I’m Raising Adorable Treasures In the Last Days

Chapter 109: 109 Plan to build a site

  Chapter 109 109 Plan to build a site

  The little friend gags all the way down the mountain.

  The road down the mountain was very pleasant, the distance was much shorter, and I stayed at the canteen that I stayed temporarily last night.

  Miao’s parents and Miao’s mother went down the mountain for the first time in more than half a year. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be like this, "This shop belongs to your third aunt, and I don’t know how their home is." Miao's mother sighed.

  Miao Miao sighed, "My third aunt was buried by me. Others don’t know where they went. Parents, don’t think about it so much. It’s already gone, and now it’s enough to live well. In this world, no one has the right to pity anyone."

  Miao’s parents nodded and didn’t say anything. Today, there were big ups and downs, and there was a long time of hunger and cold, and the body could not bear it for a long time.

  Miao Miao waited for the two to wash, put on clean and warm clothes, Duan Jianghe treated Miao’s injury, and performed a full-body check on the two of them. They were sure that there was no problem, so he was relieved.

  The two hadn’t eaten for a long time and only cooked some meat porridge for them.

   "Parents, rest first. If you have anything to say, wait for you to rest." Miao Miao waited for the two of them to lie down on the big bed Lan Shiruo took out, and sat beside them to guard.

  The little friend didn’t bother, he left the room, made food in the lobby, chatted and rested.

  "While you have time now, please help Guo Zi and transform a few cars with grids." Lan Shiruo wanted to get it a long time ago. She has no skills, no talents, and no time, but everything is complete. After the cold wind is over, there are many kinds of birds and insects. If you are not careful, you will be made dumplings. There is a car with a power grid, which has a higher safety factor.

"OK, no problem."

   "I took the general mouse brother and the goshawk around to look around. It has not been ransacked by outsiders. People who fled will always be unable to take it with them. Maybe they can find good things."

   "I'll be with you." Ao Chengyi was worried about her little daughter-in-law alone.

  If Lan Shi wants to refuse, everyone is busy, and they seem to be lazy. The little friend looked ambiguous, and said that it was okay to go.

   Lan Shiruo glared at the smelly man and agreed.

  The little friend is still booing, Ao Chengyi swept away coldly, and was honest.

After eating and acting separately, Lan Shiruo left three super awesome off-road vehicles. Let’s try them first. Guo Zi left all the accessories and generators. Now there is no one in the town, so you can rest assured and bold. Made.

  A family of three, with the talented guys starting to search the streets and alleys.

  Never let go of any horns, especially let Brother Mouse look for things like cellars.

  In rural areas, even in towns, as long as the terrain is spacious, I like to get one. Put some durable and long-lasting things, which are better than refrigerators and freezers.

  I also like to raise some poultry and livestock. If the large ones can't be taken away, they can keep one or two seeds, and they will make money.

  Imagination is very good, but you can't hold out too much hope, so as not to be disappointed.

  In the center of the town, I didn’t find anything in the circle, but when I was on the edge, I found a small household shed, which is quite a bit of land. The winter here is long, and the households grow some fresh vegetables by themselves and change their tastes.

The greenhouse is still intact, the vegetables grown in it are gone, but I was pleasantly surprised to find a brood of more than a dozen chicks, not too young for three to four and a half months old, so happy that Lan Shi can’t wait to hug the couple. .

   is poorly skinny, no food, another ten days and a month later, may not be seen, this will be stubbornly lying on the ground.

  It is also cold in the greenhouse, which is much better than outside.

   Lan Shiruo quickly got into the space and fed some chopped grass and water.

  The little guys felt the changes in their surroundings, their vitality was very strong, dragging their weak bodies over to eat, and gradually becoming a little more energy.

  You can eat it, put it in a separate chicken pen, put enough feed, and then come out.

  "My Jialebao will have chicken and eggs in the future." There is no need to buckle up and search for a chicken to lay eggs. The big guys don't have to eat.


  Little Lebao can eat, milk must be eaten, milk powder must be eaten, and a steamed egg every day. Lan Shiruo also gives some vegetable minced meat from time to time. The little guy eats deliciously and has a round belly.

  Ao Chengyi didn't expect her daughter-in-law to like these. If she knew it, she would find a bunch of them to make her daughter-in-law happy.

  Just finished picking up the chickens, the mouse brother leaped over happily, and kept "chicking," baby, baby.

  Lan Shiruo was overjoyed and rushed to keep up with Ao Chengyi. What Brother Mouse found was absolutely pleasantly surprised.

Sure enough, a very large cellar was built with small red bricks and cement on all sides. There were pigs and sheep in it, and a lot of hay, grain and water were placed. It looked like the owner had put it specially. They thought it would take a long time. Will come back, I never thought, this trip will be a lifetime.

  There was a litter of pigs, all of which were small black pigs, and a **** pig that couldn't see its true face died beside it. It may be the mother of this group of piglets and did not survive.

  There are two more sheep, one of the ewe has a bulging belly, maybe she is pregnant.

  It was dirty, messy and smelly inside. It was cold. The dead black pig had no maggots, but the taste was not much better. There is also the pulled dung, the smell of pigs and sheep themselves, all mixed together, and I can't stand it, and each one has no energy.

  Lan Shiruo was almost fainted at the entrance and exit, Ao Chengyi hurriedly took the mother and son back, "Wait here obediently, I'll get it."

  After Ao Chengyi went down, the taste became more ecstasy. He directly held his breath, waved his hand, and left.

  A family of three followed into the space, first wash these guys, and then feed them.

  Leaving the cellar, the cubs are mostly healed, and after washing and eating something, their bodies will become vigorous.

  If Lan Shi is not relieved, he has given some medicine to the pigs, sheep and the previous chickens, which are all eaten by the animals. It is a medicine to strengthen the body, and it is pollution-free.

"Fortunately, I didn't get taken away by other things, or I lost a lot of money. I used to think about going to the wholesale seed market and the wholesale animal market, but I went there and didn't find anything. It was because I wanted something bad, so I should come. In the countryside, the more remote the better, there are not many people coming to have stock, and there is almost no grass left where there are people."

  Ao Chengyi smiled and kissed her daughter-in-law on the cheek. Speaking of the little daughter-in-law with chai, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar and tea, she was very cute. "If you like it, we can make a detour when we go back this time."

  Lan Shiruo was very excited, thinking about it and forgetting, "Ding Yibing Xia Xun and they are still in N City, He Lian is also worried about her parents, let's talk about it when we get everyone together."

Ao Chengyi thought about the two big men and his daughter-in-law. It would be useless to die. However, there is no way for his pitiful parents. "That's OK, after you get in touch with everyone, you will go to various villages again. But, girl, we should also have our own territory. Other people's always belong to others, and I don't want my wife and children to be under the fence on other people's territory."

  If Lan Shi is not surprised, the smelly man in the previous life had his own territory, a territory built at will for revenge, but even so, it is no worse than others. In this life, he will be better if he makes it hard. "Listen to you. I've been in N City before, and I've never been there. I'm not familiar with the outside world. We will build it wherever you think is good. For nothing else, just for the things in our space, which can be fair and honest. Take it out without covering up."

  (End of this chapter)

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