Chapter 193 The gratifying task of 193

Dong Dali snarled his neck and shouted back, "We are reminding you for the sake of getting acquainted with each other. Some men are unreliable and go to work in the mines. Which one is capable? Wake up, not only can this kind of man be raised. Living yourself, relying on you to support, will drag you down. There are also these children, who would be such a burden now, and you are stupid. I advise you to take advantage of this and not lose too much, and send away as soon as possible. U City has a special place to adopt young children. It will teach them how to survive, how to grow, eat and drink, and not to die. It is the best place for them."

The girls were very angry, and Miao Miao directly drew her big ears, "What are you? To remind us that you are self-righteous? Who knows you? Who knows you? What do we need you to fart beside? It's okay to get out. Don’t you know if a good dog doesn’t stand in the way? It’s really a good-tempered grandma to block the way again and again?"

  Miao Miao’s strength is not something ordinary people can bear. Dong Dali is an ordinary person who can only slack off and beat a horse. Without the awakening ability, it is a miracle to live pretentiously with Qiao Dong.

  This slap didn't save effort. He directly slapped Dong Dali's two teeth. Dong Dali retracted behind Qiao Dong and stared at the girls with blood, "You don't know good or bad, sooner or later you will become a plaything."

  The girls were expressionless, Lan Shiruo looked at Qiao Dong, "Is there anything else? Get out of it if it's okay."

Qiao Dong frowned, and disappointment flashed across his ordinary face, "I thought that for so long, you learned how to judge the situation and the rules of survival in this world, but I didn't expect to be so naive, self-righteous, and even a little ignorant. Don't It is sincere to think that men will go to the mines for you. This is incompetence. There are many ways to live in this world. I heard that they are very tall and can do tasks to feed you. They choose the most incompetent way. Understanding is calculating. You should not listen to what we say. Forget it, I thought that everyone was not acquainted with each other. It is rare to see each other after a year to pull you. Now it seems that it is us. You are so passionate, so you can do it yourself." After finishing speaking, without waiting for the girls to reply, he took Dong Dali to leave.

  The girls were so sad that they couldn't get up. They were so upset.

   "My grass, where's the neuropathy, have you eaten too much shit?" The gentle He Lian couldn't help but swear.

   "I should have frozen their mouths with ice just now, regretting it." Zhang Yun held his forehead, a rare wonder.

Yun Shui Yao sneered, "My old lady used to see this ugly man, and she thought she was a little capable, at least knows how to advance and retreat. Now when I look at it, a complete hypocrite, using a stupid Dong Dali as a gunman, she hides behind him every time. Gentleman. There are no more than three things. Next time you meet, you must slap your face first, lest you half-dead yourself."

   "Agree," Miao Miao clenched a fist, "I just used 20% of my strength and miscalculated."

  Han Qingquan did not comment, but her narrowed eyes proved that she was not happy.

  The boys don’t understand the meaning of the other words of the two of them, but they say that they are cumbersome. If this is properly understood, they are not happy. When they see it next time, they must take action.

  Lan Shiruo looked at the little friends gearing up, secretly amused, "Okay, those who don't matter, just do it in the future, go in and rest."

  The big guy grinds his teeth. When he makes up his mind, he only needs to see it and do it directly. This will make it more comfortable, and he will go home to wash and rest.

  After dawn, the guys ate some uniform meals from the mine. The mess was stewed just like stewed pig food. No one could see what was in it, and the taste was very strange.

  There are no rich people who come to work here. As long as they can fill their stomachs, they can eat anything.

  The guys were nurtured, and they started to roll in their stomachs after taking a bite, resisting the urge to vomit, and giving the rest to the people next to them, "We are not too hungry, you all divide it."

  The few people next to him are dark and thin, and they can’t see the slightest of their original appearance. Everyone here can’t get enough to eat. Every time they eat, they can’t wait to swallow the bowl. Why would anyone not be hungry?

  Looking at the new faces of tall people, maybe they just came here and haven’t been hungry yet. I don’t know the pain of starvation. Alas, I’m still too young to eat in the future.

   "Thank you, thank you." They all want to live, they want to live, they want to eat, whatever they want.

  The guys are slumped. Although they don’t know what these people are thinking, judging from the reaction, it must be a bad thing.

  After eating, you have to go down the well. The equipment is very simple. The reason is that the materials are scarce and there is no good equipment. They are all supernatural beings. They are strong and can't hurt.

  In fact, after all, I still don’t care about these lives.

  After going down the well, the men ditched apart from the others and ran to the innermost point. Being closer to the well head is relatively safer, and you can run out faster if you are in danger. Therefore, most of them are willing to concentrate on the periphery.

  There is no one in the innermost part, which makes it easier for the guys to move.

  The surface did not move, and kept mining inside. Ao Chengyi can directly collect it, which is convenient. The guys only need to pay attention not to collect too hard. It is troublesome to collapse. Some places need to be reinforced and reinforced.

After working secretly for three days, it has not been discovered. The mine where the men are located has also been harvested seven or eight. The surface layer that has been specially left is not open for a month or two. Therefore, the men are about to disappear. .

  The girls have taken on two more important tasks in the past few days. They learnt well, didn't drive, and ride a small electric horse. Anyway, solar energy is used freely. This is a small solar electric horse specially modified by Guo Zi.

  There is also a small man-carrying pocket next to each electric horse. Five cubs and a general are just right.

  The young couple met in the space. Unfortunately, the space can only be entered and exited somewhere, otherwise Lan Shiruo would like to go under the mine.

On this day, a very gratifying mission appeared in the mission hall. A mutant pangolin appeared in the mine, at least Tier 5, with lightning ability, who can catch it, one hundred catties of rice, one hundred liters of water, and meat and vegetables. , And get some other supplies.

  As soon as the news came out, many people flocked to the mines, some for rewards, and some for contracts. Contracting a pangolin with at least Tier 5 thunder power can definitely increase the strength by more than 10%.

  The girls are also happy, and finally they can go to the mine. They haven't tried to collect them for a long time, and they are not strong.

Lan Shiruo had to pour cold water on them, "Don’t be happy too early. Since the pangolin is as good as the mission says, why don’t the U City catch them, but let others rob them? For them, it’s not. Good. Therefore, it is possible that pangolins are too cruel, or they hide other crises, or this is just a cover. When going there, everyone should be careful. There will be many killings. In addition to preventing mutants and rotting corpses, you must also prevent them. people."

  The girls nodded, and after the excitement, they regained their senses.

  It’s too late today. Lan Shiruo decided to go to the mine again the next day. By the way, he asked Ao Chengyi if he had any news at night.

  However, I didn't wait until Ao Chengyi entered the space until midnight, so I had to give up.

   September school season, it is easy to confuse the words: in VS again



  (End of this chapter)

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