Chapter 137 137 Cheating baby

  The little friends were so happy, they came up and kissed one by one, "How come our Lebao is so smart?"

   "Little Lebao must be a lover of his wife in the future."

  "Little Lebao is a little quilted jacket of her mother, and a little quilted jacket of her aunts."

   "Father and son are natural enemies, Big Brother's good days are over."

  "Lebao, don't persuade you, uncles support you, stomping on your father."

  Ao Chengyi's gaze is faint, staring at a group of sky-shaking rascals. Is it because he has been a good father and a good father for a long time, and has forgotten his nature?

  Lebao slapped his hands, drooling over a bowl, so, I can’t change it, the little thing pushed the bowl back to his dad, "eat, eat, eat."

  Ao Chengyi

   "Puff ha ha ha"

  My friends have a stomachache, what to do, wait online.

  Ruan Kui and all the old guys also followed, and the little milk baby is almost perfect.

  If Lan Shi is not going to feel bad about her own man, it is not unusual to eat her son's saliva. She ate a lot, kissed her little cheek, took out a cookie from her bag, and said, "Go and change it with Grandpa."

   Ruan Kui waved his hands again and again, "No, no, the little guy really likes it, just take it to eat, don’t change it."

  Lan Shiruo shook his head, “Children can’t develop the habit of getting something for nothing, but Le Bao, you decide how much you want to change.”

  Le Bao pulled the biscuit in Seren Kui’s hand, and only took a piece of jerky. The jerky was so big that the little meat could not hold it. Tuck it directly into your mouth, the upper and lower two small deciduous teeth can't chew, you can only chew, and it's not bad to be used as a molar stick.

  The little guy took two bites, remembering that there was a young lady, and walking up to Niu Niu's short legs, and stuffed the salivay dried meat into the young lady's mouth.

  Niu Niu will not eat, take it, and put it in the little guy’s mouth. Le Bao was happy, and it clicked.

   Ruan Kui could not find a rebuttal, so he changed with the little guy, and the others were given to Lan Shiruo, "My child likes it, leave it to him, the meat is really clean."

  Lan Shiruo didn’t refuse, “Cook meat porridge and drink it tomorrow morning. You can eat one piece of Lebao for several days. If you don’t need these, let’s eat noodles quickly. It’s almost cold.”

  The old men ate the noodles with tears, and finally ate a warm bite. The poor family were not happy without them, even if they were sent back now, it would not work.

  After the meal, there is no entertainment. Dad Miao finds Ruan Kuikun’s family routine, “After the end of the world, how did you all live? Are you now in W city to discuss life?”

Ruan Kui sighed, "On the night of the acid rain, a few old guys and I were transporting goods. The local specialty fruits we received from the mountainous area have a good geographical environment. They are all natural fruits. They are big and sweet. After time, it was dark when I returned, and I could only drive at night, just the few fruit vendors who often cooperate with us, and three large trucks, which are fully loaded."

"I'm still happy on the way back. This time I must have made a lot of money. I didn't think much about seeing the rain. It wasn't until the early morning that when I got home, I realized that the rain was not right. The car body was watered with potholes and the vegetation on the ground was terrible. Let's six together. Personally, four of them fainted suddenly. If it were not for many years of driving experience, they would have to scrap the car. The remaining two guys had no choice but to get out of the car casually. They were careful to find shelter from the rain until dawn. Get out of the car to see the situation and ask someone for help."

"I don’t think that everyone is the same. They can’t take care of themselves and can’t help at all. The last two can only abandon a car and take the four of us sleepy home. Fortunately, the six of us are all in the same place. It’s just the situation at home. Not so good. The people who weren’t drowsy were in a hurry and finally settled in. Everyone always felt uneasy, so several families discussed staying together and hiding everything. This was how they escaped. Not only did the two carts of fruit get away. Saved the lives of our six families and allowed us to settle down in W City. Although we are a bit bitter, compared to others, we are lucky, at least our lives are still there, and the family is neatly together."

"It's just that the end of the world is here, and those who are incapable can only wait for death. There is a safe haven in W City, but it can't make us worry about food and clothing. Our six families are all old, small, young and strong. I was injured on the road and can only be raised at home. The support of the family has to be picked by the old guys. We are not too old, embarrassed, and not strong enough. Although we are awakened, we can be stupid. It’s the bottom-most existence now."

"So, we can only take on simple and easy tasks and rely on brute force to work. No, this time we came out to take on the work of mopping up. There are a small number of rotting corpses around. Our task is to clean up, so as not to accumulate them. More corpses will cause corpse tides. Such tasks are also simple, as long as you are careful, there will be no problems, and tasks are available every day, and there are more. It is most suitable for us, but when the time comes, we can take the carrion head back to hand in the task."

  Nguyen Kui is very open-minded, talking and laughing, "Although we are a bit dirty, we are alive and well. We have food, housing, and work. It's good. How about you?"

Dad Miao blushed and scratched his forehead embarrassedly, "You are really good, I can't do it. After the accident, I was nestled in the small mountain village and waited for the children to save before I can survive. These children are all capable. , And kind and sensible, I must have burnt incense in my last life."

Ruan Kuiha laughed, "This group of children is really good, so good." Seeing them, they don't dislike them, and there are not many people who take the initiative to approach them. Whoever thinks they are smelly and dirty are not hiding far, just like avoiding the plague. They are envious for fear of being contaminated. "Boss Miao is a good fate and raised a good girl, okay."

  Dad Miao has a relationship with Rong Yan, waved his hands modestly, is a good girl, and has a good fate, but he has to be low-key, "What is the name of Boss Miao, I will call it my name in the future."

   "Yes, it's the name. We are old acquaintances. We have worked together for so many years. I didn't expect to see each other now. It's also fate."

  The old man sighed, but the little friends didn't disturb them, and they slept peacefully after the night.

  There are men who are watching the night, and it is rare for the old men to have a good night's sleep, and they are full of energy in the morning.

  Wang Pei was cleaned up last night. She didn't dare to grab the job in the morning. She huddled in the corner by herself, seeing no one pleasing to the eye. At a glance, it really looks like a neurosis.

  Fei’s father and son didn’t know if it was forgetful or thick-skinned. They thought nothing happened. They smiled and greeted everyone, chatted with the guys, and asked the old guys about the W city.

   Knowing from the mouths of the old men how good the W city is and how strong the Rong family is, suddenly the idea of ​​abandoning the big team and holding the thighs came into being.

  In this regard, the friends are happy to see it happen, even if they have no ideas, they can't stay.

  Breakfast is a good meat porridge. The dried meat is burnt and the rice is thick. One person can drink two bowls, and the whole body is comfortable. The old men were reluctant to drink, and wanted to put them in a plastic bag to take them home, but felt embarrassed. They felt uncomfortable and full of guilt.

  The friends looked in and didn't say anything. After the meal, Lan Shiruo asked Miao Miao to bring out the big iron bucket, the big iron bucket used for cooking big pot of rice and stewing soup, a bucket of water weighing hundreds of catties, and half a bucket of thick porridge, "Uncle, this My sister left it specially for your family. Is your mission finished? If it's over, come back to City W with us, just to give your family a drink."

  (End of this chapter)

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