I’m Raising Adorable Treasures In the Last Days

Chapter 182: 182 Arriving in Shicheng

  Chapter 182 182 Arrived in Stone City

  The little partner thought that he was hearing hallucinations, or the monkey was alone?

  Whether it is a human or a monkey, go out first.

  Everyone looks upset here, so let’s start here.

   A grenade was thrown in, and a pool of water was dyed red. There were screams, followed by the mist.

  Someone shouted, "Come on, come on."

   responded to him with a series of explosions and screams.

  The fog makes everyone unable to see exactly what happened, and a huge fear of death hangs over their heads.

   "If you want to live, just pick up all the things you can take around you and resist." One sentence aroused the enthusiasm of the enslaved people, and they wanted to live.

  No matter what is on hand, they all roar and smash at the enemy.

  Feng Tao's fog covered the entire border city, covering a wide area, not too dense, and it could be seen within half a meter.

  The person who was invaded in the dream was smashed into blood and blood, and he was invaded in the dream forever.

  The dangling person took up a weapon and wanted to break the animal that was squeezed by them to pieces, but the hands and feet were weak and they were broken into dregs by others.

  The woman who was pressed down by the man suddenly showed her sharp claws, digging out the man’s eyeballs, and looking at the person on the ground screaming in pain, the woman burst into tears and laughed.

  The scrawny man looked at the wolves, tigers and leopards who rushed forward with a cold eye. He lifted a sharp wooden stick, pierced his body, and then plunged into the enemy's body. They all died together. After being stubborn for so long, he could finally die without regret.

  The smell of blood spread rapidly, fighting for a long time. The big team stood in the dark and did not participate. This was a war that belonged to the Dashan people to stand up again.

  The men were roaring, the women were crying, and the entire border town became a purgatory after the thick fog cleared, and the glow of light appeared.

  The big team has left and returned to the foot of the mountain with the seven brothers. They saw clearly that the monkeys were real monkeys. It happened to be seven of them with seven brothers. It was a coincidence that the one-to-one contract, the small golden monkey, was all power evolution. She was frightened before being caught, and she was nestling next to her new owner for comfort.

  There are hundreds of people rescued. In addition to the people of Sa Bing, there are people from other ethnic groups. After the rest of their lives, they are sad and confused.

   "Everyone is here?" Lan Shiruo asked.

   "Well, all the living people of our clan are here, there are some other clan members, and some other people haven't taken away. They are still in the border town, do you want to bring them over?"

   "No need," Lan Shiruo said, the mountain pressing on their heads has already fallen. Whether it is a life or death depends on the individual, and others cannot help. "Go ask everyone, if you are willing to follow, get in the car now, if you don't want to stay, we only stay for an hour, and the **** smell of the border town will soon dissipate."

   "Okay." Sa Bing walked into the crowd and conveyed Lan Shiruo's meaning.

  Everyone is very confused, they are afraid that Lan Shiruo and the group are another fire pit, but they can stay, and they don't know where to go.

  It is the Sa Bing people who are willing to leave with them. They believe that the Sa Bing seven people, since they are all following, naturally there is no problem. Besides, the people of the same tribe must be together.

In an hour, there were only a dozen people from other races besides the Sabing tribe. Those who came were not refused, and those who stayed did not persuade them. There were nearly a hundred people in total. Lan Shiruo took out two more buses and let them sit in. Together, just leave.

  The people who stayed on the spot watched the shadow of the car disappear, and suddenly began to regret it.

  It’s not far from the Rock City in D city. Go ahead at full speed for up to three days.

  There are too many people, Lan Shiruo didn't stop halfway, and didn't let everyone freshen up. He waited until Shicheng and then rested.

  The new members are very worried, but it is useless for the seven people to comfort them countless times.

  If Lan Shi doesn't explain, it can be regarded as a scam.

  After all, there are so many people, many people are easy to think, and the ones that are too easy to get do not know how to cherish, and they can be shocked by airing them.

