I’m Raising Adorable Treasures In the Last Days

Chapter 185: 185 Beginning of the Base

  Chapter 185 The 185 base first appeared

  Kong Fenglin endured and endured, the seasoning for the roasted bird was ready, and Xia Xun was quick to take it away, and from then on he named it the broken mouth.

My mouth is broken and I don’t know that the human heart is sinister. Da Da Fei went to find the next house and found two people in wheelchairs. "You two, didn’t you see that everyone else was working? The sky is sitting still, my old lady has been blood mold for eight lifetimes, and gave birth to you two black-hearted things. God is too old to wait for you to eat, drink and sleep. God has no eyes, why don't you die You two wicked things."

  Huo Jing, Cui almost created a world miracle for them and went violently.

  Xia Xun wiped her tears and regretted it. At the beginning, he shouldn’t have fooled such a product back. He did not finish the previous apologization every day, and then he gave him a hatred. How can I live? How can I live?

  Broken mouth is very disgusting with my little brother, a big man, crying so much as a wife, alas, it’s not nice to meet people.

  Who in Xia Xun is not good enough?

  The big guy can watch Coke. There is this trick in the base, which is very lively.

  The reconstruction of the small county is proceeding as scheduled. I thought that after cleaning up a broken mouth, I would be in peace, but I didn’t expect that the original residents would need to send it away.

  Lan Shiruo looked at the ragged men, women, and children in front of her with their slightly invisible curling lips. She thought she would hide for a while. "Talk about your demands, but we can satisfy them without being too much."

  Forty or fifty people looked at each other, there was light in their eyes that each other could understand, and Lan Shiruo could also understand.

   "Think clearly before speaking. There is only one chance. Although your home is here, it does not belong to you, especially after the end of the world begins."

A group of people just started thinking about it, and the headed old man said, "Can we join you? I think you are doing safe construction on roads. Basically, there are stones here. The amount of engineering is large and the engineering is difficult. Our generation and stone As a companion, don't look at my age, beating stones is also a good hand."

Lan Shiruo looked indifferent, "Yes, but since joining my team, you must abide by my rules, everyone is the same, I don't enslave you, and you don't want to make money with me. The law does not blame everyone. It's useless here. Even if everyone in my team makes the same mistakes, I would rather not keep one, and never tolerate the rape, don't take a chance, do you understand what I mean?"

  The only thing a group of people was afraid of was that they entered the wolf den. The border town was not far away. They knew what happened there, so when Lan Shiruo and the others came, they hid it tightly. Now this group of people wanted to demolish all the houses before they had to come out.

  Shicheng is behind everything. Even if it is to flee, no one wants to come. If they didn't have a deep fear of the unknown outside, they would choose to leave. But on the other hand, it also saved them from fighting for territory and living in peace of mind.

  Lan Shiruo, the group of people came by accident, and even more shocked. I didn’t expect someone to build a safe base here.

  They don’t know if their decision is right, the supplies are almost gone, and the left and right are dead, and they simply fight. Hearing what Lan Shiruo said, the surprise was overwhelming, and he asked uncertainly, "Really don't treat us like animals?"

Lan Shiruo smiled, "Join my team. We are a big family. I don't ask you to be really close to each other. After all, your teeth and tongue will fight, but you must not make trouble or tell the truth. If you are not selfish and conspiracy against your peers, you can quarrel with each other, and you must be consistent with the outside world. I'm most afraid of eating inside and out. Other things are just fine."

   "Okay, thank you, we must abide by the rules and work hard."

  Lan Shiruo nodded, she didn't believe in her promise, she just looked at the action. A group of people were handed over to Kong Fenglin, and a family of three patrolled the base in preparation for leaving.

There are many crops in the space. They need to process the crops into semi-finished products, such as dried noodles, instant noodles, flatbreads, dehydrated vegetables, husked rice, and various coarse grains and fruits. Process the excess into semi-cooked products.

  Ao Chengyi Space's processing plant finally came in handy, but energy is in short supply. One gas field is enough for them to use now, but in the long run, it is far from enough.

  The gasoline received by Lan Shiruo is not much. As for the firewood, most of it is used for the daily consumption of the base.

  When Xiao Lebao was busy in Baba, he ran with other children at the base. The fine guys were his playmates and bodyguards.

  Lan Shiruo saw this group of children go to school and exercise, hard enough, and accompany his son crazy in his spare time, full of guilt.

  Take out the books and toys in the space, let Guo Zi specially transform a few containers for storage, and make a children's playground. With these, Xiao Lebao will no longer run around the world, and other children can also learn while playing.

  In half a year, the rudimentary form of the base has been revealed. The bare stone city is full of greenery, thanks to the girls of the Sabing clan.

The Sa Bing tribe is a very amazing group. The power abilities awakened by all men and the wood abilities awakened by all girls are, according to their own words, the ability bestowed by the mountain god. In Lan Shiruo's view, it should be genetic and The double impact of the environment creates the result.

  Why is it not important? The important thing is that with them, the trees in the base have grown into ten-year-old trees in just half a year, with deep roots and very gratifying growth.

  The general transformation of Stone City has been completed, only the details need to be continued.

  Guo Zi and everyone worked together to renovate the circular three-story residential building with containers.

  Everyone has their own independent space, full of sheets, bedding, clothes, footwear, and socks. The food, clothing and housing are abundant, so that everyone who joins is very grateful for their original choice.

  Guo Zi is a transformation genius, with simple materials, and the results are absolutely unmatched. For safety, the container wall is thickened with three layers. The inner wall is made of smooth gray light steel. A steel frame is added in the middle. A layer of thick steel plate is welded on the outside. Except for the ventilation ports, all the remaining gaps are covered. Filled and sealed by a metallic ability person.

  The vent is also made of a filter, with hundreds of layers, except for bacteria, no small bugs can get in.

  A layer of safety power grid is also built outside, separated by fences to prevent accidental injury.

  Air-conditioning was added to the room, solar panels were installed outside, and the top floor was framed to make a vegetable garden. The soil is in the space. People who don’t understand will treat it as the uncontaminated soil that they have collected before. They are very happy.

  The groundwater is ready to use. I have drilled several deep wells and have a water purifier, which can be used for food and drink.

  Containers can be linked and combined into various shapes, interconnected internally, and can be dispersed into independent individuals. Lan Shiruo can also pack it into the space, which is convenient and practical.

  The medical research laboratory has been carefully renovated, luxurious and atmospheric, first-class equipment and abundant resources, so that the medical team who used to be quite criticized to shut up honestly.

  The research room is located in the middle of the residential building, also in a ring shape.

  The two rings are separated by trees and form a whole.

  At the same time, public bathrooms, public toilets, warehouses, and freezer rooms have all been completed. Solar power generators, super-large batteries, and various daily needs have all been remodeled a lot.

  (End of this chapter)

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