I’m Raising Adorable Treasures In the Last Days

Chapter 305: 305 The Dragon and Phoenix Team Comes Here

  Chapter 305 305 Dragon and Phoenix Team is here

"It started chasing, and then it seemed that something happened, or it was getting closer and closer to Q city, then we didn’t continue to chase, and we had the life to come back to report. Base leader, Xu team saved my life and my brother. Please give us a chance to avenge yourself."

The head of the base narrowed his eyes and looked at Wang Hu. The look on his face did not seem to be false, and the story was not like fabricated. Although there are loopholes, it is normal for loopholes. There is no perfect thing in this world, so Xu Quanfu's Most of the death is self-inflicted.

  Although he values ​​Xu Quanfu and intends to marry his daughter, it is because Xu Quanfu is too arrogant, defiant, and arrogant. This is why he has not come to a conclusion.

  Now that people are dead, he will feel pity and anger, but if he wants him to send someone to avenge him, he feels that the gain is not worth the loss.

  However, some people have volunteered now. These people are dispensable to him. After death, there are countless people like this who will come up and let them go. They can block the mouth of the people without losing, and the best of both worlds.

   "Okay, you are ready to prepare, take a few days off before leaving, if you need to talk to my assistant."

  Wang Hu was overjoyed, knelt on the ground and kowtowed in thanks, "Thank you for the base to grow well. The young ones will surely be able to avenge the enemies and avenge the Xu team. We don’t need to rest a few days. We will prepare tonight and we can set off tomorrow."

The base commander doesn’t care when they set off. Of course, he doesn’t have any problems if they want to go earlier. This will also show that his base is long-lasting and loyal, and he loves his men. "Okay, I will let someone send you equipment and supplies. careful."

  Wang Hu was so touched that he said a basket of rainbow farts again, saying that the head of the base was floating, causing Wang Hu to roll.

  Not long after Wang Hu went back, the materials and weapons mentioned by the base chief were in place.

  Wang Hu took a general glance, and at this point, it was only enough for thousands of them to eat for a day. The so-called weapons were just a few big swords with gaps. He was contemptuous in his heart and moved on his face. He couldn't wait to thank the delivery person.

The   delivery person glanced at them with idiot eyes and left proudly.

  Thousands of people live in a large warehouse. Seeing people leave, they quickly close the door to discuss.

   "At dawn, the space abilities and stealth abilities are ready to do it. Others make movement and buy time for you. As soon as the day breaks, we will leave in a big way. Pay attention, don't let people find out. If something happens, we will contact support."


  A group of people were very excited. They didn't eat or drink all day, didn't feel hungry, didn't feel sleepy, and waited for the dawn in full vigor.

  They are all people from Q city. Although it is embarrassing that they are not up and down, they should know a lot, such as the location of the warehouse, the number of guards, and the situation of safety prevention and control.

  At dawn, the large army was ready to go, making a little movement, and no one paid any attention. They all knew that this group of people was preparing to die, so they all had the mentality of watching a good show and watched from afar.

   just gave the secret action team convenience, looting several large warehouses with the fastest speed, then converging, and swaggering away under everyone's eyes.

  Don’t look at their calm face and panic in their hearts, mother, they have never done such crazy things in this life.

   Finally walked out of the door, only to feel that their hearts were beating out of their throats. They wanted to run, but they had to hold back and hold back so that no one could see the strangeness.

   "No, the warehouse is stolen, close the door quickly, stop everyone, and don't allow anyone to leave." The voice was roared with a loudspeaker, and the thousands of people heard it really, and could no longer remain calm, Sa Yazi ran desperately.

  They heard the sound of yelling, yelling, yelling, screaming, stop, no, no, no, they are not stupid, how could they stop, shake off their hands and feet, and run happier.

  It's just that the people behind them are getting closer and closer, and the people of Thousand Lai are wailing in their hearts, and heaven is about to kill them.

   "Boom" everyone stopped and looked back at the city.

  A mushroom cloud rose quickly, followed by countless explosions, houses collapsed, crowds ran away, screams and humiliations were intertwined, and it was very lively. Just when everyone was guessing whether it was a natural disaster or a man-made disaster, five words floated in the sky: The Dragon and Phoenix Team is here to visit.

   Okay seven words.

  It’s not just City Q, but also the Thousands of People. They didn’t find any trace of the Dragon and Phoenix Team at all. When did the people behind them plant the explosives in City Q? If they turn back temporarily, will the heads on their necks stay in the blast?

   Suddenly cold back, what a terrible Dragon and Phoenix team.

  Ding Jia Jia Ha ha Xiao Hei Wan to find out.

  Fang Tongtong and Leopard Three incognito.

  Han Qingquan teleport to find out.

   "Run quickly." Wang Hu regained his senses and greeted the little brother to drive away.

  The little brothers opened their hoofs and ran forward.

  Q city is chaotic, how can I chase after Wang Hu this group of idiots, now there is the Dragon and Phoenix team, they naturally count the theft on the head of the Dragon and Phoenix team.

  The little friend is not wronged.

  Thousands of people ran out of breath, and finally saw a large team at ten miles to the north. There were dozens of large pots already set up, and the broth was simmering in the pot, and the fragrance was overflowing.

   "Come here to drink two bowls for one person, and then hurry." Miao Miao, the chef in charge, greeted him, and his attitude towards this group of people was more than a little bit better.

  "He" a group of people have been hungry for more than a day. If they hadn't been supported by perseverance, they would have been paralyzed. They would smell the broth. They could not move their legs at all, and gulped their saliva.

  Wang Hu said that he is a small leader, so he has to set an example and quickly greet the space power to release the materials.

  None of these people hid their privates, and turned in everything that was not lost.

  Lan Shiruo looked at her little friend, with satisfaction in her eyes, and passed the exam.

   "Okay, let's go eat." Lan Shiruo waved his hand and took everything away.

  Thousands of people were surprised, but they used nearly a hundred spatial abilities and hundreds of large and small torn pockets to pretend to go. This person has surpassed hundreds of them?

  Seeing so many supplies, they are not unimpressed, but they also know that even if they have a fate, they will not have a fate. Q City will not let them go, and the Dragon and Phoenix team will definitely teach them a profound lesson.

  People who know the current affairs are brilliant, they want to live a long time.

  Confirm again, the thighs are not wrong.

  An Xin, one person brought a bowl and drank the broth.

   Tan Chong is also very excited in his heart. It seems that his dream is really expected to come true.

After eating and drinking, Ao Chengyi freed up dozens of large trucks, enough to hold everyone.

  The big guy calmed down. If the Dragon and Phoenix team came up with something, they could accept it calmly.

  Everyone got on the car and left quickly.

After   Q city settled down for a while, he chased it over, leaving only the rich smell of meat in the air, where there were no figures, and smoke suddenly appeared above his head.

  The base was so angry that his face turned pale, and he pointed to the sky and roared, "Dragon and Phoenix team, I vowed to smash your corpses."

  The Dragon and Phoenix team could not hear such a shout, and set foot on their way home early. Even if you hear it, you are not afraid. Dare to act and take responsibility. It is the excellent quality of the Dragon and Phoenix team.

  Although there were more people along the way, but the speed did not slow down, except for one Tan Chong in the team, all of them resisted.

  Wang Hu’s thousands of people are indeed carefully selected. Not only are they lonely, but they also have to have some ability. Otherwise, the team that is too wasteful is not to fight against the enemy, but to be ashamed. Q City cannot afford to lose this person.

  (End of this chapter)

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