Chapter 147 147 Baby Carrion

  Rong Deju took the people away, Lan Shiruo asked the man to stay in the tower, and by the way gave Ao Chengyi and Xia Xun a warning, and rushed down with the girls.

  Downstairs, there is a melee. There are no rules, abilities, bare hands, cold weapons, hot weapons, what is easy to use. The carrion corpses were as if they were beaten up with chicken blood.

  Mutated Birds are like Xiaoqiang who can't kill them. They run with one bite, and run with one bite. They are both annoying and hard to guard against. The supernatural powers on the tower specialize in dealing with the mutant birds, and there are people standing on the tall buildings in the city.

  Whether it's on the ground or in the air, it's hard to separate.

The    general is like a victorious general, bear the brunt of the brunt, shuttle through the carrion group, harvesting the carrion head.

Miaomiao waved the iron ball. After the ability was advanced to Tier 2, the weight of the original iron ball could not meet the demand, so Guo Zi directly made a new one for her. The head is big, a two hundred jin, and there are more on it. Many spikes, one ball goes down, the angle is right, can burst a string, the broken ones will not even know the relatives.

Yun Shui Yao brought vines, like an octopus with countless tentacles, directly wrapped around the neck of the carrion corpse, and smashed into the mutant bird in the air. Same.

He Lian hid in the dark and placed cold arrows, specializing in picking the mutant birds that attacked her friends. The bow and crossbow have been improved, and the arrow feathers have been much shorter. Only the palms are long, and the sharpness and strength are much stronger. Without stopping, the ears move, fast and cruel, and the birds cannot escape.

  Han Qingquan danced with a bone-chopping knife. Everyone in the sky is a knife, and he reaps his head blankly, with a strong suffocation. Those with short eyes rushed forward, buckled their palms, and turned them into headless corpses.

  Zhang Yun found a new way to fight monsters, freezing her neck, letting out an icicle, and freezing the ice neck. Although the carrion is not affected, it is convenient for her to put the stick. An iron rod was smashed down, and the cold and crisp neck was completely broken. The inspiration came from Ao Chengyi's smashing of the red skirt just now. Not to mention, it is very easy to use. Although there is one more process, the speed is not reduced, and the more you use it. smoothly.

  Lan Shiruo has been wielding a samurai sword. Every time he fights, he thinks about how to improve his abilities. But in his last life until he died, his abilities did not change by half, and he couldn't help thinking that his unique abilities were just like that. People must be content, they can't be the help of fighting, but it is the help of life anyway. Therefore, usually they desperately exercise their own cold weapons, exercise their physical stamina, and make up for the lack of abilities.

  Now that the katana is swung up, I can only see the cold light, and I won’t be tired from fighting for several hours. When a large swath of carrion comes over, it can be surrounded by a water jet to form a safe zone. It is more convenient to cut off the head without worrying about the future.

  From a distance, Lan Shiruo didn't move her feet for half a step, she was a point, half a meter in radius, no carrion approached, but her feet were all heads, strange-shaped heads.

  The battle lasted for several hours, and the sky gradually darkened. If they couldn't solve it before nightfall, they had no chance of winning.

  Everyone is showing fatigue, more than half of the dead and injured, but the carrion is tireless, the number of mutant birds is huge, and they are still fighting guerrilla warfare, no matter how human beings suffer.

  Rong Deju sent people with mental powers all over the city to look for the whereabouts of the baby carrion. I didn't expect to find it after going through it, but the personnel had already been determined.

Fei Xiao, he stole the baby carrion back, causing a devastating blow to City W.

  The rest of the Fei family had been **** and taken to the tower, but Fei Xiao was nowhere to be seen.

  Rong Deju was very anxious, and the screams outside were sharper than the other. W City was his support and his painstaking efforts, and he absolutely couldn't just be ruined like that. "Look, I'll dig the ground three feet to find it."

  In the shack area, Ruan Zi gave birth to a baby girl. At the moment when the carrion struck, she was a small group, like a milk cat, and her voice was as weak as a milk cat screaming, lying **** on the broken bed.

  Ruan Zi lay next to him, not knowing whether he was alive or dead. Everyone else stood still strangely. The six old men Ruan Kui killed the enemy outside and knew nothing about it.

  When Rong Deju brought people to search here, the stubborn person moved, taking care of the lying-in woman and baby girl, and the smell of blood was unusually strong. Rong Deju didn't do what he thought, frowned and glanced, leading the people to leave quickly, not discovering how stiff and deliberate these people's movements were.

   didn't notice, after he left, these people turned into puppets again.

   Fei Xiao came out of the tattered pile, eyes full of gloomy, lifeless, holding up the **** villain, looking strangely respectful and loving.

  Go to the old woman in the corner and put the old woman's hand into the baby's mouth.

  The baby girl has no teeth, but she can easily chew the old woman’s palm, arm, other hand, leg, body, and finally the head with pain and fear.

  The cry was louder, although it was still as small as a milk cat.

  The baby girl did not continue, she needs to rest, after all, she is still a baby.

Fei Xiao is like a loyal guard, standing by, dumbfounded like a puppet, but the gloom and lifelessness all over his body is not less.

  The people standing beside me could not move their bodies, but the other senses were all there, staring at the scene in front of them, their eyes were bloodshot, tears fell involuntarily, but they hated their uselessness and couldn't do anything.

  Rong Deju came here to search for three times, but found no abnormalities. Everyone was too anxious. What should I do and what should I do?

  In the dark corner, the old lady was all dirty, staring at the old eyes in the shack cloudy and firm. Secretly rushed out, the baby girl's eyes moved, and the old lady spouted a mouthful of blood and fell to the ground without knowing the personnel.


  Space’s Le Bao tilted his head and felt the familiar fluctuations. He crawled around the space twice with his little butt, and slept in the chicken coop where the old hen was laying eggs.

  The eyeballs were still moving, and it seemed that he was really asleep.

  The old lady lying on the ground moved, took a few breaths, and crawled out with her body.

  The quiet baby girl's eyes moved again, and the red, wrinkled face appeared impatient.

  An invisible force rushed out, and the people in the shack, including Fei Xiao, couldn't bear it, clutching their heads and wailing.

  I thought that old humans would definitely die, but I didn’t expect the power to reach half way and be intercepted.

  The baby girl opened her gray eyes, flashed a moment of incomprehension, and then anger, strengthening her strength.

  Lebao sucked in her belly, slumped down, exhaled, and bulged again, her face a little pale.

   One chase and one block, the two forces stalemate, the old lady didn't know a little bit, and dragged her body to crawl out.

  She was lucky, and as soon as she left the shack, she met Rong Deju, who came to search for the fourth time.

  Rongde saw Fei’s family at first sight, and was so angry that he immediately raised his gun.

   "Fei Xiao, here, here"

  Rongde stopped, and asked urgently, "Do you know where Fei Xiao is?"

   "In the house, the den, the shack where the baby was born, the baby is, it's a weird, monster" the old lady said with the last trace of strength, and she went.

  Rongde raised his eyebrows and frowned, “Find someone to put her away, and we'll talk about it when the matter is over, other people will go to the shack with me, hurry up.”

  (End of this chapter)

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