I’m Raising Adorable Treasures In the Last Days

Chapter 124: 124 I'm Not Afraid

  Chapter 124 Chapter 124

   "I know Dad." He Minyan has calmed down, and it is the soft white lotus again.

   Ye Bingkun was very satisfied, and looked at Du Yan, “I heard that they are going to have a dinner with the Wei family tomorrow night. You coax Wei Mengyao, go together, and remember to have an attitude of admitting the wrong brother.”

   "Don't worry, Dad, I know how to do it." Du Yan is handsome and talkative, and coaxes Wei Xiong's daughter Wei Mengyao into a head overwhelmed and desperate to do something from her. It is easy and confident.

  Ye Bingkun is still very relieved of this adopted son. He seems impulsive and doesn't use his brain to do things. In fact, there are a lot of ghost ideas and some cleverness.

On the other side, Wei Xiong prepared a small three-story house. There are people on both sides, sitting in his yard or at home, drinking tea, and chatting. It’s the same as before the end of the world. This is Power, some people can't live desperately, and some people see others desperately able to live as gods.

  The house is very clean and you can move in with your bags. Lan Shiruo still takes out things and asks her friends to change all personal belongings. The girls are on the third floor, the guys are on the second floor, and the four old people and the fine guys are on the first floor.

  Lan Shiruo let out water, let his father and mother wash well, and then make some cooked food, it will be one night, and then go to rest separately.

  Everyone is at ease. I slept well this night and woke up early the next day.

  The four old people made breakfast and greeted the friends to eat. Everyone gathered together, talking and laughing, it was the taste of home.

"He Lian, you will accompany Taozi and Uncle He and Aunt He back to clean up, and bring everything you want to take. If you can't finish it, I will find a time to get it there, and we will leave as soon as we are done." Lan Shiruo said.

  He Lian nodded, "Okay, we will go after dinner."

   "Xia Xun and Yibing will show us around later, let's talk about the situation here."

"no problem."

  After breakfast, everything was cleaned up and all the friends went out.

  Ding and Xia took Lan Shiruo and his party to drive around in the safe area. After getting a general understanding of the situation, they returned to the small bungalow.

  He's family of three and Feng Tao have already returned. The old couple wanted to take everything away, but they found it too troublesome. They planned to bring only some clothes and things that were commemorative to them.

  He Lian sees that they are really reluctant to bear it. They simply packed all of them. All the furniture and beds need to be moved.

  Lan Shiruo nodded, just find a time to go there, it's not a troublesome thing. The old couple were naturally happy when they heard it, and they used the things they had spent their entire lives, even if they were worn out, they were reluctant to throw them away.

  After lunch, Lan Shiruo wanted to invite Kong Fenglin to come with him in the evening, but he did not expect to come by himself in the afternoon, but his face was not so good.

   "Mr. Kong has something?"

  Kong Fenglin cheered up and pulled out a stiff smile, "It's okay."

   "That's good. Let me tell you something, you can be considered a comrade-in-arms who was born and died. Tonight we will have a banquet for the Wei family, and Mr. Kong will stay with him."

  Kong Fenglin turned his mind and nodded in response.

  Ding Yibing suddenly remembered something and said, “Du Yan and Wei Mengyao are in love, maybe they will come together tonight.”

  Miao Miao was taken aback, "Why? He didn't know that it was my sister who was coming here? Besides, it was the Wei family who was invited. What does it have to do with him? It's just a relationship, a breakup."

  Ding Yibing and Xia Xun looked at each other, joking in their eyes.

Xia Xun said, "We haven't had time to tell you that Miss Lan's adoptive father and family are very interesting. We have to start with them when they first arrived in N City. At that time, He Minyan had a relationship with the person who brought them to N City. Everyone knows it well, but I didn’t say that it was broken. But, that person has the ability, but he has no brains, and he does not know his own ability to be a good person. He brings a lot of old, weak, sick and disabled people. It's difficult to get mixed up in N City. , He Minyan’s family persuaded to no avail, so they started looking for another family. The first one was Wei Yin of the Wei family, but Wei Yin didn’t like the white lotus, so He Minyan had to secretly vote for Mao Xukun’s. Pigs. These two secretly sought excitement, taking He Minyan’s ex-boyfriend as the head, and blowing pillow breeze for all the dirty work and letting him do it, which is good for Mao Xukun. The two worked very well. They were too cool. Everyone. Knowing that the head of the wrongdoer can run a horse, but he himself firmly believes that the white lotus flower is a flourishing rose, beautiful and flawless."

Xia Xun spoke vigorously, but did not see Kong Fenglin’s dark face and the strange eyes of her little friend, and continued, “I’m really capable of being taken advantage of. He has done a lot of things for the surname Mao. After Mao Heyi’s eyes, it was mixed. But N City is a quagmire, and it is impossible for one party to be dominant. This family can be invincible no matter what the result is when the time comes, so let Du Yan go Seduce Wei Mengyao, Du Yan's little white face is a bit capable. With his looks and good speaking ability, he quickly succeeded. In addition, he has awakened the light attribute healing ability, which is very popular with the Wei family. The brothers and sisters are also capable people, brazen and two opponents. Climbing marriage is also a blessing. So this family, in N City, can be regarded as a winner in life."

   Lan Shiruo squinted, indeed, Du Yan awakened his supernatural power at this time, and it was still a rare light attribute. This family, others are also fast.

  Xia Xun’s words were not over, and continued, “Of course, this is on the surface, and more interestingly, it’s secretly. Mao Heyi’s wife has a leg with Ye Bingkun.”

  "Puff" Lan Shiruo who is drinking tea, "How do you know? The whole N city knows it?"

  The faces of the little friends are also very exciting.

"This matter, really only we know." Xia Xun began to groan. "As you know, my eyes are better and I can see far. I just stood in the house and looked out that day. No, I found out by accident. The two were secretive, and it seemed that there were female actors. Love, Yibing and I spent more than half a month focusing on these two people, and found several stealing. The situation and the fierce fighting, we kindly recorded it. In fact, the situation was fierce. It’s not that Mao Heyi’s wife eats wild food, but Mao Heyi’s fat head, big ears, fat intestines, big belly, bald head, short and frustrated virtues like Mao Heyi’s, I have to go for a snack too."

After speaking, I found that my little friend’s eyes were not very good, so I quickly changed his words, "Hey, joking, but this family is really capable, but too self-righteous. If everyone else is stupid, you can let them rub and squeeze. I'm just a chess piece. Somehow I sit high and still can't see the small movements below? From my point of view, the most pitiful is still being taken advantage of. My head is full of horses, and I am having a good time. I heard about this. The second time I was blown out by the pillow wind, and failed to return. He Minyan’s white lotus immediately turned from dark to light without any cover. The people who used to have the head and tail with her also jumped, those The old, weak, sick and disabled went to sweep the street. In less than a day, several freeze to death. Tsk tsk, it’s so pitiful."

Kong Fenglin

  (End of this chapter)

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