I’m Raising Adorable Treasures In the Last Days

Chapter 191: 191 The Girl and the Man Take the Task

  Chapter 191 191 Girls and guys each take up tasks

  If Lan Shi is not worried about the problem of pretending not to be able to pretend, pretend to be able to pretend. The importance of coal mines has not yet been fully realized. Nowadays, in the sweltering heat, most of them use solar energy to compete for coal mines only because of the previous weather changes, in case there are other changes in the future. After the heat is over and solar energy becomes unavailable, coal mines will be listed as the primary energy source.

  If Lan Shi doesn't give up, she feels at a loss to take half of it. If she can, she wants to take it all.

  However, the purpose of the team is to be low-key, so we have to keep a low-key, "Come on in the dark, we need too much, and they may not be willing to know, and I am reluctant to exchange so many other materials."

  The little friends like to come to the dark, "How come? What are we going to do? Go Shun when the night is dark and the wind is high?"

   Lan Shiruo’s mouth twitches, how did the bandit temperament of the little friend develop?

   "Don't worry, go to inquire about the news first."

  Hurry all the way, three days later, we arrived outside the city gate of U.

  The large team that came out after half a year is the first time to see a large-scale safe base. Nowadays, all safe areas have been renamed as safe bases. The reason cannot be determined. It seems that it is more atmospheric and a sense of status.

  The big team has no sense of this, but thinks that it is more reliable than the previous safety zone, with higher-end scale equipment, and more reasonable internal construction arrangements.

  Everyone queues up to check in order, pay the entrance fee, and then go in.

  There are different channels for internal personnel and temporary personnel.

  Internal personnel directly swipe their cards to enter. Temporary personnel have to apply for temporary cards. If they want to stay for a long time, they can also apply for long-term cards. The materials handed in and the treatment received are different.

  The big team handles temporary entry and exit cards, and pays the materials per person. Different adults and children, after entering the city, they need to rent houses by themselves. There is no difference from before, but the management in the city is more strict and standardized.

  The big team rented a small two-story building, which was terribly expensive. If they could, they wanted to let their villa out.

  Ao Chengyi sighed suddenly, "So, we must establish our own territory."

  The little friend has to take three steps back like hell, the big brother has changed sex?

  The big brother looked cold and arrogant, and took the little daughter-in-law to the mission hall.

  The task hall is overcrowded at this time, and a huge display screen scrolls to show what tasks are there. The number of tasks currently accepted and completed tasks will be removed in time. There is a small screen next to it, which shows important long-term unrestricted tasks, such as finding crystal nuclei. The exchange rules of various levels of crystal nuclei are also intimately displayed next to it, and the prices are clearly marked.

  The small partner was looking for the crystal core and found a characteristic long-term mission in U City, mining, just like the previous coal miners, mining for coal.

  The treatment is still good, including three meals a day, one meal a week must be eaten, one month can get 30 catties of rice or other corresponding main food supplies, as well as water and other necessary items, ensuring that one person can feed a family of three.

   Accidental deaths, soothing supplies, and reimbursements for disabled public households are almost the same as before the end of the world, except that the remuneration for work is different.

Digging coal mines is dangerous, especially in such sweltering weather. Many people are suffocated by the heat. The environment underneath the mine is several times worse than the ground. If it weren’t for the fact that they couldn’t survive, no one would be willing to go. This is a high-risk industry that has become a long-term task and requires long-term recruitment.

  The big team feels that this task is very suitable for them. It's just that the guys unanimously ask the girls to wait at home, so they can do it.

  The girls objected to invalidity and were left in U City to do support work.

  Hundreds of mines, the collection is uninterrupted every day, and it cannot be collected in one or two days. It is impossible for the girls to wait at home with nothing to do every day. So, after the guys left, they went to the mission hall, ready to find some easy short-distance missions and earn some home.

  Without a man, a few girls with a few children seem to be particularly conspicuous. People always like to make up some strange stories out of their brains, both good and bad, and the girls' eyes are also colorful.

  The girls directly ignored and carefully selected tasks.

An unclaimed task that has been hanging for a day is very popular with the girls. The task is not very difficult. It is to eliminate the mutant moths that suddenly appear. This moth does not attack people, but it carries poisonous powder. Wherever they go, they will do it. Leave the powder behind. As long as humans are contaminated with this powder, they will have rashes, redness, swelling, itching, and itching all over the body. Although it is not fatal, it makes people crazy and has no intention of doing other things.

  As for the task is not difficult but unclaimed, the reason is that they only appear at night, and it is difficult to find a trace during the day, so they can only be wiped out at night. But the danger level at night is several times that of the day. They would rather pick difficult day tasks than simple night tasks, and the rewards are not high.

  The girls took it without hesitation. When the others saw it, it was clear. Women, they can only do something simple and easy, but they don’t have a brain. After nightfall, the danger outside may not be known.

  When the girls saw the expressions of these people, they rolled their eyes, who knows who has no brains, and worry about eating carrots.

  It’s still early, the girls are ready to set off immediately, and there is still time to survey the terrain when they arrive.

  Unexpectedly, I met "acquaintances" as soon as I went out.

  In city B, after the first evolution was completed, the girls were chased by bugs at night and ran to the group of people they met at the toll booth. At that time, they were still locked downstairs by this group of people. The next day they planned to recruit them on the grounds that they were women, too weak, and needed men's protection.

  Now there are not many familiar faces in this group, most of them are raw faces.

  Dong Dali and Qiao Dong are considered to be the most familiar. Looking at their expressions, they obviously recognized them. Looking at the extra children, Qiao Dong and Dong Dali’s eyes became contemptuous once again, and they even hated iron and steel, and they all had a hard time living. They were still poor and kindly adopted children, and they can live to the present. luck.

  The girls don’t want to pay attention to these two people. "Thank you for trouble."

  Dong Dali’s nostrils turned into the sky, "Hey, you don’t remember me"

   "Get out of the way, don't let us say it the third time."

  Qiao Dong glanced at the girls and said, "Let them pass." The tone fluctuates, and there is a kind of letting them suffer a bit first, and the meaning of the president's lesson is in it.

  Dong Dali chuckled, stepped aside, watched the girls go away, and immediately asked someone to inquire about them.

  The girls did not take these people to heart, they went out of the city to swipe their cards, took out the car, and drove away.

  The location is in a village on the outskirts of U City. Before the end of the world, this is a resort in U City. It is the only place with beautiful mountains and clear waters that has not been ruined by coal mine geology, so many people come here to breathe fresh air on holidays.

  Every family here has small bungalows, farmhouses, pond orchard amusement park, everything.

  After the end of the world, only barren remains here. At the beginning of the end of the world, many people came here to find supplies, and the harvest was very rich. Now, the materials have been scoured, and the city needs bricks and tiles for construction. They focused on this place. Most of the former small houses were demolished, leaving only some ruined walls, which looked a bit brutal.

  People who have been harmed by poison powder come here to move bricks and tiles.

  (End of this chapter)

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