Chapter 146 146 Carrion gives birth

  Ao Chengyi's black eyes were silent, "Carry the decayed corpses outside, at all costs."


  Ao Chengyi looked at her little friend, "Kong Fenglin continues to command, pay attention to the situation, evacuate when the ammunition is insufficient, and leave me alone."

  "Boss?" The men looked solemn.

  Ao Chengyi swept lightly, all silent, "This is an order, take care of your sister-in-law, I will be fine." When the words fell, he opened the door and got out of the car and stood inside.

  The red skirt heard the movement and quickly turned around and flew towards Ao Chengyi.

Tier 3 carrion is fast, and Ao Chengyi smells a strong rancid smell far away. His handsome eyebrows are frowning. The speed of bullets is not as fast as the red skirt. It is useless to shoot and take it out. A steel knife, without retreat or flash, greeted the past.

  The steel knife collided with the rotten flesh, without any effort, the rotten flesh fell off a large piece, exposing the bones, and the rancid smell was more intense.

  I didn’t know the pain in the red skirt, and he kept waving his hands, his nails were very sharp and poisoned inside.

  The red skirt knows her weakness, and the rest is ignored, but her head is very tightly guarded.

  Ao Chengyi raised his eyebrows lightly, took the steel knife, took out a wooden stick, and smashed his head.

  Almost all the rotten flesh of the red skirt was smashed off, but the bones were very hard. Once it was smashed down, the ability person could break a few bones, and it was nothing. It seems to be a lot easier, and the rotten flesh has become a burden.

  Ao Chengyi looked bad, did he do a stupid thing?

   Grind your teeth, collect the sticks, and take out a big hammer to see how hard your bones are.

   After a "bang, bang, bang", the speed of the red dress finally slowed down a lot, and there were cracks on the bones. The hollow white pupils spun rapidly, and the only rotten head appeared hideous, and opened his mouth with a scream.

  Ao Chengyi's face was pale for a moment, and the carrion corpses on the periphery were already piled up into mountains. The people in the car were soaked in sweat that they could no longer stand it. Kong Fenglin commanded the formation to move so as not to be covered by the mountain of corpses.

  Ao Chengyi played fiercely in the middle without being affected, just follow along.

It’s just that no matter how much it moves, it’s not as fast as thousands of carrion swarming over, but within a second, there is another mountain of corpses. Attempt to pass through the enclosure and into the inner enclosure.

   "Report, the three machine guns of car No. 5 have run out."

   "Report, two muskets of car No. 6 ran out of fuel."

   "Report, the power grid of car No. 9 lights up in red."

  Kong Fenglin frowned, “Car No. 9 moved to the inner circumference of Car No. 5 and 6 to assist with the use of bullets and fuel. The enclosure was reduced and the vacancy was automatically filled. Report when the ammunition in the car is less than one-fifth."


   Kong Fenglin looked solemn, staring at Ao Chengyi, hurry up, it can't hold it anymore.

  Upstairs, Lan Shiruo stared at the surrounding circle, except for her tight lips, she could not see any emotions. The girls looked anxiously, "Shi Ruo, let's go and help."

   "Yes, sister, let me go."

   "I'll go too, girl, I can't do without you here, let's go."

Lan Shiruo shook his head, "Everyone has their own place. Now that the carrion corpse is called over there, it is hard to guarantee that it is not a slap in the face. Our task is to guard the city gate. Inform the people below, don't let your guard down, and hurry up to resume fortifications. , The wounded are dealt with quickly. The people upstairs are ready to support at any time."


  Lan Shiruo spit out fiercely and kept thinking about what caused the red skirt to ignore the attack.

what exactly is it?

   Touching the fake Lebao in his arms, his heart trembled suddenly, and the belly of the red skirt was open.

   "Zhang Yun." Lan Shiruo shouted sharply and urgently, terrifying her little friend.

   "What's wrong with Shiruo?" Zhang Yun said hurriedly.

   "You are fast, go to Rong Deju, let him look in the city, find a carrion baby, just born a carrion baby, you can check the entry and exit records of the past few days."

  "Okay." Zhang Yun quickly left. The little friend stared at Lan Shiruo and wanted to ask what was going on.

  Lan Shiruo took a deep breath, “The belly of the red skirt is open, I guess someone may have stolen her newly born child.” This made sense, why she just opened up her mind and started the war regardless.

  The little friend was stunned, "Can a carrion give birth?"

   "Yes, but very few," too little, so little that Lan Shiruo couldn't believe it at first, so she never thought about it. The carrion gave birth, not the carrion, but her child.

  Baby carrion, don't be too bad.

  Ao Chengyi broke a bone in the red skirt with a hammer. The red skirt screamed uninterruptedly, and many people's ears overflowed with blood. The nearest Ao Chengyi suffered the most.

   But his face did not change, and he waved his hammer into the wind.

  Ao Chengyi smashed it, and the red skirt's screaming made a point, and the speed would also slow down by a point.

  The tank had already reported that it was short of ammunition, Kong Fenglin gritted his teeth, and never opened his mouth to leave.

  My friends are also praying, hurry up, hurry up.

  Ao Chengyi's ears roared, and no sound was heard. There was only a beating red skirt in front of him, and there was only a thought in his heart, smash it.


  A pair of leg bones were finally broken, and the red skirt could no longer jump.

  Everyone spit out their mouths, sitting in the car and shouting, "Brother, hurry up, smash its head."

   "Hurry up, brother."

   "Boss, hurry up."

  Ao Chengyi shook his head a few times, staying awake, raised his hammer, and slapped with all his strength.


  At the last moment, the red skirt screamed, resounding through the world.


  In the dark corner of the city, a terrifying scream shocked the mutant bird in the sky. In the panic, he knocked himself to death a lot.

  The carrion outside the city trembled expressionlessly, standing still.

   Lan Shiruo sighed quietly, "It's too late."

  Rong De lifted and wiped out the mutant birds in the clean city, and rushed to the wall, "What's the matter?" The fat piled up body, panting like a cow.

  If Lan Shi looked at him like this, she knew that the baby carrion had not been found yet. "Let everyone gather here, it's going to take revenge."


   "Baby carrion."

  Outside the city, Ao Chengyi picked up the crystal core, resisted the dizziness and got into the car. Kong Fenglin screamed, "Return to the city, hurry."

  Along the way, the carrion stood in a daze, and the return journey went smoothly.

  As far as the city gate, there was a strange silence for a moment.

"what happened?"

  Everyone shook their heads, and they didn't know.

   "Everyone, prepare to fight, fight." Lan Shi said if he said.

   A cry of a baby was strange and cold, the carrion and mutant birds moved, moving wildly.


   came with a roar, crazier than before, without any pause or hesitation.

  Various abilities, guns rang out, chaotic and bloody.

  Ao Chengyi led the man to the wall, "Girl, what's the situation?"

  Lan Shiruo saw him tilt his head slightly, his heart aching, "Ear hurt?"

  Ao Chengyi was biased again, did not hear what her daughter-in-law said, and wanted to listen carefully.

  Lan Shiruo said nothing, and kissed her thin lips directly, “Jiang He, first treat your eldest brother, give Xia Xun the crystal nucleus you just got, and use it immediately, don’t keep it, others will be on guard for them.”


   turned his head to look at Rong Deju, "The baby carrion must be found. The longer the time, the more serious the consequences."

  Rong Deju is fully aware of the seriousness of the matter and nodded solemnly, “Don’t worry, I’ll take someone to find it myself, and I’ll leave it to everyone here.”

   "Don't worry, we will guard it."

  (End of this chapter)

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