I’m Raising Adorable Treasures In the Last Days

Chapter 184: 184 Summer Training Contract Beast

  Chapter 184 184 Xia Xun’s Contract Beast

Lan Shiruo has not said that half a year later, when the world enters the scorching summer, the temperature rises, and the carrion will undergo an evolution of survival of the fittest. Those who can't stand the heat will turn into bones, and those who can stand will undergo a second comprehensive upgrade. . The third-level carrion, with the first appearance of abilities, is more difficult to deal with. "After half a year, our twelve-member team will leave to look for supplies outside. It will not last long to sit and eat in the sky. This will be handed over to everyone. At that time, Kong Fenglin, you will have full responsibility for this place. Now you can start to adapt. , It's all up to you."

  Kong Fenglin was stunned. He was still disappointed just now. Everyone had something to do, but he was forgotten. Unexpectedly, should he be the manager?

  Lan Shiruo raised his eyebrows and saw that he hadn't responded for a long time, and asked, "Don't you want to?"

  Kong Fenglin regained his senses, "No, no, I am willing, I will do well, I will definitely make our team the best team, our base is envied by everyone."

  Lan Shiruo curls her lips, Kong Fenglin is an aspiring person, so it’s okay to leave it to him. "Waiting to see your results." Then he said to his friends, "In the past six months, we will not only help to get the base, but also work hard to improve ourselves. We will be assessed at that time, but we will not be allowed to leave if we are closed."

  The little friends all beat up, "I will definitely pass the level."

  If Lan Shi is noncommittal, “Let’s take a break first, what to do first and how to do it, you can discuss it by yourself and ask me what you need.”

  Everyone dispersed, Ao Chengyi held her little daughter-in-law, buried her head in her neck, and did not speak.

   Lan Shiruo was stunned, what happened to the smelly man suddenly?



   Lan Shiruo frowned, "Which is uncomfortable? Wait, I'll go to Jianghe."

  Ao Chengyi tightened his arms to prevent the little daughter-in-law from leaving, “Don’t go, let me hug. Girl, I’m sorry, I’m useless, I will never lose you again, never again.”

  Lan Shiruo has an epiphany, but fortunately, he didn't say anything about his previous life, otherwise the smelly man would commit suicide by reproaching himself. "I'm fine, it's good if we never separate again, I, you, Le Bao, general, goshawk, we will always be together."

   "Well, we've been together." Ao Chengyi suddenly raised her head and stared at her little daughter-in-law, her eyes green and green, "Wife."

   "What's the matter?" Lan Shiruo was stared with furry.

  The dog man smiled meanly, "Le Bao said he wants his sister."

  Lan Shiruogou, the man who was serious about a second, was about to leave immediately, but the enemy had been prepared for a long time, and eventually defeated Nanshan, wailing to the sky.

   As soon as the next day dawned, the valley was full of enthusiasm, and there was hope and rushing, and everyone had happiness in their faces.

   was a little hectic at first, and after two or three days, it gradually got on the right track. Sneak leisurely, talking and laughing, children's play and loud reading, all thriving.

  How long has it been, I haven't lived such a comfortable life. It seems to be in the previous life, in a dream.

These days, the seven monkeys of the Seven Brothers have adapted to the big guy and are no longer afraid. The little ones are very diligent, helping to move and chisel stones, and don’t be too capable. They have formed a unique and beautiful landscape. I envy a lot of them. People who are contract partners.

  The seven brothers in the valley presided over the construction. Xia Xun took over the small county town outside the valley. This is his future site. He has to come by himself and take people to the streets and alleys every day to inspect the survey and plan.

  He plans to demolish some unnecessary houses, and the stones are just used to repair the city walls.

The surrounding area of ​​  The county town is the same as the valley. There is only one road in and out, and the rest are cliffs, bare without trees and grass.

  A safe area must be planned around, and he is going to set up some safety barriers in the middle. There are also some guards, forts, and so on. Almost the entire county has to be remodeled.

