Chapter 199 199 Attack at night

  The good mood of the big team is destroyed by bad natural disasters. Man-made disasters may be avoided, but natural disasters are really difficult.

  At night, there is no suitable town, and the large team releases the villa to rest in the suburbs.

  Sitting in the hall, eating the roasted quail, I feel much better. I received two batches of quail for more than a month. I ate the batch that I received first. It has grown up and it tastes good for the first time.

  "It’s been a long time since I had eaten fish. It would be nice if I could find edible fish." Miao Miao exclaimed, she is also very good at fish.

Don’t say it or not, as soon as the little friends are greedy, all kinds of fish circulate in their minds, “Maybe you can’t find them now.” You don’t have to think about the rivers, lakes, and ponds outside. They must be destroyed, and the fish tanks at home are also gone. Suspended, whoever can raise a few fish until now, no matter how rich and powerful, would not do so. Maybe in the future, they will really be insulated from the fish.

   Exclaimed, the little friend changed the subject. The cubs and the fine guys formed a separate circle and had a great time. It's lively till ten o'clock, and each rests.

  I slept until midnight and was awakened by a biting sound.

  I don’t know if the bottom of the villa is too thick, too tight, and can’t bite, so the noise is very loud.

  In the first time, the vines withdrew their disguise, nestled in the arms of the owner, obviously terrified.

   "What's going on." All the friends gathered in the living room. Ding Jiajia and Guo Zi were watching the night, and they had not found the culprit.

   "It's termites," Yunshui Yao said, comforting the young seedlings in his arms, "The vines are afraid of that stuff. They have just come out of the hole. We must leave immediately."

  "Termites?" The little friend frowned, the absolute boss of the asshole, and he didn't accept anything. The guy on his back ran out quickly, and the guys carried a cub by the way.

  The big team stood outside, took the flashlights, and could clearly see that the termites began to pour their nests out. There was no change in their height, but their biting ability was more than a little bit stronger.

  Lan Shiruo gently lifted the villa off the ground, and Ao Chengyi burned around the villa, making sure that it was not contaminated before taking it into the space, and a group of people quickly left.

  The food ran away. The termites, who had been hungry for a long time, were very angry and ran after the big team.

  Don't look at their small size and not slow at all, even a big team can't get rid of them.

  Ao Chengyi kept bouncing fireballs on the spot, and the little friend took a musket and fired, and it took more than an hour to get rid of it.

   "I will camp more in the future." The little friends have a lingering fear, and they change to a slightly weaker accommodation. They all have a cold tonight.

  Lan Shiruo nodded. She has always been protected by the men so well that the dangers of the last life are getting farther and farther away, making her lose the vigilance she should have. "The weather is hot, all kinds of insects and ants breed, and there is no food, they will become particularly ferocious. Although they are not big, they are all social creatures, the most difficult to deal with, everyone should be careful."


   "If we are stationed in this area, we can't worry about it. Why don't we walk slowly? Just be careful." Lan Shiruo suggested, but the little friend has no objection.

  It’s been a long time to travel at night, it’s quite exciting, especially when listening to unknown areas and the calls of unknown creatures, I always feel that they are like magic scratches in the dark, which can reach out to kill you at any time.


  As soon as the idea fell, I didn't know what was on the roof of the car, stamped my foot severely, and a big pit was sunken.

   Lan Shiruo quickly moved the cubs and the fine guys to the lower level, "Taozi, is the power grid turned on?"


  "Well, everyone, be careful, it will come again, I don’t know if it’s a single action or a group, don’t be careless."

  The little partner expressed that he understood that the fighting spirit was violent.


  There is another pit in the front of the car.

  Feng Tao only saw a black shadow flashing past, and could not see the specific shape.

  "Turn on all searchlights."

  In an instant, the entire car body is like a luminous body, bright as daylight, and it can be seen clearly in a radius of 100 meters.

   "Did He Lian hear it?"

He Lian shook his head, "The speed is too fast, and the sound is very soft, and it can only hear the sound of a different air movement when it settles. At other times, it is as if it merges with the air, and there is no sound at all. "

   Lan Shiruo squinted, "It looks like we have met a big guy."

  The little friend licked his dry lips. He likes the big guy. I haven't met for a long time.

  Walking for nearly half an hour, the passionate friend is gradually disappointed, did not follow?

"Come on," Ao Chengyi said suddenly, "Taozi, stop and turn off the grid." The words fell, opened the window, turned out, jumped onto the roof, knelt on one knee facing the rear of the car, drew a bow and let out an arrow, all in one go. .

  Feng Tao cooperated with him tacitly, and almost immediately after Ao Chengyi’s words, he completed the instructions and the car stopped steadily.

  Other friends followed the steps of the big brother, leaned out the window, and prepared for the power.

   "Puff," the sound of the rocket sinking into the flesh, but no trace.

  Lan Shiruo settled down the boys, and turned on the roof of the car, back to back with Ao Chengyi.

  "It will be invisible, so be careful." Ao Chengyi reminded, "Taozi, keep driving."

  The car began to move slowly for ten minutes without any movement.

  The little Lebao in the car raised her eyebrows suddenly, just like his father, with a soft voice, "Mom and Dad, on top of his head."

  The young couple reacted at the same time, shooting upwards with arrows, and there were a few more sounds of arrows pricking through the flesh.

   After this attack, there was no pause, Le Bao hurriedly said, "Aunt Qingquan, the rear of the car."

  The three spider silks flew away quickly, and an object was wrapped in the void. Han Qingquan pulled out abruptly and pulled out an arm.

   almost flashed past, and everyone saw the creatures attacking them.

It is a human figure with a white pupil with a mutated carrion. It has a slight decay on its body. It is very flexible, able to think, and can also show inconspicuous facial expressions. It has just been strangled by Han Qingquan, perhaps because of anger, for a moment. Only when you show your form can you see it clearly.

   Lan Shiruo’s eyebrows beat, "It is a zombie that has evolved to Tier 5, has a little intelligence, stealth abilities, is fast, and has an endless existence. It will not let us go, please don't take it lightly."

   Tier 5 zombies? The elder sister said that after the carrion mutated to Tier 4, the degree of decay would gradually improve. For this reason, it will no longer be called a carrion, but a zombie. Zombies have an advantage in that they will prey on their own, instead of passively preying on being alarmed by humans. There is a weakness, most zombies are afraid of the sun, so they like to move at night, but there are exceptions.

  The small partners are now collectively Tier 3, dealing with Tier 5 should be no problem.

  The zombie with one broken arm began to attack again after a minute of silence, using its own speed to extend the magic grab to all the friends one by one. Its paws are poisonous, if it weren't for the little friends to be wary, it would really suffer.

  Almost the moment it shot, the small partners focused their attacks. Feng Tao’s fog net came in handy. Although his fog net hadn't achieved the effect of a real iron net, it was fine to trap the zombie for a second.

  You can clearly see that the corner of the net bag is raised, and the vines are rapidly extending. When it breaks through the fog net, a layer of vine woven net bag is added to the outside, and it shrinks quickly.

  Han Qingquan blackly greeted, and the zombies were struggling and angry in their net pockets.

    there is VS again



  (End of this chapter)

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