Chapter 166 Chapter 166

  Han Qingquan threw out the spider silk, which corroded and cut the current, so that Kong Fenglin was relieved, but he would never recover for a while.

  The giant tiger was very annoyed and continued to attack.

  Han Qingquan did not dare to touch it hard. Spider silk can corrode the current in a short time, but long-term contact cannot work. Spider silk also conducts electricity. This thing is full of electricity, and whoever touches it numbs.

   Zhang Yun smashed it with a wooden stick, but was bitten into **** by the giant tiger, completely useless.

  The guys hurriedly stepped forward and pushed the girls away, but they couldn't find a place to start for a while. All the metals were over-electric, and the wooden products were unmanufactured, even bare-handed.

The    ability is not good, their weak and explosive ability can't even match the guns and ammunition.

  Firearms and ammunition are not good either, they are too rough and thick.

  "Woo" retreat, and Lord Bong is here.

  "呖"Yaye comes.

  One dog and one eagle, besieged up and down.

  Goshawk spouted out a mouthful of fire head-on, narrowing its tiger eyes, and evaded it. However, the body was too large, and it was still stained with sparks, and it ignited a large area.

   is also because of the large body, the fire goes out as soon as it rolls on the spot.

  The phase took advantage of its tumbling gap, flew forward, showed its claws, and scratched the giant tiger’s belly.

  The giant tiger kicked its four feet in time, and the plan fell through, leaving only a few scratches on the giant tiger’s legs.

  One eagle and one mastiff continue to cooperate. The giant tiger is huge, fast, and strong, but it is not flexible enough and looks a little clumsy. It is the key to one eagle and one mastiff.

  In less than ten minutes, the giant tiger was scratched all over his body. The old yellow was anxious and threw an electric whip at the goshawk, "Damn flat-haired beast."

  The goshawk was fighting fiercely, but when insidious humans would sneak attack, the electric whip was wrapped around its neck, and its hair was exploded.

  Ao Chengyi was angry, a shot penetrated the neck of the person before him, and the spear moved forward, turning into a chain of fire, and wrapped it around Huang's arm. In an instant, the iron chain separated countless barbs, plunged into the old yellow flesh, and suddenly pulled out.

   "Ah" Old Huang screamed in pain, and the electric whip in his hand lost its power supply and disappeared without a trace.

  Goshawk trembled uncontrollably, many hairs could not go back, standing among the hairs, especially dazzling.

  The old man was injured, the general was very angry, and the wind was blowing under his feet, he circled the giant tiger, and slapped his paw whenever he got the chance.

  The giant tiger was turned dazzled, impetuous, and let out a low growl. Seeing the right time, he smashed himself out. Occupying the advantage of being wide and fat, he will put the photo underneath forcibly.

   "General!!" Lan Shiruo exclaimed, took out the rope, before the giant tiger got up, put it around its neck, and threw it to Miao Miao, "pulling."

   "Yes, sister."

  Miao Miao tried his best, Lan Shiruo also took out a wooden stick as a lever to help Miao Miao. The giant tiger is really heavy, and the two people's combined force is only worthy of the general appearance.

Lord    was stunned. Fortunately, it was a mutated body with a lot of flesh and bones. It also avoided the strongest frontal impact. It didn't hurt much, but was convulsed by electricity.

  Lan Shiruo was so distressed that she asked her friends to take away Jiang Xiangying and Kong Fenglin. Xia Xun and the others couldn't fight anymore, and they were all sent into the room.

  Miaomiao throws away the rope before the current passes.

  The giant tiger has stood up and looked at the tiny human in front of him with cold eyes.

  "Miaomiao, get out of the way." Lan Shiruo was full of murderous intent. She looked at the grown-up Maozi, when she had been wounded like this, a **** beast.

  Miao Miao quickly backed away, her sister was too murderous and afraid.

  The giant tiger sneered at it, a tiny human being, it would be the same for everyone, and it could be slapped to death with a single paw.

  Lan Shiruo hooks her lips, stretches her arms, and presents a water bow with arrows, one arrow after another.