The people in the big team naturally support them, do their own thing, and give everyone to Sa Bing seven. They really can’t figure it out, and let Kong Fenglin go. Anyway, these people will be under the control of Kong Fenglin. Now preview in advance. .

  In three days, when hundreds of people from the Clan lost their half-life, they finally arrived in Shicheng.

  Sure enough, as the name suggests, all other places I see are dark and lacquered woods, and all I see here are piles of gray and yellow rocks.

  Carrion in twos and threes, and nothing else.

  Shicheng is similar to the border town. It is a small county of about 30,000 people in size. Usually young people work outside, and only some old people who guard their homeland stay behind, and fewer than 10,000 people live here.

  Walking into Shicheng, it is very distinctive. The houses here are made of large stone blocks, which are very strong, but they are not beautiful and can not be stacked too high. The highest floors here are only three floors.

  The house looks dull and the light is not very good. Most of the small blue tiles on the roof have been shattered, and many beams have been demolished, leaving only a bare square stone wall.

  The big team squints, is there anyone here? Thoughts flashed, not delving into it.

  The ground is paved with bluestone slabs, which is very ancient.

  Across the main street of the small county town, there is a small canyon, not long, one hundred ten meters, followed by a large flat valley. This is their destination this time.

  The whole Shicheng is like a gourd, divided into two parts. The upper part is the county seat, the valley is the waist, and the lower part is the valley where the Shicheng people quarried stones. The destination of this trip.

  The valley is more than three times larger than the county seat. It can easily accommodate 100,000 people. The terrain is flat. Except for a small canyon that goes in and out, it is full of towering cliffs, and bare birds can't stand firmly.

  Climbing the three big mountains directly across the canyon, the wetland forest, is their way of retreat.

  It was already half the afternoon when I got here, Lan Shiruo directly took out dozens of containers and put them on the Datong shop, so that everyone would rest for the night, and after a simple meal, plan ahead the next morning.

  Everyone swayed in the car for three days, the bones were almost falling apart, and they fell asleep.

  Lan Shiruo called ten members of the Shangda team, Kong Fenglin, Xia Xun, Ding Yibing, Seven Brothers, Fang Dengwen, Ruan Kui, Cui Zipeng, and four middle-aged elderly people to discuss matters.

  "For a long time to come, this place will serve as our base. Whether it is for safety or comfort, we have to make some preparations. Calling you to come is to talk about the next arrangements."

  A group of people, no matter how old or young, listen carefully.

"First, safety. This is the top priority. There are several points. Sa Bing took your brothers and went to find someone on their own. They were responsible for digging a deep hole of at least 100 meters at the foot of the mountain on all sides, and the width must not be less. In order to prevent the rocks from rolling down when an earthquake or other geological disaster occurs. Can it be done?" The global earthquake period is approaching, and there are rocks on all sides, so we have to guard against it.

  The seven brothers nodded earnestly, "It works."

"If you want to discuss how to do it yourself, go to the team if you want someone, tell me what you need, and pay attention to safety. There are safety measures like this you can do it yourself. If you don’t understand, you can find professionals. I remember Zipeng’s father. It seems to be an engineer, and it should be the same in this regard. If you can understand, you can ask."

  Cui Zipeng also nodded, "My dad used to design and build bridges and roads, so it should be fine."

  The seven brothers expressed their understanding.

Lan Shiruo said again, "After we are done inside, the road outside will also be cleared. The county seat is a barrier. You can't ignore it. If you have energy, you can work on both sides together. At the entrance of the county seat, build a city wall gate. Xia Xun, there is yours."

   Suddenly named Xia Xun

   After a long while, he reacted. Is this asking him to keep the goal? Keep on guarding the goal? Can I change it?

  Swipe dozens of pairs of eyes and look at him, what do you think?

  Well, no.

Lan Shiruo said sternly, "I won't tell you how important your position is. As long as you remember the lesson that mutant fish went ashore, it's up to you for some of us to catch turtles in the urn or intercept the enemy thousands of miles away. NS."

  Xia Xun was very kind, and nodded solemnly, "I will definitely keep it, you can rest assured."

  (End of this chapter)

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