I’m Raising Adorable Treasures In the Last Days

Chapter 125: Where is the 125th row?

  Chapter 125, where is the 125th row?

Lan Shiruo and the others were among the people who fought against the giant apes and finally arrived in N City. The others first came back one day. After they came back, they had lingering fears, and they were shaking at home. A lot of news did not come out. He Minyan did not see anyone. Naturally, I think that Kong Fenglin is dead, and the big guys think so too. Therefore, those who change jobs will starve to death and coldly die without care. After Kong Fenglin went back, what he saw was that things were wrong, so when he came, his face was not That's great. But no one told him about He Minyan. Although he heard some faint noises himself, he believed in He Minyan from the bottom of his heart. Women suffer, so he does his best to give her the best.

  Now Xia Xun is outspoken, and Kong Fenglin’s old face is black and black. Compared with sadness, he is more angry and annoyed by power. After Xia Xun made it clear, what he was unwilling to think about before was instantly clear, yes, they are all power. He Minyan must live comfortably, attached to him, attached to Mao’s family, attached to what can benefit her. All men, therefore, power, everything is power.

   Lan Shiruo squinted, this is going to be blackened.

  The little partner glanced at the head and decisively flees.

  Only Xia Xun and Ding Yibing were stupidly unknown, and were dragged away by the men.

   Lan Shiruo asked, "Will you stay for the banquet tonight?"

  Kong Fenglin's eyes flashed fiercely, "Yes."

  Lan Shiruo leaned on Ao Chengyi and said calmly, “He won’t help you. Those people are useless to him, and even cumbersome. Besides, you don’t have enough capital to convince him.”

  Kong Fenglin clenched his fists, "I think there should be some basic mutual assistance between people, and people should still have the most basic humanity."

   "Do you really think so? Nothing before the end of the world, let alone after the end of the world, I don't think you are such a naive person."

  Kong Fenglin lowered his eyes, unable to see the emotions rolling in his eyes, his voice was low, "Yes, I am not naive. Since good people are hard to survive, I will be a bad person."

   Lan Shiruo smiled and shook his head, "No, there are no good people or bad people in this world. Some are just conflicts of interest, and what you are willing to do, good or bad is just the definition of others to comfort yourself."

  Kong Fenglin looked up at Lan Shiruo, "Then what are you willing to do?"

   Lan Shiruo curled her lips and glanced at the man next to her, "Let the people you care about live freely and freely from the constraints of others."

   "It's lucky to be the person you care about."

   "I am lucky because I care about someone. What about you, what are you willing to do?"

   Kong Fenglin opened his mouth, speechless, what is he willing to do? It is to let those who follow him live well, but obviously, he can't do it, let alone do it well. The people who followed him betrayed him, and the people he sheltered lost their lives. All of these were incompetent, so they couldn't do anything.

  Lan Shiruo sighed and started to dig her horns. "Without you, those who were asylum would have died in City B or on the way to City N. Those who betrayed you, do you think it is because of your incompetence? No, they are not satisfied, City N or Mao Jiawei Home will not be their ultimate destination." Their ultimate destination is death, and no one will accept it with peace of mind.

  Kong Fenglin was stunned, and began to fall into the confusion of self-doubt. He didn't know whether he was right or wrong, or what he should do.

   "Don't worry, stay here tonight and have a good time."

  Ao Chengyi took her daughter-in-law out of the small bungalow, found a spacious place, and became jealous, "Is the girl very important to him?"

  The tall and sturdy man of 1.9 meters, like a little daughter-in-law, has a sad expression on his face. He looks at his wife with small eyes, and looks like he is wronged.

Lan Shiruo couldn't help but tugged twice on Jun's face, "Aren't you going to build your own site? It's impossible to do everything by yourself. Kong Fenglin is capable, leaving him not to suffer. I love you. Why, not happy?"

  The dog man felt sorry for him and he was soothed, and he put his little daughter-in-law in his arms, and said, "I know that the girl loves me the most."

Lan Shiruo gave him a glance, "Nonsense, my favorite is your son, then the general, then Uncle Eagle, then the little friends and the fine guys, and then you, count it, yes What's the number?"

  The dog man’s face has turned black into carbon. Apart from anything else, he carried his daughter-in-law into the small bungalow, went upstairs, and then entered the space, followed by a two-hour interrogation, "Which is my number?"

  Lan Shiruosheng has no love, "First, you are the first."

  The dog man is satisfied.

  The little friends cover their mouths for fun, but they don’t see anything.

  Little Lebao poked his head out of the general’s stomach, his **** and white eyes blinked and blinked, what Baba was playing with, walking behind his short legs and crawling behind, "Baba, play."

  I want to play by myself, I didn’t care about the little things.

  Niuniu led her younger brother and made a fuss with the fine guys.

  At night, the Wei family arrived as scheduled, brought red wine and meat, and also brought milk powder and toys to Xiao Lebao. Although these big teams are not lacking, the attitude of the other party is worthy of appreciation and the gifts are also satisfactory.

  The only thing that made the little friend upset was Du Yan, who really followed her cheeky.

  Wei Xiongquan should not know the relationship between the two parties and introduce him as his girlfriend and boyfriend.

   is temptation, right?

  The little friends don’t care, what they think, how they behave, but Guoguoguo doesn’t wait to see Du Yan, and only talks to the Wei family.

  The Wei family looked at their noses and understood them roughly, and didn't say much, they got along very well with each other.

  The seats are divided into two tables, both are large round tables that can sit more than ten people, one table for men and women.

  The table is full of all kinds of delicacies, in the sky and in the ground water, and in the soil, with a complete range. It is impossible for a district boss like Wei Xiong to take out such a large table. The Wei family's view of the big team has changed again.

  Ignoring Du Yan did not prevent him from sitting on the table, watching the table full of big fish and meat, the shadow of his eyes flashed, slut, their family tried hard to feed themselves, she could be so extravagant.

  Kong Fenglin has always been an invisible person, seeing the changes in the Wei family in his eyes. Lan Shi if they have enough capital, so the Wei family value them. From entering the door to seeing a table full of food, attention is increasing. This is capital.

  Kong Fenglin lowered his eyes, his mood surged.

Dad He can be regarded as the host and the elder of the big team. He was the first to speak, "Today, I will take the children’s light and invite the old man’s family to gather. These days, if it weren’t for the help of the old Wei’s family, my child and her mother would not I know what the result will be, so for the first drink, I respect Wei and his sister-in-law, thank you."

Without the aura of a superior, Wei Xiong is really like an old man, and he puts on the shoulders of Dad He, "Our brothers would have met with each other when they said this. If you didn’t help me, and we don’t have the current Wei Xiong, it’s a big deal. , I have to toast you a bottle of wine."

  He’s father laughed, “It’s not counted, let’s talk about the present, it’s rare to get together today, come and drink.”

   "Okay, drink."

  (End of this chapter)

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