Chapter 138 Chapter 138

  The six people were shocked. This is big white rice and meat porridge. They can eat for ten days if they save a little bit. They can’t ask for it, no matter how big their faces are.

"No, no, no, we can’t take it. Last night this morning, we ate a lot. If we need these, we can’t have a face. It’s no good. We understand your kindness. Our mission is not over, so we won’t be with you. We went back together. After two days, we will go back and ask you to come home as guests. You must come at that time."

Miao Miao laughed, "It's okay. Since you have something to do, we will go to work. We will bring the things back. Then we can find someone to inquire about where our uncle's house is. When you come back, we will come to visit you too, you won’t be polite. ."

   "Hey, this is not us"

  "Uncle is okay? Let's go back together. Our car is big and can be squeezed. It just so happens that we can go as a guest today without waiting for another day."

  The old man blushed, but could not find a word to refuse. Dad Miao is silly, his daughter is capable.

  Miao's mother rolled her eyes, that is the blue girl who taught well, can the stupid girl with his intestines say such things? Don't put gold on your face.

  In the end, a car of people went back together. Old men don't have a car, and most of them rely on walking, and they can get there in four or five days. Sometimes if you are lucky, you can meet a good-hearted person to take them a journey, and you can save a day or two.

  Sit all the way down comfortably for the first time.

When I arrived at the gate of the security zone in W City, I paid the entry fee per person. Lan Shiruo was not stingy and paid it to the four members of the Fei family. Ao Chengyi took two friends to rent the house they wanted to live in. Lan Shiruo brought it. As other people came to visit, as for Fei’s family, Dad He politely said that he was there, “Old Fei, there will be a chance in the future. Let’s sit and drink together again. You should also hurry up and find a place to live. It’s late, I heard that The W city night was checked strictly."

  The three members of the Fei family looked surprised. What do you mean, want to dump them? How could this be? Although they had plans to leave, they left arrogantly after clarifying the specific situation of City W, but they were not driven away like a bereavement dog. "Old Ho, how can you be like this? We have been classmates for decades, and you can’t save you? When you came to my house, my parents treated you as their sons and gave you all the delicious food. We At school, I also often help you fetch water and food. If you have a good meal, you can’t be ungrateful. On the way, your group of people are not eyes on us, noses are not noses, so you can beat and scold us. I didn’t say a word, but it’s all from your perspective, and you have to speak your conscience."

Dad He was so angry that he blew his beard and stared, "My parents didn't entertain you when you went to my house? I help you most of the time in school. You only help when you have something to ask me occasionally. If you have dinner, I will treat you to stir-fried dishes. Dry the meal, you just ask me to drink gruel, and I can’t drink too much. When I drink too much, you cry poor with me. In the end, I paid for it many times. Who is ungrateful? We rescued you from the deserted city and provided food and offerings along the way. Drink, you stole things and said that we were stingy and stingy. We didn't say anything. At most, we responded a few words when you did too much. You are too much to do it twice. Who on earth is ungrateful? Do you have a conscience? This Have you taken care of your mother's penny along the way? But I am in charge. The cost of entering the door is also paid by us. You have space, supplies, and half a share. Did I say a word? Don’t think that everyone else I’m fools, you’re smart, and I’ve taken you to live to City W. I think I will do my best. Old classmates who have been thinking about you for decades help each other out, but you only think of yourself, selfishness and selfishness. , I can see it clearly, so let's not have a good time in the future."

Fei Jiuliang was exposed, ashamed and angry, "He Jialu, count me as Fei Jiuliang, blind and misunderstood, thinking you are a good person, treating you wholeheartedly, treating you as a friend, but you think of me that way. , Ok, ok, I admit, we will not be in contact with each other in the future, just as if I fed the dog with the love of these years." I flicked my sleeves and took the Fei family mother and son and left. As for the old lady, I still didn't care.

  He's father frowned, did Fei Jiuliang make up his mind that he was soft-hearted? "Auntie, I'm sorry, from now on, you can take care of yourself."

The old lady laughed for the first time in so long, "Child, I should be the one who said I'm sorry. I didn't teach the children well. You are good people, good people get rewarded, and good people get rewarded." The old lady said to good people. With good rewards, he hobbled behind the three of Fei's family, looking indifferent. When the Fei family saw that the old lady was following, they cursed again.

  Dad Miao puts on Dad He’s shoulder to comfort the old brother.

  He’s dad smiled bitterly, “Don’t worry, it’s okay, I just sighed for a while, after all, it’s just an insignificant person. I will not hurt the people around me or myself for others.”

  Dad Miao chuckled, "It's fine if you can figure it out. We can't let the children worry about it, they are working hard enough."

"I see."

  He Ma glanced at her wife. He always cares about feelings, but she also knows the severity, just go slow.

  The six Nguyen Kui people live in slums. They are full of slums. They are dirty and smelly. They are full of people, all unkempt and even more beggars than beggars. Fortunately, it didn't rain and the ground was not muddy, otherwise it would be more uncomfortable.

  The weather is cold, and the smell diffuses slowly, which is much better than when it is hot.

  There are all kinds of people here, and along the way, a group of bright and beautiful people like Lan Shiruo is a unique landscape.

  Regardless of men, women, old or young, everyone’s eyes are hollow and hopeless. When looking at a large team, they are fierce when they see their prey with a hungry wolf, and they are also cowardly and weak after being tortured by survival.

  Except for the four middle-aged old people, the little friends are all indifferent. The place where Kong Fenglin used to live is better than here, but his life is the same as here, and it is more calm.

  The six of Ruan Kui blushed and were ashamed. “It’s dirty and messy here. We should invite you outside. City W is pretty good. There are also some old restaurants that can be exchanged with supplies.”

   Lan Shiruo smiled faintly, “Don’t care, it’s not your problem that it’s messy here.”

  Ruan Kui was stunned, he didn't understand Lan Shiruo's meaning too much.

   Lan Shiruo smiled without explanation.

  Ruan Kui’s six family members live in a shack, with a total of 31 people, large and small, and Ruan Kui’s family has five people. A wife, a daughter-in-law and a seven-year-old grandson. There is another in her daughter’s belly. The one who was pregnant before the end of the world is about to give birth, but the belly is as small as five or six months, and the mother is skinny. , The smooth production is not certain. The son-in-law injured his leg on the way to protect everyone, so he couldn't walk and collapsed on the bed.

  Other families are not much better. The young and strong are hurt badly, and they all rely on procrastination if they lack clothing, food or medicine.

  All of them have yellow faces and skinny skin, and they are afraid to go out for fear of being blown away by the cold wind.

  There is no real bed in the shack, all kinds of tatters are piled underneath, and old clothes and quilts are spread on it. All activities are carried out on it.

These people eat less and drink less. They can stay in the hut for a whole day without going to the hut. They sleep when they are hungry, rub their hands and feet when they are cold, and drink some water when they can’t stand it. Eat some bread and biscuits in exchange.

  (End of this chapter)

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