rescued Miao Ma, but her leg was bitten again.


   Miao Ma screamed, and picked up the broken log and smashed it regardless.

  A group of mutant dogs were irritated by the blood and began to go mad, rushing up and biting.

  Miao’s parents were buried in despair. There is really no hope. Miao Miao, must live, live well.



  Miao’s parents heard a different sound, and suddenly opened their eyes, and saw a behemoth showing its cold paws, directly separating the two mutant dog heads on Miao’s body.

  A black shadow swooped down, and a mutant dog was cut up in the air. The blood rain fell, and the still alive mutant dog rushed to grab food.

  Miao’s parents were shocked, and they were worried again. These creatures were even more powerful than mutant dogs, and they were even less capable of dealing with them.

   "Dad, mom."

  Miao’s father and mother seemed to be dreaming, looking at the source of the voice, "Her father, that is, our family Miao Miao?"

  "It's Miaomiao, it's Miaomiao." Dad Miao cried with joy.

   Miao’s mother was full of horror, “No, no, Miao Miao, go, go, it’s dangerous here, go quickly.”

  Dad Miao also reacted, shouting in horror to leave.

  Miaomiao rushed over here regardless of her tears, she was happy, and her parents were still alive, it would be nice to be alive. "Parents."

   "Miao Miao, be careful."

  Miao’s parents and Miao’s mother suffered a cardiac arrest, and a mutant dog was rushing towards Miao Miao’s neck.

   "Bang," a bullet passed from the left ear of the mutant dog through the right ear, fell from mid-air, and fell at Miao Miao's feet.

   Behind him, the little friend followed closely with the charge, and shot, and kept the phase goshawk around Miao's parents. If there was a desperate come over, he raised his paw to solve it in seconds. Don't be too simple.

  Miao’s parents finally felt relieved, watching Miao Miao rushing over in tears.

  Miaomiao held the two of them also crying out of breath, like an unweaned baby.

  Lebao came out of the space and heard crying, Xiao Chuan stroked his hand on Xiao Chuan's face, shouting "Ahhhhh", obviously laughing.

  Miao Miao was so angry that he took a bite on the fat foot, "Smelly Lebao, even Aunt Miao dare to laugh."

   "Ah ah," Le Bao Xiangxiang. The saliva rattled and it got wet.

  Lan Shiruo's face is full of black lines, and she wants to slap her little butt. My father hurried over to clean up the mess, not to make my daughter-in-law angry.

  With the trouble of Xiao Lebao, the three members of the Miao family calmed down a lot. Miao parents asked, "Miao Miao, who are they?"

Miao Miao happily tugged Lan Shiruo, "Parents, these are the big thick legs I told you, my sister, they are all my good friends from birth to death, this time I came with me to find you. If not, They, without my sister, I cannot say how long I can live."

Miao's parents also know the virtues of their daughters. Without the help of others, it is really difficult to survive in such a world. Seeing her face is pale and red, her clothes are clean and tidy, and she lives better and looks better than before. , Obviously depends on everyone’s help, "Thank you, thank you, my family Miaomiao has no brains, and I have a nerve in doing things, which has caused you trouble. Thank you for not dismissing her and taking care of her. Thank you."

   "Parents, I'm not as useless as you said." Miao Miao gritted her teeth, is she biological? It's so shameless.

  Yunshui Yao chuckled forward and put his lotus arm on Miaomiao’s shoulder, “Uncle and Aunt, you’re right, this girl is a bit silly, but fortunately, diligence can make up for it, and it’s not undesirable.”

   "Yes, uncle and aunt, Miao Miao cooks very well, we all like it." He Lian also smiled.

   "The meat is delicious, I like to eat meat." Guo Zi is a naive person, still swallowing saliva.

  Miao Miao anger, this group of pig teammates.

  Miao and Miao’s parents are always pleased. They can see that they are sincere friends, "Miao Miao has been greedy since he was a child, so he can be patient with this. You like it."

   "Like it." All the friends like to eat.

  Lan Shiruo smiled, "Well, let’s go down the mountain first. Uncle’s injury needs to be dealt with. It’s not safe here. Go straight to town. Do you have anything to bring with your uncle and aunt at home?"

   "No, everything in the house has been cleaned by the mutated dog."

   "That line, let's go directly to town."

  "Oh okay, mom, I will carry you on my back, my dad"

  "I will carry my dad, I will carry me." Ding Jiajia came over.

  Miaomiao kicked over, "Who is your dad, shameless."

   "Shameless, just ask Dad." Ding Jiajia is also a cheeky.

  Miao Miao glared, “I’m back, hurt a little bit, and kill you.”

   "Don't worry, if I fell myself, I can't fall my dad."

  The old couple watched the two arguing, smiled, and finally it rained and the sky cleared.

  (End of this chapter)

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