Chapter 197 197 Trapped in the mine

  Ao Chengyi’s face was hidden in the darkness, extremely cold, “It’s ruined, let’s go back, and before everyone goes down the mountain, we will start to act tonight, not staying at all.”


  The four people negotiated and killed those who were left behind, but those who fainted ignored them.

  Lan Shiruo and Yun Shuiyao glanced, but they were acquaintances unexpectedly, they looked at each other and smiled. Up there was a round of punches and kicks, and everyone stopped with a swollen nose and swollen nose.

  Ao Chengyi, Lu Chaoyang looked puzzled, but didn't stop him, waited until the two of them had enough fights before they went to the garbage dump.

  At the garbage dump, the little friends who stay here will kill the people who will lose their bodies in the future, and the others will throw them aside, waiting for the four to come back, exchanged news, and have to curse.

   Put away the container, wake up a few cubs, release the pangolin, and start work.

  First of all, it was natural to destroy this sinful land. Ao Chengyi threw a pillar of fire, and the flames skyrocketed. The big garbage pile of the football field gradually turned into ashes in the fire. The maggot pit under the garbage dump is not immune.

  The protruding fire illuminates the whole world, and those who do not sleep in the middle of the night and focus on finding pangolins are shocked. The person who concealed the corpse was also shocked. The direction of the fire was the ration area of ​​the mine.

  The large team left the fire coolly, picking the nearest mine, and letting the pangolin drill holes, Ao Chengyi and Lan Shiruo took turns to receive the goods.

   Try not to let the mine collapse when harvesting, so as not to attract the attention of the two cities and get in the way.

  All night, in the panic of the mine owner’s unknown, he received more than ten seats. Lebao’s little things are more mentally powerful than his parents, and the speed of collecting them is comparable to the speed of their parents.

  After daybreak, the big team found a place to rest, let the vines directly make the illusion invisible, and sleep peacefully in the container.

  And the entire mining area has turned the sky upside down.

  U City P City learned that the granary in the mining area was destroyed, and was angry, but wanted to follow up. The old granary was destroyed and there were tens of thousands of people in the mining area that needed to support it. It couldn’t be forgotten. Therefore, the new granary must be established as soon as possible.

   Therefore, the two cities joined forces to seal all the way down the mountain, and put a lot of mutant beasts and carrion corpses on the mountain. None of the people on the mountain can leave alive, and all have to become fodder.

  The big team didn’t know, after waking up, it was noon, had lunch, let the vines withdraw from the illusion, but unexpectedly the mutant beasts suddenly attacked.

  Tear the claw of Sumo past, take out the crystal core, and hand it to the old master.

   Lan Shiruo frowned, "We burned the maggot pond, and let them change their plans? Release mutant creatures in advance?"

  Ao Chengyi squinted, "It should be more than that simple. Be careful. We continue to accept, and others pay attention."


  The big team fished in troubled waters when others were chaos and fighting.

  For a whole month, the entire mine became a purgatory. If you want to go, you can’t leave, you can’t live if you want to stay, and everyone is desperate.

The large team is not affected at all. It is collected day and night. Hundreds of mines have been raided and turned into hollow fake mines. The entire space is piled up with hundreds of billions of tons of coal. The pangolins roll in the coal mines every day and eat while eating. Pull, refine the quality of coal mine.

  It's time to go down the mountain.

  They are at their location, and it only takes one day to descend to the foot of the mountain. There are countless mutant beasts and carrion corpses on the road, and the large team of Tier 3 can handle it easily.

At the foot of the mountain, all the way out was blocked by a high wall. The high wall gave birth to a lot of thorns and vines, poured fire oil, and someone guarded the wall. The group overturned the wall and set fire to the wall to ensure that a mosquito inside would not even want to run out.

   "Ah, help, help." The big team just wanted to blow up the wall, and a group of people from far and near, their faces full of horror, shouted.

  There are hundreds of people in this group, and there are thousands of carrion and mutant beasts chasing after them.

  The big team greeted them tacitly. These people are still useful alive.

  Lan Shiruo Ao Chengyi drew his bow from left to right, and each time he sent ten arrows, the arrows pierced into the brows of the carrion and mutant beasts.

   Yunshui Yao Lu Chaoyang spawns vines, specializing in dealing with mutant beasts, first restraint and then beheaded.

  Miao Miao danced four big iron **** each weighing a hundred catties, banging. Ding Jiajia had to learn how to turn the wind superpower into a big scimitar with an iron chain, and it threw the wind into the water.

  Feng Tao's fog was really made into a big net by him. It can cover more than a dozen of them in one go, and it is not very lethal, but it is easy to be able to go together in a pot. He Lian assimilated the super-bass wave attack of the big bat, opened his lips slightly, and pierced the eardrums of several mutant beasts. The bow and crossbow in his hand kept piercing through the head of the rotting corpse.

  Guo Zi assimilated the pangolin's thunder and lightning ability, and merged with his own thunder ability. The ability turned into a sledgehammer, banging and banging. If you didn't smash to death, you would be electrocuted and struck to death by lightning. Zhang Yun uses the ice ability to turn into a long stick, advanced ability, not only has the toughness of various materials of sticks, but also the ice cold of the ice ability. If a stick is dropped, the surrounding 30 centimeters of the stick will be frozen. With a light tap, the frozen part was broken into dregs, no matter how hard the bones were, they couldn't hold it.

Duan Jianghe can be regarded as the fighting scum in the team. Guo Zi specially built a big soft knife for him. It is similar to a soft sword, thin as a cicada's wings, but extremely sharp. Duan Jianghe, who is accustomed to scalpels, is surging. It's thin, not very big, like A4 paper, thrown out, and can fly back, without even a small chain.

  Han Qingquan is much more crisp, without the bells and whistles of Duan Jianghe when he was fighting monsters, he directly held the spider silk of the spider sister, flicked and pulled, and cut off the heads of the carrion and mutant beasts, simply and neatly. The bones are too hard, and the spider silks are kept constantly, and they can be corroded with black gas, and they don't need strength at all.

  The Cubs team settled in a corner, did not rush into the battle circle, the Four King Kong guarded the little Lebao in the middle, and rushed over without long eyes, Huo Qingyun carried a knife larger than him and slashed.

   Before he had time to chop, he rushed to the front, and was crushed by Cui Zipeng, and then attacked by Fang Tongtong. Niuniu's abilities are not suitable for combat. She can hold Lebao tightly to prevent sneak attacks. If she gets close, she can also swing a knife.

  The little contracted partner of the general goshawk fighting type is unwilling to be left behind.

  Pangolin, this silly thing, never forgets to dig a hole in a fight. He sees a tuft, a tuft may be one, there may be a pile, dig around that tuft, and buried a tuft in minutes. If that lump of ignorance attacks it, thunder and lightning will wait.

The non-aggressive contract partner of   Chameleon Ice Toad, Brother Mouse, honestly shrinks on the master, and cheers on the master mentally.

  The fighting power of the big team is too strong, and the hundred and ten who fled in embarrassment looked dumbfounded, and somehow felt that he was really weak.

  Lan Shiruo glanced coldly, "If you want to survive, do it, don't count on us."

  Everyone regained their senses, and was aroused by blood, shouting and rushing to kill.

  It took more than an hour to dispose of thousands of carrion corpses and mutant beasts.

  More than 10 people died, and they were paralyzed on the ground alive. They still couldn't believe it. They survived?

  The big team expressed disapproval. At any rate, they lived for more than a year in the last days. This is the psychological quality.

   Buy vs. Sell



  (End of this chapter)

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