Chapter 165 165 Another group fight

   Lan Shiruo curled her lips, "I followed us a lot of time, right? What else do you know?"

   "I know this. I didn't follow you. I heard it accidentally. Really, I'm telling the truth. If there is a half-line, the sky will thunder."

   "Heaven thunders and strikes?" Lan Shiruo sneered, "If you can really thunder and strikes, when you eat your first child, there should be no place to burial. You will not live now, Shui Yao."

  "Come on," twisting his waist, Yan Yan said with a smile, "Little handsome guy, how do you know the grandfather?" His eyes flowed and he was full of charm.

  Lv fox felt itchy hands, and his forehead bounced suddenly.

  Lu Zhang lost his eyes, "I found it while following you."

   "Apart from this, what else do you know?"

   "Know that you are following Ye Bingkun and He Minyan."

  "Do you really know where the hero is?"

   "I know, the food that ran away tonight was found by the hero."


   "The underground garage of the unfinished building."

   "Take us there."



The door was smashed open again, and there were at least two or three hundred people inside and outside. The leading black-faced man shouted, "Bold thief, stealing a baby is not counted, but also assassinated dozens of my patrol guards. It's damned, come here. , Kill them on the spot."

  The little friend is anxious, and finally knows the news of the grandfather, when a group of blocking dogs suddenly appear, it is really uncomfortable.

  Hit and fight, whoever is afraid of.

  The flames of war are on the verge of breaking out, and the small suite basically satisfies the desire of the small partners to show their fists. Looking, the doors and windows were shattered, and the crowd flocked to the outside of the house.

  The big team rented the ground floor, which is fairly foresight.

  There are no flowers and plants in the community, so you don’t have to worry about fighting. The screams resounded throughout the area, and everyone was awakened from their dreams, looking at the melee arena in surprise.

  Lan Shiruo finally had the opportunity to really try her waterjet again. One in one hand, almost the same as a samurai sword, held in the hand, like a part of the body, it is easy to use, more comfortable than using foreign objects. One knife down, with a whirlwind, can harvest several heads at the same time, and before the head falls, there is no blood at all.

   is a killer, with a smile, scared that the opponent dare not come forward, a radius of one meter, forming a vacuum zone, annoyed that Lan Shiruo chased and beat.

  Ao Chengyi turned into a spear, carrying flames, with the sense of sight of a red boy's flaming spear. Lan Shiruo's eyes twitched, and next time he asked the dog man to get Erlang's two-fork and three-knife, he could sing a big show alone.

Ao Chengyi didn't know that he was being spit out by his little wife. The spear was very useful. One shot went out, and then swept again. It can harvest a large area. It is quick and accurate. The blood rushes, all of which cut off the arteries. The picture looks better than Lan Shiruo's. , The visual impact is too powerful.

Lu Chaoyang and Yun Shuiyao are both playing with vines. They wrap their necks first, then pull to the front, raise their hands and stick the knife. They move in the same way and look the same. They also secretly compete with each other to see who moves more. quick.

  Miao Miao carried two big iron **** and spared no effort to show her brute force. She was simply a mighty and mighty man. Ding Jiajia ran all over the court and drew in front of Miao Miao from time to time to remind her, "Lady point, lady point."

   Miao Miao was angry, and several times he almost smashed himself to death.

  Ding Jiajia touched his nose, and the wind blade threw it out.

  He Lian’s ability cannot be transformed, and he has no tools to take advantage of it, so he can only slash with Lan Shiruo’s previous katana.

  Feng Tao's fog ability did not reach home, so he could only chop with a big knife, and while chopping it, he was disgusted with He Lian, "Push harder, I didn't eat."

   "Oh, cut it over, it's bones, you can't cut it."

   "Hurry up, people are smashing your face, why are you so bitchy."

  He Lian angrily, grabbed Feng Tao’s ears and shouted, "My mother is not a girl, are you?"

  Feng Tao, afraid of face

   Duan Jianghe laughed, tsk tsk, man, it's really useless.

"Hey," he got a kick on his butt, and when he turned his head, Han Qingquan rolled his eyes, "Idiot, his head is about to move." A black wire wrapped around an electric whip, and they stalemate each other away, and the other two The spider silk met the necks of the two of them, without pulling, the black mist and spider venom directly corroded the necks in an instant.

Duan Jianghe touched his neck, well, men are all virtues.

Guo Zi was carrying two big hammers, covered with purple thunder, annoyed when Zhang Yun was smashed another popsicle, he smiled and comforted, "It's okay, take your time, wait for your ice ability to advance. , Will definitely be the same as the eldest brother and sister-in-law," he smoothly used a golden ability with a thunder hammer, slicing the outside focus and the inside tenderness.

  Zhang Yun was not comforted. Forget it, she was still too anxious. She used the old method to cover the enemy's neck, and then smashed it with a stick. This time it was someone else.

  Kong Fenglin felt that his electric whip was very easy to use, one in each hand, shaking vigorously.

  Xia Xun and Ding Yibing, the two fighting scum, can only be back to back and shoot with a gun. Only when they rush to the front, they will punch and kick together.

  Fang You and Ruan Kui are both golden abilities, Fang Dengwen is a young boy, not strong in combat, and the three of them work together, so they are not very embarrassed.

  Goshawk general, heaven and earth, rule the king and hegemony. One dived in the sky, grabbed a person from the sky, pulled it in half, threw it, and continued to grab it.

  One shuttles on the ground, wherever he goes, all the corpses are separated. The two are also competing, see who is better.

  Except for these people, the big team is guarded in the house. Everyone has a gun. Adults, children, and old people are not soft persimmons. They understand that if you want to live, you have to stand up.

  The black-faced man who took the lead is Lao Huang. Among the two to three hundred people, half are professional, and half are the crooked melons who were recruited in Y City later.

  After finishing cleaning up, other people will have to work hard to clean up.

  The battle lasted for more than three hours. The little partner began to lose strength, but the enemy still had dozens of people, and the situation began to become very disparity.

  Lao Huang knew that the opportunity had come and shouted, "Everyone listened to the order, hurt one, reward one hundred catties of rice, kill one, reward one hundred catties of rice plus one hundred catties of meat."

  Caibo is touching. The food now is comparable to gold jewelry. Everyone is blushing, and even those who are hiding in their homes watching the excitement are ready to move.

  Old Huang was overjoyed, "Tyrant Tiger, give it to me."

  A hanging-eyed white tiger did not know where it came from. Its huge body was as big as a hill with three generals. "Roar" the tiger roared the sky, and the ground was shaking when its limbs touched the ground.

  The forelimbs slumped down, rushed out suddenly, and went straight to the little partner.

   came too suddenly, and the little friend did not react at all. Ruan Kui Fangyou Fang Dengwen Xia Xun Ding Yibing several people stood not far away, was picked up by a pot, and was hit by a giant tiger to fly more than a meter away, hit the ground, and did not get up for a long time.

   Turned his head and attacked Kong Fenglin again. Kong Fenglin squinted his eyes. Two electric whips were wrapped around the giant tiger's neck at the same time, and he was horrified to find that it was useless.

  Not to mention that this thing is rough and thick, but it is also an electric ability. The ability level on the body is higher than that of him.

  Kong Fenglin found out that it was too late, and he was numb from the electric.

  (End of this chapter)

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