Chapter 192 192 Harvesting Quail

  If Lan Shi does not intend to use these secondary tiles, it will be too troublesome to clean up, and it will not be very useful.

  Try not to touch the surrounding things and look around, because of the poisonous powder, no one is coming now. Buying medicine is too extravagant, and getting sick in the last days is a matter for the local tyrants, and the poor dare not. Not to mention those who are looking for healing powers, they are the guests of those in power, and most people can't afford it.

  Poison powder is not colorless and tasteless, a little closer can see those fine white powder floating on other things, that is poison powder. If Lan Shiruo collected some, he would go back to study it with Professor Duan Jianghe or Professor Chi. We cannot ignore anything that exists, even if it is trivial.

  The approximate location was determined, and I found a flat place, released the villa, and waited for the evening.

  After nightfall, everything around him became terrifying, and I don’t know if it was a psychological effect.

  Lan Shiruo borrowed the chameleon and appeared at night, so be careful.

  The girls carried night vision equipment on their backs, accompanied by five small beans, Le Bao had short legs, and let the generals carry them. The little guy’s objection was invalid.

  Tonight’s task is very simple, fight the moth, find the moth’s nest, and annihilate it.

  After the sky darkened, the moths began to appear. Because of evolution, they are all palm-sized, so it is easy to distinguish and catch them. It may also be due to mutation, they are all concentrated together and rarely fly solo.

  When a light is placed there, all the moths start to fight the fire, and the net bag flies one by one. You only need to be careful not to get the powder, and everything else is no trouble.

  Go straight along the moth-infested route, looking for the old nest, walked for nearly an hour, and found that it was in a homestay.

  There are dead weeds and shrubs around the homestay. The worms scream, and the calls become very sharp because of people approaching.

  The chameleon drilled into Lan Shiruo's arms and released a fog warning.

   Lan Shiruo frowned, "Be alert, there is danger to approach."

  The girls surrounded the five little peas back to back, facing all around.

   "Meow hiss" a carrion cat, as fast as lightning, walks through the dark night, jumps up, and rushes towards Zhang Yun.

  Zhang Yun instantly erected the ice wall and threw out the ice thorns. The decomposed body of the carrion cat hit the ice wall with a bang, leaving behind a mass of carrion slime. The moment it fell, it was stabbed all over the body by ice thorns. It broke two legs, but it didn't stop it from moving forward at all. Chong, staring at Yun Shui Yao next to him.

  Yun Shui Yao raised his foot and kicked, then his high heels fell down, stepping on the carrion cat’s head. The third order is very simple.

  Sure enough, strength is very important. To put it before, Tier 3 is a huge monster to them.

   Putting away the crystal nucleus, the chameleon withdrew the fog, proving that there was no danger to approach for the time being, and the girls continued to walk in with the little peas.

  This homestay is also left with only ruined walls, mutant mosquitoes buzzing around the little friend, because the medicine packet dare not approach.

  The girls searched inside and outside the homestay, but they didn’t find the moth’s nest, so they had to let the fat mouse go out.

  The ground at night is also hot, but slightly better than during the day. Fat Mouse twisted his fat body and shuttled around the corner, and finally stayed in the backyard of the hotel.

   "Chiji," here, here. After paws on the ground twice, he was too lazy to move.

  Miao Miao rubbed her fat **** irritably, "You're so lazy, look at this fat body, you will definitely not be able to find a mother mouse in the future."

  Fat Mouse turned her head away and ignored the owner. She was jealous that it was exclusively favored by her parents.

  The girls looked at these two treasures with a smile, took out their shovel, and dug where the fat rat was.

  The soil layer is very soft, and it takes almost no effort to open a layer, revealing a smooth passage below. The passage is big enough for moths to travel. Along the passage, it is thirty to forty meters long, and the trend is gradually going down, not very deep. The deepest part is only one meter away from the ground. At the end, there is a large earth ball with a room of 20 to 30 square meters. It is large, honeycomb-shaped, and it is full of white unhatched eggs, thousands of them, densely packed, countless.

  The moths are all out, no one stays behind.

  Lan Shiruo separated a few moths and moth eggs for experimentation, all the others were packed in large plastic bags, and went back for business.

  In order to avoid the fish that slipped through the net, the big guy kept lighting up the lights near the old nest, waiting for them to throw themselves into the net.

  It’s not spacious, no villas, and a tent, everyone will stay overnight.

  When he was drowsy, the fat mouse suddenly became excited and screamed and ran out.

  In the middle of the night, the girls did not let it go, so they ran to a place not far from the old nest and stopped. The lazy mouse only digs under the ground twice and handed it over to the girls.

  What can the girls do? Recognize fate.

  This time, the planing was a bit deep, and it stopped at about two or three meters. The planing was a very thick water outlet. At the instigation that Brother Mouse couldn't ignore, he knocked on.

  Good deed, there was a brood of quails inside, and they were frightened and shivered together.

I don’t know if it’s because of staying underground for a long time. I can’t fly or run. It’s soft, and there are many bones, quail eggs and quail eggshells of the same kind. Some of the eggshells are broken, some are new Yes, I don’t know how many generations it has gone through until this group is alive now.

  One end was blocked because of the bones of the senior, and it smelled a little bad. At the other end until the ground was exposed, a hole was broken in the pipe, and there should be a vent for the group of quails.

  Is a new species again, quail eggs are good.

  If Lan Shi puts these quails into the space, the breeding should be able to return to their previous peak level. They can live for so many generations in such a harsh environment of the pipeline. It is unreasonable to have the space and there is no special gain.

  The mission has been good. The girls returned to the tent happily, and waited for dawn to return to hand in the mission with peace of mind.

  The man on the other side, after a day of tempering in the mine, is paralyzing in the Chase shop and lamenting life, mining, they really have experienced everything in this life.

   "Brother, although the management is not strict here, it seems that it is not easy to go to other mines. There are people working in turns 24 hours a day, and there is no way to sneak in silently."

Ao Chengyi didn’t worry about it. I didn’t see my daughter-in-law for a day. He was flustered. When he answered, he seemed absent-minded, "When I collect this place, it will become a missing person. I can hide in such a big mine. Look for opportunities. Take it slowly. There are thousands of deaths and injuries here every day, and no one cares about how many people are missing."

  The guys are right to think about it. Seeing what the big brother Sichun looks like, I don’t bother if I am interested.

  The next day, the girls returned to the task hall of U City to hand in the task and were paid five kilograms of rice for the task.

  The girls don’t have enough gas.

  Labor income, no matter how little it is, it will not be disgusting. Who told them to be too arrogant, they had tasks, especially such small tasks, which were all about dumping ham.

  Back to the rented small bungalow, I wanted to take a good rest, but I didn’t expect to meet unexpected guests.

   People who think they are going to save the girls, in their words, are to take care of the girls' face, so only two people came, Qiao Dong and Dong Dali.

  Lan Shiruo calmly looked over, "I don’t think we are a relationship that allows you to come to visit."

  (End of this chapter)

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