I’m Raising Adorable Treasures In the Last Days

Chapter 181: 181 Going to the Border Town to Save People

  Chapter 181 Chapter 181 Go to the Border Town to Save People

  Lan Shiruo’s smile widened, "Kill it." She pierced the man’s neck with her claws, and walked away before the blood gushing. The man could not die anymore.

  Ao Chengyi threw a fire, burning the smell of blood and the corpse.

  Lan Shiruo looked at her injured partner, her eyes narrowed slightly, isn't this forcing her to do something?

  Mothers must regard harmony as the most important thing. It is really not suitable to fight and kill.

   "Kong Fenglin, you take the big guy to heal the wound in place, take care of the tribe, and we will take revenge."

   "Don't worry, I will take good care of everyone."

  Lan Shiruo nodded, "Thank you."

  Kong Fenglin laughed, he really likes the current life and atmosphere.

  The big team took the fine guys and the seven brothers to the border town. Little Lebao was bored in the space. He was so excited to see Baba Mama, and he was itchy, yelling to be together.

  Ao Chengyi, incarnate as a loving father, responsive to requests, tied his son to his chest, and didn’t even have a black backpack for cheating.

   Lan Shiruo raised his eyebrows and glanced, the father and son were both very happy, and there was no disappointment.

  It’s not far from the border town, and it only takes more than an hour to drive.

  From a distance, you can see the border town, the hustle and bustle of wine and meat, the last days are not **** for them, but heaven, there are no rules and regulations, no laws. Constrained by law and there is no moral bottom line, they can revel and do whatever they want.

  These people are stepping on other people’s bones, drinking other people’s blood, and living in the world under human skin. It is not a pity to die.

   "Chaoyang, what are the results of the survey?"

  Lu Chaoyang lifted his glasses, “I doubted my ability for the first time, but I didn’t find any traces of safety measures.”

  Ao Chengyi glanced at him, "Is there no security protection here?"

  Lu Chaoyang shrugged, “If my ability hasn’t retreated, it should be. I don’t know if these people are stupid or courageous.”

   Lan Shiruo asked Han Qingquan again, "Did Sister Spider find anything?"

   "No, there are no guards inside the wall, only some very mentally handicapped people."

   Lan Shiruo pursed her lips and asked He Lian again.

  He Lian shook his head, "I didn't hear any hidden sound."

  "Tsk, are these people really stupid and bold, or are they deliberately trapped?" Ding Jiajia asked.

  Ao Chengyi squinted, "From the perspective of their conquest of all tribes, it should be stupid and bold."

  "Will it be too arrogant, I want to punch them." Miao Miao clenched a fist.

  The little friends all want to beat, it's really arrogant.

  For safety, Lan Shiruo asked the vines to drill underground again, but there was still nothing.

  There is no power grid in the air, and the goshawk nests in a big tree, and the inside of the city can be seen clearly. There are two extremes in the city, and some are like those on the towers who drink and eat meat, eat, drink, and have fun. Some are not as good as a stray dog. The guards eat too much, have not eaten enough, drank too much, have not drunk enough, are in a good mood, and are in a bad mood. They will punch and kick them. Live, eat, wear, and rest, and throw it out when dead. As long as there is a breath, you can never rest. A group of young men have become horrible old men and their lives are late.

  The girls are even more miserable. They only have one task for the animals to enjoy and vent their anger.

  Goshawk doesn’t understand human survival laws, morals and ethics, and complex emotions, but he understands it with its eloquent Ao Chengyi. After receiving all the information, his handsome face is cold, “No one of the people here can be let go, they are damned.”

  Ao Chengyi is not a good person, even a bad person who kills and sets fire to anything. In his career as a mercenary, as long as the employer can afford it, he can do anything. Nowadays, because he has a wife and children, he should not see any insult to women or hurt young children. He wants to kill all possible dangers in the cradle. Even if these dangers are far away from his wife and children, he still believes that he can protect his wife and children with his life. Never let such malignant tumors survive in the world.

  Lan Shiruo saw that his man was suddenly violent, and put his hand into the man's generous palm.

  Ao Chengyi Binghan's heart was instantly soft, and she squeezed her little daughter-in-law's hand.

  Le Bao tilted his head, shouting "Ahhh" and stuffed his little hand in, "Le Bao, play."

  When I saw the eagle, he hurried over to make up the count. The dog's paw and the eagle's paw perfectly destroyed the warmth and harmony of the family of three.

  The young couple smiled at each other and rubbed their three heads.

  The little friend was fed a mouthful of dog food, and silently leaned against her girl. They were no longer lonely wolves, but little milk dogs with their owners.

  Are the lonely seven wolves bullying them, haven’t they degenerated into dogs?

   "Jiajia, make a hole out, everyone is on guard, we enter the city."

   "No problem." The fixed-point blasting, without the slightest noise, made a hole in the wall, and a group of people walked in openly, but no one noticed it.

  The little friend feels that there is no sense of accomplishment, which is very uncomfortable.

  "Look for someone first, Sa Bing, seven of you, and send a message when you find someone. We create chaos. You take the opportunity to leave. You don't need to wait for us. Go directly to meet Kong Fenglin and the others."

   "Okay." The seven brothers left.

  The little friends stared at Lan Shiruo with bright eyes. They knew that the older sister was going to do something big again.

Lan Shiruo's mouth twitched, "Let’s just stroll around and see if there is anything useful to take away. When the news comes, Taozi will put a little fog, Jiajia will save more cannons along the way, and we will put them together when the time comes. Yes, let's adapt to the circumstances."

  The little friend felt a leisurely outing wind blowing on his face, a little excited.

  The big team is really leisurely like outing, wandering around the city.

  Fat Mouse walked happily with his short legs, and found several small warehouses. The big team could use it, so they had to take them all away.

  The people guarding the warehouse are either doing errands, drunk drunk, or drunk and guessing, they are too hilarious.

  I don’t worry about the intrusion of the younger generation at all, this is Longtan Tiger’s Den.

   Xiao Xiao’s big team is really dangerous, afraid of it.

  The border town is not big. It used to be a place where people in the mountains can exchange living materials, or a place where outsiders travel. It can almost be finished after an hour or two.

  After a circle, the sky is completely dark, and it is like a city that never sleeps, with bright lights. The big team figured out the bottom of this place, and said that there are 10,000 people under their hands, which is not an exaggeration, but counts the men and women who are not as good as pigs and dogs.

  Thousands of people can really fight. The reason why they can looted the people in the entire mountain is because they stepped on dog feces and looted an army.

  Fire library, got a large wave of super weapons. In the early stage of the ability, the weapons are absolute bosses and can't afford to provoke them. The people of the tribe are inherently not cruel, so they can be cruel when hunting, and the rest of the time is to go to the end, which gives these people the opportunity to oppress them, and when they want to resist with all their strength, they will no longer do it.

  In this regard, the little partner can only sigh, hardships make people grow.

  After looting all the warehouses, the big team found the border town boss who was drunk and dreaming. He is living well this day, and he is really good for the wine.

  Lin, in the huge swimming pool, feasting and feasting, the scene is unsightly.

The big team didn’t look at it. The news came from the seven brothers. People were found. Many of the tribesmen were dead, and a lot of them were alive. There were also people from other tribes. They rescued together, but they were discovered when they were saving a group of monkeys. , Is fighting, what should I do?


  (End of this chapter)

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