I’m Raising Adorable Treasures In the Last Days

Chapter 175: 175 high-tech electronic door

  Chapter 175 175 High-tech electronic door

  "Have you been there too?" Lan Shiruo asked.

  The seven brothers nodded, “I went, more than once, it’s really scary, and there really isn’t any place for Tibetans. Someone dug a tunnel and found a basement and underground warehouse. There was nothing inside.”

  There are still people digging tunnels, they are really talented.

  The little partner is lost in thought, and always feels that the most impossible place is the most likely.

   Lan Shiruo looked at her little friend, "What do you say?"

   "We want to check it out."

   Lan Shiruo smiled, "I think so too, we have Brother Mouse."

  The fat mouse was trampled on the stomach by Lebao, and he was so comfortable that he fainted. He suddenly heard his name and immediately became energetic.

  Le Bao was in Lan Shiruo's hand, and Lan Shiruo rubbed the fat mouse's belly with the opportunity, "It's time for you to show off your power."

  "Kicky," Lord Mouse is the best.

  Master Zhang patted it with a paw, and it’s been a long time since you were upset. Patting the fat mouse away, he went over and lay down at Le Bao's feet, and he stepped on it comfortably.

  Fatty Mouse is wronged and asks the owner to file a complaint, but the owner is also a counselor, "We don’t have the same knowledge as the master."

  Fat mouse, indifferent face

  "Are we past now?" the little friend asked.

  Lan Shiruo thought for a while, “It’s halfway through this afternoon. Let’s go to the central hospital to take a look at the topography. We will go in tomorrow, inform Kong Fenglin, and be ready to leave at any time.”


  Twenty-one members of the big team, Jialebao and Chengjing guys, went to live upstairs in a private club not far from the central hospital.

  After solving the carrion inside, close the door and look at the opposite hospital.

  In the hospital building, there are densely packed carrion heads. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is tens of thousands. If this is released, it will definitely be a wave of carrion dynasties, and everyone in the city will have to finish playing.

   "Who shut it in?"

Sa Bing said, "I heard that the door, doors, and windows of the people who went to the hospital for evacuation were tightly closed. I know how tragic it was."

   is quite tragic, "Really none of them ran away? Is there still a living person inside?" He Lian asked.

  Sa Bing shook his head, "It should have not ran away. There may be no living people. It is too difficult to live inside. Even if you are lucky enough to live for a long time, you can’t run out and you can only die inside."

  The little friend sighed and stopped struggling with this.

  Lan Shiruo said, "Everyone, take a good rest. We will pass by tomorrow when it is dark. Just in case, let Kong Fenglin drive the car on the road. We don’t have to wait for us. Let’s ride there by ourselves."


  There was no word for a night, and early the next morning, the large team appeared in a hidden corner under the hospital.

  "The tunnel is in the underground garage, follow me." Sa Bing led the way.

   More than two dozen figures flashed past like ghosts, and went silently to the underground garage. Seeing the tunnel, it was a real masterpiece.

  The flat tunnel, two meters wide and two meters high, extends all the way down, like a black hole with no end in sight.

   "I'll go, if these people have the patience to dig tunnels, this place will not be occupied by carrion. How long did it take to dig?"

   Sa Bing laughed, “I heard that it was the results of more than fifty people, one day and one night, but they didn’t disturb a carrion corpse. They all felt it was a miracle. Be careful, sometimes they would wander into carrion in the tunnel."

  The little friend chuckled, human beings are so powerful that they are even scared of themselves.

  Holding the emergency light, we solved the rotting corpses that wandered in, and arrived at the basement that the seven brothers said, it was empty and there was no piece of paper.

   "It's here. The four walls are made of solid steel, there is no hidden door, and the ground is thickened reinforced concrete. The area of ​​the basement corresponds to the area of ​​the hospital, so there should be no other secret rooms."

  The little friends looked around and let Brother Mouse take a tour.

  The situation is similar to what the Seven Brothers said, there is no possibility of hiding the secret room.

  But it is only visible to the naked eye. Under the high-energy exploration of the treasure hunter, you can always find something that others can't find.

  Brother Mouse shines his paws against a wall, "Jigjiji" here, there is a baby here.

  Little friends laugh, look, this is ability.

  Miao Miao gave her own fat mouse a kiss, "Go back and let your parents make you delicious."

  "Jigjiji," Only for me, not for stinky dogs.

  Miao Miao shrank her neck and gave a perfunctory hum. Why do you look for abuse every time? The general is very cruel.

  Fat Mouse didn't understand his master's mood at all, so he raised Mouse's head in a rush.

   will despise each other, stupid rodent.

  The little friends gathered together to study the wall. The seven brothers are not convinced that the fat mouse will have such a great ability? This wall is obviously a dead end, how could it hide the secret room.

  But they also know that they don’t give up, they will always worry about it, they just wait slowly.

  Until the sky dawned, two groups of people came in, and after going around, they left disappointed. The little friend still did not find the secret of the wall.

  The wall is thick, no matter whether it is the claws of the general or Ding Jiajia’s explosives, it will not work, which means that you can only rely on your brain to solve the problem.

   "I'll try it." The boy blushed before his face.

  The little friends' eyes lit up, and the young man’s mind is different from theirs, "Okay, come on, don’t blame yourself if you don’t."

  Fang Dengwen smiled, there is a rare place to contribute, he wants to do his best.

   "Auntie Lan, do you have an infrared beam?"

  Lan Shiruo didn’t ask why, she nodded and said, “Yes.” It’s a small infrared flashlight, “how much do you want.”

  Fang Dengwen pointed to the scrapped infrared detectors in the four corners of the basement.

  The big guy came and was interested, and the seven brothers also watched with interest, maybe it was really a little way.

  Four infrared rays crossed in mid-air to form a convergence point. They were facing the wall. Everyone was surprised to see different streamers flashing on the smooth wall.

Fang Dengwen breathed a sigh of relief, and his guess was correct. "This is the latest high-tech electronic door. The streamer flashing on the wall is actually small squares of different colors. To open the door, you must adjust all the small squares according to the color shade. Arrange from the intersection of infrared rays to the outside, similar to a jigsaw puzzle. However, it must be completed within three minutes, and there is only one chance."

Not to mention other little friends, but Lan Shiruo, who has lived a lifetime longer, has never heard of such a combination lock. "The color of each square is not much different. There are at least thousands of pieces here. It is impossible to distinguish with the naked eye. , Does the owner of the combination lock have to open the door like this every time?"

  Fang Dengwen laughed, “No, this is the way to unlock it. If the owner opens the door, you can print it directly on the intersection of the infrared rays with your palm print. It will extract various body data in an instant, and the door can be opened if it meets the standard.”

  Don’t open your face, the little friends, they feel like babes, they don’t understand anything.

  "Little things, can you solve them?" Duan Jianghe patted Fang Dengwen's head.

  Fang Dengwen touched the back of his head embarrassedly, "It wasn't possible before, but now that I have awakened the ability, I can try it."

   "Okay, go try it, don't stress."

  (End of this chapter)

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