I’m Raising Adorable Treasures In the Last Days

Chapter 174: 174 Inviting Seven Brothers

  Chapter 174 Chapter 174 Invite the Seven Brothers

  The seven brothers didn't notice that the eyes of the big team were abducting, but instead felt that they were really good people. Look at this enthusiasm, and their hearts are warm.

   Lan Shiruo said, "We saw you before, but it was not convenient to say hello. I wanted to find an opportunity to find you. I didn’t want to happen so by chance. I just happened to return the things to you."

   "Something? What is it?" The seven brothers thought seriously, how can they have anything in the hands of a large team, they are so poor that they think they are poor, but can they still have something?

Lan Shiruo waved his hand directly and released the materials received in the office building, "We were in the crowd at the time, and there were too many people competing, so I thought of a way to get rid of it first. I didn’t have time to tell you that I was afraid of revealing things. If you cause trouble, put it away."

  The seven brothers were a little stunned. They didn’t expect things to be here, so did they make the fog?

  But the point is that no one knows why they have to pay it back to themselves. Although they are acquaintances, they are only fate and have carried the gun together. Besides, they owe each other favors, so there is no need to take things out.

Lan Shiruo smiled, "I know you have questions, so feel free to accept things. Although the materials are really scarce now, no matter how little they are, we are not too close to each other, and we will not be so close. But you just shot. I appreciate helping each other and the character of returning a gun before, so I am willing to make friends with you. In the current world, there are more people like you in order to work together to defeat mutants and carrion, and end the end of the world, everyone thinks It’s all alive, it’s hard to live alone by yourself. Take it with peace of mind."

  The seven brothers suddenly felt enthusiastic, as if they were Liangju, and finally met Bole who could see themselves glowing.

Sa Binghong stared, and said excitedly, "Let’s tell everyone, everyone says we’re stupid. From the end of the world to the present, we haven’t saved half a grain, we don’t have a car, a good weapon, and we can only live by brute force. Until now, we have no longevity. We also know that the brothers all came out of the mountains, ignorant, ignorant, ignorant, and worthless. It’s really a miracle to live up to now. It’s hard to find a bunch of supplies, too. It's really useless if you can't get it. Unexpectedly, in your eyes, we are so good. Our" man said that he was excited, and he would cry.

  The little friend stayed away silently. The down-to-earth black man really made people feel uncomfortable when he cried. He wanted to laugh inexplicably, and a little disgusted.

Fortunately, the man stabilized, took a deep breath and said, "Thank you for looking at us. It proves that we are not really worthless. These things are obtained by your ability, and they are yours. We can't take them. There is no reason for this, let alone the face. If you didn’t make a move at the time, we won’t get it, and we might die. We should thank you, really, take things back. It’s definitely enough to have yours."

  Behind Sa Bing, the six brothers nodded again and again, with a sincere attitude. They were all loyal and honest men.

   Lan Shiruo curled her lips, "It's okay, we don't lack these things, accept it, and treat it as help among friends."

   "No, no, no, friends can't even ask for it. It has helped us a lot. We can't just ask for it. That way, we don't treat you as friends, but as a cash cow. It definitely won't work.

  Sa Bing is very serious, and he can't take any step back in this matter.

  "Didn't you just help us? Everyone helps each other, and it can't be said that you just ask for it."

  "We know that you are good people. Although we are not smart, we understand in our hearts that even without us, you can win easily. I really can’t take it. If we go on, we can only leave immediately. It’s really shameless."

   Lan Shiruo smiled and said, "Well, since you insist, I will keep things. By the way, how many brothers have you always been together? Didn't you team up with others?"

  Sabing touched the back of his head and laughed, “Yes, but some dislike us stupid and don’t know how to work around and don’t want us. Some treat us as cattle. Several times my brother was almost killed, so he left by himself.”

   "Oh? Then I didn't think about finding a team again, or forming my own?"

  Sa Bing shook his head, “I don’t dare to look for it anymore. I’m afraid my brothers don’t always have good luck. It’s even more difficult to form a team by ourselves. Just our brains and carrying people will only die. It’s better not to harm others.”

  The little friend laughed, and his self-understanding was comprehensive and objective.

Lan Shiruo entered the topic, "Well, do you want to consider joining us? Don't worry, the problem you are worried about will not happen to us. As long as you join, everyone will be a family, support each other and overcome difficulties together. Of course, if you are really unwilling, Everyone is still a friend, and you can sit and chat together and drink and drink when you meet."

  The seven brothers were overjoyed, "We can really join, but we are stupid."

   "You are not stupid, you are frank, if you are willing, we welcome."

"Willing, willing, willing, really. Although we have no brains, we have strength and do anything." They are not worried that the big team will be like the team that used them as cannon fodder before, and would rather return people who don’t need to return supplies at all. , How could it be a bad guy.

  Little buddy, it’s still too simple to think so, and self-understanding is correct. It’s a miracle to live to this day.

   "Welcome." Lan Shiruo said.

  The little friends welcomed them one by one, and the seven brothers all smiled and embarrassed.

  These seven people are also interesting, they are all power evolution abilities, no wonder they have strength, no wonder they will be used as cannon fodder.

   Lan Shiruo asked, "You are here to find the old professor?"

Sa Bing nodded, "Yes, a few of us want to go back to our hometown to find relatives, and to support ourselves along the way. We just met this task. Not only will we be well paid, we will get paid. If we can go home smoothly and find family members, it will not I'm worried that I can't live, but I didn't expect so many people to compete. It should be hopeless."

   "Where is your hometown?"

  "In the mountains under the jurisdiction of City F."

  F city, friends look at the live map.

Lv Fox lifted his glasses, "City F is a border town of Qinzhou. It is located in a mountain and stretches for thousands of miles. In the depths of the mountain, many ethnic minorities live scattered. It is a well-known ethnic minority city in Qinzhou. We will pass by Shicheng. Adjacent to City D."

   "That's right, you can pick up your family directly at that time."

  The seven brothers were moved to tears, and Lan Shiruo waved his hand, "First tell me what you know, find it early and leave early."

Sa Bing calmed his emotions and said, "We can be regarded as the first group of people who came here. Everyone said that if the old professor were still here, the most likely place would be the city center hospital. The safe area was not destroyed. At the time, the old professor and his team were doing research in the secret laboratory of the central hospital. It’s just that no one knew where the so-called secret research room was. Digging three feet into the ground, there was no trace. The most terrifying thing is that there are nearly ten thousand carrion corpses in the central hospital. Even the people on the outskirts of the city can’t escape. So gradually there are fewer people going there, and they are all looking for other places. If the old professors are really in the hospital, they may not be able to survive."

  (End of this chapter)

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