  The giant tiger didn't pay attention to it at all. I didn't think that the weak water could plunge into the flesh like real iron.

   "Roar" is so painful, **** human.

  The giant tiger swooped up suddenly, Lan Shiruo swung his feet and easily avoided, "Ao Chengyi."

  Ao Chengyi understood in a second, and directly abandoned Lao Huang and went to pick up the little daughter-in-law.

  Old Huang laughed, an incompetent man would only die on a woman, and he chased him immediately.

  The angle of the young couple staggered each other's positions, Lan Shiruo twisted her waist, and the arrow pointed at the old Huang who was catching up.

  Old Huang was shocked. He wanted to retreat, so he could only hide to the side, but he was not fast enough. He was struck by an arrow in his shoulder. It was obviously made of water. When he touched his hand, it was actually like a cold iron. Stuck in the flesh and blood, not only is it as hard and painful as cold iron, but there is also ice cold that cold iron doesn't have. At the wound, you can feel a bone-to-shoulder icy cold.

  At the same time, the iron chain in Ao Chengyi's hand also instantly turned into a fire bow, and he was able to draw the bow in one go.

   plunged into the flesh of the giant tiger fiercely, the water arrow only made the giant tiger pain, but the rocket can instantly make the giant tiger into a fireball.

  "Boom" The shiny and watery fur was on the verge of becoming unstoppable and burning.

  The giant tiger was afraid and anxious, and rolled on the ground.

  Old Huang was shocked, but he finally got the giant tiger, so he couldn’t just finish it like that, "Water supernatural power, hurry up and put out the fire."

  A group of his little brothers are still fighting with other little friends, they are fighting in full swing, and they are completely out of time.

  The little partner gradually appeared defeated. The little couple looked at each other, and Lan Shiruo shouted, "Shui Yao, send us into the air."

  Yunshui Yao kicked the people around him, opened his arms, the vine branches were all out, wrapped around the waists of Lan Shiruo and Ao Chengyi, pulling up in the air.

   "All back." Lan Shiruo gave an order, and the little friend quickly backed away, and the little couple stretched their arms at the same time.




   "Boom!!" The flaming dragon and the icy blue phoenix soared up into the sky, hovering upward, swooping down with a roar.

Wherever it goes, whether it is in the ocean or the sea of ​​fire, the dragon and phoenix nowadays are not only the original form, but also have the meaning. At the beginning, they could only use their own strength to rush away from the enemy, but now they can carry out transformation attacks when they collide. The fire dragon and water phoenix can spray water and fire, and can also use their own water and fire attacks.

  The dragon and the phoenix disappeared, and the giant tiger failed to put it out after all. Everyone was wailing on the ground, and the old yellow was full of resentment.

  Lu Zhang is really scared this time. So many people have not been able to kill these people. Are they ghosts?

  He wants to escape, but his body is out of control. Even if no one controls him at this moment, he still cannot move his legs if he is concerned about him.

  The young couple returned to the ground, ignored Old Huang, and went straight to the giant tiger.

  The giant tiger was scorched all over, and the smell of grilled tiger spread around a mile, but it was not dead yet.

  Lan Shiruo turned into a water knife, and it was killed. He digs his head, takes out the crystal core, and collects the tiger meat into the space.

   "Puff," the contact between the contractors disappeared, and the old Huang spewed a mouthful of blood uncontrollably, gritted his teeth and said, "You damn, you damn, you damn." His hideous face kept repeating a sentence.

   Lan Shiruo squinted, "Shui Yao, come and ask."

   "Okay." Yun Shui Yao smiled with amorous feelings, and asked, "Brother, who sent you here?"

  Lv fox, he might be strangled to death by this scourge, old brother, little brother, handsome boy, all of them are big brothers.

  Yun Shui Yao didn't know that the fox had nothing to do all day long, and she tried to catch all the messy things. Is she very decent now? Flowing eyes stared at Lao Huang without blinking.

  Old Huang's eyes were confused for a moment, and then became fierce in a moment, "Bitch, want to hypnotize me, dream, dream."

  Yun Shui Yao shrugged, "No way."

  (End of this chapter)

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