Chapter 139 139 Ruan family

Six family members, including Ruan Kui’s grandson, and four children under the age of ten, each had a head larger than a body and eyes larger than a face. They were weak and weak in the arms of their family members. They were helpless and scared when they saw strangers. Others People are the same.

  Not to mention these six family members, that is, the entire shack has never seen such a magnificent person in a large team, and for a while, I don’t know how to react.

  Several old men blushed even more, "This, this, this place, the place is too small, there are no stools, it is."

"It's okay." Lan Shiruo waved his hand, released a dozen of the most common stools, and put out a large pot of porridge. It did not maintain the original temperature, only a little residual temperature. "The space is airtight and it is cold slowly. You can drink, uncle let everyone get up and drink a bowl."

   "How embarrassing it is, we" Ruan Kui couldn't say the words of rejection. It was really distressing because of his family's appearance, especially his daughter who was pregnant with children. He was really afraid that he would die and kill him.

  Lan Shiruo smiled and greeted her friends to divide the porridge with bowls. Dad Miao patted Ruan Kui on the shoulder, “Relax, these are good kids, they give you a drink sincerely, and keep it safe.”

  The six old men of Ruan Kui blushed, and hurried to greet their family members to get up. You can’t get food from others. You are still lying in bed waiting for others to serve them.

  When everyone heard it, they always thought it was a dream, but the scent of porridge had already come out. I couldn’t help but hold back the cold, trembling from the bed, staying still for a long time, and a little top-heavy.

  The little friends let them sit on the side of the bed and don’t have to move around. One bowl per person, you can add it after drinking.

  A group of people were holding their bowls, and they drank to tears.

  Lan Shiruo held Xiao Lebao and stood at the door of the shack, looking out through the curtain made of rags.

  The smell is big here, the porridge fragrance does not diffuse out much, only a few nearby shacks, if there is something indeterminate smell, on the pile of tatters, crane your neck to look here.

  The situation of those people is not much better than that of Ruan Kui and the group, each of them looks miserable and lingering.

  Lan Shiruo tightens her lips, the world is like this, she can't be the savior.

  After dividing a bucket of porridge, everyone just got a bottom, but they also feel very happy. The children are also good, eat what they eat, and don’t make trouble if they don’t.

  After a group of people gained strength, they all knelt down and kowtow to the big team.

  Four middle-aged old people hurried to help, hurriedly.

  The little friend avoided him sideways, waiting for Lan Shiruo to speak.

  Lan Shiruo retracted her gaze from the outside, and calmly looked at the grateful people on the ground. After all, she actually didn't do anything. "Get up, I can't save you, let alone others, a bowl of porridge, it just depends on the friendship between Uncle Miao and Uncle Ruan, what they can do."

If Lan Shi doesn’t see this in his eyes, the six family members cannot. They struggle in hell, but never want to lose their qualifications. "For you, it’s really not important, but for us, this It’s not porridge, it’s the hope of survival. We won’t be knocked out, but this life is yours. We are useless and can’t do any major things, but if there is a little effect, we will try our best to do it."

  If Lan Shi is noncommittal, she sits down and takes out the snacks to Niuniu and Xiao Lebao, "Go and share them with brothers and sisters."

  Xiao Lebao is very happy to do this, holding the general with one hand, holding the young lady in the other, and Niuniu with snacks in the other hand, and approaching the four children.

  The little guy is white, tender and chubby, very pleasing. The four children want to play with him, but are afraid to play with him, so he hesitates in place.

  Lebao refused to admit birth, so he rushed over to hold his little brother’s leg, and summoned the little sister, "Ah, ah," to eat, to give to the older brother.

  Niu Niu knows Lebao, she handed the bag over, and the little fat hand pulled out a bag of potato chips from it and stuffed it to her little brother.

  The younger brother is Huo Qingyun, Ruan Kui’s little grandson, and he went to see his father at a loss.

  Huo Qingyun's father, Huo Jing, is an elementary school teacher, and his mother, Ruan Zi, opened a small clothing store by herself. The family is not rich, but it is not difficult, and the life is plain.

  Huo Jing can be regarded as a door-to-door son-in-law. He lives with his father-in-law and mother-in-law. The Huo family's parents and brothers and sisters are in another city, and the relationship is very harmonious.

  The end of the world is coming. Huo Jing knows that the Huo family’s parents are well and don’t worry. They just hate their incompetence and can’t protect his wife and children. The elderly father-in-law has to bear the responsibility of supporting the family. The son used to be a poor man, but he had never been hungry before, but now, he is so skinny and hungry, but he is still well-behaved and sensible.

  Seeing his son's questioning eyes, he can clearly see the desire inside, resisting the sourness and pain, smiling and nodding, "Thank you, brother, sister and aunt."

Xiao Qingyun smiled crookedly, "I know Dad." Turning to take the potato chips carefully, not letting her dirty hands touch Lebao's fat paws, after thanking them one by one, she asked, "Brother, I can Give it to my friends?"

  Xiao Lebao tilted his head and didn't understand. He understood his little brother's eyes, and Xiao Pang went to carry the bag with his hands, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

  Niu Niu was afraid that he could not move, so she directly handed the bag to Huo Qingyun.

  Huo Qingyun didn’t dare to take it, “No need, one bag is enough, and the rest of the brother will eat it.”

  Lebao didn’t understand, he stuffed it all over, laughing droolingly, "Ah, ah, eat."

  Xiao Qingyun was very embarrassed, but grandpa persuaded him to accept it.

  A few little guys happily share snacks together. Little Lebao lay on the general and had fun with his brothers and sisters.

  Lan Shiruo slightly curls her lips, the child still has to play with the child more.

  Ao Chengyi and a few people went to rent a house before they came, Rong Dazhi first came with a group of people.

  As far as his nouveau riche's costume is, the brightest cubs are everywhere, and the people in the shack area are scared to retreat and don't understand how this second generation ancestor came here.

  Rong Dazhi covers his head to his feet. If he can choose, he won’t come, okay, this place is so stinky to him, he would wear a gas mask if he knew it.

   "Where is it, why not yet."

  The person who led the way was trembling all over, and he hurriedly gave up a smile, "Master, bear with me, and he will be ahead."

  Rong Dazhi cursed, and gritted his teeth to hold back and continue walking.

  The four brawny bodyguards behind him did not say a word, their faces were black and protected closely, and the scared person hurriedly retracted.

   Outside Ruan Kui’s tent, the person leading the way breathed a sigh of relief, "Master, this is it."

  Rong Dazhi snarled his teeth and straightened his belly, "The one inside, come out to the Lord."

The voice of    roared so much that all the shacks around were trembling, and they mourned for the people of Ruan Kui’s nest, and who was not easy to provoke the second generation ancestor. This kind of anger would make the prince Ye Gongzun personally come to punish him.

  The six family members are also confused, when have they been so capable?

  Don't even mention seeing the second generation ancestor who is aloof, you can't do it even if you leave the shack, how can you mess with it?

  Are they six old men?

  Thinking about it this way, the legs of the six were all weakened, and they quickly recalled.

  But there is no Rong Dazhi in the memory.

  (End of this chapter)

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