Chapter 198 198 Mine collapse

Ao Chengyi said coldly, "The task of finding pangolins issued by U City is just a pretense, in order to trick everyone into going up the mountain and become their feed for maggot ponds. This behavior is not the first. It will happen every other month or so. Once. As for raising maggots, they are for food in the mining area. The maggot pool was accidentally destroyed a month ago. I believe you have all seen the fire. U City and P City jointly sealed off the mining area and released a large number of carrion and mutants. The purpose of the beast is to prepare feed for the newly built maggot pond. The news was obtained by accident. Believe it or not, now we are going to blow up the city wall and go out. If you don’t want to be wiped out, take up your weapons and rush together later."

  The people who were paralyzed on the ground were stupid. After a month of dying struggling, they knew that this must be done by U City, but they didn’t know why they did it. Now that it sounds like a dream, are they being used as fodder?

  Ao Chengyi didn't give the group of people a chance to digest, so Ding Jiajia prepared the explosive and the medicine bag.


  In the crowd, an embarrassed man came out, and the girls saw that they were acquaintances. Without waiting for him to say something, he beat him directly. The six girls completely disregarded their image, beating wildly like a shrew. The cubs looked at each other and joined in.

  Dong Dali is angry, "You"

  "Bang Bang Bang" finally got a breathing opportunity, and because of a word, I got a fat beating.

  When the girls and cubs were preparing to finish work alone, Qiao Dong couldn’t see it, "I"

  The girls laughed, there is another one here, another mad beating, Qiao Dong also only uttered one word, lying on the ground and knowing whether it was a life or death.

  The guys and other survivors are stupid, what happened suddenly? What happened that they didn't know?

  The girls are very happy. They always feel aggrieved, and finally get out of breath. When dealing with this kind of person, they can't let them beep, just hit them directly, so that he can't speak.

  Although Ao Chengyi and Lu Chaoyang, who have seen them once, still don’t know why, they have to calm down a lot.

   "Cough, what, Jiajia, start."

  Ding Jiajia returned to his senses and took the bomb that Ao Chengyi took out. The survivors hesitated and asked again and again, "Everyone said it is true? U City P City really cooperated with living people to raise maggots for food in the mine?"

  Ao Chengyi faintly said, "If it is true or false, you can tell it by yourself. You want to be alive and weigh how you will do it later."

  Ao Chengyi's aura is too strong, and the survivors dare not ask about it again. Bing, who is wronged, has a debt, can’t make a black eye, and asked, "I don’t know which team you are and which safe base you belong to?"

  This question is in line with the big team, "The Dragon and Phoenix team belongs to Shicheng."

  So magnanimous? The mind of the survivor is swinging, is this stone city? Where is it, I haven't heard of it, you can't be ridiculous, right?

  Do not wait for them to understand, Ding Jiajia has already done it, "Get out of the way. Don't blame the Lord for not reminding me if you get blown into scum."

  A small group of unknown objects seemed to have no lethality, everyone still retreated obediently, and the scene was silent for a few breaths.

  People outside the wall stick to the wall and listen. There is no sound. They feel strange, "Extremely dead?"

A little head sneered, "It's long time to die. Wait two more days. The weather is so hot. Two days are enough for the corpse to rot. Then go directly in to dig the pit and throw it in. The carrion mutant beasts all escaped. There is no maggot infestation. Once the thing is touched, it is like a dog skin plaster. It can no longer be rid of it, and it will be eaten up in minutes."

  "Will it be dangerous when we deal with it?" This is the first time that the younger brother has done this, and there is still something to do.

  The little head swept away coldly, "What are you afraid of? I have died thousands of times because of something. When the time comes, I will wear protective clothing and nothing will happen. Just don't kill yourself."

   "Yes, I listen to my brother."

  The fantasy outside the wall is very beautiful, the dream has not yet woken up, and there is a bang. The high wall is torn apart by the explosion, and the close ones become **** together. The survivors have a lingering heart, but fortunately, the obedient standing far away.

  Ding Jiajia quickly threw two unidentified objects out of the wall. After two "bangs" explosions, more than half of the people in the stupor were killed and injured.

  The big team bears the brunt, mobilizing abilities to rush out.

  I didn’t love fighting along the way. After rushing out of the crowd, he took out the car and left at speed. The survivors didn't know why the big team ran so fast, they subconsciously followed behind, and left behind the people who had been blown up outside the wall.

   Just ran out of the range of the foot of the mountain, there was another explosion, "boom"

The shock swept over a hundred miles. The survivors all fell into **** due to the shaking. They turned their heads subconsciously and saw the entire mining area, hundreds of mines, slowly disappearing in a dusty area. The entire area became a bottomless. abyss.

  The people on the mountain and the carrion mutant beasts were all in the explosion, turned into dust, and disappeared.

  Dong vigorously stroked his neck, recalling what he had said several times and Lan Shiruo and the others, and gave birth to a sigh of good luck and fate, but he didn't even kill him.

  Qiao Dong frowned fiercely. In the eyes of Lan Shiruo's group of people, what he did before must be a joke, right?

   "Dragon Phoenix Team? Shicheng?"

  The big team was rushing on the road, Zhang Yun asked, "Will U and P cities go to Shicheng for trouble?"

Lu Chaoyang said, "They have no time to trouble us. They have lived for nearly a hundred people. In a day, the disgusting things done in the two cities will be known to the world, regardless of the fact that there is no morality in the world. Laws, laws and regulations, behave and do things. There is no bottom line, but this matter has violated the interests of many people. They will make the two cities pay the price. No one can underestimate the ants shaking the elephant. In addition to the disappearance of the mine, other people who are thinking about mining will also put the bills in the balance. In the market, they will find ways to dig out the finished coal mines in their hands. Of course, we destroy the mines, and also endanger the interests of some people. When they are empty, they will also trouble us. However, it will not happen in a short time. There will be problems, after a long time, I can't tell who is the trouble." When Lu Fox said this, there was always a treacherous thing in it, and the little partner squatted and sat away silently.

  Lu Chaoyang rolled his eyes, a group of pretending bastards.

  Having done a big thing, the big team is very happy. Stop and go on the road, just like traveling around the mountains and rivers, but now there are mountains and rivers, which is a pity.

  Acid rain destroys all vegetation water sources. When most of the time is restored, the continuous high temperature is ushered in, and the vegetation water sources that can be rescued are once again destroyed, and there is no possibility of resurrection. The scorched wood is exposed to the sun, quickly dries up, and becomes wood residue. Various insect pests breed. The last point of the wood residue is consumed and completely disappeared between the heavens and the earth.

  Therefore, there is only bare loess in the mountain fields now. There is no black scorch before, let alone fresh green.

  The land is severely deserted, and the fields are dry and cracked. If this lasts six months, these lands will no longer be restored. Most areas of the planet will be covered by yellow sand. If it continues, all creatures on the planet will probably fight for the only oasis. However, the high temperature does not last all the time, and there is no worry about the global drying up. It is just that the destroyed land can never be restored.

    how VS is so



  (End of this chapter)

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