Chapter 173 173 Team Battle

  Lv Fox asked, "What do you want to borrow? How to borrow? How to pay it back?"

  The middle-aged man laughed, "Naturally, I borrowed food. I borrowed enough for our big guys for ten days and a half. If you are full, you can discuss things slowly."

  "嗤" Miao Miao snorted, and the meat was squirting out, distressed so much, she looked up and rolled her eyes on the opposite group of people, "Do you think we are silly?"

  The little partner glared at her, can he speak?

"It should be said that we are too kind." Ding Jiajia stuffed half a sandwich in one bite, and ate two in one sentence. The child had a gentle baby face, and it was more cruel to eat than anyone else. Feng Tao couldn't see it. , And even plugged two or three.

  Although other guys can eat, they can see people slightly.

  The girls are more gentle, chewing slowly, taking a small bite, and they look very gluttonous.

  The refined guys can eat mastiffs and eagles. If Lan Shi has not given them a small stove, what other people eat, what they eat.

   More than 80 people looked anxious and angry, and the animals all ate better than them.

  The middle-aged man sinks his face, "We do look at the good people and smart, so we don’t want to refuse, and we don’t dare to refuse."

This sounded really unpleasant. The guys hiccuped, got up and moved, sneered, "Unfortunately you are not very clever, and your eyes are not very good. Just like the brothers, you can see the good face, and you are really blind. Still die, choose."

  The girls stepped back silently, eating and watching the show.

   More than eighty people looked at the middle-aged man, and the middle-aged man was furious, “It is true that we misunderstood. Several of them are not very smart. Give it to me. Except for the space supernatural person, the other one will not stay.”

  Tsk, it’s true that I have stayed in the last days for a long time. Everyone is cruel, and they will be destroyed if they come. It is really not conducive to the growth of the motherland's flower bones.

  The guys are like cheetahs, and they jumped out quickly. Even Fang Dengwen, a little guy, didn’t want to fall behind. The handsome face of Xiaojun was rare and full of murder. He awakened the hand speed ability, Lan Shiruo specially found him two short knives to kill the enemy, a little bit of professional counterpart.

  The men in the opposing team surrounded the guys and fought hard. There was a small half of the women who did not participate. They watched the girls stare at them.

   "Oh, this is treating us as soft persimmons." Yunshui Yao laughed strangely.

   "Just do it directly." Zhang Yun is capable and talks less, second only to Han Qingquan. The two are different. Han Qingquan is simple and cold, Zhang Yun is too lazy to talk nonsense, and he will not be forced to do it early. He does it early and finishes it early. It has similarities with Guo Zi's image of an old scalper who can only work. Anyway, Just do it.

   "You have to, you," Miao Miao clapped her hands, took the big iron ball hanging from her neck, and started whistling.

  Han Qingquan has nothing to say. After moving his neck twice, Sister Spider has already spit out the silk.

  He Lian sighed slightly. The little friends are getting more and more violent. In fact, we can talk a little bit more. Strenuous exercise after meals is not good for your health.

  Well, her bow and arrow are still very useful, better than a crushing charge.

Lan Shiruo watched her little partner do something, calmly let Lebao finish the milk in the bottle, fed another boiled egg, patted her back, then tied it to her arms, covered it with a black backpack, and transferred it to the space. Reached out and held a water sword.

  Pat the three who are still devouring, "Working."

  Three pairs of eyeballs of different colors flashed the same dislike, these ants are not worth their hands.

  Lan Shiruo slapped a slap on the head, "My sister Vine Spider is all helping, do you still want to be lazy?"

  Three fangs, why don’t you talk about the ice toad chameleons, these two guys, they sleep all day, eccentric.

  Lan Shiruo was funny, kicked one butt, kicked it out, and rushed into the battle circle with his sword.

  The two groups of people played hard to separate, passing by in a good mood, standing by and watching the excitement, maybe you can miss it in the end.

   In a bad mood, laughed an idiot, and turned around to do his own task.

  The fighting was loud, and the smell of blood gradually spread, attracting many carrion corpses, and they didn’t want to make wedding dresses for others.

  Neither side of the fierce fight saw the carrion in their eyes, the ones who did not get to the front ignored them, and the ones who got to the front directly chopped them off.

   More than 80 teams died or injured more than a dozen, and the large team is still warming up.

  The middle-aged man who was holding the winning ticket was out of anger, "beat me all, beat them hard, kill them if you don't want to die."

  In an instant, a group of people seemed to be beaten with blood, they didn't want to die.

  My little friend hooks his lips, I am afraid that you are soft guys, and you fall down before you start. What you want is a passionate fight, so that you can enjoy it.

   "Brother, it's them."

  Sa Bing and his brothers were still annoyed by the stolen supplies, and did not intend to bother when passing by.

  The brother next to him recognizes that he is an acquaintance, and the others look at it along the excitement. They are really acquaintances, acquaintances who have helped them. "Brother, what should I do?"

  Sa Bing changed his annoyance just now, "What should I do, come on."

   "Yes." The seven rushed into the battle circle like wolves and shouted, "Friends, we will help you."

  The guys whistled and welcomed, "Come on, let’s compare, who kills more."

"no problem."

  The team of more than 80 people gave birth to a retreat. They wanted to pinch the soft persimmon, but they didn't think that the persimmon was unripe, hard and astringent.

  The middle-aged man couldn't swallow this breath and was not allowed to leave. Anyone who dared to leave would be killed directly. The others had no choice but to bite the bullet, but no longer had the killing intent and blood of the beginning.

  Therefore, under a crowd of people who were passive and sabotaged, after less than half an hour, most of them were killed and injured, and they were disarmed and surrendered. "We conceded, we were wrong, please let us go, let us go, I'm so hungry that I will make everybody's idea. I won't dare to do it again next time. Give us a chance, please. ."

The middle-aged man was angry, but he would lie on the ground and couldn't move it. He couldn't stop it. He could only shout, "Trash, you trash, come on, kill them not only can they survive, but they can also have inexhaustible supplies. Come on."

  No one listened to him at all. If they could kill them, they could have killed more than 80 people. Now that most of them are dead, who else can they kill?

  The little partner stopped and stepped aside, the soft egg without bones, completely uninterested in fighting.

  Ao Chengyi glanced coldly, "Kill him, you go."

  Everyone was overjoyed, without hesitation at all, they flocked to the middle-aged men one after another. The middle-aged man was full of resentment and breathlessness with his eyes open.

  Everyone looked at Ao Chengyi, can we go now?

  Ao Chengyi sneered, "Go away."

  A group of people Sa Yazi ran away.

   "Let's go too, the smell of blood is too heavy here."

  The big team and the seven brothers moved to a small shop that was evacuated and sat down to rest. It's an old friend, and there is always a few words of greeting when meeting.

  The seven brothers were grateful to their friends. They said that the weapons they had given before had saved them several lives. They always wanted to find a chance to thank them, but they didn’t know where to find someone.

  The little friend smiled as if the mother-in-law looked at the son-in-law. This is the person the older sister wants, so you have to be optimistic.

  (End of this chapter)

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