  Wandered around for several days, after confirming, I started to do it.

  I don't think of being a bad teacher, I was sprayed as soon as I started.

"Where did the hairy boy dare to move my mother’s site? Believe it or not, my mother slobbered you? He looks like a dog, but does things worse than pigs and dogs. This place belongs to the old mother, who If you dare to move, step on the body of the old mother. Otherwise, the old mother can spray your offspring to death, live your ancestors, and spray your doubts about life. Don't believe in evil, in the world of spraying, the old mother thinks that she is second in the world, and there is no one. Dare to recognize the number one in the world. I think back then, the old lady and the crowd were invincible, and everyone held up the white flag and bowed their heads to the court. When the old lady was killing the Quartet, you brat boy was still stealing shit. If you are interested , Get out now, if you don’t know anything, wait with the watering can."

  Xia Xun and the other comrades with him looked dazed, and there was still a little horror, only to hear the sound, not to see the person, and not to hell, right?

  Xia Xun suddenly committed a second sentence, "Which hero, please show up again." Holding fists and saluting, there are many heroes of the world.

  The little friend behind him has a bad brain, right?

I never thought, it was really useful. On the dark beams, there was a fluttering sound, a black ball swooped down, a pair of colored eyes, with a humane arrogant, "You are sincerely inviting, and the old lady will be respected. When you come out, don’t you hurry up and bow down?"

  Everyone, what the **** is this stuff?

  Anyone who doesn’t fall in darkness can speak human words? It's also talking about the ruthless worldly rhetoric. You watched too much costume TV, right?

Xia Xun's eyes lighted up, holding his fists and saluting, "Senior is polite, it's a villain who is reckless and disturbs Senior's rest. It's just that this place is simple and simple, and it is really not worthy of Senior's noble status. I also ask Senior to move and stay in the cold house for a while. Although the cold house is not Luxurious, but it has everything you need, no worries about eating and drinking, no worries about wind and rain, and many disciples for seniors to send. Brother, there are a handful of five-scented melon seeds, please seniors to taste."

  The chin of the little friend has fallen to the ground, but one person and one bird are quite involved.

  The black is not slipping, and autumn is taking a proud step, and the honorable tastes the five-scented melon seeds. If they don't drool, they should act more like it. Yunshui Yao will have to bow down to the wind.

  "The taste is good, the kid is sensible, and I will follow my old lady in the future, and your benefits are indispensable."

  Xia Xun was overjoyed, "Thank you for your appreciation, senior, and ask senior to give the younger brother a position."

   "What status?" Hei Bu Liuqiu was eating happily, and asked casually without raising his head.

  Xia Xun took out a knife, "Let’s live as an alliance, and swear to follow the predecessors to the death."

  Black does not slip into the autumn, this son has a future, "It's so good, come on."

   Then one person and one bird was stunned by the little partner, and the contract was completed.

  Xia Xun took his seniors back to show off. How could he think that this was the beginning of his nightmare.

  Hei Bu Liuqiu is a parrot. It has no advantages except for its fast mouth breaking speed. After contracting with Xia Xun, its eyes have improved and its mirroring ability has been assimilated, but it doesn't care about these.

I wander around the base every day when I have something to do. I can’t afford to provoke a large team, and I can’t even provoke an uncle Eagle who is also a bird, so I find a soft persimmon, such as Kong Fenglin. It’s so ugly that you can’t see you. Why didn’t you find your mother? There must be something wrong with your body. My mother tells you that if a man has a problem, he should be treated, otherwise the mother looks down on you. If you really can’t find a mother, don’t be discouraged, mother. I will find you a female bird in the future. Although it is not as beautiful as an old lady, it is not ugly." After the parrot was washed white, it revealed its true face. It is a young bird of the black phoenix species with white hair, red face and yellow crown. It is beautiful, but this Tempered, real people make teeth itchy.

  (End of this chapter)

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